Uninvited Guests lll
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As soon as Rock and Show arrived at Mr. Gerald's house to lend a hand to Shake, he promptly dumped all responsibility as the party host onto them and slipped away unnoticed. As he stepped into the backyard of the house, he saw Max kneeling by the back door of his house, peering through a small opening. Stick and Show crouched near Max, their expressions tense as they observed his actions.

Shake wasn't sure if something that serious was happening despite agreeing to move the party. He felt uncertain, with more than 75 % chance that something drastic might not occur.That's because he could think of a few reasons for a van to stay in front of his house and go back and forth a few times, but he wanted to be cautious.

Observing the tense atmosphere, Shake cautiously approached, swallowing the loud words he intended to say, refraining from speaking aloud.

As soon as he crossed the fence, Shake witnessed Max pulling on a wire, setting off a sudden burst of gunshots from within the house. His expression turned serious as he heard the commotion, and he instinctively crouched down and moved closer to them.

Max glanced at Shake and exchanged a nod with King. Without hesitation, King swiftly moved to the side of the house and threw stones he held in his hand at Shake's mustang and several other parked vehicles in front of the house.

Seeing King throw a rock at his car, Shake’s first instinct was to beat the shit out of king. But he stopped himself, knowing it was part of Max's plan. Still, he vowed that King would face the consequences one day, but for now, he played along.

The stone struck the side window of Shake's car, triggering its alarm, followed by a cascade of alarms from nearby vehicles that had also been hit by rocks.

Max nodded to Stick, who promptly played something on his phone, likely activating the speakers inside the house. Another round of gunshots echoed from within. Stick waited for a few moments before playing something again.
But this time, there was no barrage of gunfire. Instead, a few seconds later, they heard vehicles in front of the house racing away.

"Wait a few seconds," Max said, grabbing Shake's shoulder as he noticed him attempting to enter the house.

"Wait," Max insisted. They weren't certain if everyone had left yet, so they listened intently, but no sound came from inside the house.

Shake listened to Max's instructions and waited. However, after a few moments, impatience got the best of him, and he attempted to enter again. Once more, Max urged him to wait, but Shake went inside anyway.

As Shake stepped inside, anger surged within him at the sight before him. The inside of the house resembled a war zone.

The powder smoke had dissipated, but now the floor was littered with a mixture of powder residue and bullet casings.The door that had two pots in front of it lay in pieces, and the entire wall next to it was filled with holes.
Most of the door locks in the front part of the house had been destroyed.

After Shake entered, everyone followed suit, their eyes widening at the devastation before them, except for Max, who wore a look of panic.

"We'll take care of this later. Right now, we need to handle the cops," Max declared.

"Cops?" stick questioned.

In a few seconds, everyone understood what Max was talking about. After the gunfire, the neighbours must have called the cops.

"Do you have a plan ?" the king asked.

"We need to create a clearer picture when the cops see inside the house from the front door. First, we need to clean up this powder ASAP because we know what cops will think if they see white powder on the floor. We also need to hide the doors that were broken by bullets." Max emphasized.

"Shake, gather all the hair dryers in the house," Max instructed.

Shake promptly obeyed and headed off to collect the hair dryers.

"I saw a bunch of firecrackers in storage. Stick, go and bring them here," Max recalled, remembering what he had seen when retrieving the wires.

"King, close the front door and open the doors that are broken, so they cannot be seen from the front door," Shake continued.

"I will get the vacuum cleaner," Max added.

Max swiftly found the vacuum cleaner and a broom in the cleaning room next to the main washroom. He grabbed both and began cleaning from the closed door, working his way inward.

King, having the easiest task, quickly finished closing the front door and opening the broken ones. Understanding Max's plan, he started sweeping the floor where the most powder was visible from the door, gradually clearing the hallway to conceal it from view.

Meanwhile, Shake managed to find two portable hair dryers.

Stick returned with a bag of firecrackers, and by the time they arrived, Max was already halfway done cleaning the hallways.

Swiftly, they both began cleaning the walls, blowing the powder off. Max instructed, "Stick, turn on the home theatre. When I give you the signal, I want you to light one firecracker and throw it in the middle of the hallway."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, startling Max. "Fuck, that was too quick," he cursed out loud.

"I'll open the door," Max declared, leaving the vacuum cleaner behind for King to finish cleaning the rest. About a quarter of the hallway remained white, and some of the walls still had powder on them. As Max headed to the door, King grabbed the vacuum cleaner and continued cleaning.

After taking a deep breath, Max opened the door just enough to poke his head out, ensuring the cleaning crew remained concealed. He spoke loudly, "I'm sorry, Mr. James, we'll try to keep it down."

"Oh, officers..." Max's voice contained a hint of surprise.

"What seems to be the problem?" This time, Max's voice was tinged with a bit of panic.

"We received a 911 call reporting gunshots fired in this house," the officer explained.

"We didn’t have guns, officer, but they were lighting firecrackers inside of the house," Max explained quickly.

Max's left hand, hidden behind the door, suddenly signaled three fingers, then two, then one.

A few seconds later...

Bang! (There are some types of firecrackers that just has sound )

The officers instinctively reached for their guns, but this time Max swung the door wide open, revealing the inside.

Inside, King, Stick, and Shake were awkwardly dancing around, with the bag of firecrackers sitting in the middle of the hallway.

Seeing the cops, Shake and the rest showed surprise on their faces, and Stick quickly lowered the volume of the music.

"I told you guys not to light firecrackers! Look, people called the police," Max scolded, apologetically addressing the officers.

"Sorry, officers, our party got a little out of hand. I couldn’t stop them from setting off firecrackers inside the house," Max continued, trying to defuse the situation.

"There are a lot of vehicles in front of the house. Where are the rest of the party people?" one of the officers inquired.

"Oh, they're eating in the back," Max replied,

Sensing that something was amiss, the cops requested, "Can you step aside for a minute?" before entering the house.

Max's heart froze at that moment. He wrestled with the idea of asking for a warrant and asserting his rights, but he knew that might only pique the officers' interest further.If they obtained a court warrant, there was no way they could fix everything here in just a day. And what could they say when the cops saw the hole- filled wall?

Shake and his gang also tensed up, watching anxiously as the police officers entered the house.


"Cole, what about your situation? Another shootout?" the police officers' walkie-talkie crackled to life.

"False alarm, Chief. Bunch of kids at a party lighting firecrackers inside the house. We're just going to have a look around for a second to confirm no one is harmed," Cole replied.

"Freaking hell, we don't have time to play around with kids. The whole city is being attacked. Get in the damn car!" the Chief responded sternly.

"Yes, Chief," Cole acknowledged, and the whole was relieved that they finally turned back. Another step and they would have seen the bullet-riddled wall.

"Alright, listen up. No more firing firecrackers inside the house, alright? And keep the sound down," one of the cops instructed before they both exited the house.

"Have a good day, officers," Max said politely as they reversed their vehicle.

Max looked back into the house with a tired expression. "This was psychologically draining," he muttered to himself.

Shake and the others weren't exactly jumping for joy either, but they all let out a collective sigh of relief, their mouths forming simple smiles.


Suddenly, Shake's phone rang. He quickly pulled it out to see who was calling, but as soon as he saw the contact information, his face contorted into a frightened look.

"I'm dead," he muttered under his breath,

Sorry for missed updates, but here is some good news. A new story is coming. I am currently working on it.