Volume 04 Chapter 18
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"Huh!? Hehehehehehehe... nothing scares me anymore," the white-haired girl with a Panzerfaust 3 strapped to her back laughed fearlessly at the entrance of the labyrinth, holding a Mk19 mod2 grenade launcher cautiously.


"Hey, Instructor Aid,"




"Isn't it better to stop?"


"Yeah... but we're the ones who caused this mess... Hmm..."


Indeed, on our way back to the labyrinth, we found those weapons a bit plain for their appearance. We were saying things like, "Are there no flashier ones? Like something that explodes magnificently! If not, then use other weapons! Anything else!" Suddenly, Ellyna said, "Well then, I'll do it! Damn it!" and pulled out the weapon she's currently wielding.


"Um... Ellyna?"


"What is it, Miharu-chan?"


"Just to confirm... what kind of weapon is that big thing?"


"To put it simply, it's a weapon that shoots bombs rapidly. Was this what you were expecting, Miharu-chan?"


"Oh, um... yeah."


"And it's mounted on the UGV Armadillo, so it's mobile. Pretty amazing, right?"


"Eh!? Uh, well... it's impressive, I suppose. But isn't it a bit too much?"


"Huh!? ... Too much!?"


Grabbing Miharu's shoulders with trembling hands and tears welling up, Ellyna shook her vigorously back and forth.


"Waaah!? After seeing the terrifying recoil of the M500, you're saying there's nothing else!? Wasn't that you!? Who asked for something else besides that!?"


"T-that's right! Just... wait! Calm down!"


As Miharu tried to calm her with waving hands, Ellyna resisted, slapping her hands away even harder with a pale face!


"After saying that, can you really expect me to calm down!? I'll fight seriously! Whether buildings collapse or explode, I don't care! I'll blow up that monster when I find it! I'll load it up with Hellfire and Hydra 70 rockets attached to the Apache Longbow and blast it to bits! And if that's not enough, I'll mince it with a 30mm chain gun! Hyaaaah!"


"Ouch! Ouch! Give up, give up!?"


"Search and Destroy!! That's right, Search and Destroy!! Find the target and kill it!"


"I don't understand what you're saying, but I understand that you're planning something terrible! Please, just stop because it was really our fault!! Ellynaaaa!!"


"What are you saying, Instructor Aid? As long as we defeat that guy, everything's fine, right?"


"No, it's not! You fool!?"


As Instructor Aid delivered a sharp blow to my head with a bang, I instinctively held my head with both hands.


...That hurts. Did he hit me for real?


"Anyway, Instructor Aid,"


"What now, Sidnyeal?"


"Is it okay for that guy, Agus, who went into the labyrinth to defeat the monster, to be all right?"


Ah!? Come to think of it, Agus-san told me to follow him into the labyrinth to defeat the monster, and then he just went into the labyrinth without saying anything to anyone.


"Well... Vice-Captain Darren,"


"Yes, what is it?"


"Do you know how strong Captain Agus is?"


"Captain Agus's strength... well, in terms of the overall guild rank, I'd say he's about C."


"Huh? Not A or B? Since he's the captain here, shouldn't he have at least B-level strength?"


"Well, you see... if it were Vice-Captain Darren at the beginning when he took over this place, he would have had about B-level strength... but now, he's doing a lot of paperwork, so... he doesn't have much time to train, and... well..."


"I see... understood. Even if he has the strength, we don't know if he can move like he used to when he was active. Is that what you're trying to say?"


"...Yes, I'm sorry."


Wait! I can't understand the expression of that strength! Someone, teach me the standard of strength!


"Anyway, what are we going to do!?"


"What do you mean?"


"Are Miharu and the others just going to wait like this forever? Can we leave it to that Captain Darren?"


...Miharu-chan might be right. There's no point in just fortifying here if the enemy doesn't come, and we can't leave the evacuees like this, and above all, we can't wait for that monster to come out here.


By the way, why is Miharu-chan rotating her shoulders painfully? Should I massage her if she's got a stiff shoulder?


"...If they don't come back after an hour, shall we go check?"


"Hmm... let's discuss with the Guild Master when he arrives. Is that okay?"


That's right. If we unilaterally decide to go check the situation like this, it would be a nuisance to Mr. Lamyul and Mr. Guel.


After all, we might be the key to the battle against the monster...


"I think that's fine."


"I think so too... Ouch."


"Oh... by the way, you sounded like a guy earlier... is that your natural tone?"


"Huh? ...Oh!?"


Oh no!! I forgot myself and didn't pay attention to my tone earlier.


"Um... well... I was raised as a boy originally, so... if you think of it as a remnant of that... I'd appreciate it. Yes."


"I see... understood."

Volume 04 Chapter 18


"Hmm? I expected more pursuit, but, huh? ...!? They're here!"


With the Mk19 Mod2 Grenade Launcher pointed towards the labyrinth, finger on the trigger, and a poised stance, Elraina held the remote control for the Claymore mines in her left hand.


"What's wrong, Elraina?"


"Something came out of the labyrinth. Probably that monster."


"No, wait! ... It's a person, stop!"


A person? Sid seems to be directing his ear towards the cave, picking up footsteps, perhaps? But, on my radar, enemy markers are clearly displayed, so maybe he's not mistaken... Huh?


"Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! What!?"


A person in bloodied armor emerged from the entrance of the labyrinth, tumbling. Wait, that armor looks familiar!


"Captain Agus!? Why is he in such a state..."


It was indeed Captain Agus. If Darren says so, there's no doubt! However, the armor is dented in places, and it's stained with blood and dust, more than when I saw him in the hut.


Could he be injured? No, the blood on the armor isn't flowing onto the ground, so maybe it's just bruises. Anyway, we need to protect him... Wait, what!?


On both sides of that monster, two of Agus's subordinates were lying weakly, each being dragged out while we stared in speechless disbelief.


In the midst of this, Miharu, with trembling hands, managed to utter words while pointing.


"Hey... th-that... th-that thing!!"


"I can see it, so I understand."


"Nggh! Tsu... th-that...?"


The body held by the monster's right hand moved. That person is alive!!


"Huh? Aaaahhhhhhh! Uwaaaaaaahhhh! I'm going to be killed! Killed by a monster! Help meeeeeee!"


Regaining consciousness and realizing the situation, the person struggled, trying to free the grabbed hand, but to no avail.


"Instructor Aid, that person!"


"Yeah, I get it! We're going to rescue him, so don't let go of that thing!"




What's going on? Has that monster been watching me all this time?




The monster lifted the struggling soldier and alternately stared at the soldier and me.


Hey, hey, hey, hey... Could it be!?




With a roar, the monster swung the still-living soldier towards us!




"Is this a joke!?"


While saying that, I pushed Instructor Aid down next to me and dodged the incoming projectile. But then, a crashing sound came from behind.


"Instructor Aid, are you okay?"


"Yeah, everyone okay?"


"I and Miharu are fine!"


"I managed to dodge somehow. However, this is..."


Huh? What's this?




Turning around, I looked at the Mk19 Mod2 Grenade Launcher. It was heavily damaged, unusable, and the person thrown by the monster lay motionless.


Perhaps hitting the Mk19 Mod2 Grenade Launcher caused his demise. Moreover, when I looked back at the monster, it wasn't standing in the place where the Claymore was set up. Instead, it was walking towards us!


"Damn! The plan failed. We have no choice but to confront it head-on! Instructor Aid, stop the monster's movements! I'll take this opportunity to use the Panzerfaust 3!"


"Understood! Sid, Miharu, come with me! Darren, secure the captain!"


"But, he..."


Whether Darren wanted to tend to his subordinate hit by the Mk19 Mod2 Grenade Launcher or take care of Instructor Aid and the others, he hesitated while looking at them alternately.


"Leave that guy to the others!"


"Yes, sir!"


Upon hearing Instructor Aid's words, Darren followed Instructor Aid in heading towards the monster.


While Instructor Aid and the others were doing that, I pulled out the S&W M500 from the holster and aimed at the monster.