Do we have a deal?
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Just the most important question now is how did he get inside unnoticed?

All the alarms are on, nothing seems to have been broken and even the door locks are intact. But I saw him go out the door, it doesn't make sense. I guess I need to get a surveillance system for the future, at least for all entrances so that something like this doesn't happen again.

For now, less of that, I think I need to hurry up with the operation. I have no idea when this madman will return.

From all this I got hungry but no, meat can wait. First work then getting rid of the evidence, food last.

So downstairs again, how I detest these stairs.

"Henry, I hope you weren't bored down here without me?"


The drugs are letting up again and something feels like the next dose could be fatal. However, you're unlucky and you'll feel something, because for now I still need you alive.


The rest of the operation went on without a hitch. The already slightly open skull opened its insides, revealing the throbbing and sensitive brain underneath. Things only got worse further on, with skin removed from the head, muscles cut all over the body and organs brutally removed. Strapped to a chair, the frightened man became a caricature of himself, all the while suffering unspeakable torture, for although it was subdued by drugs but continued to be unhuman and unimaginable to the sane.


"Aaaaaa" The immobilized man tried to shout but further the bindings did not let go. However, this time he still did not let go, the pain of rubbed skin was the least he felt on his body now. Therefore, he continued not to let go and fought with all his might trying to break free.

"Ey it's not so bad so far, I just finished the head. In a while it will be even worse." I said with a small smile on my lips which he unfortunately no longer saw. While inside myself all the time I felt a slight sense of satiety with what I had created.

"You prefer to start with your arms, legs or torso. Choose wisely because everything unfortunately I will not be able to do, after all, I am not a miracle worker and with such basic tools I will not be able to stop all the bleeding."

Knock, knock

"So what do you prefer, I can even unlock your mouth if you promise not to scream."

Knock, knock

Knock, Knock

Again, it is the third time already. Yet this time someone is even more demanding because the knocking can already be heard throughout the entire building.

Knock, knock

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Stairs, door, key and door again.

Knock, knock

Nice face again, now it will be even without a weapon. What kind of host would I be if I made guests wait, even those unannounced. I'm in a too positive mood right now to play tug-of-war.

I just eat a quick glance to see if I have any blood stains on me, no. So there we go.

"Hello, what is it?" As usual, I asked softly, opening the door halfway for the unexpected, but my voice faltered subconsciously at the end of the sentence when I saw who I would be talking to.

Outside stood two armed policemen, each holding a hand on a gun at his belt. They were starting to get impatient because I have no idea how much they had been standing there, their hands seemed to be glowing and their eyes were reacting dangerously. Did they hear a noise from the basement?

Not wanting to arouse suspicion, I immediately opened the front door and began to calmly continue the conversation without making any suspicious movements there.

''What is it, gentlemen?'' I asked again with no answer, but this time much more kindly and docile.

''Samuel Malak?'' Asked one of them firmly and his gaze scanned me from top to bottom.


''You are suspected of committing murder. Turn around slowly and don't resist or I will be forced to shoot.'' Said one of them while nervously placing his hand on the holster of his pistol. Yet his continued body expression said that he would very much like to fulfill what he had just said.


Did I make a mistake somewhere , or maybe they are trying to scare me without evidence. That's not possible, I'm sure I always get rid of any evidence. This is a bluff or some kind of provocation.

But looking at their behavior, they will not take no as an answer. I will be able to defeat them, no. I am unarmed and they are standing at a considerable distance, before I reach any of them I will get shot in the head.

I have to give up.

Hope is not further completely lost, there is a lawyer left and a trial and guesses that they have nothing on me.

I slowly turn my back to them without making any sudden movements and begin to retreat towards them. Until I feel a slight resistance as if I hit a wall, this is for sure one of them. Further one of them immobilized my wrists which someone surely accidentally squeezed too tightly....oh, the irony.

Then the same officer brutally took me by the arm and directed me to the police car explaining and even downright whispering my rights under his breath until he seated me in the back of the car. And the other one kept a close eye on me the whole time, gnashing his teeth and growling like an animal.

Do I know him from somewhere, although by looking at his face it seems strangely familiar.

Nevertheless, as soon as I entered or was dragged a few meters in front of the cottage all hopes of a random occurrence were dashed like the existence of Santa Claus in my childhood years. It was a planned action, the rest of the policemen previously hidden from my sight began to show themselves. Some even had masks on their faces and long guns, an anti-terrorist team.

They knew who they were dealing with.

I was screwed.


Minutes flew by, and with each passing moment I only solidified my conviction that it was bad, very bad. But then I remembered the half-unpacked gift in the basement and knew that it was tragic after all.


I think someone got impatient and shot the lock on the door, the last security fell. Unlucky, they came at the wrong time.

If they came in the evening there would be no more evidence and nothing would come of it, well unless they have something after all. Could it be this man I will give them a tip what I am doing here, but how, when.

I'll have long years to think about it in prison, I've always been entertained by life on TV, I guess it's time to try it myself. Maybe I'll even get out early for good behavior, heh.

I was, however, interrupted in my further thoughts by a view spotted out of the corner of my eye, a bullishly enraged policeman was coming towards me. The same one whose hands were shaking earlier. But this time, instead of anger, it was pure fury that began to flow from his eyes.

He walked towards me, no, he ran. And when he was halfway there, he took out his gun and started shooting toward the car, probably seeing my smiling face visible from behind the window.

Bullets flew in my direction but none hit as rage certainly does not aid accuracy. Therefore, feeling only a slight threat for the time being, I lay down on the floor, with nothing more to do and hoping that his anger would soon pass. I just hope he doesn't hit the fuel tank.

I understand that they found my patient, but why such violence, after all, this is not the first murder in their career. I hid my head between my legs and waited for further developments.

The shots stopped and the quiet sound of footsteps sounded by my ear, he was already at the door.

The policeman opened the door of the patrol car, took out a pistol from its holster, which he hid only for a second, and started pointing the gun straight at my head.

Still, before I could say even a word in an attempt to calm the angry man down, a shot was fired.


The policeman shot straight at my face piercing probably piercing my head through and killing him on the spot, I had no chance of surviving. Yet I continued by some miracle to have consciousness although not for long anymore because now I could even feel death beginning to reach me.

The last thing I managed to see before was the placard on the front of the policeman's uniform with the signature....

Jon Smith

Then it was just darkness.

''What where am I?" I exclaimed finding myself in a room filled with nothing but white. White walls, white floor and white ceiling. Normally like the old days in the hospital. Still, there was something further in here.

I immediately noticed two chairs, one was empty while on the other sat him. A known or unknown man in a top hat, I was never religious but did I meet Satan.

The same man I had spoken to earlier in my house and the same one who said I would see him soon, he was right murder by the police was not expected.

""I didn't tell you, did I?" The man asked, quietly and sadistically laughing.

Well, there goes the culprit of my problems today. I wanted to answer him with something equally funny but I couldn't. My mouth was blocked by some mysterious power, oh, irony for the second time today.

"You don't have anything to try, it won't change anything anyway." The man stated with a wince and a predatory gleam in his eye.

''So will you finally agree to join us?'' He asked further as if teasing me and noticing that I wasn't saying a word.

The moron forgot that he had prevented me doing so.

We won't get anywhere anyway. I sat down in a chair but continued to do nothing just to make him angry, I think he was very much on it, maybe I will get something out of it.

''You choose us or hell, your choice."

Well never mind, it's starting to get serious. Probably eternal torment in hell or working for some strange organization, the answer presses itself.

"Just nod in agreement." He added slowly thinking I'm so foolish or don't understand.

Just add something else to the offer, if I have to sell my soul for all eternity I'd at least like to get something out of it.

''For the last time I ask will you join us?'' Asked the man this time deadly serious, the atmosphere in the room became menacing and my hair stood up, for the first time in a dozen years. This time he was no longer joking.

You got me, you set the terms.

So the only thing left for me to do was to grant his wish and nod yes, why I feel I will regret it.

"Good." The man stated, returning to the smirk on his lips.

And as soon as I gave my agreement the lock on my lips immediately magically disappeared.

''Okay now you can ask questions.'' He expressed generously.

Once I regained my ability to speak at first I was confused even what question to ask because I didn't know what to ask. Apparently demons always create some hidden conditions in their contracts and at least that's what I remember from the novels I read as a kid. For who else could he be if not something from hell, a good person I certainly was not.

The question is rather where to start, what he wanted to know first, but what is most important.

''What is this whole corporation I just joined?

''Planet Destroyers inc. for short PD inc.'' The man began the dialogue. ''Catchy name I know, but that should be enough for you, if you want to know more climb the hierarchy, next question."

Of course, he said something but I didn't learn anything. I guess I need to be more precise.

''Why me, why is it me and not others?

''Ah yes the famous question,'' he remarked with a laugh, correcting the ends of his mustache. ''The answer is very simple ,we need people like that to do the dirty work.''

''Doctors?'' I asked puzzled, he doesn't mean after all....

''No, sadists, murderers, psychopaths, outcasts of society, and anyone who has no other option but to choose our company. Except for the abyss, of course. What sets you apart from them is your meticulousness, cool analysis and relentlessness in pursuit of planned goals, no matter the cost. It can be said that you are a one-in-a-billion person, because apart from you we have only found 3 people from your planet, you should be proud of that.'''

''Thank.... wait, a planet?''

''Relax, you don't need to know that for now. But don't be afraid you'll find out soon enough, whether you want to or not'' the man stated indifferently.

''And what task am I supposed to accomplish?'' I asked amazed.

''To destroy planets sometimes alone, sometimes with others, but mostly alone. Nothing easier.''

''And how am I supposed to do that, I am just a human."

''It's up to you, but I'll give you a hint on how to start as I think you deserve some kind of reward for good behaviour. Just say System, it can even be in your mind.''

''System?'' I spoke automatically out loud, and as I pronounced the magic words a blue screen appeared in front of my eyes.

Name: Samuel Malak Access level: 1
Division: Destroyers of planets Difficulty of the current mission: None
Current Species: Human? Current Skills: None
Start the Tutorial?



"Do you have any more questions, as I am in a big hurry." The man stated as I stared at the blue screen for a few minutes. He stood up from his chair, which just without touching it magically disappeared.

"What's your name?" I asked politely wanting to know who and how to communicate with in the future and to whom I could direct any internal complaints.

"Interesting question, honestly you surprised me with this one, it's been a long time since I last heard it. However, sadly I will answer it for now."

"But I promise I will bring it up to you at our next meeting, if you survive until then of course. I wish you all the best and good luck, you'll find it useful." The grinning man added at the end and after that he disappeared from my field of vision as quickly as he had appeared.


Time passed inexorably and I could not tell how much of it had flown by. Whether it was hours, days, weeks, or maybe months or years, however, through all this time I did not waste it at all. I was thinking about what had happened, what had happened, what might happen in the future and what he should do now.

The only thing that hadn't changed in all that time was the levitating blue screen in front of me and the request to start the tutorial. Which I was afraid to move.


Time passed and passed again but this time and I didn't want to wait any longer alone in an empty white room with the possibility that I was about to go mad I decided to say just one simple word.


And then darkness came for me again and I was soon in another, completely unexpected place. A place where my new life journey was about to begin


Meanwhile, the white room became empty again until the next person arrived.