Elysium: New Mission..? Strange
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The morning rays of light hit him as he started waking up. He struggled to open his weary eyes. He didn't feel hungry anymore, but that wall over there looked very tasty to him now. 

He shook his head and stood up. He staggered but still managed to keep his balance. 

"System.. Can't I... Just buy.. Food from.. The Salvation Shop..?" 

The System felt pity towards it's User. 

[You can. However, it's reserved for emergency situations only.] 

He didn't argue and simply sighed. Then he walked out of the alley. He finally managed to look at the surroundings properly. 

The roads and buildings weren't exactly developed, presumably at the lowest standards of his world's modern structures. 

However, he was too hungry to come up with deductions and stuff. He simply started walking carefully as he avoided getting hit by a car or vehicle. 

He also avoided hitting nearby people, it seemed to be the busiest time of the day, people would be going to work at this time. 

He suddenly picked up a smell, his eyes lit up. Food! He looked towards the direction in which he smelled the food. He saw a middle aged auntie baking bread and making sandwiches. 

Then he quickly started staggering there, he couldn't help it, he hadn't ate in 3 weeks. Salvation Points are ridiculous, but they are only ensuring that he lives. Nothing more. 

By the time he got to the auntie, she looked at him in shock. What the hell? This man looked like he hadn't eaten in ages!! 

Then he opened his mouth and started speaking in a hoarse voice, 

"Food... Food please.." 

The auntie was shocked, but still passed him a sandwich for free. She could afford the loss of one sandwich anyways. 

His eyes lit up with joy as he grabbed it and started eating wildly. All the passerby looked at him in amazement, damn, he ate the sandwich within one second!! 

He sighed in relief, 

"Thank you, Auntie.. Could you tell me where the public bathhouse is at?" 

She gave him some directions and he once again thanked her and started walking towards the place. 

The Auntie sighed, 

"Why is a young boy like him on the road?" 

She shook her head and got back to her business. Meanwhile, the boy in question had successfully reached the public bathhouse. Surprisingly, it was empty... Or so he thought, but there was this muscled uncle there too. 

The dude looked at him and his eyes widened in shock. It seemed he had noticed something, then he was like, 

"You have potential kid, do you wanna join my dojo?" 

He gave the most rational answer he could think of. 

"Can I get a place to live? And eat? If so I'll join!" 

The muscle uncle was baffled, but he agreed nonetheless. What were those, those were nothing. 

However, for the current Juviel Zraks, those meant everything. He finished showering fast and wore a bathroom robe he got for free. 

It seems they give robes for first time people, what do they get out of encouraging people to come here though? 

He was pondering that question whilst waiting for the muscle uncle to come out. Then he got the answer, more people would mean the chances of them buying souvenirs like stuff would increase! 

Feeling accomplished at solving the puzzle, he grinned. Then he noticed the muscle uncle with light blue hair coming out. 

The man gestured towards him and he started walking with the dude. The uncle was very talkative and kept asking him questions. 

Thus he responded in kind and asked the uncle questions too. Turned out he had a daughter named Fu Hua. 

[Epic Ranked Salvation Mission: Become Friends With Fu Hua. 

Objective: This Fu Hua girl is a nice girl. You should become friends with her. 

Bonus Objective: Make her your girlfriend! You had 6 girlfriends in your past life and handled them properly, everyone was happy. Do it again. Psst psst, User was placed in this town exactly because of this girl! 

P.S: All of this may not sound like salvation.. But it's all for the greater good! You'll see in the future, so just take the Points!! 

Rewards: 100,000 Salvation Points 

Bonus Reward: 400,000 


He was speechless. Holy shit, this System was too horny. It was telling him to pick up girls now!! But being incapable of using his ability would be quite detrimental for his future plans. 

He gritted his teeth and decided to stick with being friends until he understands what type of girl this is. Afterall, just because his system tells him to pick a girl, should he? Of course not, what if the system tells him to pick up some ugly girl? 

The System sounded like it was offended at that statement. 

[Hey!!! I wouldn't do such a thing!!] 

He ignored the System and managed to get some info about the town he was in. It was called Senzou Town, and it's a subsidiary town of a city called Nagazora, apparently the uncle said it was easy to reach Nagazora on foot, approximately 10 minutes apart. Which was not too far, so it made it even more convenient. 

After checking this girl out and getting some cash, he decided to head to Nagazora. A city should be more advanced then a town, which should allow him to find leads about the location of this Elysia girl. 

By now, the two of them reached the dojo. It looked a bit Chinese. But nonetheless, it looked quite luxurious. 

He didn't feel nervous at all, he had been to much more luxurious places in his previous world. 

The uncle was observing his expressions silently and was satisfied to see him not gawking at the place like a country bumpkin. 

The uncle acted like a tour guide and showed him the place. There weren't any students except one beautiful girl that kept practicing diligently. She was gorgeous! The System told him that was Fu Hua. 

However, it was certainly strange that the place had no students besides Fu Hua. Was it very recently opened? If that's the case, it would make sense. 

She was fine appearance wise and now all that was left would be the personality check. Which would be easy with a simple touch. He can borrow a person's trait too afterall. So he can check what type of person she is through her traits. 

The muscle uncle called out to the girl and she looked in their direction. Mainly at him because he was someone she never saw before, but he was certainly very handsome. She blushed a bit due to that, she hadn't met anyone as handsome as him and she uses her mobile only for playing games. 

He smiled at her as she started walking in their direction. When she was within arm distance, he reached his hand out for a handshake. Then he smiled, 

"Nice to meet you!" 

She hesitated for a bit before shaking his hand as well. She hesitated because of two reasons, one she was extremely shy and introverted, two because she was sweaty from training so she was reluctant. 

However, Juviel couldn't enjoy the feeling of her sweaty hands and instead focused on the screen that popped infront of him. 

[Trust Percentage: 41%] 

[SSS+ Abilities: 0

SSS Abilities: 0

SS+ Abilities: 0

SS Abilities: 0

S+ Abilities: Gaming Mastery

S Abilities: 0

A+ Abilities: 0

A Abilities: 0

B+ Abilities: Basic Martial Arts, Basic Cooking Mastery. 

B Abilities: 0

C Abilities: 0] 

[SSS+ Traits: Loyalty, Gratitude, Compassionate, Humble, Persistent, Kind. 

Note: She's a shy person, but she's nice. She's SSS+ Tier!!] 

[Talents: 0] 

[Skills: Gaming, Cooking.] 

He was amused and decided to borrow the gaming mastery. 

[Gaming Mastery has been borrowed. Duration is 6 months.] 

He was pleased, that should be enough to score good points in her heart. Obviously by playing games with her! Her gaming skills are at a whole new level, she probably had no competition. Which, he would fill up! 

Fu Hua suddenly felt as if she lost something important. She was about to panic, but then she felt like it would return too. It was quite strange so she couldn't help but turn her head. 

She looked around to see if something went wrong, but couldn't notice anything. Juviel smiled and let go of her hand. Although it felt lovely, he would look like a creep if he kept holding her hand. Especially infront of her father. 

The man in question simply grinned and smacked him on the back with a hearty laugh. Then he told Fu Hua to show him around his living quarters. 

Fu Hua was shy but she didn't refuse so she silently started guiding him to where he should be staying at. She wasn't really talkative and he didn't push her to talk either, which she appreciated. 

Then he was shown his room, which looked like a traditional room with only a mattress and one table with many chairs. He didn't mind, it was comfortable. 

He smiled brightly, which made Fu Hua blush and look away. He chuckled at how cute this girl was being, he decided to cut her some slack and let her leave. 

She sighed in relief and ran away like a lil bunny that was scared. He chuckled and laid down. 

"You were right.. System, she's so cute!!!" 

[Heh, of course!] 

The System replied smugly. He had to agree though, this girl was awesome! But he decided to leave those matters for the night. He was extremely tired, to preserve his energy, he needs to sleep. 

He closed his eyes and dozed off on the soft and comfortable mattress. It felt a lot better then the alley, the alley smelled so bad and the floor was too hard!! 

