Volume 04 Chapter 00 Prologue
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One peaceful morning, a carriage slowly traversed a road stretching through serene grasslands... However, within the carriage, tension filled the air.


A male member of the black wolf tribe, gripping the reins tightly, glanced back with a bemused expression at the demon girl inside the carriage, who was stamping her feet in frustration, causing the carriage to sway.

"Calm down, Miharu. The horse might go wild."

"But... but, Sensei! The folks from the General Guild..."

"That's your fault."

"Even Sensei sides with Haru!?"

She spoke with tears in her eyes, but he continued regardless.

"Well, it's because you've failed quests five times in a row, isn't it? And the reason? You succeeded in the quest to subjugate the wolves, but then got into a fight with those you cooperated with and injured them. That's it."

"B-because Haru..."

"Also, there were issues with the tasks I assigned to you."

"I did them properly!!"

"Are you lying?"

"I'm not lying!!"

Upon hearing those words, the black wolf tribe male hung his head and slumped his shoulders.

"Sigh... I'm also getting complaints."

"Eh!? ...Really?"

Miharu asked her mentor tentatively, and he furrowed his brows, beginning to speak sharply.

"Yes, really. You reported after the deadline."

"B-because... if I defeated more monsters, I'd get more money... so I defeated lots of goblins."

"Being reckless without considering deadlines makes you an idiot! At that time, I was really worried about you!"

"Eh!? Uuuuuuuuugh..."

She whimpered while shrinking, but he continued speaking, paying no heed.

"If you fail the next quest you take, your rank will be lowered. You understand that you have no choice but to succeed in quests, right?"

"Y-yes, but... I'm really trying my best to complete quests!"

"If the result at the reporting stage is failure, then all your efforts are meaningless."


With a whimper, she slumped her shoulders.

"We'll soon arrive at the royal capital of Reigarm. Prepare your guild card and cargo documents."

"Y-yes, Sensei..."

As she reluctantly prepared, he gazed nostalgically at the distant royal capital.

--- Elraina Side ---

"Hmm... is this about right?"

After scanning the walls and floor for any dust or dirt, she stretched and declared,

"Alright, cleaning's done! I'm tired!"

Then, finishing her stretch, she began to tidy up the cleaning tools nearby.

Six days had passed since the day they fought against Dozem.

To briefly explain the events leading up to that, the heroes, after being rescued by me, met the king the next day, and then promptly returned to the empire the following day. But as they left, they said this to me:

"At first, we thought we could become strong enough to fight alongside Elraina-san. But when we discussed it that night, we concluded that it wouldn't work out."

When I asked why, Mizumi-san replied,

"Dozem told us this. The strength of the demons we faced in the empire was the lowest. We were ecstatic to drive away small fries. Even if you tell us not to be happy about it, we can't deny it. Because, well, we were really excited..."

"So, because I didn't know how strong Dosemu himself is among the demons, I thought I had to become strong enough to easily defeat him," said Dosemu.

Ah, I see... So that's what Dosemu said. It means there might be someone stronger than Dosemu. That's what he thought... No, that's right. If he said so himself, it must be true.

There's absolutely no benefit in telling such lies in a dominant situation.

"So this time, I'll make sure not to end up like that... Let's join forces and become stronger! This time, I swear I'll defeat the demons!!"

As Daiki-san said this with tears in his eyes, both Miumi-san and Iori-san leaned in, holding hands, tears welling up in their eyes too. All three of them felt more frustrated than relieved to be alive.

"So you've helped us and taught us many things. Thank you very much!!"

As Daiki-san bowed his head to thank, Miumi-san and Iori-san followed suit.

"Thank you for helping us!"

"Thank you... for making us stronger."

I don't remember what happened afterwards... And I was supposed to be outside, but I found myself sleeping on the sofa in the Comprehensive Guild. Why was I sleeping on the sofa? It remains unknown.

And the most concerning thing is that none of the staff members will tell me the reason!! ...Why?

Oh! That's right, the day after we parted ways with the heroes, I also said goodbye to Peach-san.

Before parting, Peach-san, with tears and snot running down her face, said this:

"Sniff! Elrina-chan, it's... it's really sad to say goodbye to you!!"

"I'm sad too," I answered somewhat reluctantly, and Peach-san began speaking while holding both of my hands.

"Sniff! And someday, please come to the Maiden Kingdom in my second homeland, the Demon Country! I'll guide you properly!"

Uh... yes. While replying, I thought to myself, "What is this 'Maiden Kingdom'!? I definitely don't want to go!! And why is it in the demon country... what does that mean?"

And then, addressing the second knight group who had come to see us off with me:

"Guell-chan and everyone, do your best! Especially you, Amy-chan, I'm proud of you, so I want you to do your best, huh!?"

While Peach-san was speaking, for some reason unknown to me, Amy-san began sprinkling salt... no, throwing salt at Peach-san.

"Amy-chu, wha!? Why are you thwapping me, huh!?"

"Why are you so annoying! So annoying!! You're soooo annoyinggggg!!! Why don't you just... just go away somewhere!!! Shoo! Shoo!"

"That's... that's terrible, Amy-chu~n!! You used to... to play with me, whap!?"


While shouting like that, Amy-san continued to rapidly throw salt, and Peach-san, as if fleeing, got on a horse and turned around to say:

"Amy-chan!! I... I won't give up! Someday, I believe you'll admire me like you used to! Waaaahhhh!!!"

As she shouted, tears and salt scattered around her, and Guell-san and I watched her leave, but it goes without saying that none of us showed any signs of regret.

And now, having finished tidying up the cleaning tools, I sat down to take a break when...

"Sister, did you finish cleaning?"

Before I knew it, a little girl was behind me, asking me this.

"Um, yeah, I'm done."

When I said that, the child's eyes sparkled, and they clung to my right hand.

"Then let's play, big sister! Let's play, let's play!!"

Well, umm, that's a bit of a problem, isn't it?

"Aww, come on, Nei! I want to play with big sister too!"

As the boy said this, he clung to my left arm, and Nei-chan and I locked eyes.

"Yaa! Nei goes first!"

"I go first!"



The two puffed out their cheeks and started tug-of-war using my hands.

As for why this was happening, it all started when we went to the Comprehensive Guild to look for a request.

While we were searching for which request to take, Ramyur-san called out to me from behind and said this.

"I'm sorry to ask this of you, Erlaina, but there's a request that only you can handle... will you accept it?"

"A request only I can handle? Hmm..."

When it comes to Ramyur-san personally asking me for a request... is it a powerful monster extermination, or perhaps something related to demons again?

"I understand if you're not enthusiastic about it. But if you don't take this request, it might become a dilemma for me."

I sighed as I watched Ramyur-san's troubled expression while she looked at the request form.

If Ramyur-san is troubled... then I have no choice!

"Shall I take the request?"

"What? Really?!"

"Yes, I'll confirm it first... How dangerous is this request?"

"There's no danger to your life, so rest assured."

No danger to my life?

"Could it be... is it a request like the delivery the other day?"


If that's the case and it's not dangerous, maybe I should accept it? Well, there shouldn't be any incidents like last time, right? ...Probably.

"Just to be sure, you really will accept the request?"

"Uh, y-yes... I'll accept it."

As she leaned in closer to me, I answered while slightly leaning back.

"Good, then. Now, I need you to sign this document."

"Umm, what... what is this... huh?!"

Ramyur-san showed me the document she was holding, and after reading the contents, I was shocked.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Is cleaning an orphanage... something anyone can do?"

And the reward is only five copper coins... it's too cheap!

"One of the people working at the orphanage injured their back, so they're in a situation where they can't manage. If someone could at least help with the cleaning, it would be a relief."

"Oh, I see..."

If one person is missing, the workload becomes difficult. And if the reward is low, maybe the pay is low too?

"Instead of worrying about that, write your name on the document quickly. I don't have time to spare like you do."

"Huh?! Write... write my name on this... am I the one doing this request?!"

As I was surprised, Ramyur-san raised her eyebrows and leaned in closer.

"Erlaina... was your earlier statement a lie?"

"Huh?! W-was... was it a lie?"

"You said you would accept this request, didn't you?"


"Indeed, I did say that! But..."

"Wait a moment, Mr. Lamuelle!! I didn't think it was that kind of request, so I'll pass it on to someone else..."

"Stop your whining and just take it."

With these words, he emphasized the documents he was holding out.

"Well... but that request is a bit..."

"Just do it!"

Oh, goodness! Mr. Lamuelle is incredibly intimidating.

"...Yes, I'll take it."

And now, here we are... wait, haven't the children multiplied?

"Big sister! What are we going to play?"

"No! We're playing tag first!"

Oh dear, Nei-chan looks like she's about to cry.

"Big sister, your hair is pretty! I envy you!"

As one girl says this, she begins to play with her hair.

"Big sister, why is your hair white? Do you know?"

Being an adult, I politely respond to the impertinent boy.

"It's been white since I was young, it's not gray hair."

"Oh, I see. Anyway, let's play together!"

Hey, hold on, didn't you just ask about her hair?!

"You lot! Don't trouble her! Stay away!!"

"Yes, sir!"

A man dressed in monastery garb says this, and the children energetically respond and move away from me.

"Sorry for the trouble the children caused."

"No worries, they're good kids who listen to the director."

Honestly, I wish I could show those certain someone's kids and have them learn a thing or two...

"If that's the case, it seems like the cleaning is done. Please, take your time and relax. We'll prepare some tea for you."

Oh, they're even offering tea! How kind. But wait!? The orphanage is in a tough situation right now, so I feel bad... let's decline.

"No, I'll just take your kind offer in spirit. But there's something I'd like to ask..."

"Sure, go ahead."

"Is the person who hurt their back okay?"

The director smiles at me and responds.

"Yes, they're fine. If they rest today, they should be able to return to work tomorrow."

"They can return so soon...? Wait, is back pain such a quick-healing ailment?"

As I tilt my head in confusion, the director looks at me and starts to laugh.

"Haha! With back pain, it's faster to receive healing magic at the church than to see a doctor."

"Ah, I see. That makes sense. I feel relieved now."

It seems that for injuries and such, magical healing is faster than using medicine. I wonder if doctors mainly treat illnesses like colds then?

"Well then, since I'm done here, I'll head to the guild."

"Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, I wouldn't want to intrude for too long on your busy schedule."

I stand up from my chair, intending to go to the guild, but the children grab onto my trousers.

"Big sister, are you leaving already?"

"We'll miss you!"

"Don't gooo!"

"Won't you play with Nei some more?"

Stop it, don't look at me with those innocent eyes... it makes me feel guilty about leaving!!

"Next time I come to the orphanage, I'll play with you."



"You're not lying?"

"I'm not lying."


"I promise."

Quite persistent, aren't they?

As I think this, I turn to the director, who's looking at me with a warm smile.

"Well then, thank you for the request!"

"No problem at all, please come again if you have the chance. These children have taken a liking to you."

"Haha... I'll do my best."

After saying that, I wave to the director and the children as I leave the orphanage and head towards the guild, pondering something along the way.

From now on, I'll make sure to confirm the details of the requested task before deciding whether to accept it or not!