Chapter 39 : Foiled Escape, Trista Ace’s Strength
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The two then began to wait for some time.
The only thing that one of them did was to text someone from the club about their situation.
Before they knew it some minutes had passed.
At this time, Koa kept verifying the effect of her spell and assuming what skill, art, or technique Reno had employed but had nothing to go on.
Having been beaten around by someone who should have been a weak target.
Kori made sure to keep her guard up the entire time.
Some more minutes passed with the two still being flabbergasted.
It was at this time that Koa suggested leaving which Kori also wanted to do but their target was right in front of them.
Leaving would leave a bad taste in her mouth but it was the best option.
The twins had thought that they had gone in with enough firepower and enough preparation.
After fighting, they had come to agree that siding with their club was better than the two of them alone.
Still being wary, Koa prepared a spell while Kori reactivated [Temple’s Mystic Technique: Automaton’s Fury]
The two then began to beeline from the training room to the exit as fast as they could.
When they had made it out of the training room, they looked back at Reno and saw that he was still standing around.
Seeing two people barge into his house, attack him, and then leave, Reno was hysterical.
‘At least I know the names of those two. Seeing as they’re a part of a club that is after me, I’ll meet them again eventually.’
Hopefully, I don’t have to do anything drastic.’
Hearing himself, Reno rubbed his forehead.
With the entire bounty situation and the original Reno’s memories melding together with his own.
Reno realized that some of his thoughts were becoming a bit more violent which he didn’t want to happen.
The twins quickly reached the living room and were getting ready to leave Reno’s dorm.
Before they could reach any further, however, someone’s arms collided with their body.
The two were going to retaliate against this person but before they could even try.
The person flung the both of them back into the training room.
Kori maneuvered herself so that the push didn’t do her any harm. Koa used a simple wind spell to soften her fall.
Hearing the voice, Reno smiled inside his mind.
‘I wish I could watch but it’ll be better if I do this’
Reno deactivated his focus skills.
This caused his body to fall on the ground again under the effects of the sleep spell.
After getting up from the fall, Kori made sure to check Koa’s situation.
Koa was alright but she didn’t get up off the ground. She kept staring down as if she was watching the ground grow.
Kori was flabbergasted. ‘What’s wrong with Koa?’
She then looked up at the person that attacked her.
Kori saw a lady with black hair and yellow eyes that looked furious.
After seeing the person in question, she understood why Koa was doing her best to escape from reality.
‘The Hell! Who called Trista Ace here!’
Among all the third years, no one didn’t know who Trista Ace was.
She was famous for all the wrong reasons but the one thing that was in every rumor, was her easy to anger nature and how strong she was.
‘The profile didn’t say that Reno Mochizuki had ties with Trista Ace! Was this a setup from the beginning!?’
Koa was staring at the ground due to being on the verge of throwing up.
‘Her energy is off the charts! Is she not a melee combatant? what’s with this amount of energy!?’
One should know that the energy that was contained in the body was akin to a different system of blood for combatants.
It was considered a part of the body that humans could manipulate to gain power.
Energy on the inside of someone’s body was difficult to manipulate or be affected, even to those that had surpassed the level of S-rank.
Drawing energy outside to use skills, arts, and techniques could be done at almost any level.
But something that only those at a different level were able to do.
Was manipulate the energy circulating on the inside of their bodies of their bodies to enhance their skills, arts, and techniques.
Some abilities were able to even affect this energy flow, rendering certain people effectively useless.
Koa had given up at the start because when she felt the energy coming from Trista.
The energy that was inside of her body felt like it was hiding.
She only knew this because when she was going to prepare a spell, it felt like her body was somewhat disobeying her.
Looking at the situation in front of her, Trista was furious.
She had gotten tipped off by someone that they had heard that someone had invaded Reno’s dorm.
She rushed to his place and found that his dorm room door had been melted by some kind of substance.
When she entered, she found two people trying to escape, so she stopped them.
She then wanted to deal with them before looking for Reno but to her shock.
Reno was unconscious on the floor with energy all over him.
Seeing this, caused her to almost go ballistic.
‘Luckily I made it in time. This fucking bounty bullshit!’
She curled one of her hands into a fist.
‘If only I was stronger, then that day my butler wouldn’t have died I thought.’
‘I’m much stronger now but someone was almost taken from me again. I don’t want to grieve over my powerlessness anymore!’
Trista then took off her white shirt and tied it around her pants.
The sight that Kori saw, astounded her.
In her normal life, Trista restrained herself by controlling some of her energy flow.
She could lessen a good chunk of her muscle mass which made it easier when she wanted to do stamina-based activities.
This is also one of the reasons why on Reno’s first day, he wasn’t surprised when she changed out of her clothes.
When she stopped restraining her energy flow, however, one could see a chiseled body that looked like she had been working out since she was a baby.
Every muscle was clearly defined, like a work of art, from her shoulders to her abs.
The next time Kori blinked, Trista was gone.
She looked all around the room, only to see that she was beside Reno.
Trista checked Reno’s breathing and found that everything seemed to be alright and then sighed a breath of relief.
She then turned to who wasn’t supposed to be there.
“You two, I’ll give you 1 sentence each, what happened here?”
Both Kori and Koa stayed silent.
On the inside, Kori was freaking out. ‘From the melted door to the destroyed training room, she already knows what happened.’
‘She’s trying to take out her anger on us.’
‘Since we will end up fighting either way, I might as well get a head-start.’
“I’m taking it that you two bastards won’t be talking then?”
While Trista was talking, Kori rushed at her, doing her best to land an attack.
In one step, Trista had already closed the distance and slapped Kori.
With little to no time for her to react, Kori’s body flew through the wall of the dorm, the one after it and two more after that.
She was seriously injured and unconscious.
Trista was brutal by the standards of Reno’s old world.
The people from where he was now however, usually called her soft-hearted as she didn’t like killing others.
Seeing the situation, Koa got even more scared and started to blabber whatever she thought could save her.
“I’m sorry! I’ll tell you all about the club that’s after Reno and our backers and anything! Please don’t hurt me!”
As a mage, Koa was much more sensitive to pain than Kori was. Not even counting that the slap would have killed her.
The fact that it would hurt like hell was what made her stomach turn inside out.
Seeing the face of pure terror on Koa’s face.
Trista thought about it for a while, before calming herself down.
She then restricted her energy flow like usual which caused her to shrink a bit.
“Make sure you’re not lying about what you said, bitch!’
Hearing Trista’s aggressive tone, Moa reassured her. “I will tell you everything, I promise on my vital core!”
‘Weird of me to go ballistic out of nowhere. The thought that Reno almost died almost pushed me off the deep end.’
Trista then flung Koa over to where Kori was.
“Carry her back, I’ll give her a potion”
Knowing what she had to do, Koa ran over to where Kori was and brought her back to where Trista was.
Trista administered a health potion to Kori which caused her to regain some of her composure.
Kori was then brought up to speed on the situation by Koa.
She didn’t want to rat out anyone in the club but she would take that over trying to fight a certain someone named Trista Ace.