Chapter 52 – Ugong
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After a few moments of gauging each other, Ugong dashed forward at a blinding speed.

"So fast…!" Andres exclaimed as he barely dodges to the side.

However, Ugong wasn't done, he stomped on the earth and a wall stopped the former's retreat from behind.

Andres simply destroyed the wall by immediately putting his palm behind him and blasting open a hole.

"Think I'll let you!?" Ugong took a massive step and thrusted his staff forward, which hit Andres on his torso and pushing him through that same hole, but he quickly recovered, putting up his hands that are transformed into machine.

The two began exchanging hits. Andres skillfully dodges the staff since he couldn't possibly afford to try blocking them now that Ugong's serious.

He began throwing out punches and kicks whenever he finds the chance, but Ugong was just very strong while also having superb healing on par with his and Jose's.

Not one blow really did much against Ugong, but he wasn't getting hit either, as he is able to dodge everything narrowly.

"Come on! Why are you conserving your mana?! I know this isn't the only thing that you can do!"

Andres kept calm and didn't answer Ugong's provocation as he continued fighting. Andres timed one of Ugong's strike and hopped backwards, he raised his hand towards the former's direction and a series of spikes sprouted from around him, impaling him on the torso from all sides.

Unlike when he was fighting Marcus, Andres do not have a surplus of mana as he had no way to absorb Ugong's. Additionally, he was still looking for the best opportunity to let it all out.

"That hurts…!" Ugong uttered as he quickly dispatched all of it with a single spinning motion of his staff and just as quickly, dashed towards Andres once again.

The latter dashed away, prompting Ugong to chase him. Although Andres wasn't even remotely faster than Ugong, he was pretty quick and with Shunpo, he can guarantee that Ugong wouldn't hit him either. But that wasn't their goal here. He was here to convince him, not run from him.

In their chase, Ugong had to strike down trees to keep up with the teleportation and even use Earth magic to make the terrain favorable to him.

"You're done!" Ugong had caught up! He swung forward but his movements was suddenly halted.

"Marcus...?" He exclaimed in low voice before feeling the sensation of tens of tiny projectiles piercing his body. "What the...?" He looked around and saw tens of cables from all directions with their projectiles embedded in his body. Every singe one of them are pulling him, thus cutting off his ability to move by working together to pulling him accordingly back towards his original position.

Andres quickly acted upon it while Ugong was still bound by the traps he made with his mechanical power. He laid in advance, tens of small devices that possesses high-tensile cables at every direction and pointed towards this specific spot. "I knew he'd fall for it."

He lunged forward and as he extended one of his arms, it transformed into a horrific massive flesh with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"The heck?!" Ugong exclaimed.

He tried blocking it with both hands, but it simply bit them off along with his staff.

Ugong groaned in pain as blood splattered everywhere. But before he was able to stop his bleeding and heal, Andres transformed his arm back to normal with the staff falling out and caught it.

Whilst Ugong was still in a bind, he stepped forward and activated the staff's ability, thrusting towards the opponent's chest. "You're too reckless." He said calmly as Ugong was hit so hard that he was knocked out of the trap and crashed through over a dozen massive trees in succession.




Ugong, suffering from injury still managed to quickly recover from the rubble and dashed forward while he activated his healing in full throttle. "No time to rest!"

The two met at the center of the wrecked forest and there, Ugong was completely overwhelmed. If Marcus was pretty good with a staff, Andres, coupled with his hand to hand combat skills completely destroyed Ugong's pride. Despite his skill with a staff not being very notable, he possesses the fundamentals of a veteran fighter and incredible combat sense to compliment.

"Dammit! My staff again!"

With each hit of the staff, the only thing Ugong could do was grit his teeth and endure the pain while having to feel his bones snap and restored with each hit of the staff empowered by its density manipulation.

Without giving Ugong break, Andres' barrage continued. "Damn you!" Ugong shouted, before disregarding his defense to throw a futile hook that Andres effortlessly dodges and using the chance, he reeled back his fist. Powered by the maximum output of the staff's ability and propelled by an energy booster on his elbow, rammed his first towards the Monkey Prince's chest. The punch was so powerful that it instantly knocked out Ugong upon impact and drove him crashing towards the ground, breaking the earth and caving him in a crater.


When the dust cloud settled after a brief moment, Ugong laid there unconscious as Andres wondered to himself.

"Is it done—?!"

Suddenly, Ugong's hand curled into a fist and just as quickly, the ground beneath Andres shot up forcefully, slamming him down on it and sending him upwards to the sky.

"What healing…" He exclaimed.

As if Ugong could read his mind, the former shouted with a battle-crazed smile, "It's Yin-Yang Healing Technique!" He shouted full of vitality and jumped up to follow Andres.

He arrived before Andres was able to recover from the previous hit. "One Vision!!"

The time stopped, or so that's what's supposed to happen...

"You…!" Ugong exclaimed in horror. Unable to act from shock, Andres took the opportunity to smash him with the staff which sent him crashing downwards.


From within the dust cloud, Ugong shouted to Andres who had began his descent as his voice quivered. "How can you move??!!"

For the second time in his life, he felt chill ran down his spine. Something that he had only experienced once in his life, the only emotion that solely his father could make him feel… Right now, another person is making him feel it once more.

"This is… Fear…!" Ugong uttered in horror.