Choices, selections and picks
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So I have a choice between crowd control, support or dps archetype. Let's see.
I might start with Ice Magic. If I were to choose it, based on the video games, magic would be more focused on crowd control and slowing down enemies. Lich and ice are a perfect combination, classic of the genre.
Examples of skills I could come up with now would be Ice Spear or Ice Bolt, or something like Spear, Bolt or Blast, although the last ones might be expected in all selections. Yet there is some chance I would get the famous Ice Block or Blizzard, some Ice Spikes, Ice Wind and maybe Ice Traps.
Pros, good crowd control, good against living due to frostbite, many possibilities for defense the longer the fight lasts the better for me. Cons, many possible counter to this magic like fire and earth magic if people can wield such. Although I can only guess that this will be the case with all schools of magic, nothing is without flaws. Probably not many spells that inflict immediate damage, and when I don't know how resilient my opponents will be it can prove deadly for me. Probably during a long fight my opponents will be able to summon some reinforcements, after all, it's supposed to be me versus the rest of the world. Well, but I'm also a necromancer so mobs don't scare me, worse if something above comes.
Next is Bone Magic, if I chose it then as the magic itself indicates I would use bones to fight. This can help me a lot as my body is composed exclusively of just bones.
Probably like in Ice Magic, I can expect Bone Bolts, Bone Spike, Bone Lance and many similar, not forgetting the famous Bone Armor. Since I'm a necromancer I'm guessing that I will also have some buffs for my skeletons and myself. Increasing bone density or bone size or strength. Maybe there will even be some necromancy skill synergy, I will be able to create variant or stronger versions of bone undead. Sounds promising.
The strongest spell I can think of is probably, shaping the bones while they are still in the body of a living opponent. I won't say that doesn't excite me.
The pros, I strengthen my future minions and also myself, maybe I could create other undead than the System allowed me to and also there is a chance to manipulate a living object. The downsides remain the same as with Ice Magic. Low immediate damage because I don't think the bones can pierce plate armor in case of an immediate threat. As with the others, I don't know how true my guess will be, and I may end up only being able to throw a piece of my own bone at an opponent before I grow in strength, and even then, without my undead, I will be much weaker than I should be. Probably pure support.
Best of all at the end, Poison Magic. The first thing that comes to mind when I hear poison in the Middle Ages, is the well and disease.
Well + Poison = Fun. Ehh... no need to overstretch and be so dreamy about. Under Poison Magic maybe you can also plug acid. I know as little about acid as anyone, after all, a doctorate in chemistry did not write by itself. Skills could be many such as Poison Cloud, Splash Poison, different types of acid, and maybe even if I put my mind to it. I could create useful medicines, pretend to be an itinerant doctor if such exist. Well, but to do that I would have to start wearing a mask or some other disguise, because no one would trust a talking skeleton. Even if they didn't attack me right away it would already be a miracle. Supposedly, animals and wildlife remain, but will it do anything. Also, poison should not work on the undead, but certainly?
Lots of possibilities but little hope of execution.
So all in all it seems very difficult if not impossible, the risk outweighs the gain. Not to mention how do I get into the well undetected and poison it, so that no one guesses that something is wrong. Whatever the pros, it seems to me that this is the strongest magic to start with. I could kill the fastest and most with it, so if speed were of any importance to the company, it's the first one to choose. But looking at the lack of a time limit and the good chance that a fair number of people might be immune to it, I guess it unfortunately has to fall to last priority.
No matter how much I'd like to start playing with poisoning underground waters to watch other people suffer, Poison Magic seems to have the most potential drawbacks, being the least reliable. The gap between the potentially strongest and weakest skill in this magic is huge, and I don't even know if I'll be able to use acid which would be very useful to me. My life beyond fun.
Well, but why do I analyze it so much, practically most of what I know so far is my guess or conjecture, at least I know where I stand.
If I make a hasty decision I will regret it, I need more information.
I don't have to make such an important decision yet, but if I find myself in a life-threatening situation ice magic seems to be the safest.... if there was to be something about leveling system my choice is poision, and if there was no time limit, bone. Probably something like this.
Information,essential thing. But what do I have the System for, my new omniscient information god.
"System where am I?"
"Nothing, maybe place?"
"Further nothing, what about Location?"
Dungeon Second Floor
Am I in a dungeon, so maybe I'm some kind of Boss or something like that. It even fits, a secluded room and dramatic lighting. And following this line of reasoning, there should also be undead on this floor.
"Thanks for everything SYSTEM."
It never hurts to praise the artificial intelligence which may turn out to be at terminator level. Kind words cost nothing.
Well I guess that's it, time to move on. However, it would be inappropriate not to check the second passage.
With a slow step I approached the door located directly behind my back. I grabbed the handle...and nothing. Not even a twitch.
The escape route blocked, oh well.
Yet I did not give up. I started kicking and punching and even charging with my shoulder, but still nothing. The destroyed and decayed door was as if it had been hammered into a rock. Apparently, not everything is as it seems.
"Ehh... "I sighed with a slight grimace. "It's closed, now I don't even have a choice."
I didn't wait long for a miracle, I approached the next door just as quickly as I approached the first one. In the same way, I touched the handle and with an equally quick motion tried to open and .... opened.
The way to outside stood open.
"I wonder what mechanism is behind this?" I thought aloud finding a shadow of interest which was just as quickly covered by my sense of security.
Although that's a good thing, because I wouldn't know what to do as if this too turned out to be a dead end.
Next was a short straight corridor and again a choice.
Where now, the further path forks in two. Of which, as soon as I poked my head out of the corner each way after a while ended with the same door as before.
Logic dictates going to the right, as if this were a maze the right side would guarantee an exit. But unfortunately, logic at this point proved no longer accurate, indestructible door. But what's the harm, at most one entrance will be blocked again.
So to the right.
A straight long corridor with the same torches and the same height except that it consisted entirely of black shiny stone.
Again, the same frothed door and again as I tried to look through the crack in the wood I continue to see nothing, magic.
But I have nothing to wait further.
I opened it slowly, as quietly as I could, trying not to inform the possible beings inside of my presence, or give information to anyone else who might pose an immediate threat to me that I was here.
Millimeter by millimeter I kept on squeaking until there was a small crack into which I put my eye or rather eye socket.
The first thing I saw was myself, well maybe not exactly me. It was a naked skeleton holding a rusty sword in his right hand and an equally as rotten as doors, wooden shield in his left. He stood motionless just a few meters from the front door and his back was turned to me.
I closed it just as quickly as when I opened it and started again as soon as I walked away and then took a few steps back.
After all, I wouldn't want my undead brothers to hear what I was about to do.
"Create a Minor Undead" I said calling up one of my new skills for the first time.
And immediately inside me there was a strange feeling, as if something from inside me slowly flowed out but further nothing changed. After some time, I tried to focus on this feeling by recalling in my mind the enemy I had just met and almost immediately a newly summoned skeleton appeared in front of me.
An identical skeleton to the one seen earlier which was also equipped with a sword and shield.
Its armament in a bonus, alright.
As soon as the undead appeared I felt noticeably weaker, but I ignored the sensation in favor of observing my new servant.
The skeleton stood upright with its weaponry down and didn't even flinch. I looked straight into his eyes but they were cold and empty unlike mine filled with green flame.
"Move to the left." I said after a second when I saw that the servant did not perform any actions.
And at my command the summoned undead moved a step to the left.
"Now move to the right." I thought, checking if the skeleton would react to my thoughts as well.
The servant moved this time, exactly the same distance as before.
"Good, at least I won't have to shout orders during the fight."
"Then how about now.... dance?"
The summoned skeleton, however, this time did not follow the command.
"Dance" I thought giving the order once again, only this time imagining in my mind the image of the undead dancing.
The skeleton obediently obeyed, making twisted movements that tried to mimic the imagined dance but looked more like an elephant stamping than normal dancing.
"So it can't follow complex commands, that's good to know.
Bit still I feel like I forgot something.
"Mana" I howled patting my head in embarrassment
Mana : 950/1000
So one costs 50 mana, seems little, too little. There must be a catch to this, because who's to stop me from staying in this place until the end of the world and spamming summoning till I flood the rest with a wave of bones. There should probably be a upkeep cost.
Yet the mana doesn't go down for me, it just grows slowly so I guess that's not it. Or maybe the upkeep cost is so small that you can't see it for now.
No matter, I'll start worrying about it once I'm on the surface or it starts to weigh me down.
Now it's time to face the opponents in the room, of course, after the spamming.
What is a necromancer without his army.