V1 – I Was There For You, In Tokyo: Part Two
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The alleyway’s ground was dirty. It was old, rough pavement, littered with small rocks and cigarettes.

Katsumi was thrown onto the dirty pavement—he scrambled backwards.

The black haired man was shortly joined by Togashi. The two stood over Katsumi, staring down at him. 

The only sounds in the alleyway was Katsumi’s panting.

“Let me teach you a lesson shithead,” Togashi pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. As he did, the black haired man once again came up to Katsumi and held him down.

Smoke was blown in Katsumi’s face, “Don’t get involved in other people's business. Your life will go a lot smoother if you don’t. So remember this pain every time you see somethin’ like that and think twice before playing the savior,” Togashi took his cigarette and pressed it into Katsumi’s forehead.

Katsumi cursed as the cigarette was held and pressed into his head. The two men smiled the whole time.

What was I supposed to do?


“I’m just supposed to stand by and let my friend get raped!?”

“Don’t talk back to me!”

Spit landed in Togashi’s eye.

He balled his hand into a fist and wound his arm back, rotating his body with it. Togashi drove his fist into Katsumi’s eye. A wave of pressure surged through his head, then a sharp pain in the back of his head as he hit the pavement again. A red streak began to flow from his nose, slowly to his upper lip then into his mouth. 

Togashi wiped his eye as the black haired man picked Katsumi up again. He brought back his arm, driving it forward and pushing it directly into Katsumi’s temple.

An even greater wave of pressure radiated throughout his head and body. His thoughts slowed and he slouched in the man's grip. The black haired man let him drop to the ground. 

The only sensation he was aware of was the warm blood running down his face. His breathing slowed and became heavier. Katsumi struggled to heave a few heavy breaths before his vision began to blur. 

The two faint figures of the men disappeared back into the service door.


Beams of golden light shone into the room through gaps in the closed curtains. They Illuminated countless floating dust particles, aimlessly wandering. One of these rays fell onto Katsumi’s face. His right eye began to flutter, and soon he was squinting at the curtains into the light.

Katsumi took his hands and slid them underneath the pillow he was lying on. Stretching out to lie on his stomach, he buried his face in the pillow.

I don’t remember my pillow being this soft… Katsumi rubbed the underside of the pillow enjoying its soft quality.

“Uhm… Murakami…”

The noise prompted Katsumi to open one of his eyes. Why is the pillow made of skin…? Don’t tell me I just… Katsumi turned his head so he could see upwards.

It was Mayumi.

“Oh— Arata I-I’m sorry I—

“Are you feeling any better?”

Before he could think any further, a sharp pain suddenly returned to his head. He quickly put a hand to his forehead, then a second one was placed on the back of his head, a softer, more gentle one. 

“Murakami, you really shouldn’t move too much, it could cause damage. I think you got a concussion,” She guided his head back down to lying on her lap.

After a brief pause Katsumi spoke up, “Arata.”


“Why didn’t you take me to the hospital? It’s made for that kind of thing you know.”

“Well, you see… I thought you might get tested… or something. And it would come back showing you’ve been taking a lot of drugs… so I guess I panicked and brought you back to your apartment.”

“Did you carry me?”

“I… contacted Tagaki.”

A silence fell over the two as Mayumi continued to gently stroke Katsumi’s hair. After a few minutes of this silence he felt something drop onto the back of his head, something wet. 

Then another drop. 

Shortly after Mayumi stopped moving her hand. Katsumi turned over to look up at her, witnessing something he’d never thought he’d see from her. 

A waterfall of tears streaming down her cheeks. She tried using the back of her hand to wipe them but more kept coming. 

Her voice wavering, she muttered, “Katsumi… Thank you… Thank you so much…

He could only look up at her with his mouth open.

I was so— scared… I had no idea what to do…” 

Katsumi sat up straight, moving next to Mayumi. 

Through her tears she continued, “I thought… I thought I was going to get—

For the first time it was Mayumi who got cut off. She was interrupted by Katsumi who leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her. He embraced her tightly, feeling her body heaving with each breath. She curled-up her arms and let herself sink into Katsumi’s embrace. 

Thank you…