Chapter 1- The Back
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I look around my shop with a wistful smile, my life's work was here. My life’s work and effort could be seen in the pristeme clear glass, the shiny waxed wooden tables and chairs, this was the work of my happiest years.


Then suddenly, the room turned dark, the windows turned grimy and the chairs and tables lay on the ground in broken piles, a man with dark hair and sunglasses in a suit was in front of me “Mr. Hope, we are taking your cafe.” he said in a distorted voice and dragged me out from behind the counter of my place, I started shouting “You can't do this to me you bastards! Let me go! I will have you know I am a war veteran!” But the man still dragged me forwards while turning into something not quite human and tossed me out into the street. 


Then he turned to me and said “Congratulations! You have been selected to host the Arcade System! Please select your starting location!” in a completely different voice, almost robotic, leaving me confused “What?” I rumbled in confusion as the landscape dissolved along with the dark figure in front of my shop. 


I opened my eyes. ‘It was a dream…’ I thought to myself as my memory kicked in. “Huh…” I wondered out loud “I have never had a dream in hell… Or slept for that matter…” That was puzzling, sleep was a welcome break from my reality, but I was still confused because I had never actually felt capable of sleep after I died. 


Then my brain kicked in. I leaped to my feet, mentally cursing for letting my guard down. I had seen what had happened to the people who let their guard down in this… “Where am I?” I said in confusion, for my eyes were not met with the dreary hellish landscape of the underworld, but my eyes scanned the area once, two times, three times, I was in a room. 


Not just any room, but a room reminiscent of a homey hotel, with a king sized bed, a desk, two nightstands and bookshelf on the far wall. There were no windows or doors however. “What happened!?” I yelled out as I looked around the small space that was definitely not where I had been last. Just what had happened? I scanned my memory’s carefully, I had been fighting some monster and I had just killed it, when… Something blue shot at me? Maybe? I don't really remember seeing it all that clearly, like out of the corner of my eye. Then I was unconscious and woke up here? How did I get here? Where was here?


I scanned the room again, looking for any clues at all when I suddenly stopped moving and stared at my hand, which I was about to rub my beard with in confusion. I had a hand. Not just a transparent glowing thing, I had a human hand with skin and bones! Had I somehow got my body back? Did killing that huge thing cause me to get reborn somehow? Was it something to do with me thinking I saw something shooting at me?


“What happened?!?!?” I yelled out even louder in confusion as I inspected my body. “Congratulations! You have been selected to be the host of the Arcade System!” A robotic voice rang out and as it did, I heard a slight Pop! From beside me and I spun around and saw… A screen? Floating in the air? I mean, I wasn't very confused about the floating part, antigrav screen mounts were a very popular thing on Earth, but I was sure it hadn't been there before…


Also, as it spoke to me, words appeared on the screen, as if someone was typing me a message in real time. “Who are you? What is this place?” I said confused and I heard my old voice crack a bit from the strain I had put on it. “I am the Arcade System! You are currently in The Back, your personal pocket dimension and new home!” The screen replies and I can see the words appear in white as they are spoken. “Home? I haven't had a home in…” My voice trailed off wistfully, thinking about the time on Earth before death and the lengthy period of undeath that followed.


‘No time for stuff like that. Assess the situation and respond accordingly, like drill sergeant Wilson always told us in training.’ I brought myself back to reality with a firm mental shake. “And what- What are you?” I asked the screen alertly. “I am an artificial intelligence unit, proposed to help you start and manage your multiversal arcade chain, as you were selected by the Arcade System.” The screen/AI responded, causing me to be even more confused at its words.


‘What kind of being could create something like this, to give me back my body and, if what it says is true, cross the multiverse…’ I wondered in shock. I had always been a firm believer in the multiverse theory, so that came as no shock, it even confirmed a theory about the underworld I was in, namely the monsters came from alternate universes that they had died in. It was a wild theory at best, but I didn't want to believe that they were from my universe…


‘Well, I believe it is time to respond accordingly.’ I thought to myself as I drew myself up. “And how would I start my arcade? Also couldn't it be like a cafe instead?” I asked the ‘Arcade System’ screen in front of me, which began to say, “Would you like to commence a tutorial?” which I accepted. 


“Initiating tutorial…” the screen told me as a loading bar appeared at the base of the screen. I waited patiently until finally, “Tutorial initiated. Would you like to start with an overview of the Arcade System and its capabilities along with what is expected of you, or would you like to start with looking at the system store menu?” The screen asked me when the loading bar had finished loading.


I considered the question carefully, but in the end to my mind there was only one real option. “The first option.” I told the screen, which caused the screen to blink a little and it started speaking “I am the Arcade System, and what you are experiencing is the process of the tutorial for a new host. You have been selected for reincarnation and hosting the system as your species and personal history was compatible with the guidelines of the selection process, such as sentiance, fighting experience and some experience in managing a store or shop. You will be the host of the Arcade System until either you die or decide to retire from your position as the manager when the Arcade System will find a new host.”


‘Huh. Reincarnation… That makes sense, hell this is all starting to fall together now. I have a system, I was reborn after my death, I was isekai'd! Just like in those novels I liked to read!’ I thought as the system explained what was happening.


“While you are the current manager of the Arcade System, you will be able to start a free starting location in a randomized universe with a budget of 1000 dollars for you to spend as you please on items in the system store.” the system continued.


‘Only a thousand?! What am I supposed to do with that?’ I thought in confusion at the words of the system, but I continued to listen attentively as it started speaking again.


“What can be purchased in the system store along with currency that can be used is reviewed in the other tutorial and will be available after this tutorial is concluded.” the system told me, as if it had read my thoughts, “As the manager for the Arcade System’s arcade, which’s name will be chosen upon purchase of your starting location, you have several expectations placed upon you. These expectations are namely, managing your arcade chain to the best of your ability and spread the influence of the Arcade System, representing the Arcade System to the best of your ability, not harming a being without provocation and obeying local laws unless it goes against your beliefs or otherwise ruled not required and finally, attempting to aid the Arcade System in what is asked of you.”


I frowned at the ‘expectations’ that the system gave me. Some of those seemed… vague at best. I could see the reasoning of most of the guidelines, I wasn't about to kill someone unless they attacked me or something, but ‘attempt to aid the Arcade System in what is asked of you’ seems very open ended and a little concerning… But, it's not like I have a choice in the matter, unless I want to get thrown back into hell.


I waited for a second, but it seemed that the tutorial had ended, “Can you start up the second tutorial?” I asked as soon as it was apparent it was done, causing the screen to shift to the same loading screen for the first tutorial.


After a few seconds of waiting, the second tutorial started. “Please say ‘Main menu’ to open the shop menu and we will go over the different parts of the store.” the screen told me, which I instantly complied, saying “Main menu.” immediately.


I heard a Pop! that was exactly like the one that I had heard before I saw the system screen sound out to my left, which I spun to on instinct to see… another floating screen? ‘Huh that seems useful to be able to summon at any given moment…’ I thought to myself as I inspected the screen, which had a pretty simple configuration.


Store Menu


Current balance: 1000$


Store defensive measures

Shop Appliances

Shop Stock

Shop Furniture

Open a New location

Personal Defensive Measures

Shop Addons and Options

Employee Page



‘Huh, it looks like a really old store webpage…’ I thought to myself as I looked at the blue screen. “This is the store menu, you can open it when in The Back, or in a store location you own.” The other screen said as it slowly floated next to the store menu screen. “In the store menu, there are several pages to see what is available for purchase in several categories as shown. Please select Open a New Location to set up your first location.” the system directed me.


I did as it told me and opened the New Location menu, which transforms the screen to show several new options.


Open a new location




Open a new location in a random universe.

Free for first purchase.

Open a new location in a random place in a universe that already has a location. 


Open a new location in a random place in a previously visited universe.


Open a new location in a previously visited location in a universe that already has a location.


Open a new location in a previously visited location in a universe that does not have a location.



“Wow… That is extremely cheap to open a new store, especially in another universe…” I whispered to myself as I recalled the multi million dollars involved in getting a small cafe up and running after the war.


The system didn't wait for me to finish being amazed however as it brought my attention back by continuing with the tutorial. “In this page you can purchase a new location with varying cost for the different options. As you do not currently have a location as of yet, you can purchase a location in a random place in a random universe for free.” The screen tells me.


“Please press the option available for your first location.” The system continued, which I selected and it brought me to another screen that seemed to load something until finally, it finished after a minute.


“Universe selected as unnamed universe. Planet selected as Oridon. Town selected as Golden Bridge. To see an in-depth analysis of this planet, universe and town, please select the options below.” The second screen said and I watched entranced as on the screen, there seemed to be a view of a bright life filled planet, with a large blue ocean, vibrantly green land with no apparent signs of advanced civilization. It actually reminded me of a picture I saw as a child of the earth from before the Cyber age.


“I recommend that you read the in-depth analysis of all three locations to prepare for the second part of the purchasing of a new location.” The first screen notified me, which caused me to jolt out of my trance-like state while watching the world. I selected the analysis of the universe first in a heartbeat, no point to hesitate on a small choice like this.


“This unnamed universe is a universe vastly different to the one that you have originated from and contains two different minor pantheons of stage one gods and goddesses that take an active role in the upbringing of various civilizations and planets that they endorse while preventing any other lifeforms to gain sentience on other planets while increasing sentient and non sentient species for worlds they endorse along with increased abilities of those sentient species an example of which is the widespread ability to chanel soul energy and use it in ‘spells’. Oridon being one of those worlds.” The analisis told me while flickering between views of several different worlds. 


“However, because of the direct interference of the pathions, these planets have not evolved out of a period like that of a renaissance age and have not developed very much technology. One of the pantheons has also taken an active role in preventing the various civilizations from advancing beyond that age in fear that they will lose their power.” The description continued with a dark tone that left me confused.


‘Stage one gods? Minor pantheons? Spells?’ I thought to myself in confusion. While I was not a stranger to those concepts as I enjoyed old fantasy novels and games, I was confused because it was actually real in this universe! Is it possible to use magic in this universe?! Also, it seemed like a distinct possibility to me that these gods might not take me setting up shop here nicely… I guess I just need to try and not advance or interfere in the civilizations on the planet? That can't be too hard right?


I looked at the screen for a moment, before seeing that there was a button to open the analysis of the planet I will start on, so I pressed it, causing the screen to transition into something else.


“The planet Oridon is an endorsed planet, that is primarily monitored and managed by a smaller pantheon of less power than the first pantheon and is monitored occasionally to see if the minor pantheon is obeying the rules of the first pantheon, but rarely. There are roughly a billion species, of which there are seventeen sentient species, including Human, Elves, Giants and halflings among others. Most of the species on the planet have evolved into terrifying creatures of immense power, compared to what you have experienced from your native universe, with main examples of this being Dragons, Hydras and Wraiths.” The screen told me, while showing images of various places and species, some of which made me absolutely terrified. 


“THERE ARE FRICKIN DRAGONS!?” I shouted out at the screen in shock, which the screen did not respond to and continued.


“On this planet, it is very common to be able to use soul energy to form spells and even some non sentient creatures have adapted to use body energy to create an ability. There are also clerics who serve the pantheon that can channel another type of energy called divine energy that are produced by stage one gods to create effects akin to spells that are usually stronger than soul energy equivalents.” 


“Along with these two examples of energies, there are many more but they are not in common use and the knowledge of them are not widely known. There is currently one main civilization in the renaissance age that includes thirteen of the seventeen sentient species and four other smaller civilizations with varying advancement with one main race each.” The system told me.


“Huh… This is starting to sound like a D&D world…” I muttered, recalling the old game my grandfather was into when he was alive. But with that description over, I clicked on the description of the town I would start in, Golden Bridge.


“Golden Bridge is the thirteenth largest town that is bordering on becoming a city and is situated in the center of a forest that the locals refer to as Dark Wood, that is inhabited by hundreds of deadly species which makes the woods a very dangerous place to be, but the town is still a very likely place and is very well known to have some very powerful adventurers living in its walls.” The screen tells me and I can see the town in its entirety, situated in a large clearing with tall stone walls, like that of a castle, around the town.


“This town is not one that generally people who are not adventurers go to, but still has a thriving trade economy surrounding the monsters hunted in the woods and weapons for adventurers. This town is part of the largest civilization and is managed by the Town Lord Azura, under the leadership of King Keliza.” The system continues. 


“A dictatorship? That could prove annoying if he requires me to pay taxes or whatever…” I muse, thinking critically. I didn't know much about the renaissance era, but high taxes made sense to me.


At that moment, the other screen started saying “When you have purchased a location, all the paperwork will appear in the necessary places and taxes will appear to be paid, even if they are not.”


“Well, that's good.” I said, mildly impressed at what purchasing my starting location would cause and at keeping my money for the people who need it, namely me.


“Now press the continue purchase button.” The screen replied to me and I saw that the analisis had finished and I pressed the button.


A.N. If you guys enjoyed reading this chapter and you want to read more, maybe help me acheve my goal of this becoming a full time job and suport me by checking out my patreon at we are also five chapters ahead so you get to read more of what you like without having to wait he next upload along with exclusive polls to decide what will happen next!