Chapter 21
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I’m absolutely certain that needle wasn’t there a moment ago.
Also, this isn’t one of Emira’s.
The one I was using is still in the dress, and she didn’t pull any others from the basket.

Oddly enough, it looks far too small to have tripped me, but there’s nothing else present here that I could have stumbled over.
Moreover, I’ve only ever seen this peculiar, shimmering, silver color once before in my life.
And I left that particular needle in the fairy glade!
How did it come to be here!?

Reaching out towards it, I try to feel for any magic in the area.
No essence in the air or floor other than the usual, and nothing I can sense coming from the needle itself.
So I touch it.
It feels as it did back in the glade, hard metal seemingly warmed by the sun, but not hot.

However, unlike then, I also experience a most curious feeling.
Similar to greeting a close friend I haven’t seen in a long while.
A welcoming sensation that I recognize as my own, though I have no idea why.
As if I embraced myself after being apart for some time.
Quite uncanny.
Not unpleasant, but bizarre.

After a moment, the confusing feeling fades, and I find myself holding the needle in one hand.
Far lighter than that rubbish I attempted to use, I might almost forget it was in my grasp if it weren’t for the warmth.
Emira sees me holding it and speaks.

“What a pretty needle! I don’t believe I’ve seen one quite like it before. Is that what caused you to fall? I’m sorry.”

“Oh, um, don’t apologize. I suspect it wasn’t your fault it was lying there. Could you please put that other needle away? I would like to try using this one.”

While she puts the other needle back in the basket, I once again attempt to cut the white dress.
From my experience in the fairy glade, I believe I know how well this one will perform.
With one hand I hold the dress, and with the other, I insert the tip of the needle into the hole I made.
Then I simply pull it along where I wish to cut.
Immediately, the fabric separates cleanly along the line I sliced, leaving the start of a gap in the back.
This is far better!

Continuing to cut, I quickly finish making an opening in the dress, then use the thread to sew a small button near the top on one side, and a corresponding buttonhole on the other.
Finally, my adjusted fairy dress is ready!
Now I need somewhere private to put it on.

“Would you please close the house so I can use the dressing room?”

“Of course. There, I’ve closed the latch as well.”

“Thank you. I’m going to put it on now. No peeking!”

“I-I won’t!”

She hides her eyes behind her hands.

After moving back inside the house, I go directly to the large dressing room and take off my current clothes.
Even though I worked hard on them, I have to admit they’re just rags in comparison to this dress.
I pull the garment up from my legs to my shoulders, then carefully reach back and button it together above my wings.
Hmm, I suppose my alterations perform well enough.
Although, it is a bit frustrating that this dress is made of better fabric than nearly all the ones I owned before I became a fairy.

While I’m at it, I may as well fix my hair.
The braids and marbles I quickly take out, but hesitate when I prepare to remove the ribbons.
These will certainly have to disappear before I find Talia again, but for now, I might as well keep Emira appeased.
Finished changing, I leave the house and find her still covering her eyes, as promised.

“So, what do you think?”

At my words, she quickly opens her eyes.
An instant later, they become even larger.

“You’re so beautiful, Priscea!”

“My name’s still Akari!”

“You look so pretty! You’re lovely!”

No matter whether she thinks of me as a doll or a fairy, receiving her compliments feels a bit…strange
Moreover, she’s not paying attention to what I’m saying!
What if she met one of those fairies from the glade?
They might take advantage of her fascination with them.
Did she never hear the tales about fairies?

“Emira, listen! You shouldn’t trust people so quickly. You don’t know who I am. I could be a bad person and want to do you harm. Just because I’m a fairy doesn’t mean I’m good!”

Fairies are mischievous little bastards after all!

“But you’re so small?”

Ugh, right in the heart.

“And? I may not be strong, but I can use magic. It’s dangerous to trust strangers like this!”

Magic? Real magic!?”

And those eyes are sparkling again.

“C-can you show me?”

“I already healed your cheek. I’m new to this, so I really shouldn’t use it much.”

“My cheek? Truly!? Oh, it doesn’t hurt anymore! But, but I didn’t see anything.”

She did give me a dress; the least I could do is show her something.
It will need to be a small trick that I won’t lose control over.
The white energy is complicated to convert, so I’d like to use a type I already have.
Well, I don’t have enough sunlight, and it would probably be too flashy to use in the first place.
Water would have the issue of soaking her home, and earth would get dirt everywhere.
Most of what I have now is nature magic, but it has no obvious effects at the level I’m comfortable using it.
That only leaves wind.

Interestingly, I have more than enough wind essence, my habit of breathing pulling it in as soon as I forgot to stop it.
This quirk of mine gathers energy continuously, replacing the energy I use from normal activities.
Earlier, it seemed my natural needs consumed energy in a manner that kept whatever equilibrium I had, but it appears that I’ve been absorbing more wind energy than I needed.
Because of this, it’s now my third strongest element.

Alright, if I hold back and use the smallest amount I can, I think I can make a weak little gust.
Just pretend I’m pulling in moonlight, but in reverse.
Will it to only move the air, expending a tiny amount of essence.
Focus this minuscule cyan orb.
Ensure it’s aimed away from the girl.

Once I feel the magic matches my wishes, I release it into existence.
Was that too strong?
The gust that was created seemed rather powerful, but everything seems fine.
Nothing’s broken.

“Amazing! Real magic!”

“Alright, you’ve seen it. But do you realize now how dangerous it could be? This was only a tiny amount, you could easily get hurt if there was a little more. You shouldn’t be this trusting of someone you’ve just met!”

“But nobody else speaks with me so it doesn’t matter.”

Urgh, another arrow to the heart!

“F-fine. M-maybe I’ll do just a little more, but then I need to go. Also, you really shouldn’t start talking about fairies. It wouldn’t be good. People might think you’ve gone mad. Understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

She looks a little sad, but I think she realizes why I said what I did.
At least, she seems smart enough.

*tock, tock, thonk*
What’s making that noise at the window?

“Emira, I know what I just said, but you should open your window if you don’t want it to get smashed!”


“There’s someone who wants in! And she isn’t the type of person to wait patiently.”

Emira runs to the window, takes a small iron key that was laying nearby, and unlocks it.


Who else would it be but Nibi?
In a blink, she’s tackled me.

“Oh! Another fairy!!!”

“Yeah, sure. Nibi, I know you must have panicked, but can you please let go? Did you leave the shop displays standing? At least the people browsing the wares?”


Whatever am I supposed to do with this troublesome fairy?

“Can I please have a moment of peace? I was rather occupied here, so let go and give me some space!”

I push her off and, surprisingly, she actually gives me some room to stand up.
Then she notices my new dress.


“Yes, I have something new.”


A different sound from her.
How novel!
She’s absolutely fascinated by the dress and runs her hand across some of the frills, examining every little part of it with her gaze.
Then she points at herself.


“That, I understood. You want one of your own, right?”


“Erm, Emira, would it be alright to give a dress to her?”

“Yes, yes, yes! I want to see!”

While speaking, she gleefully hops in place.
She just wants to see fairies wearing these dresses.
No matter.
As long as it makes her happy, it should be fine.

To match Nibi’s color scheme, I choose a light blue dress that’s a little smaller than mine.
It’s a lightweight dress that shouldn’t hinder her in any way, and should be simple for her to wear.
Naturally, she latches onto it when I hold it up to her.
So much so, that it’s difficult to separate her from it to make the necessary adjustments.
After I finish, I push her into the dressing room before passing her the garment, but a few moments later, she returns to the doorway, no longer wearing her petal outfit nor her new dress.
Much as I expected, she looks to me with pleading eyes as she can’t seem to work out how to get the dress on properly.
Since she’s asking for my aid and, quite clearly, requires it, I join her in the room and hurriedly teach her how to properly don the dress.
Yes, I know there’s nothing to see really, but being around her while she’s naked is still uncomfortable, as I’m once again reminded that I am now the same.

Once we get the dress on her, we head back out.

“Here she is!”

“Kyaah, so cute!”

“Yeah, sure, but like I said, not a word about us. And you really shouldn’t involve yourself too much with fairies! Nothing good will come from it.”

“But it was so en, en… It was so fun! Please, just a little more! Please!!”

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Sinora.

“I said, not a sound!!!”