Chapter 9: Coronation Ceremonies Part 1
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Today was a big day in the Arlan Mountains. A day of actualized fate— as Diné the Goddess of Prophecies, Sight, & Divination would say. It was the first day of the Coronation Ceremonies. Mesyla was set to start her royal ascension to the position of Queen of the Kingdom of Trykar, his Mountains, and Above All.

After she left Talo in her chambers, Mesyla said goodbye to Ges and Yla before making her way to Almaran Place where the Royal Court was waiting to begin the first event of the ceremonies. Despite having access to the memories of her predecessors and their experiences with the events, she was still anxious. 

She was only a few steps in her journey from Jasa to Almaran, walking through a grove of trees, when she heard the sound of crackling twigs. Mesyla’s footstep immediately came to a halt, and she reached for her knife. 

“Come out.” She yelled.
Behind a tree, her father emerged. 
“It is me, my gem.” He said. 
“Father.” She gasped, as she ran straight into his arms. “I was hoping to see you before the trials started.”
When she pulled back, she noticed her father was frowning. 
“What’s wrong, father?” 
Jamos cleared his throat. 
“I wanted to see you before the ceremonies…alone.” He responded, voice shaky. 

Mesyla took a few steps back, putting space between them. That’s when she noticed her father was carrying a small, round box. 
“Is that for me?” She asked.
“It’s from Danai.”
Mesyla’s breath hitched. 

“A gift for the heir to be passed down from generation to generation. A new tradition, your mother wanted.” He continued. “Here.”

Mesyla carefully took the box from his hands. And when she opened it, she saw it was a neklare, a cream sash meant to be worn tightly around one’s neck. This particular one was adorned with white pearls along the edges.   

“It’s beautiful.” She whispered. 

Marveled by the details, Mesyla gently grazed the fabric with her fingertips. It was soft, silky, and smooth. But before she could fully grasp it, Jamos removed the sash from its box.

“Turn around.” He commanded.

Obeying, Mesyla turned around and allowed her father to tie it around her neck.

When he was done, Mesyla reached up to touch the neklare. Although she never saw the sash around her mother’s neck, the knowledge that her mother wore it before her brought her even closer to her mother, as if she was still alive, and not in Gardenia…one of the many Arlan realms for the afterlife. 

“I will take good care of it, father.” She said, before giving him a small kiss on the check. 

“Shall we go to Almaran now?” She asked. 
“There is something else.” He answered. 
“What is it?”

Jamos took a deep breath before proceeding. “I want to warn you that these trials may invoke memories of your brother, Xand.” He rushed out.

Hearing her brother’s name made Mesyla flinch. 

Before Xand turned on his family, he was Mesyla’s best friend. She adored and cherished the moments they spent together growing up, especially when he would tell her bedtime stories about the Unseen, an entity who once hunted and claimed souls. At night, Xand would tell her many tales of the people the entity claimed, and the adventures people had to undergo to set themselves free from its grasps. 

At first, Mesyla loved these stories. But when they got older, the stories turned dark. He started to claim that the entity was able to set itself free from its banishment after the Arlan Gods left. Telling her it was everywhere, and no one was safe from its power. Soldiers, healers, teachers, and even Ascended Incarnates, they have all been touched by its poison, he would say. She didn’t believe him. 

As she was reminiscing about these moments, she missed everything her father was saying to her. 
“Mesyla, are you listening to me?” He yelled, snapping his fingers in front of her face.

Mesyla lowered her face.
Jamos let out a heavy sigh. “Remember, Xand is no longer in this family. You are not a monster and you deserve this.” He said softly. 
But Mesyla was still avoiding his gaze.
So Jamos lifted her chin, forcing her to look directly right into her eyes, and said

“You are my gem. Now, let’s go make you a queen.”


Unlike most of the other Arlan Kingdoms, in the Kingdom of Trykar, it is tradition for newly Ascended Incarnates to immediately ascend to the throne.

To begin this process requires one to complete the Coronation Trials held at Almaran Palace. It was Betasi, the first Ascended Incarnate of Trykar, who created these trials with the help of the Royal Court, after she ‘lost’ the essence of Trykar to her daughter Tryra. These trials weren’t necessarily tests but more as initiation rites, designed to bring them all closer to each other, and ensure the survival of Trykar’s essence and his kingdom. Tests of strength, dedication, and devotion. 

Once Mesyla and her father arrived at Almaran, they were immediately separated. Jamos was instructed to stay behind, while Mesyla was sent to the Red Room, where the Royal Court was waiting.

When she entered the room, Mesyla found the room to be poorly lit, with the only light coming from a candelabra holding five candles standing on a tall, wooden table. As she made her way closer to the table, she was startled by the loud slamming of a door.

“Welcome, your highness.” A very deep voice spoke. 

As she looked around, eight individuals wearing white robes and veils emerged from the darkness and into the light, making themselves known to Mesyla. Five women, three men. These individuals were the mysteriousRoyal Court, direct descendants of Trykar’s most loyal followers, and responsible for overseeing these trials. In the Arlan Mountains, members of the Royal Court were royalty. Highly regarded.  

Mesyla, standing alone in the middle of the room, was nervous. After a brief moment of complete silence, a woman slowly approached her. She was quite short, much shorter than Mesyla. She took a long look at Mesyla before taking Mesyla’s hands into hers, carefully inspecting them. As Mesyla watched her, she noticed the woman had strange markings on her pale hands, lines traveling upwards. But after a second, they disappeared. 

“You have soft hands.” The woman whispered. 
“Thank….you.” Mesyla stuttered. 

After her brief inspection, the woman turned her gaze away from Mesyla, and looked back to the remaining members of the court.

“Sera, come.” She yelled out. 

Another woman, Sera, rushed towards them. 

When she made her way over, Mesyla saw she was holding a ceramic bowl, that she then placed on the table.

Once the bowl was out of her hands, Sera lifted her veil, revealing a face of freckles, and directed her attention to Mesyla. 

“We will begin with the Vitality Trial.” Sera announced.

Mesyla, mesmerized by the woman’s beauty, only nodded.

“This test will tell us how long you have before you must produce a living heir to guarantee the survival of Trykar’s essence.” Sera continued.

Mesyla nodded. 

“This is a bowl of chalste, a paste consisting of red salt mixed with black water. It is a fertility truth elixir. The chalste will harden and turn to plaster. After it hardens, you will place your hands in the boiling black water, causing the plaster to fall off. The age will be revealed on your palms.” The other woman added. 

Once she was done, Mesyla turned her gaze back towards Sera.

“Any questions?” She asked. 
“Will it hurt?”
“Yes.” Both women answered. 
After no other questions, Sera picked up the bowl and got as close as she could to Mesyla. “Let’s get started then.”


Once Sera was done applying the paste, Mesyla’s hands immediately felt heavy. Heavy as stone. She was instructed to stay put, while the other woman was preparing the boiling black water.

Once the water was ready, Sera motioned for Mesyla to open her mouth wide to place a towel inside.

“For the pain.” She explained. “Now, bite.”

Once it was over and the plaster was off, Mesyla’s hands were red as fire. All she wanted to do was plunge her hands in freezing water. Her fists were clenched as hard as they could get. When she finally opened them, for everyone to see, her palms revealed an age of 32.

Mesyla had only 3 years left to conceive an heir. 


After the Vitality Trial, Mesyla and the Royal Court headed to the basement of Almaran. When they got there, Mesyla was stunned by what she saw. It looked just like the paintings that covered the walls of Majes Palace, she thought to herself. Gray wings with navy specks, a gold beak, and black eyes. A sculpture of a First Beast—the first beasts to dominate Arla before they were banished to the Forbidden. Well… that’s what she thought. 

“It’s marvelous.” Mesyla whispered.
“It’s real.” Sera said, who was only a few steps behind her. 
Mesyla whipped her head back to Sera.
“I’m sorry?”
“His name was Byrian. He was frozen by the Goddess Yuitra… as a favor.” Sera explained. 
Mesyla slowly approached Byrian, taking in its beauty while gently grazing its wings. Rough and uneven, they felt. 
“How long has it been frozen?”  She asked.
“This is cruel.” Mesyla spat. “We must set it free.”
“We did not bring you down here to inspect Byrian.” A deep voice barked. 

Mesyla immediately whipped her head around and searched for who the voice belonged to. As she glanced around, a tall man made his presence known to her by removing his veil and revealing a face that looked as if it was only days away from resting, for good. Mesyla would later find out he goes by the name of Řęn.
“We must proceed with the trials.” He said.

The old man, Řęn, then walked towards a small wooden chest, unlocked it, and retrieved a gold blade. 

“This next trial is called the Sacrificial Fleshing.” He announced. 

This was the trial Mesyla feared the most. And so her heart began to race. 

“To mark this important transition and prove your devotion to Trykar, you must choose a piece of your very flesh to sacrifice. The blood of your sacrifice will then fall over Bryian, where all of your ancestors bled over, linking you to your ancestors and Trykar. ” He explained.

Mesyla began nervously tapping her fingers against her stomach. She was feeling a bit uneasy. 

“It’s either a piece of your ear or feet. Your choice.” He added. 

Sera, noticing apprehension in Mesyla’s eyes, hastily walked over to her and pulled her in the direction of the wooden chest. “Let me show you something first.” She said.

When they approached the chest, Sera opened it and removed a written document. On the document was a list of names in red ink:


These names were Mesyla’s ancestors.

“This is only a price for glory.” Sera whispered closely to her ear. 

As she read the document over and over again, Mesyla started to tear up. She never thought she would be in this position…chosen to lead the strongest kingdom in Arla. Her brother was supposed to be here instead, sacrificing his flesh.  ‘I don’t deserve this.’ She thought to herself. 

“You are joining a line of glory and golden rulers.” Sera reiterated.

“My brother, he—” Mesyla started.

“Desires are corrosive. In time, they will always reveal what truly lies underneath and who people really are.” Sera started. 

“Thus you should always be wary. Because even a pretty princess, like yourself, can be in truth, a monster masquerading as a damsel.”  They repeated at the same time. 

Mesyla, who now had tears in her eyes, looked up at Sera. “My mother used to tell me that.” She whispered.

But before Mesyla could ask Sera if she knew her mother, the moment was interrupted by Řęn.

“Well….what is it going to be? Ear or feet?” He asked. 


Mesyla’s ear was now bandaged…just like her hands. After a piece of her lobe was removed, they returned to the Red Room and were sitting in a circle on the floor. All members had now removed their veils and formally introduced themselves, 

Sera, Lila, Ŵaen, Myria, Řęn, Veri, Timœř, Xera 

Xera, the woman who inspected her hands in the beginning, was now leading the last trial. This last trial was the one Mesyla was eager to begin and end, the Draining of the Bane.

“This is the Draining of the Bane. To show your strength, you must face your fears, past, and vanish your greatest vulnerabilities.” Xera announced.  “To accomplish this, you must drink the Seventh Elixir of Nirea. This elixir will place you into a deep slumber where you will be met by your worst nightmare. You will only awaken once until you defeat it and the bane has been drained.”

In Arla, the Goddess Nirea created several elixirs. Some designed to bring forth entities belonging to other realms outside of the living realm, while some were designed to cleanse one of their your greatest fears and nightmares. This elixir was the latter.

“Nod if you understand.” Sera ordered. 
Mesyla nodded. 
“This elixir will cleanse and purify your mortal soul.” Sera added. “Are you ready?”
Mesyla nodded again. 
And so Xera handed Mesyla the horn and motioned her to begin. 
Once she was finally asleep, she found herself back in Jasa Palace, alone in her brother’s chambers. She immediately ran to the door, but found it wouldn’t open.

“Leaving so soon.” A familiar voice said, spooking her.

When she turned around, she was greeted by the sight of her brother, Xand. He was standing there, all bloody and one eye missing. Just like she remembered. Her own doing.

“Did you miss me, little sister? Or are you still busy stealing my crown?” He smirked.

To be continued.