Chapter 10 – Winged Terrors
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The Lost Super-Hero

Chapter 10 - Winged Terrors

A few minutes later, Nolen was walking through a rocky outcrop when he saw what Romy had mentioned. A feeling of excitement and anticipation washed over him. This would be his first encounter with humanoids since he was thrown into the volcano several weeks ago.

"Romy, what's going on?" Nolen asked.

"My scans indicate that a humanoid is still fighting that massive creature."

"What kind of creature is it?" Nolen asked.

I can't get a clear scan, but it seems to be a winged lizard and doesn't appear friendly.

"All right, let's get even closer and continue scans."

Nolan then proceeded to the location of the fight.

As Nolen approached, he could see it for himself.

"Whoa! Interesting." Nolen exclaimed.

"Wow, that looks like a Wyvern but with a head of a T-rex with horns."

Nolen observed the fight.

At the edge of the outcrop stood a massive creature. Its body was covered in scales, and its feet had claws that could easily tear through steel. The beast stood tall at about three meters, with a fierce gaze that could send shivers down the spine of even another predator.

It was facing off against a humanoid with red and white hide garments.

The creature was roaring and attacking the humanoid figure.

The creature tried to bite the human figure, but the human figure dodged and deflected the creature's attacks.

"Wow, this is quite the fight. I wonder what's going on."

"I don't know, but I don't think it's good for the creature. It looks like they're locked in combat."

The humanoid figure was an Orc. To be exact, a female orc.

She possesses the formidable physical strength and stature of an orc. Her muscular frame is complemented by well-defined curves, blending power with feminine allure. Standing tall and commanding, she bears the muscular definition earned through rigorous training and countless battles.

She was dawning an armor crafted with a fusion of thick leather and fur. The armor accentuates her muscular form while allowing freedom of movement. It bears tribal patterns and symbols that most likely represent her Orc heritage.

Her axe looked primitive but well-made. It had a simple yet sturdy design. The axe was a double-headed war axe, and the shield was round. The shield was a mix of leather and wood. It was an old piece of gear that had been repeatedly repaired. Her weapon set looked crude yet practical in design, perfectly complementing their rugged armor

On the other side was a massive beast that looked like a Wyvern but had additional features that resembled a T-Rex, an earth dinosaur. It possesses a large and muscular build, resembling a theropod dinosaur. It has a stout body with strong legs, allowing it to move swiftly and maintain balance during its relentless assaults.

Nolen and Romy agreed on dubbing the creature The Wyverex.

Its most notable feature is its massive, reptilian head, adorned with sharp fangs and powerful jaws. Its jaws can deliver bone-crushing bites, breaking through armor and causing severe damage to its prey.

Both were engaged in an intense battle. They paused momentarily, staring at each other to assess their opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Suddenly, the Wyverex let out a loud screech, signaling its intent to continue the fight. However, the Female Orc remained unshaken. She tightened her grip on her trusty Orcish war axe and prepared to face her formidable enemy head-on.

The Wyverex moved first to attack. It swooped down from the sky, its wings creating a gust of wind that threatened to knock Female Orc off balance. Reacting swiftly, Female Orc sidestepped, narrowly evading the Wyverex’s initial attack. She countered with a mighty swing of her war axe, aiming for the Wyverex's vulnerable underbelly. The axe met skin, causing a deep gash and eliciting a fierce roar of pain from the creature.

The Wyverex leaped in the air and retaliated with a flurry of talon strikes, testing Female Orc's agility and reflexes. Using her orcish strength and warrior instincts, Female Orc deftly dodged the Wyverex onslaught, weaving between its powerful strikes. Sensing an opening, she leaped onto the creature's back, her axe ready to strike. With a swift, calculated blow, she aimed for the Wyverex's wing joint, severing a vital tendon and impairing its flight temporarily.

Enraged and grounded, the Wyverex thrashed about, attempting to dislodge the Female Orc. But she held on with unyielding determination, her orcish resilience shining through. Female Orc maneuvered around the Wyverex's powerful tail strikes, landing calculated blows whenever an opportunity presented itself. The clash between axe and scale resounded through the air, echoing the intensity of their battle.

It seemed that Female Orc was about to win. Another Wyverex came out of nowhere and struck the Female Orc with its massive tail. At that split second, the Female Orc noticed that another As Wyverex approached, the Female Orc raised her shield in an attempt to block the incoming attack. However, the force of the strike was so great that it caused the shield to explode upon impact. The Orc was sent flying towards a nearby boulder, resembling a baseball being hit by a bat. Her impact on the boulder caused it to break and crack, covering her body with dust.

A crater on the wall was made, and the Female Orc in the center of it was battered and bruised. Her armor was torn and broken, with dark blood dripping from her head, arm, and other part of her body.

As she lay in the crater's center, she witnessed two enormous creatures staring at each other before turning their attention to her. It appeared to be Wyverex's partner who had arrived, as it was larger than the other one. As they approached her, her vision started to blur, but she kept her gaze fixed on the two monstrous beasts. She was determined to face her death like a warrior, without fear, even in defeat.

Her last thoughts were of her father, the chief, and his face. She looked one last time, knowing this would be her final few moments. She saw a figure leap out from on top of the massive rock beside the wounded Wyverex.