Chapter 31: Arrival in Tyros
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POV Eliza


I took the time as I walked south toward the next town to think about my situation. Above all, I had to be clear about what my next big goal was. There was one thing I had learned from the few months I spent in Evingside. I should avoid spending long periods of time in one place. I had to do something in future that would allow me to react flexibly to any change in the situation. In addition, I couldn't lose sight of my long-term goal. Sooner or later the four idiots came and wanted to either take me prisoner or worse. So I had to improve my skills enough to prevent that from happening. Therefore I needed an activity that would make me stronger. A career as an adventurer seemed to make the most sense to me. I probably had the greatest possible freedom.


I moved at night and spent the day in cover. This meant it took me longer than I was safe from potential pursuers. I also turned west to cover my trail. Early in the morning of the third day I saw the city in the distance. It was surrounded by a city wall and, apart from the north, there was a gate in every other direction. I moved carefully towards the road and took advantage of an opportune moment to get onto it unseen. Then I turn towards the city gate with a confident step after I have transformed. Two lines can be seen in front of the city gate. One consisted of carts and other vehicles. Apparently they were merchants or something similar. In the other line there were people on foot or on horseback. I got in that line. A wide variety of people could be seen in front of me. Warriors in armor and with large swords, archers with bows or wizards in their robes with their staffs stood next to simply dressed travelers. Only there were no priests to be seen. I asked myself why. Was the activity of an adventurer highly disrespected by the church? Out of curiosity, I analyzed the people who could be recognized as adventurers. I wanted to recognize what status values ​​are normal for them so that I don't attract too much attention with mine. But my skill level still wasn't high enough to do that. I played it safe and changed my stats more towards combat. As a class I changed back to Scout, after all that was my actual class and my skills were designed for it. I also had to get better at these.


While I waited, I listened carefully to what the others were talking about. I found out that there were several branches of different guilds like the Adventurers' Guild or the Merchant' Guild in the city. Perfect, that really meant I could choose the city as a base for the next while. When it was my turn, I was stopped by a guard in a breastplate and halberd.


"Stop. Why do you want entry into Tyros?” <Guard>


“I want to become an adventurer and join the guild.” <Eliza>


"That's 1 silver entry if you don't have another license." <Guard>


“No, I don’t have any other license. Here is the silver.” <Eliza>


“Don’t cause any trouble in town. You may pass.” <Guard>


I entered the city of Tyros for the first time. At first glance it looked like a typical European medieval town. Tall half-timbered houses with wide main streets and narrow side streets. The houses all had 4 floors. Most houses had a shop on the ground floor. The streets were busy and there were no beggars to be seen. Either the city was rich or the poor lived in another part. Since I had no idea where to find an inn, I followed a group of adventurers that included at least one woman. I trusted that they wouldn't go to the last bar. The group walked down the main street towards the center and entered a large square. Then they turned left and went down another street. Shortly after they entered the central square, they entered a building that was brightly lit and loud noises were coming from. Outside there was a sign with the name the red deer, under which a picture of a red deer was painted. I entered the inn and stood in a large bar room. A wide variety of people sat at many of the tables enjoying food and drink. The counter was in the back area and a staircase led up from the left side. A middle-aged woman stood behind the counter. I walked towards the counter and was approached by the woman.


"Hello dear. What brings you to my inn?” <Landlady>


“Hello. I want a room for the night and something to eat.” <Eliza>


“But but, not so formally. I'm Karla. A small single room with breakfast costs 6 bronze and it's best to choose your food from the menu here." <Karla>


I saw the menu hanging to the landlady's left. The cheapest meal was bread with cheese and cost 1 bronze. A stew without meat costs 3 bronze and a roast with sauce and bread costs 1 silver. Water was 2 copper, beer was 3 copper and then there were lots of other alcoholic drinks that didn't interest me.


“Then a warm stew without meat and some water, please.” <Eliza>


"Come immediately. Here is your key. You can find the room on the top floor under the roof at the back on the left. You'll get the food when you come back down." <Karla>


I gave the landlady the money and got the key in return. I went up the stairs and followed the description. Up under the roof was the furthest away, but I had the most peace up there. The room was small, with a bed, a closet, a table and a chair. The view out the window showed the sky, but since the surrounding houses were just as tall, I didn't see any of the rest of the city. A quick inspection of the room revealed that it was clean, tidy and free of bugs. I had already made a good choice in this regard. As I left my room, I noticed the skylight in the ceiling in the hallway. Apparently you could get to the roof from here. A folding ladder hung retracted under the hatch. Since I wasn't tall enough, the only way I could get to the ladder was by jumping, but I could get away over it just in case.


I then went back down to the bar. When the landlady saw me, she nodded to me and called something behind her into a lighted passage. From the smell, the kitchen was behind it. I looked around the room for a free seat. There wasn't much free left and I decided on a table for four, where two men and one woman were already sitting, although boys and girls were more likely to get there. They were at most 1-2 years older than me. I approached the table and pointed to the empty seat.


“Is this still free?” <Eliza>