July 29th
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Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Mr Carter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall sig

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2.
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

John finished reading the letter for the fifth time that day, sighing in pain; currently, except for his right arm, the rest of his body was more or less injured, from what he could deduce, after Karenina had taken the opportunity to vent her anger over her outing with Luna, although she didn't kill him, she left his body completely mangled.

He could only curse his ignorance for being tricked by that old bastard.

Rising with difficulty, he looked at the calendar, it was July 29th and he had only one day left to answer his letter, to his misfortune Karenina had gone to look for Grímhildr, so he had to take care of this matter himself. Sighing at the hardships of life, he dressed as best he could, trying to hide the bandages on his body, to hide the bruises on his face, he put on his squadron's combat mask.

Leaving his room, he walked as calmly as he could to the center of the city, even though it was a few hours before nightfall, his intention to visit a night bar was never to meet girls or get drunk, aside from not being old enough to worry about those things, if he tried, he would end up in a tragic situation beyond words. His intention, more than anything else, was to find a certain womanizing wizard, a friend of his, to help him send his letter, and incidentally, depending on whether his character had degenerated, to beat him up a bit to set him on the right path.

Approaching the bar, under the mocking looks of the men around him, he asked for a cup of coffee with milk along with a sugar bowl to mediate the sweetness he wanted in it, he had no choice, not everyone was like Luna who knew the exact point in the flavors he liked, Karenina? The last time he ate something prepared by her, he was able to see his mother again and spend some time with her.

The hours passed, and unfortunately he could not find his friend, and he politely declined the invitations of several girls who approached him, mostly because of the curiosity he aroused by wearing a Quelrathar mask.

After that he left as fast as he could, although his exit had failed, he still gave himself the task to explore the city in search of magicians, but found none, inside he thought that maybe leaving with the mask on was a bad idea and the reason for his failure, but he had no choice, his character and actions had earned him enough enemies who would not hesitate to attack or mock him if they noticed the precarious situation he found himself in.

It was after midnight when he got home, so he started to prepare dinner while he went through the contents of the letter once again, to be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want to look decadent in front of Luna next Saturday and because he didn't want to be beaten by Karenina again, he would have collapsed from despair, the mere thought that he had become the same kind of being as the bastard who had ruined his life made him despair deeply. Sighing for the thousandth time, he hurried to eat and after finishing, washing the dishes and clearing the table, he went to sleep.

The next day he chose an easier option, he went straight to the bookstore and threatened Abdul to bring him a wizard, his pathetic excuses to not help him collapsed before the sword pressed against his neck, although he wanted to beat him for telling Karenina about his outing with Luna, doing so would get him into multiple problems with the Reliere, so he would not do anything to him, but that was for him alone to know. He took his place and started to protect the bookstore, but after a few hours he got bored and went inside to read some books.

Night came, and when he saw that Abdul had not arrived, he began to worry that something had happened to him, though he was quite strong, magic was something unpredictable, so he set out to look for him, but when he left the bookstore he saw him arrive with a disheveled middle-aged man whose face could not be more ordinary, His dirty and patched clothes gave the impression that he was a beggar, which surprised him, since from his perspective and experience of killing Abyssal wizards and even living with his friend and that old bastard, they all usually dressed elegantly, and if not, at least presentable. At this point, his expectations of magic dropped a few notches, since they obviously didn't have magic that created clothes or allowed them to transform them from the matter around them.

"I'm John Carter, to whom do I have the pleasure?" he asked politely, suppressing the contempt he felt for the man before him.

"Mundungus Fletcher, a humble and honest merchant at your service." The man replied with an awkward bow.

"You forgot to mention that you have experience as a smuggler, grave robber, assassin, appraiser, con man, and most importantly, you are a member of the Order of the Phoenix," Abdul said.

"Order of the Phoenix?"

"It's an order founded by Dumbledore as a countermeasure to Voldemort's Death Eaters."


"He was a dark wizard, considered one of the most dangerous of all time."

"Really, how does he compare to 'that dark wizard'?" he said, his voice a little shaky.

"Pretty poor compared to what he did or his ideals, though you have to give some points to the remnants of his organization."

"I see, so he's not someone to worry about."

Mundungus remained silent as the two Muggles talked, what other wizards would call stupid, crazy and ignorant Muggles was nothing more than a normal conversation to him. As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he had access to confidential information from the Muggle world, information that had turned his perception of the world upside down, information that he wished he'd never discovered, although if he hadn't, he probably would have died from his activities years ago. Now he was facing both a mythical hunter and an elite member of the Reliere, and if he got out of this alive, he would be a good topic of conversation with the other members of the Order.

"Mr. Mundungus, let's be clear, when I heard your resume the first thing that went through my head was to kill you, but Dumbledore, your backup, would make things quite problematic if I did that, so let's make a deal, you get me an owl in less than an hour and I'll forget about your existence, deal?"

Mundungus wasn't stupid, so he nodded quickly and took out his wand, disappeared, returned half an hour later with a cage containing a white-feathered owl and a sealed box, handed it all over to John without asking a penny, and disappeared again without saying a word of farewell.

"Am I that scary? He didn't even leave his contact information, as a trader he's pretty mediocre, don't you think, Abdul?"

Abdul rolled his eyes as he returned to his guard post, John for his part looked intently at the owl in front of him, as much as he hated magic, he had to admit that certain species became more charming when it affected their bodies, his attention shifted to the box, opening it with the greatest of precautions, discovering that inside was food and a manual on how to care for owls, after feeding it he opened the cage and handed it the confirmation letter, the owl's yellow eyes looked at the addressee and flew away.

John sighed in relief, he took a taxi back home, the next day his owl came back with a letter stating that on the second of August a teacher from the school would come to his house to explain the details of enrollment and to take him to buy his school supplies, so they asked for the address of a house in Great Britain to make the operation easier that day.

John could not help but rub his forehead, after so many years and so much psychological counseling, he was already able to see wizards and treat them with some kindness, but to let them into his house was somewhat unacceptable, but still he suppressed his discomfort and sent a new letter with the address of his house.

This is a small change that will be made in the story, originally I was thinking of using the Vatican as the ultimate human force, but after analyzing some details of the story (mostly because I want to make a prequel to this fanfic, but one hundred percent as an original novel, make me change the name of the organization from the Vatican to the Quelrathar) This change as small as you may think brutally affected the plot of the story, but fortunately can put it on a better path.