V1 – I Was There For You, In Tokyo: Part One
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I wish I didn’t have to go back out there. 

Katsumi stood over a sink washing his hands. A constant stream of extremely hot water continuously flowed over them.

I suppose I’m wasting a lot of water though… 

He turned off the faucet and dried his hands under the blow-dryer. Katsumi rejoined the flow of people milling about the shopping center to search for Mayumi. At this point in the day the volume of people had increased from when the mall first opened. It was at a point where if you weren’t careful, you could quite easily bump into someone.

Katsumi however, wasn’t focused on what was ahead of him. His mind was on looking for Mayumi. So it was too late when he realized the two men directly in front of him. They weren’t the intimidating type, however, much more muscular and larger than him.

“Oh— I’m so sorry, excuse me…”

“Hey, watch where you’re going kid,” One of the guys gave him a disgusted look.

“Y-yes, sorry.”

After a quick, but bitter, interaction, they walked off back into the flow of people.

I get I wasn’t watching where I was going but wow, they overreacted… Now where is she? How can you lose someone in such a small space? Wait, I’ll just call her.

Katsumi reached into his pocket for his phone but, “Damnit, I forgot… I broke it…” Actually now that I think about it, there is somewhere I need to stop. The Apple Store. 

He kept the hand in his jean’s pocket and put the other in kind, continuing on.

After a bit more walking, Katsumi paused and scanned over the area around him. Some of the crowd had dissipated but a stream of people still went about. 

Wait, where is the entrance? I looked at a map, I didn’t think it was this big.

“Hey dude, check out that girl over there.”

“Huh? Where?”

“Over there. See? The one with the nice ass in the skinny jeans.”

“...Ohh yeah, I see her. You thinkin’ about trying to slide?”

“Yeah I—”

…I mean I see what they’re talking about… But really, it wouldn’t hurt to refrain from talking like that in public so loudly would it? Katsumi was looking at the girl they were presumably describing but when he turned to see who was having this conversation, they were already on their way to talk to her.

Wait… those look like the two guys I bumped into earlier. Man, I feel bad for her… 

He stood silently watching the two close the gap between them and the girl. One with lighter brown hair tapped the girl on the shoulder, she turned towards him but her face still wasn’t in view of Katsumi. 

I hate people like that, so arrogant and unaware… ‘Hey girl wanna come back to my twenty square foot Tokyo apartment so I can give you the worst time of your life?’ ‘Ohh I’d love to! You’re so arrogant, I love it!’ ‘Great, mind if my friend watches? I really like that—’

While mocking the two guys, the one with the light-brown hair began to caress the girl’s short black hair, however, she instantly pulled away. Turning in Katsumi’s direction as a result.


Mayumi began to back away but the other man stood behind her and she bumped into him. Again, light-brown hair put his hand on Mayumi’s hair.

What is this… W-why is this happening? Is that actually Arata? There’s no way…

My palms are getting so sweaty… 

D-do I try and help her…? Should I try and help her? 

Katsumi tried to take a step forward but his racing mind kept him frozen in place.

They’ll probably beat my ass if I try something stupid like that… But so much worse would happen to Arata…

As he stood motionless, lost in his over-thinking, the two men started to push Mayumi along to walk with them.

Is this worth getting the shit beaten out of me…?



Did I really just think that…?

What kind of person would think that even! Why would I suggest something like that!? That’s who I am!? A coward?

Katsumi once again attempted to take a step forward but looking into the crowd he saw that they were even further away.

I-I’m overthinking this way too much… Why am I so scared? I just have to tell them that she’s with somebody… or something… But they’re just so much bigger than me…

Focusing back on the man with light-brown hair, he now had his arm around Mayumi’s back, ushering her forward. He slowly moved his hand lower and lower down her back. At a certain point Mayumi tried to brush it off, however, that only resulted in him putting it back on, even lower.

After a sharp inhale, Katsumi moved a foot forward. Then another step. God… I’m probably going to get the shit beat out of me… But I can’t let this happen to her. No one deserves something like this happening to them. No matter who they are…

Katsumi began walking faster. But he felt that it wasn’t enough to catch up to them. 

He began jogging, then sprinting.

“Excuse me…” Katsumi tapped on the shoulder of the light brown haired man. 

Grabbing their attention, all three of them turned around. Mayumi, who had been wearing an obviously scared expression, changed. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly in surprise. 

“Huh? Wha—  Oh, you.”

“Togashi, Who’s that? The other man with black hair chimed in. 

“That’s the shithead that bumped into us earlier.”

“No idea.”

“Eh whatever… Well, what the hell do you want? Can’t you see we’re busy?”

“...S-she’s… with me.”
“Huh? Why are you stuttering dumbass? You’re not with him right—” The man paused for a second, trying to come up with a name on the spot, “Kataoka… chan?”

“Arata, come on, let’s go…” Katsumi reached to grab onto her arm but was blocked by Togashi. 

“What’d you think you’re doing?”

“S-she came here with me… And we— we need to go.”

“Aww, come on. The day is just getting started! Hey, you don’t seem like a bad guy. Why not join us back at the hotel? It’ll be great.”

“Join you in what, ra…” Katsumi trailed off.

“In what? Stop mumbling.”

“Join you in raping her!?”

“You’d even think about suggesting something like that?” Togashi looked back and forth at the two and a faint smile grew on his lips. He let go of Katsumi’s arm, “You know what? I’m feeling nice today. I’ll let you two go on your merry way if—” He pointed and the black haired man circled behind Katsumi and tightly gripped his shoulders, “You can beat me in a fight.”

The black haired man began to drag Katsumi to the service door he smoked by earlier. Some nearby people watched and gave passing glances but assumed it was none of their business.