V1 – The Right Direction: Part Seven
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The two boarded a mostly empty train at Kashiwa station—still early enough in the morning where there was no massive influx of office-workers going to their jobs. The train only had a few passengers that were most likely coming home from a late Friday night out.

I swear this train ride was almost an hour. Where’d she get the idea it was twenty minutes?  

As he thought, Katsumi took the seat closest to the door and Mayumi sat down next to him. She set her bag on her lap and pulled out her cellphone.

Why’d I break my phone… This train ride is gonna be so long. But ya know I probably have enough money to buy a new one, not a very good one but still should get one. Maybe a flip-phone or an older iPhone.

After a few minutes the train lurched forward, then began steadily increasing in speed. Katsumi blankly stared at the passing buildings, slowly being overcome by drowsiness. He crossed his arms and with shut eyes, let his head fall forward. As he was about to drift off to sleep he felt a tap on his shoulder. He’d assumed Mayumi had accidentally bumped into him but now there was a presence on his left side, like something was leaning on it. 

Please don’t tell me…

He slowly opened one eye and looked to the side. The first thing he saw was a head of black hair resting on his shoulder. 

What is this cliché situation… Arata… Arata… 

Mayumi slightly shifted.


“Hm? Oh… sor—ry—” Mayumi slowly sat up straight and nearly instantly fell asleep again. Leaving Katsumi staring at her with a confused expression. 

I never would’ve pictured her like this… He turned his focus back to the windows in front of him. She’s probably not used to staying up that late— His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he felt another weight on his left side. He looked to his left and sure enough Mayumi had fallen onto his side again.

Do I even bother getting her up again? I mean she’ll probably just fall onto my side again… or maybe even fall the other way and hit her head… 

Katsumi turned his head back to the train windows. The buildings became shorter and the city gave way to neighborhoods of family homes and small shops. 

The sky was clear without a single cloud, the sun glinted off the windows.

Why does having Arata rest on my shoulder feel so nice… It’s wrong though… I can’t just be an asshole to her for a week then feel good about this… she’s just sleeping and I’m the one sitting here making it weird in my own head…  It shouldn’t be this hard to admit… but I’ve been too harsh…

Still though, no one just goes out of their way like this, there has to be more to it. I mean she’d never tell me though. Because that would shatter the entire facade of a nice girl that just wants to help… it’s something that I’d have to figure out on my own.

He continued to look down at her and slowly but surely became entranced by her faint, steady breaths. 

Damn she’s cute… He brought his focus away from her and shut his eyes. Maybe I can pretend I’m not failing. Just for a little bit…


Murakam— Murakami… Murakami” 

“Hm? Wha—?”

Wake up, we’re at Tokyo station,” Mayumi whispered.

“O-oh, yeah…” 

Mayumi exited the train before Katsumi could even stand up, let alone get his bearings. 

He rubbed his head with an exasperated sigh, I could sleep for another few hours… You know… I could just take this train to the next station then get on one back to Kashiwa. Katsumi remained on the train as people began boarding. 

I shouldn’t even be thinking that.

He stood up and weaved through the now crowded train. Mayumi was standing on the platform, taking in the sights of the station while Katsumi made his way to her.

“Sorry for taking so long. I was just… waking up…”

“I see. Anyways, there are a few stores I pre-planned on visiting for their new summer clothing, so let’s go to those first. Then if there are any that you want to check out we can go to those.”

“Sounds good, let’s go.” I don’t know why it feels weird hearing her talk about fashion… She just doesn’t strike me as someone that cares about it a lot.

Katsumi walked two paces behind Mayumi, he glanced at the back of her head.

I mean she’s just a normal girl like any other… I don’t know why I’d assume that… Besides, I don’t really know the first thing about her.