Volume 04 Chapter 06, 07 and 08
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   "Mmm.... mmm~!"


 Rubbing my eyes as I sit up, I silence the alarm flashing on the screen.


 It's already five in the morning... Since today is the D-rank promotion test, I should stick to light exercise. Huh?


 Glancing over, I see Lima-chan fast asleep.


 Did this kid sneak into bed again? Despite just getting scolded by grandma the other day, she's incorrigible.


 With a sigh, I stroke her head. She squirms, ticklish perhaps.


 But... she's still young, so I guess it can't be helped. Her parents are far away and both working... They must be worried about her too.


 "My parents are different," I murmur quietly, so the sleeping girl can't hear.


 "Rather than that, I should get ready for training."


 Switching my focus, I change into sportswear and tie up my long hair.


 Right, time for training!


 Just as I open the door, I lock eyes with grandma standing there like a sentinel.


 Seeing something unpleasant so early in the morning... What to do?


 "Is Lima...?"




 "I'm asking if Lima's here."


 "Oh... yes, she is."


 "I see... I'll lock up, so hand me the keys."


 "Ah, okay."


 Sorry, Lima-chan. The power dynamic with grandma is too much for me to intervene.


 Handing over the keys to grandma, I quickly salute.


 "I'll be off then!"


 "Alright. You have the test today, don't injure yourself."


 "Yes, ma'am!"


 With that, I step outside and start with some warm-up exercises before jogging away.


 Arriving at the usual training ground, I start with light stretching to regulate my breathing.


 "Haa... haa... phew... phew..."


 Now, let's begin combat training.


 Assuming the stance, I start practicing basic jabs, straights, and kicks.


 I imagine the ideal form for both punches and kicks before executing them on the imaginary opponent.


 First, I repeat the motions several times to match the form I envisioned in my mind.




 Once the form matches my mental image, I proceed to practice punching and kicking in earnest.




 My high kick just now was slightly off-balance. The weight shift was a bit too quick.


 Adjusting my form, I continue the practice until I'm satisfied with the form.


 Since today is light, I'll call it quits here. It's a little past six... It should be a good time to return and get ready.


 After a few light jumps, I set off towards the Silver Dragon Pavilion.


 Upon arrival, I enter the inn and call out to grandma at the counter.


 "I'm back!"


 "Welcome back. I've prepared your meal and toiletries in your room, so make use of them."


 What!? Grandma prepared them without me asking?


 "Could it be... you have some ulterior motive?"


 Yes, that must be it!


 "Don't say such foolish things! I prepared them early because today is your test day!"


 Oh, that's right. Grandma has her kind moments too.


 "Thank you..."


 "I'm counting on you to pass. I'd be in trouble if you didn't!"


 Retracting my earlier statement! That old lady is terrible!


 "If you have time to make that face, then hurry up and get your meal ready. Otherwise, you'll be late and risk cancellation, won't you?"


 "Ugh... right!"


 "Well, I want you to do your best for my sake. If you fail, you'll skip dinner that night. Hehehe!"


 Dammit, that old lady is laughing wickedly while saying such horrible things... I'll get back at her someday!


 Ignoring grandma's laughter, I return to my room, have my meal, wipe off the sweat, and wash my face. Then, I equip myself.


 Since I'm not doing anything stealthy this time, my usual PMC-style attire should suffice... Also, I just need to tighten this belt pad around my waist after threading the belt through it... Done!


 I examine myself in the mirror, twisting and turning.


 It's a bit less flexible, but it should be fine.


 After placing my JERICHO941PSL in the holster on my plate carrier and inserting magazines into the magazine pouches, I attach a sling to the ORIGIN 12 SBV (12-gauge shotgun shell) with a suppressor mounted... Finished!

The child, eagerly anticipating the trip with their parents tomorrow, found it difficult to sleep well. That sort of feeling, you see."

"Perhaps, but I doubt it."

"Hahaha! If your guess turns out to be right, I'll treat you to a drink! Hahaha!"

"Instructor Aid, you're laughing too much."

"My apologies... Your guess was just too funny. Hehe! Rarely do we find someone in this industry excited about dungeon battles. Hahaha!"

As we approached the carriage, Aid's laughter gradually turned into forced laughter, and when we finally reached the front of the carriage, he fell silent with a strained smile.

Why did Instructor Aid end up like this? The answer lies in the figure of Miss Miharu.

"You're late! What time do you think it is now?"

"It's seven fifty-five, so we're on time. But Miss Miharu... are you okay?"

Looking at Miss Miharu's face, her eyes were bloodshot, dark circles underneath, and she seemed unsteady on her feet.

"I-I'm fine! This is nothing! Now, let's go to the demi-human labyrinth!"

With that, Miss Miharu hurried onto the carriage and took a seat.

"Sorry, but before heading to the demi-human labyrinth, we need to have a meeting. It's too early to board."


The moment we heard Miss Miharu's foolish response, Instructor Aid, Sir Sidneil, and I were all simultaneously dismayed.

"Even though you passed the same test as me... this is a bit much."

Seeing that situation, I couldn't help but want to abandon this request. I wanted to say it.

"Sir Sidneil, is your apprentice okay?"

"She should be... hopefully... probably."

'Probably'! ...There's no point in getting angry at Sir Sidneil.

"Anyway, let's have Miss Miharu lie down and rest for a while."

"Why? There are things we need to discuss."

Instructor Aid raised his eyebrows and said so, but I calmly explained.

"Now, now, calm down, Instructor Aid. Please listen to my thoughts."

"Thoughts... tell me."

"First, let's have Miss Miharu, who looks sleepy, lie down in the carriage."


"In the meantime, let's finish our meeting among ourselves and head to the demi-human labyrinth. Then, when we arrive there, we'll wake up Miss Miharu and only convey the necessary information to her. How does that sound?"

"I see. Let's go with that. Hey, Miharu! ...Huh?"

"What's wrong? ...Oh?"

When I looked at the carriage, Miss Miharu was fast asleep.

"Oh my, she fell asleep. Well, that's convenient in its own way."

"Indeed. Now, let's finish the meeting before the noisy one wakes up. Erlaina, make sure to listen properly... understood?"

"Yes, Instructor Aid!"

That was close. I was about to wake Miss Miharu up with a loud voice.

"Haa... How relieved would I be if Erlaina were my apprentice?"

As Instructor Aid and I sympathized with Sir Sidneil, we began the meeting.

Volume 04 Chapter 07


 "Let us commence with the recreation of Elreina's D-rank examination!"


 "Shh! ... Michal-chan will wake up, you know."


 Upon seeing me gesture to silence, Instructor Aid looked at me in surprise, then hastily checked whether Michal-chan was asleep, turning towards her.


 "Phew... she's asleep. My apologies. I got carried away as usual... Now, let's continue our conversation."




 "This time, we will conduct the examination in accordance with the regulations of the Comprehensive Guild. Firstly, I must inform you that I will not provide any advice advantageous to dungeon conquest now that the examination has begun, and I will only assist you when I deem it dangerous. Do you understand the reasons?"




 "Furthermore, if I determine that continuing the examination poses a danger, I will forcibly terminate it and return to the entrance. Naturally, this would result in disqualification. Have you understood the explanation thus far?"


 "Yes, no issues."


 "As mentioned before, the rules of the examination are as I previously explained; the examination concludes upon reaching the third floor of the dungeon. The time limit is four hours. If you exceed this, it will result in a time-out and conclusion. Any questions?"


 "I'm fine."


 "Very well, that concludes our discussion. It will take an hour to reach the labyrinth of demi-humans, so rest your body properly."


 "Yes, understood."


 "Now, we shall head towards the labyrinth of demi-humans. Elreina, please ride in the carriage."




 As I boarded the carriage, I noticed something. Sidneyr-san was also on the carriage, holding the reins, muttering to himself while looking downwards.


 "Huh!? El's lady is so obedient... compared to that, Michal, huh! ... she might wake up and cause a ruckus, causing problems... Let's set off with the carriage."


 With that said, he began driving the carriage.


 Sidneyr-san... he really seems to be struggling. How much trouble is Michal causing him?


 "Instructor Aid."


 "What is it, Elreina?"


 "For today's examination, will Sidneyr-san accompany us to the labyrinth?"


 "No, it seems he will only handle the transport... Is there something wrong?"


 "No, I just assumed that Sidneyr-san, Instructor Aid, Michal-chan, and I would take turns driving the carriage to get there... yes."


 But I can't drive a carriage, and Michal-chan is in no condition to do so either, so I guess I'll have to leave it to Instructor Aid and Sidneyr-san.


 "Don't leave it to Michal! Don't say such terrifying things! If you leave the driving to Michal, she might make a mistake and overturn the carriage, causing destruction, or she might go berserk and crash the carriage into a wall or something, causing destruction, or she might get annoyed and destroy the carriage herself. Those are the three things that could happen."


 Sidneyr-san trembled as he said this, and I realized that it was from experience.


 Is her driving really that terrifying? ... Perhaps this is a good opportunity to learn from Instructor Aid and Sidneyr-san?


 "Come to think of it, there are a lot of people here today. Is there some kind of festival?"


 Particularly noticeable are the merchants and armed individuals. Well, I assume most of those armed individuals are from the Comprehensive Guild's Adventure Division.


 "Who knows? The Kingdom's Founding Festival just ended three months ago, so I have no idea."


 "Perhaps it's the preparation for the Four Nations Inter-Conference next month?"


 The Four Nations Inter-Conference?


 "Already that time of year, huh? So that's why there are so many people..."


 "This year, they're apparently holding the conference in the Demon Kingdom. Presumably, the people here are trying to find rare items to sell in the Demon Kingdom."


 "I see... Although the folks in the Demon Kingdom won't buy just anything because it's rare."


 "They're apparently going around the Republic and the Empire seeking good items. Of course, they aim to sell them at a high price in the Demon Kingdom."


 "Rather than that, wouldn't it be more profitable to send the food we gather here to the Demon Kingdom?"


 "Hahaha! You don't get it at all!"


 "Right? Hahaha!"


 While the two of them laughed together, I couldn't keep up with their conversation.




 "Hmm, what is it, Elreina?"


 "I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the Four Nations Inter-Conference. Could you please explain it to me?"


 "What's with you? You don't know about the Four Nations Inter-Conference?"


 "...Yes, I'm sorry."


 Honestly, I want to go to the library and absorb knowledge through constant visits.


 "Well, to put it simply, it's an annual conference where representatives from the four nations—Laxlard Emperor Kingdom, Sakuragi Demon Kingdom, Beldra Republic, and our Leedgalm Kingdom—gather in one place to discuss this year's achievements and future plans."

"Is it something akin to NATO negotiations on Earth?"

"The location for the quadripartite talks is the Demon Kingdom this year."

"Hee, where was it last year?"

"Last year, it was in the Empire. I went as an escort for King's Guard with Captain Guel. There were quite a few extravagant events, you know."

"Extravagant events? What kind of events were there, exactly?"

"First, there was a welcoming parade. Once inside the castle, there were lavish banquets and even a play."

I wonder... I haven't been there to see, so I can't imagine.

"Well... but since they are welcoming representatives of the countries, wouldn't it be better to be extravagant?"

"That was excessive, even Captain Guel and the representatives of other countries were astonished. Moreover, there were discussions in the meeting about how it was too much. And King Reidgarum, when returning to his country, wanted to know how much money was spent on this event. They said that if we did something like that in our country, it would definitely lead to economic collapse."

"I wish I could have seen what they were doing."

"You'll have a chance to see it in three years."

Aid-san says with a smile, but three years for extravagant events is still a long way off. I feel disappointed.

"Probably, the next time the quadripartite talks are held in the Empire, the scale will be smaller."

"What? They're going to reduce the scale!"

"Sidneyel-san, why is that?"

"Even within the Empire, flashy events were seen as too much. Emperor himself declared that the scale would be smaller from the next time."

"They realized it was too much, huh?"

"That's right. I can see the walls now, so prepare your guild cards."

"Yes... huh!?"

"What's wrong, Elerina?"

"We have to show Miharu-chan's guild card too, right?"


Oh no! I forgot that when leaving the capital, we need to show identification to the gatekeeper! This is really bad!

"It would be better to wake her up, right?"

"If you wake her up, that might cause another problem."

"Well... Sidneyel-san."

"Hmm, what is it?"

"Do you know where Miharu-chan keeps her guild card?"

If Miharu-chan has the item box skill and keeps it there, we'll have to wake her up.

"Ah, don't worry, I have Miharu's guild card with me."

Saying that, Sidneyel takes out two guild cards from his pocket and shows them to us, surprising both me and Aid-san.

"Why do you have Miharu-chan's guild card?"

"Well, Miharu tends to lose it, so I keep it for her."

She tends to lose her guild card... Miharu-chan, what are you up to!?

"What about when Miharu-chan goes on solo quests?"

"... I tell her 'Absolutely do not lose it!' and hand it over."

Oh wow... Sidneyel-san is like Miharu-chan's parent.

Thinking that, I look at Miharu-chan sleeping.

"It's like a conversation between a father and daughter."

Aid-sensei said it so clearly!

"When will Miharu-chan be independent?"

"Haa... I wonder..."

Unintentionally, the three of us let out sighs.

"We're sorry for the delay. Wait, why are you all sighing?"

"Ah! No, it's okay. Please don't mind us."

"I see... Now, may I see your cards, please?"

Upon the gatekeeper's directive, I presented my comprehensive guild card. Aid Instructor, myself, and Sidneyne took turns scrutinizing it.

"Yes, confirmed. The one card among the two comprehensive guild cards you're holding belongs to that girl, correct?"

Looking at the sleeping Miharu-chan, the gatekeeper inquired, and Sidneyne nodded before responding, "Yes, that's right. I'm presenting the guild card on behalf of my sleeping disciple. Quite a handful, this apprentice of mine."

"Hahaha, seems like you have your hands full."

The gatekeeper chuckled. Perhaps he felt like he had stepped on a landmine? Well, there are no landmines in this world, but that's probably the sentiment.

"Well, yes."

"Now then, since everything is in order, please proceed."


"Always appreciated."

"Thank you very much."

Seeing us off, the gatekeeper, as we exited the capital, trouble arose within about thirty minutes.

"Even though I'm just sitting... why is my body tired?"

I had prepared myself for a sore back, but I hadn't expected my body to tire from just riding in the carriage.

"If it were a noble's carriage, they'd have cushions on the seats to alleviate back pain. But with a regular cargo carriage like this, it's unavoidable."

"Is that so? Ouch!"

However, if simply placing a cushion could alleviate the pain in my back, I wondered if I should pull out the one I had stored in my item box.

Opening the storage, I began searching for the cushion.

"I believe the cushion was towards the bottom... um... there it is!"

Pulling out the cushion reflected on the screen, I showed it to Aid and the others.

"I'm glad I bought this cushion!"

"You had it with you? And it's such a cute design."

"Well, as a girl, I wanted a cushion with a cute design!"

I couldn't say it. When I opened the shop to search for a cushion, all that came up in the browsing were cute designs. That's what happened.

Embarrassing. While thinking that, as I placed the cushion, the intense shaking I had been feeling until now diminished, and the burden on my back lessened slightly.

"I had no idea that just one cushion could make such a difference."

"Is that so? Well, I'm glad."

"Aid, don't you use a cushion?"

"I'm not as soft as you, so I'm fine without a cushion."

"Is that so?"

"Besides, I don't have an item box skill like yours, so I have to carry the cushion in my bag. And what do you think happens then?"

"I suppose the cushion feels like a bother."

"Exactly. That's why many adventurers don't bother with cushions."

"I see, that makes sense."

Well, you wouldn't want to carry something that doesn't serve much purpose.

"Miss El, once you get used to it, it's no big deal."

Getting used to it, huh...

"When you get used to it, can you sleep in the carriage like Miharu-chan?"

"Uh... well, Miharu is... um... special. Most people can't sleep like that."

"Is that so?"

Looking at Miharu-chan sleeping while drooling, I thought, 'Miharu-chan is an amazing girl to be able to sleep in a shaking carriage like this.' And so on.

"Behold, the dungeon comes into view," Sidney said, prompting us to turn our gaze forward, where several buildings emerged.

"I've been pondering this since our last visit, but is it truly wise to erect buildings around such perilous dungeons? There's always the risk of monsters emerging from within," I remarked.

Indeed, there were enough buildings lining the area to qualify as a village.

"Well, ideally, such actions should be discouraged, but the dungeon here is under strict governmental supervision, so it's deemed safe to permit construction," Sidney explained.

"Does that mean as long as there's adequate oversight, building structures is permissible?" I inquired.

"Yes, but one must also pass the comprehensive evaluation of the Guild to obtain construction approval," Sidney clarified.

"Hmm, remember when that demon appeared in the dungeon last time? Surely, it won't happen again?" I expressed my concerns.

"It shouldn't... though I recall the difficulty we faced dealing with it," Aid remarked, shooting me a pointed glance.

Clearly, he hadn't forgotten about that incident.

"Well, we're almost at the dungeon, shouldn't we wake up Miharu-chan?" I diverted the conversation.

"There's no rush, we can do that upon arrival," Sidney assured.

"R-right..." I faltered.

"Also, as an examiner, I must ask, are you truly equipped adequately?" Aid voiced his concern.

He had been worried about my gear, but Elraina, I worry for you! Your feelings are written all over your face!

"I thought the same! That gear doesn't seem enchanted at all. And what's with that iron staff? Have you even used it before? Do you just hit things with it, or is it a magical staff?" Sidney seemed intrigued by my weapon.

"No, um... explaining it all in detail would take time, I'll explain later," I deflected.

"But about that gear..." Sidney persisted.

"You needn't worry about its defensive capabilities. Look," I took Aid's hand and pressed it against my chest, causing him to flush red with embarrassment.

"Y-you idiot! I have a w-w-w... huh?" Aid stammered.

"What's wrong?" I inquired.

"Seems there's a metal plate in this gear. Is your armor designed to accommodate such plates?" Sidney observed.

Hey! No touching a girl's chest even through titanium plates! Aid, you pervert!

"That's correct. The fabric is also tear-resistant, so it won't rip from minor snags! ...And could you please stop touching me now? I'm feeling self-conscious about the stares," I requested.

"...Eh?" Aid was taken aback.

Yes, the carriage had reached near the dungeon.

"What?! You, you tricked me!" Aid exclaimed.

"I did no such thing. Besides, I trust that you wouldn't betray your wife... right? ...Go ahead, feel as much as you want!" I dared.

"I'm not going to touch anymore!" Aid retorted, turning his face away in a huff.

Oops, I teased Aid too much. How do I make it up to him?

"Enough noise, can't sleep... huh?" Miharu finally woke up.

"Ah, the sleepyhead finally awakens," Sidney remarked.

"Sensei, did Miharu... just wake up?" I asked.

"That's right," Sensei confirmed.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" Miharu exclaimed.

"I wouldn't wake a noisy one like you! Anyway, hurry up and prepare to enter the dungeon!" Sensei ordered.

"Eh?! We're going in the dungeon already?" Miharu was taken aback.

"Of course we are!" Sensei affirmed.

"Ughhhh! Sensei, you're so dumb!" Miharu shouted in frustration.

Miharu then rummaged through her bag, muttering to herself, "I'm sure I put the gauntlets and magic stone pack in here... ah, found them!"

Oh wow! Truly a different world. She managed to pull out gauntlets and a small pouch from that narrow bag mouth at once.

"Miharu-chan, is there anything else you need? Are you sure?"

"I'm fine! There's absolutely nothing to worry about!"

"Also, before entering the dungeon, there's something the Aid Instructor needs to discuss. Make sure to listen carefully."

"Discussion? Miharu has nothing to discuss. Let's just go!"

Hey, it's about the Aid Instructor's talk. You shouldn't say such things to the person in charge.

"Hey, unless you listen to me, you're not going into the dungeon!"

"No need to talk. It's just telling the white-haired one there the rules of the test, right?"

Talking about white hair all the time. Is this kid asking to be shot by an ORIGIN-12?

"You idiot! Just conveying your role in this test!"

"Role? Just supporting the test, right?"

"Explain specifically what you mean by support."

"Support... supporrttt...!"

Hey, Miharu-chan, your eyes are wandering. It's better to be quiet and say, "Sorry, please speak."

"Miharu will watch over the white-haired woman's dungeon conquest."

"And then?"

"When fighting monsters, Miharu will assist."


A deep sigh escapes Aid, myself, and Ms. Cidney the moment we hear Miharu's explanation.

"Wait, isn't it different?"

"No need to help. Since you're here to observe Elrina, just stay by my side. If I tell you to fight, then fight."

"Is that all? Miharu doesn't need to help? That white hair looks really weak. Won't she die?"

"No, it's fine. And you better apologize to Elrina right away."

"Why do I have to do that?"

"Because you said something disrespectful about Elrina. That's why it turned out like this."

Aid turns his face to the right, shaking his chin. Miharu looks in that direction, and you can tell she's holding her breath.

"I saw him get angry for the first time. Whether you start a fight or apologize and reconcile, it's up to you."

Just looking at me with no expression, just that, Miharu is trembling.

"What's wrong? Do you have a problem?"

"I just want you to stop calling me white hair."

"...Fine, I get it. Sorry, Elrina."

"Also, try holding my hand with this one. I'll knock you down with just my right hand."

Offering my right hand to Miharu-chan, I speak while glaring.

"Huh? Are you kidding? There's no way you can do that!"

"Well, consider it a joke."

Without saying anything, Haru-chan grips my hand, and in that moment, as if the strings of a puppet had been cut, she collapses to her knees.

"Eh? ...Eh!?"

"Have you seen my skill now?"

"What are you saying? That was... well, I just let my guard down, that's all!!"

"Is that so? Shall we try again?"

"As you wish!!"

Once again, the moment Michal-chan grasped my hand, she collapsed.

"Not yet!!"

While saying that, she grasped my hand, only to be defeated by me again.


This time, roaring as she grasped my hand, she was defeated by me once more.

"Michal, why do you keep collapsing?"

"It's not what you think, Sensei! It's just that when I grasp his hand, I get defeated!!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? There's no way you can defeat someone with just one hand, right?"

"It's true! Please believe me, Michal's telling the truth!!"


Michal-chan pleaded with tear-filled eyes, but Sidney-san shook his head in disbelief.

"What Michal-chan says is correct."

"What, is that so?"

"Yes, the technique I'm using is from Aikido."

"Aikido... what kind of martial art is that?"

"To put it simply, it's a technique to defeat the opponent with minimal force."

"I see. Can you apply the same technique on me?"

"Why would you want that?"

"Watching Michal collapse, it seems like you're doing it on purpose."

"I understand. Sidney-san, please grasp my hand."


I confirmed Sidney-san firmly grasping my hand with my eyes.

"Here we go. Hup!"


Watching Sidney-san fall to the ground, Michal-chan and Instructor Aid were astonished.

"No way, Sensei was defeated!!"

"If your sensei was defeated by Elrina, then it means your collapse wasn't an act."

From the side, it looked like that.

Even when Robert and Mrs. Kennedy visited Japan, witnessing Shioda Gohsan's Jujutsu skills firsthand, seeing Shioda Gohsan easily defeat people, President Kennedy thought martial arts looked like acting, so he had his bodyguards attend Shioda Gohsan's demonstration.

Well, the result was obvious, Shioda Gohsan defeated the bodyguards.


"May I ask for your impressions after receiving Elrina's technique?"

"Ah, it was a strange sensation. I was on guard not to be defeated, but I was defeated in an instant."

"In an instant, hmm..."

Instructor Aid crossed his arms, what is he thinking?



"I'm interested in that Aikido, so please teach me more about it later."


Probably Instructor Aid thinks Aikido can be used in real combat, so he's trying to learn it.

"Well then! Are both of you ready to enter the dungeon?"

"Yes, we are prepared!"

"Hold on a moment! The matter between Michal and this guy isn't settled yet!!"

...What is this girl saying?

"No, no, no! We didn't have a match from the beginning! Besides, time is precious, let's go!"


"If you keep dilly-dallying like this, do you mind if I leave you here?"


Michal-chan looked bewildered, then glanced left and right before staring at Instructor Aid.

"...I'm ready."

"Hmm, then let's enter the dungeon."



Following Instructor Aid, we entered the dungeon.