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In a gloomy house, in an abandoned room, three imps puppeted a strange girl's body using strings. she looked like a corpse, but if one observed more closely one could see the joints in her arms, proving she was not a human. Her mouth was stitched close to prevent her from screaming, however it wasn't like she could either way with her tongue cut out.

Her eyes were hollow black dots that didn't even blink and her limbs were soaked in blood and her tears. It had been years since she had last seen human life, and she didn't even know her own name anymore. She had stopped crying about her Fate a year after the imps controlling her had turned her into their puppet, and so her dirty body was unkempt and cracked from overuse.

"Sister, this doll has stopped being fun."

"Yeah, she no longer interests us. Can we find a new one?"

"Sure, Why not?"


As The puppet's body hit the floor, the three imps flew off and thru a dark portal to whatever realm they came from, leaving the girl on the ground shocked that she was just abandoned like that. Her anger boiled over, they dared transform her into their puppet, torment her for years, and even slaughter any who tried to help her, but they just abandon her like some piece of trash?

Her rage animated her limbs, the normally limp porcelain appendages beginning to move very slowly. Her tattered dress was flowing in the wind as her hollow eyes glowed with fury unmatched, her cracked and bloody body a sight to behold. Stumbling towards the bathroom of the house, the girl tried to wrap her fingers around the knob, attempting to turn the water on.

Her lack of dexterity angered her further, causing her to just break the knob in order to get the water running. Washing the blood off her porcelain skin, she made sure to wash in between her joints. After putting back on her tattered dress, the girl grabbed a scythe off the ground, one that was wielded by the ones who tried to rescue her.

She used the blade to cut the strings on her wrists before looking back at the house one more time, not regretting her choice to leave.