01【Eh… idk.】
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Note 1

Socially awkward, edgy, chuuni, has dreams of an isekai adventure.

A perfectly normal teenager.

In comes Truck-kun with all the brilliant glory of headlights and a missing driver, followed by a distant 'WRRYYYYYY'–the voice being familiar probably has to do with near-death hallucinations, not at all related to a certain immortal time-stopping vampire, no sir.

Then, the usual ROB enters the scene, grants the kid his wish and gets him reincarnated to a world of his choice–AU HP.

That's how our isekai adventure started–or, it should have, if not for the two ears. Looong Elven Ears.


His thoughts summaries the situation quite succinctly.

For he had discovered he's not human–at least, not a pure one.

Given the importance the media of his previous world place on humanity as the race of protagonists, he–Ayen Ryūgami–came to the painful realisation that he might not be the main character of this world.


Shrugging internally, Ayen returned to his babily duties, namely, sucking the tits if his biological mother.

Is it normal to moan while breastfeeding? Eh, he didn't know, and he didn't have enough hormones in him to care.

This continued the blissfully unaware life of one Ayen Ryūgami.

'Besides, she's really beautiful.'

His sinful thoughts towards his mother were, thankfully and good for him, unheard by anyone.

Note 2

(Ayen POV)

Time passed, and before I knew it, it's already the sixth year since I've reincarnated into this world.

My mother died a year after giving birth, and she was sad I'd be alone in the world all by myself.

I had questions, of course. Who is my dad? What of the relatives or friends that could take care of me in her stead? Why are we living away from the village? Why's she dying alone with nobody but me by her side? And so much more.

But I kept silent. Watching her get weaker day by day, with little hope in her eyes, I couldn't bring myself to further burden her. In the end, she left me peacefully, with a fond smile while watching me.

I tried to help her, but I'm not strong, not skilled, enough to matter.

She died, and I just watched as her body burned, the post-rites she taught me I followed.

I've received a single boon from the ROB that brutally killed my Earthen life.

「Shinigami Inheritance」

It's pretty haxxor, but considering that bar Ichigo most of the cast are like hundreds if not thousands of years old, the bar to getting strong is steep in that word.

I've tried healing Kido on my mom, but apparently, my skills are just lackluster, my control lacking and my knowledge meager. I couldn't help my mom.

As I laid there, legs folded and arms over them curled up, it's when I realised. I merely have the potential to be strong. I'm not strong myself.

I don't have the protection of fate like those protagonists of stories.

I'm weak and alone in a crazy, cruel world. I'm a nobody.

Still, a resolve solidified in me.

Living a story, and reading a story are different. The impact of watching someone who cared for me died a slow death while I desperately tried to help...

The fires burning are like an illusory mirage of a past that'd never come back. A person just died, and nobody would know except me.

I don't want to be like that. I don't want to feel pathetic.

I've already noticed I'm no Ichigo Kurosaki with unlimited potential. I'm not Aizen with his ridiculous Reiryoku. I'm no Kenpachi with a physique equal to a Bankai release. I'm not talented like Urahara. And I certainly don't yet hold a Bankai like Genryuusai or Ichibei.

Still, at that moment, as I sat there watching the final fires of my mother's life get extinguished, I made myself and Oath.

I'll survive. And... I'll be free. Free enough to follow my own Will.

A reddish purple burst of reiatsu gathered around the surroundings, my mind too scattered to notice.