Volume 05 Chapter 05
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"Right then, let's get down to business,"


The king, unlike his earlier relaxed demeanor, exuded a mature aura.


"Erlaina, before we proceed with the discussion, allow me to express my gratitude. Thank you for protecting my dear brother, Nelson, coming to the aid of the hero in distress, and above all, for safeguarding our country with your own life.


Thank you truly, dear Erlaina."




As the king bowed towards me, I, being a delicate young girl, found myself overheating due to the situation.


"H-haha... hah, that's quite... quite the... umm..."


Oh, my tongue's all tied up... to be seen in such a state is utterly embarrassing! I really wish I could do something about this temperament!!


"As I've heard, you're quite shy as expected. Your reactions are adorable... Say, Erlaina-san, would you consider becoming my daughter?"


Me, a member of the royal family!? Absolutely out of the question!! I have no knowledge of social graces, and most importantly, I can't behave like some noble!!


"I-I must... politely decline..."


N-no, no good!! My tongue's not cooperating properly!!


As I shook my head in an attempt to regain control of my tongue, the king and others watched with amused expressions.


"Ah, such a shame. I've never seen anyone with such pure white hair and beautiful amethyst-like eyes. Perhaps you're a descendant of the White Violet Clan. Tell me, Erlaina-san, have you heard anything from your parents or grandparents?"


Honestly, I can't say I've heard anything about my family lineage because I reincarnated as a character I used in a game due to a divine error. So, I'm not of the White Violet Clan as the queen presumes. But how can I say that!!?


"Umm... I've never heard anything about my family's lineage, so I wouldn't know."


I apologize to the queen, but I tell a lie to divert attention. It's to avoid being recognized as Haruto Kuramoto.


"I see... I understand. Sorry for digressing."


"Oh, no, please don't worry about it... Wait, huh?"


Come to think of it, didn't they say earlier about being grateful for safeguarding our country with your own life? Does that mean for defeating the zombie army?


"Earlier, when you mentioned the zombie army, does that mean... you haven't written the contract magic scroll, so you're able to talk about defeating the zombie army?"


"Ah, Meira and I have indeed written and signed the contract magic scroll. However, the spell that causes uncontrollable laughter only activates when you try to disclose detailed information, right?"


"I haven't disclosed any detailed information, so it hasn't activated. Understand?"


Ah, I see. Indeed, if I were to try to disclose the fact that I defeated the zombie army when I tried to, then it wouldn't be a breach of contract.


"I see. That makes sense. By the way, what did Lady Ainya want to talk to me about before coming here?"


I've been curious since leaving the maid cafe, so I'd like her to tell me already.


"There are four things I want to discuss with you."


"Four things!?"


"It'd be easier to understand if I explain them one by one. Please listen carefully."


The Duke Baldeck's expression changed, indicating that he was about to discuss something important. So, I straightened up and focused on what he had to say.


"The first thing I want to discuss is the matter you mentioned before about the remnants of Debtor. Upon reinvestigating their deaths, it turns out you were right. Something indeed seems amiss."


"So, it was true after all."


"Yes, we're currently investigating the cause and searching for the culprit. However, um... the soldiers who initially discovered the bodies and those involved in the investigation concluded that the Debtors' members died due to being attacked by thieves. As a result, most of the evidence has been disposed of."


"What!? The evidence has been disposed of!?"


"So, was the truth behind the remnants of Debtor's deaths due to thieves? Or were they assassinated? With most of the evidence gone, it's become even more unclear. I apologize."


Volume 05 Chapter 05


   Normally, regulations dictate that investigations are preserved for a certain period even after their completion... Oh, wait, this is a different world, isn't it?


 "....It can't be helped. Just so you know, I believe there's a high possibility that Levais is involved," she said.


 "Yeah, we're thinking the same thing, and we're continuing the investigation here, so leave it to us. Now, onto the second matter. Okay?"


 "Ah, yes."


 "The second matter is, you helped a hero in the labyrinth before, didn't you?"


 "Well... yes, I did."


 Could it be that they're probing into that matter? Even though it's the Duke of Valdeck, the chairman of the Integrated Guild, there are things that can't be spoken of, which is troublesome.


 For instance, how did you know there was a hero in the labyrinth?


 "I'd like to ask how you knew there was a hero in the labyrinth, but time is short, so I'll leave it for another opportunity," the king said.


 The moment I heard the king's words, I breathed a sigh of relief inwardly.


 "Elle Elle fought against the demon Dosem and managed to repel him, right?"


 "...No, it's not that I repelled him. It's more accurate to say I let him escape," I said.


 If I had interrogated instead of firing off, such a mistake wouldn't have occurred. Besides, if it were the military, I would expect to be held accountable.


 Also, could they please stop calling me Elle Elle?


 "If you feel responsible, that's incorrect," he said.




 "Basically, demons are strong. Even Guell, a descendant of heroes, said he could defeat a demon with his entire squad, but alone, he might just barely manage it. He also said that despite having companions nearby, you chose to fight alone, didn't you? You should realize how recklessly dangerous that was."


 I was doing something so reckless that it wouldn't be surprising if Peach-san had stopped me at that time.


 "Y-Yes... I'll reflect on it."


 "Well, but thanks to your actions, the heroes were able to return safely, so let's leave it at that."


 "Well, that's true."


 The next time we meet, I'll definitely finish it off. Yes, I won't repeat the same mistake twice.


 "Oh, by the way! I heard that the heroes were amazing after they returned to the Empire!"


 "The heroes were amazing?"


 They didn't open another maid café, did they? I doubt it, but still.


 "According to acquaintances in the Empire, before they were attacked by demons, they simply listened to their assigned instructors and trained accordingly, but after returning to the Empire following the demon attack, they started training autonomously and became proactive!"


 They became proactive in their training... Was it because they were shocked by losing to Dosem? Or are they just being reckless?

Volume 05 Chapter 05


   "It's good to become proactive, isn't it?"


 "Indeed, it's good that you've become proactive as El-El suggested! Moreover, you've registered with the Comprehensive Guild and seem to be actively taking quests in various places! But why the serious face, El-El?"


"Oh, well... I just got a bit worried that Daiki-kun and the others might be pushing themselves too hard to become stronger..."


 "Well, you needn't worry about that. It seems one of the instructors for the heroes is accompanying them on their quests, so I think that aspect should be fine!"


 If the instructors are accompanying them, I suppose we can rest assured knowing someone is keeping an eye on them.


 "Yes, if Ainya says so, then I won't worry."


 Let's believe that they'll show us their growth the next time we meet.


 "With that, the second matter is concluded. Now onto the crucial third matter for you!"


 The third matter is crucial? I wonder what it could be?


 "It's about the corrupt nobility-centered units, specifically the First Knight Division that attacked El-El!"


 Ah, the moment I heard Ainya-sama's words, I recalled, "Oh, right, there was such a thing I had forgotten about."