V1 – The Right Direction: Part Nine
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Eleven fifty-two… We’ve been here for almost two hours already. And she shows no sign of even being near done.

He glanced over at Mayumi who was next to him on a bench looking at a map of the mall on her phone. 

Hey Arata, I’ve gone like what, six hours without smoking? I deserve a reward right? I know, how about a smoke break? Sound good? Okay, great.

Katsumi began setting bags off to the side so he could get up when Mayumi looked up from her phone.

“Murakami, do you like coffee?”

“Uh, yeah. Why?”

“There’s a coffee shop that’s gotten really popular lately. Apparently a band has been endorsing it.”

Does Arata follow those kinds of things? I guess going is better than more clothes-shopping, so why not. “Yeah, that sounds good.” And I think I’ll stop for a smoke break.

Mayumi was walking ahead and Katsumi called out to her, “I’ll meet you there, I have to use the restroom.”

She didn’t bother to turn around, instead opting to throw up a hand and wave to acknowledge him.

Be more tactful, huh?


Katsumi found a side door that led to an alley. It was a narrow service-passage between the mall and wall that he presumed was also the mall.

What is this passage even used for? It looks way too small to fit anything. Katsumi looked down to his right and saw a small metal tin filled with cigarette butts. Makes sense.

He took out his lighter and a package of cigarettes.


What am I doing? Why do I suddenly feel so weird about this? I do it all the time, anywhere…  What am I doing in Tokyo? 

Another moment of standing in silence passed.

He lit his cigarette and began smoking.

I don’t care anymore, I’ll just let her drag me around the rest of the day then go home and forget about this. 

Katsumi finished it and flicked it into the tin with the rest of the butts. He pushed open the side-door and stepped back into the mall—now faintly smelling of cigarettes. 

Where’d she go…? Oh yeah, probably that coffee shop.

After a minute of walking a voice spoke from behind him.


“H-huh?” He spun around.

Mayumi appeared at his side, “You walked right past me, I was waiting for you.”

“O-oh… I see. Sorry about that.” Was she really? I swear I didn’t see her anywhere…


Inside the coffee shop, the mall’s bustling atmosphere was nearly nonexistent. Even though the shop was almost at max capacity, people kept to their own groups and were respectful. Katsumi and Mayumi were seated by a window looking out at the mall’s main hallway. 

“I thought some band Tweeted about this place? Wouldn’t there be a line or something?”

“Well, the Tweet was only made thirty minutes ago. So even for that short amount of time it’s quite busy.”

“Hmm…” Katsumi scanned the shop. The majority of the people were around their age or a bit older, but mixed in were people of all ages. 

Some office workers enjoying the afternoon on their day off to elderly having some tea. 

A waitress wearing black jeans and a green polo with the cafe’s logo on it came up to the table.

With a cheerful demeanor, she greeted the two, “Hello! How’re you two doing today?”

“We’re good, thank you,” Mayumi said, flashing a smile.

“Ready to order?”

“Yes, I think so.” Mayumi glanced over at Katsumi who was studying the menu. She tapped him on the foot with hers to grab his attention. 

“O-oh, yeah… Hmm— I have a question about the Turkish Coffee. Is it actually from Turkey? Or are you just saying that as false advertisement?”

“Uhm— I’m sorry sir, I’m not sure I understand…”

“Well did you get— Ow— Err—” Katsumi’s weird rant was cut short when Mayumi harshly stepped on his foot with hers. 

“I believe it’s just a style of coffee,” The waitress interjected.

“Y-yes, sorry. I’ll have a cup of  Turkish coffee please.”

With a wry smile the waitress said, “Alrighty… And for you, miss?”

“I’ll have an espresso shot and the crème brûlée please.”

“We’ll have that out for you in a moment. We’re also running a couples promotional discount, if you two are together.”


“Yes, yes we are. Thank you, that’s much appreciated,” Mayumi instantaneously interrupted Katsumi with a lie.

The waitress gave another bright smile before turning to leave.

What is up with her? I really didn’t expect her to be the person to say something like that just to save a bit of money… I mean, it is a bit of money saved I suppose… “Arata…?”

Instead of replying, Mayumi let out a small sigh and put a hand to her forehead. 


Mayumi crossed her legs and slightly leaned back in her chair—shutting her eyes.

Why do I keep expecting her to act in a certain way? I really don’t know who she is. I’ve only known her for what? A week? Maybe a bit longer…? When I first met her, I expected her to act like some quiet, soft-spoken girl… that’s just a wrong characterization at this point… But I do know one thing, she’s nosier than she needs to be.

Katsumi looked back towards Mayumi who was now scrolling through some social media app on her phone. He stared at her for a couple more seconds, “Why would someone so pretty like her care about what I do…?

After a moment of silence Mayumi’s lips slightly curled upwards. Without looking up from her phone she said, “I wonder.” 

I wonder? Why’d she say that? Oh no, did I say that out loud!? Katsumi looked down to his side, his face turning a shade of red. 

“Sorry for the wait, here’s your coffee’s and your crème brû·lée. Please enjoy.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Thank you…”

“There are a few more stores I want to visit then I’m done with my shopping. Is there anywhere you’d like to go?” Mayumi asked.

Home. Please. “I don’t think there’s anywhere I want to go,” Katsumi said with a nervous smile.

Mayumi looked down at her phone which was displaying a map of the mall, “Are you sure there’s nothing you’re looking for?” Mayumi looked Katsumi up and down while saying that last part.

What, does she think my style is that bad…? Come on, is it really that bad? “No, I’m fine, thanks… Actually—”

“Hm? What is it?”

“I’m gonna go to the restroom again real quick.”

“...Is that so?”

What the hell is that reaction? Does she know I’m going to smoke…? Why do I even care if she knows? It really doesn’t matter.

“Yes, I’ll be back in a moment.”

Well it’s not a complete lie this time. I actually do have to use the restroom.