Chapter no.53 Yang Xin and Nie Li: Gānbēi
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As Nie Li stepped out of the office alongside Yang Xin, he couldn't help but notice the barrage of stares directed at them. 

The men looked at him with a mix of jealousy and confusion, while the women couldn't contain their giggles. 

The atmosphere was awkward as they settled into the carriage, and Nie Li could feel Yang Xin's gaze on him, prompting him to nervously pull out his journal and start writing.

Yang Xin, unable to contain her curiosity, peeked at his journal. She was surprised to see Nie Li jotting down a pill recipe for the soul formation pill. 

"I think you got three ingredients wrong," she commented, leaning closer.

Without even sparing her a glance, Nie Li responded, "This is my personal recipe."

"Oh," Yang Xin said, her interest piqued as she raised an eyebrow.

Shifting the topic, Nie Li asked, "Where are we going anyways?"

"You mentioned wanting a quiet place where no one can see you create. We're heading to my house," Yang Xin explained, watching as a hint of red crept onto Nie Li's cheeks. He quickly returned his focus to his writing, leaving Yang Xin to watch him with a soft smile.

There was something about his serious concentration that she found utterly charming.

As the carriage came to a halt in front of Yang Xin's house, Nie Li was greeted by a residence that radiated a simple elegance from the outside. However, as Yang Xin welcomed him inside, he quickly noticed the interior told a different story.

"Welcome to my home," Yang Xin said, her voice trailing off as she noticed the scattered clothes, papers, documents, and experimental pill ideas that littered the floor. With a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, she hastily gathered up the clutter—notes sprawled across the floor, dirty laundry in the corner, and scribbled experimental formulas for new pills—and tossed them aside. "I don't usually have many visitors... and I've been too busy to clean," she admitted, her gaze avoiding Nie Li's.

Nie Li offered her a comforting smile. "You should see my dorm room. Even with servants to help, it's always a mess. I think we can clean up a bit together," he suggested, making Yang Xin feel a bit more at ease.

Together, they spent the next few minutes tidying up the living room, making the space more presentable. Once they were done, they sat down, and Nie Li, sensing the moment was right, pushed a stack of notes towards Yang Xin. "This will convince you," he said confidently.

As Yang Xin began to read through Nie Li's notes, her initial embarrassment faded, replaced by growing astonishment. Nie Li had revisited every known pill recipe on the market, revising and refining them to be 75% more potent and, astonishingly, cheaper to produce. It was a groundbreaking achievement that left her speechless.

Looking up from the notes, still grappling with what she had just read, Yang Xin found herself staring at Nie Li in a mix of awe and disbelief.

"Are these really your own recipes? How did you manage this?" Yang Xin asked.

With a casual shrug, Nie Li responded, "I dove into ancient texts and blended their insights with my understanding of alchemy. It's really about grasping the true nature of each ingredient and how they interact."

"But without actual tests, how can you be certain these modifications will work?" Yang Xin couldn't hide her eagerness to delve deeper into Nie Li's methods.

Nie Li met her gaze confidently. "I've relied on theoretical calculations and simulations, drawing on the unique properties of the ingredients. While I haven't had the opportunity to test them practically, the underlying science is sound."

Picking up a recipe, Yang Xin probed further, "Take the Heart Strengthening Pill here. You've substituted two pricey herbs with more common ones. Doesn't that compromise its strength?"

Nie Li smiled, eager to explain. "Actually, the common herbs I selected have synergistic properties that were previously ignored. It not only maintains its effectiveness but even boosts it, making it more affordable and accessible."

Yang Xin was visibly impressed. "And the side effects? Potent pills usually come with their own set of problems."

"I've tackled that issue by tweaking the ratios and refining the preparation process, significantly reducing, or even eliminating, side effects," Nie Li assured her.

"So, think you're ready to team up with me?" 

Yang Xin's response was immediate and enthusiastic. 

"Let's start crafting these pills!" she declared, her excitement infectious. Nie Li couldn't help but admire her; Yang Xin's passion for alchemy was undeniable and deep-seated, truly a testament to her love for the craft.


[ 6 Hours Later ]

Nie Li and Yang Xin were seated across from each other at a large wooden table in the heart of Yang Xin's house, which doubled as her personal alchemy lab. 

The table was neatly divided into two sections: on one side lay the traditional pills of Glory City, their colors vibrant and shapes perfectly rounded; on the other, Nie Li's versions, which, at first glance, looked similar but bore a subtle, almost imperceptible glow.

"Let's start with the Vitality Boosting Pill," Yang Xin suggested, her voice tinged with curiosity. She picked up the standard pill from Glory City and then Nie Li's version, examining them closely.

Nie Li nodded, "Of course. The traditional version uses Redleaf Flower and Bluehorn Grass, but I substituted Bluehorn Grass with Silvermist Grass. It's not as potent on its own, but it synergizes better with Redleaf Flower, amplifying the vitality restoration effect."

Yang Xin raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Interesting choice. But what about the cost? Silvermist Grass is rarer than Bluehorn Grass."

"That's the beauty of it," Nie Li replied with a smile. "While Silvermist Grass is rarer, you need less of it for the same effect, making the cost nearly the same. Plus, the enhanced effect means you need fewer pills over time."

"Let's put it to the test, then," Yang Xin said, reaching for a small, delicate instrument that measured the pill's energy output. She first measured the traditional pill, noting the result, and then Nie Li's pill. Her eyes widened slightly. "It's nearly 20% more effective. And you're sure the production cost is similar?"

Nie Li nodded confidently. "Absolutely. And that's not all. My version has a slower release effect, reducing the shock to the system and making it safer for weaker cultivators."

Impressed, Yang Xin moved on to the next set of pills, the Mind Clarity Pill. "And what about this one? The Mind Clarity Pill is crucial for meditation and cultivation. Any changes here could have significant repercussions."

"For the Mind Clarity Pill, I focused on reducing the side effects of dizziness some cultivators experience," Nie Li explained. "I introduced a small amount of Moonlight Herb into the mixture. It's known for its calming properties, which balances out the intense focus the pill usually induces."

Testing Nie Li's version against the traditional one, Yang Xin found that not only did Nie Li's pill produce a clearer mental state, but it also completely mitigated the dizziness previously reported by some users. 

"Even if every pill isn't improved on, you have certainly..." Yang Xin's voice trailed off as Nie Li, caught up in a wave of overconfidence, interrupted her sharply.

"No! Every pill will be better than this trash that is made by Glory City's Alchemists." The words left his mouth before he could stop them, his recent string of successes inflating his ego. 

However, the immediate shift in Yang Xin's expression, from one of excitement to disappointment and anger, hit him like a cold shower. 

Nie Li's heart sank as he realized the gravity of his mistake. 

The set of pills he had so dismissively labeled as 'trash' was crafted by none other than Yang Xin herself, a fact he had momentarily forgotten in his arrogance.

Realizing the insult he had just hurled, not just at the pills but at Yang Xin's skill as an alchemist, Nie Li stumbled over his words in a rush to apologize. 

"S-sorry. I... I didn't mean..."

But Yang Xin cut him off, her voice tinged with a hurt he had seldom heard from her. "No; my set is trash. You just spoke the truth." 

It was clear from her voice and the look in her eyes that his words had cut deeper than intended.

"Yang Xin, I am truly sorry. I didn't mean to say that. It was just in the heat of the moment," Nie Li tried to explain, but the damage was done. 

Yang Xin nodded quietly, a polite but distant gesture, and stood up. 

"I just need to powder my nose," she said, her voice steady but her quick exit to the bathroom betraying her need to escape the situation.

Left alone, Nie Li slapped his forehead, berating himself silently. 

"You damn idiot, try to think before you speak." 

He gazed at the pills laid out on the table, his mind racing for a way to mend the rift his careless words had caused.

As he sat there, an idea began to form.


In the solitude of her bathroom, Yang Xin stood over the sink, the cool water from the tap cascading over her hands. 

She cupped her palms, splashing water onto her face in an attempt to wash away the turmoil of emotions swirling inside her. As the droplets trailed down her skin, so too did the barriers she had built around her feelings, allowing them to surge forth in a tumultuous wave.

"Why am I letting this get to me?" she chided herself, staring at her reflection in the mirror. The clarity of the water seemed to mock her blurred emotions. 

"Nie Li is a better alchemist than I am. It's only natural his set would surpass mine."

Her thoughts spiraled, each one a sharp jab at her own self-worth. 

"Glory City needs his genius, not my wounded pride. I should be thinking about what's best for the city, not dwelling on my own feelings."

But as she repeated these rationalizations, a voice within her rebelled. 

"Throw these feelings out," she told herself sternly. 

"It doesn't matter."

Yet, even as she attempted to dismiss her emotions, a counter thought whispered back, "It does matter."

The conflict within her was palpable. 

Part of her wanted to be the selfless guardian of Glory City, willing to set aside personal grievances for the greater good. But another part, perhaps the part that had dedicated years to mastering the art of alchemy, felt diminished and invalidated by Nie Li's offhand remark. 

This wasn't just about professional pride; it was about her identity as an alchemist, something she had woven into the very fabric of her being.

As these thoughts clashed in her head, Yang Xin's eyes filled with tears.

She had always prided herself on her strength, her ability to remain composed under pressure. 

Yet here she was, crying over words that should have been easy to dismiss.

"I shouldn't be feeling this way," she murmured to herself, even as she acknowledged the futility of trying to control her emotions. 

"I've faced worse than this. But why does it hurt so much?"

The truth was, despite her attempts to rationalize Nie Li's words, they had struck a chord deep within her—a fear that no matter how hard she worked, it would never be enough. 

That fear, mingled with the shock of hearing such criticism from someone she respected and believed in, had shaken her more than she wanted to admit.

Yang Xin took a deep breath, steadying herself against the sink. 

"Feelings are part of being human," she whispered to herself, the words barely a comfort as they mingled with her tears. 

"It's okay to be hurt," she tried to reassure herself, but the echo in her mind twisted her intentions, seeding doubt.

"This isn't the end. It's an opportunity to grow, to learn from each other," she continued, but even as she spoke, a harsher, more critical voice cut through her attempted positivity. 

"Really? Or is it just you trying to justify your weakness? Couldn't even handle a blow to your ego without crumbling. What does that say about you?"

Her insecurities, usually locked away, surged to the forefront. 

"Hmph, look at you. You dedicated your life to alchemy, ignoring the world, ignoring marriage, ignoring everything... all for what? To be labeled trash?" 

"No, no," she countered weakly, "Nie Li just said that offhandedly. He didn't mean it."

But the seed of doubt had already been planted. 

"What if he didn't? What if it was a test?" The questions circled in her mind like vultures, preying on her confidence. .

What if by showing that she couldn't even take a hit to her ego, she had shown herself to be weak? Not the partner in progress Nie Li needed, but a liability, someone too caught up in their own insecurities to be of any real use. 

The irony wasn't lost on her; in trying to prove her strength, she had laid bare her vulnerabilities.

Her dedication to alchemy had been her shield against the world, a world she had willingly distanced herself from for the sake of her craft. But now, that same dedication seemed to mock her, highlighting not her achievements but the price she had paid. "Was it worth it?" 


As Yang Xin stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes immediately locked with Nie Li's, who stood patiently at the door. 

Before she could utter a word, Nie Li swiftly flicked a pill into her mouth, and almost instantly, she felt an invigorating rush of adrenaline.

"Mind Heightening Pill," Nie Li explained as Yang Xin looked at him, bewildered by his actions.

"That pill is stronger than both Glory City's pills and my own," he continued, deepening Yang Xin's confusion.

If this pill was superior to even Nie Li's creations, then whose was it?

"It's your pill," Nie Li revealed, leaving Yang Xin in utter shock.

"What?" she managed, her voice barely a whisper.

"It's the pill you created. I just added an extra ingredient to show off its potential. Yang Xin, your skills are amazing; you're just limited by what Glory City has shown you. I was just lucky to have accessed more advanced knowledge," Nie Li explained earnestly, scratching his head in a rare display of awkwardness.

"Look, that comment I made earlier... It was something I said in the moment. Arrogance is a snake that reared its ugly head, and I am deeply sorry for showing you that side of me. Your pill just needed the right touch. I've improved upon Glory City's recipes, but as I've just shown, my recipes can be improved upon too." He stretched out his hand for a handshake, hoping the gesture could express his regret and his respect for her.

Instead of accepting the handshake, Yang Xin moved forward to embrace him, her action speaking volumes more than words could. 

"Arrogant men aren't appealing," she said softly into his ear.

"The girls in my class would beg to differ," Nie Li replied.

"Well, they're just young idiots, anyway."

"You can say that again," Nie Li reciprocated, the warmth of the hug lingering between them.

As they separated, Yang Xin couldn't resist teasing Nie Li a bit more. 

"Was this just your plan to get a hug from this beauty?" she joked, tossing her hair with feigned vanity.

Nie Li, caught off guard, blushed deeply as he flailed his arms in denial. 


Yang Xin chuckled at his reaction, her mood significantly lifted by their interaction. 

She took a step forward, then paused, turning back to look at Nie Li with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"Just remember, Nie Li, true strength comes from acknowledging our weaknesses and learning from them. And maybe, just maybe, listening to this 'beauty' now and then wouldn't hurt." 

[ Mission Status: Completed ]

[ Congratulations! You have successfully impressed Yang Xin with your unparalleled skills, wisdom, and spirit. ]

[ Reward: Yang Xin's Loyalty ]


Nie Li and Yang Xin sat across from each other at a small, wooden table, the atmosphere charged with the potential of their plans. 

Nie Li's eyes were fixed on the small cups, known as shot glasses, traditionally used for Gānbēi—a toast to express strong emotions or seal a deal with a drink of Baijiu, a potent liquor. 

Yang Xin, with a practiced hand, poured the clear, strong-smelling Baijiu into each glass, her movements smooth and deliberate.

"What's the plan?" Yang Xin asked, her voice steady yet curious, as she filled the shot glasses to the brim.

Nie Li paused, his gaze shifting from the liquor-filled glasses to Yang Xin's expectant eyes.

"For now, you will remain the director of the Association until we are ready to reveal ourselves to Glory City. 

The association might be corrupt, but there are still talents and gems that can be polished. I want you to find them," he outlined, his voice firm with conviction.

Yang Xin nodded, understanding the weight of the task ahead. 

"We also need a lot of money for our organization, which can be covered via a deal with the Tower of Scribes," Nie Li continued, seamlessly addressing each concern.

"I don't think they will be of much help," Yang Xin interjected, skeptical of the Tower of Scribes' financial capacity compared to the vast resources they would need if they wanted to become the next powerhouse in Glory City.

"Trust me, I have a plan for that," Nie Li said, his confidence not stemming from arrogance but from a well-thought-out strategy that seemed to alleviate Yang Xin's concerns.

"What about the ingredients? We can't just buy them off since the Alchemist Association has independent contracts with a lot of farms in Glory City, if we want to compete with Alchemist Association, we need a large quantity," Yang Xin pointed out, highlighting another potential hurdle in their plans.

"Don't worry, the Heavenly Marks Family has a lot of cultivatable land for herbs. They just need to switch from crops like rice, wheat, and cotton to what we want," Nie Li explained, outlining a solution to their supply problem.

"You think an entire family will change just for us and I can't exactly use the name of the Alchemist Association without getting the attention of the elder council and the president?" Yang Xin asked, the scale of Nie Li's plans dawning on her.

"Of course, if their Heir says so. 

I already have their trust; just show them some money, and they'll bark like dogs for us," Nie Li responded.

Yang Xin nodded and then stood, her figure casting a long shadow in the dim light, and began to speak with a passion that filled the room. 

"Our partnership goes beyond personal gain; it's about the betterment of alchemy in Glory City. We stand on the brink of a new era, where our knowledge and efforts can lift the veil of ignorance, enriching not just ourselves but all of Glory City. Together, we can forge a path that others will follow, lighting a beacon of hope and progress. This is our duty, our responsibility—to usher in a new dawn of enlightenment and prosperity."

As they prepared to do Gānbēi, Nie Li and Yang Xin picked up their glasses, their movements synchronized in a moment of solidarity. They locked eyes, a silent acknowledgment of their shared mission, and then, with a nod, they tilted their heads back and downed the Baijiu in one swift gulp, the liquor burning a trail down their throats—a fiery pledge to their cause and to each other. 


It was around midnight when Nie Li returned to the Holy Orchid Institute, his steps slightly unsteady from the effects of the Baijiu. 

The quiet of the night enveloped him as he made his way to his personal dorm room, a soft hum of anticipation buzzing in his mind. Pushing open the door, he was greeted by an unexpected scene.

Shen Xiu was there, fast asleep with her back to the door. In lieu of a pillow, her head rested gently on a stack of notes. The sight brought an involuntary chuckle to Nie Li's lips.

"Looks like someone missed me," Nie Li whispered to himself, his voice a soft murmur in the quiet room. 

Carefully, he approached her, mindful not to startle her in her sleep. 

With a gentle ease that belied his tipsy state, he lifted her in a bridal style.

Nie Li chuckled again as he maneuvered through the doorway, kicking it shut behind him with a quiet thud.