Chapter 9 – Project Town Hall: Production Phase
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It just came before him that he now realized that the girl before him was a fantastic figure. Perhaps it was because she was kind of looking cool with the electric fish moving hysterically behind her, so from Angga’s point of view, it was a sight to behold.


“What’s wrong,  Angga? You got shocked by them?” The lion girl helped the human guy stand up by pulling his arm.

“Yeah, literally and figuratively. But I also feel a little bit awestruck.”

“Oh? Why is that?”

“It’s because of your outfit. I can kinda guess you’re here in the mood for a vacation or enjoying the atmosphere leisurely, let alone doing some fighting. But we’re in this kind of unexpected situation. Even now, I can’t believe it and wonder if all of this was real,” Angga caught his breath, “but it seems you have no problem moving around and punching them. You’re amazing, Clara.”


A wide grin appeared on the lion girl’s face.


“Thanks for your compliment. Coincidentally, most of my outfits are easy to move to. Glad that you know my charm.”

“Yeah, I didn’t realize it until you moved around while fighting those fish. Can you do more amazing stuff?”

“Yeah, of course! Watch me, Angga!”


Clara quickly jumped when some of the fish tried to tackle her with their electric sparks engulfing the fish's body, and the girl launched other punches, which easily dislocated anyone’s jaw just by one hit, pushing the fish away as it fell on the ground and not moving anymore. She made sure to drive the fish further from Angga before she left while Angga moved to a safer position with fewer fish. 


He directed his camera’s movement through everyone who was busy fighting the foes and recorded incredible moments of this fight from any angle imaginable while getting a grasp of controlling his floating camera. It’s been hit by the fish or electrocuted, but the camera remains strong. Angga also realized that he could summon a screen to control how his camera floats.


“Everyone, since the fishes are moving in unpredictable directions and very hard to hit, I’ll use my water spell. You all should move away and breach the water. Don’t worry, I’ll make it so you all can go through without any difficulty,” instructed Kai.


Everyone answered firmly to the new command. The Merman of the Town Hall moved his hands from left to right and shifted them a little to move right to left. In seconds, crippling bubbles of water formed a couple of meters above the head and spread to every direction possible, making a water dome that enclosed both the electric fishes with the merman and mermaid staff, Angga and Clara included.


The water dome spell was shrinking slowly while containing all of the fish, and they couldn’t breach it somehow. It got smaller and tighter while the fishes inside were desperate enough to find a way out.


“That’s cool, Kai. But why those fishes can’t just come out from the water dome?” asked the lion girl.

“It’s because this creature can’t breathe underwater,” he explained shortly.

“I’m sorry?”

“That is what I said.”


One by one, staff, including Clara and Angga, managed to get through the water wall. It’s just as Kai said that they can somehow come out without any restraint, only take a moment to hold their breath, and that’s it.


Kai fastened the shrink process when he was aware everyone was already out of the water dome. The school of fish moves frantically in desperation, trying to find a way out but simultaneously afraid of the closing in water. Then, Kai came out of the dome casually and drowned all of the fish inside.


Everyone watched how the fish struggled. They’re trying to swim out, but Kai controls his water dome so as not to let them go. One of them released their electric power, which hurt another fish, and responded by unleashing their electric power, too, resulting in a massive ball of electricity currently frying the fish.


Ultimately, the pests were eradicated thanks to their own electrical attributes.


Witnessed his victory while catching his breath, Kai assessed the situation again and raised his trident high.


“Good work, everyone. Thank you very much. And then, you should do what you must.”


Everyone rejoiced upon their successful pest control. And then, some of the staff gathered the dead fish while others healed the ones who suffered injury without anything fatal. Clara and Angga moved closer to Kai.


“Hold a bit, Kai. You told them to collect the fish on the ground?” asked Clara.

“Indeed, indeed. Being a pest, they have crunchy, juicy meat when grilled. Can’t you smell it? They’re electrocuting themselves, and their meat is kind of grilled on its own. You must try them, and our chef will prepare them for you guys.”

“Wait a minute. You can actually smell something inside the water bubble?!”


Angga somehow didn’t believe that the fish that almost hurt him could be eaten, too. 


“I think we’re good here. Let’s get inside and rest,” Kai suggested while ignoring Clara. “Anyway, Angga. According to the mail that Clara sent to me, you need to meet me to discuss something?”

The human guy nodded toward the floating merman. “Yep. I need you to see and review the storyboard I’ve drafted.”

“Seems complicated. Ah, since we’re tired and all, let’s rest first and meet again in the evening. How?” 

“Okay, no problem. Thanks for your hard work, Kai. You guys are cool.” Angga gave him a thumbs up.


Soon after, in the evening, when everyone was already refreshed, the affiliated party was present in the main hall of the lodging. Angga sat beside Clara, and Kai was before him. A few foods and snacks were presented on the table since the number of guests was extremely low today, so the hall was obviously free. 


Kai was munching a deliciously smelling fish. Looking at that, Clara was drooled and tempted to do the same.


“This is the electric fish we fought today. Come on, go on. It’s their season, so we got enough in stock.”

“Alright! Don’t mind me!”


Angga laughed awkwardly while watching Clara feasted on the sensation of the fish meat. And then, the human guy presented three pictures in front of Kai and asked him to look at them.


“Basically, I plan to make an advertisement video to promote this lodging, of course, by utilizing the receiver all around the world. Well, publishing it so the Watcher could see it is also one way to go, but it doesn’t solve the initial problem that you’re concerned about. To make this a success, I’ve drafted the storyboard needed, and I’m sure I’ve put some important points in the draft, including the strong points of why a guest must stay here.”


Kai reached for the paper and analyzed its content–only with his right hand, which came out from the water bubble and magically got dry, so it was no problem for him to hold the paper. His eyes squinted slightly when he tried to focus more before having his usual unmotivated expression. 


The merman smiled slightly and put the papers back on the table. He was back enjoying the electric fish’s meat again.


“You know, it came to me again that I realized you’re from another world by looking at this. I truly have no idea about this, and I can’t imagine the expected work if I choose. So, you can decide by yourself, Angga. I believe you’re far more capable of making the right choice.” said Kai nonchalantly.

“Huh? Are you saying that I’m the one who makes the decision?”

“That’s right. Since you’re someone from another world, I trust your judgment.”


Angga picked up the drawn paper and looked at his draft again. After a solid 15 minutes of silence, aside from Clara’s munching, he resolved what he would do soon.


“Then, I’ll pick this one,” confirmed Angga, pointing to a paper on his left.

“Sure. Do what you must.” Kai approved.


The production phase will begin shortly.


At the tomorrow morning, Angga was already on fire to gather all the footage he needed. Based on the storyboard he chose, he prepared his mirrorless camera and went through every part of the Repose Lodging along with Clara since she was too curious about what the human guy would do.


Since one of the scenes needed will include a shoot about guests interacting with the staff, Kai arranged it for Angga by asking some of his acquaintances to give them free nights to stay at the lodge. In return, they must agree to be shot by Angga. 


Standing before Angga is a pair of Cuce and Sharp Teeth people. Both seem understanding enough to follow Angga’s lead for his shoot.


“Got it. We just have to pretend to ask about the room services and enjoy the room provided,” confirmed one of the Sharp Teeth people.

“That’s right. Also, please smile a lot while you’re in the room.”

“Smile? But some of my friends said it’s wise for me not to smile since most of my teeth are showing, and it’s kinda scary,” she seemed confused as she exchanged glances with her partner. He was also clueless, just like her.

“Nope. You gotta smile. Please forget what your friends have said and try to smile a lot. Don’t worry about it, and please enjoy the process!”


The Sharp Teeth couple are glancing at each other with a blush before they mustered themselves to smile freely. Angga approved that smile and encouraged them again to use the same smile they had. It’s pleasing to see, after all.


“What about us?” asked the Cuce people towards the human guy.


“Let’s see. We need you to enjoy all of the types of food. Don’t worry, this place’s cuisine is good since I’ve tried it myself.” Angga gave them a thumbs up.


Seems like those people had no question further and smiled wide since all they had to do was eat to their heart’s content. Still, both of the parties gladly did their roles so Angga could continue to the production phase.


“Hey, Angga. Then, what’s my part?” Clara approached him and smiled with curiosity.

“About you, hmm… Do you mind if I record you using the electrical massage stones? You can show me how you truly enjoy the sensation.”

“Sure! That part seems easy enough.”


With that planning in mind, Angga started his camera to record the scene.


Everything went well as planned. The Sharp Teeth couple enjoyed the room service very much since the staff provided all of the said couple’s requests, including food, cuisines, sweets, and other services. While the Cuce people truly enjoyed the delicacy of the chef’s artwork presented on the dining table before them. At another time, the lion girl lay down, enjoying the electricity surge to revitalize her energy.


The cameraman also ensured he got the scenes where the staff worked earnestly towards all the guests staying here. It’s outside the framework of his storyboard, but Angga always welcomes impromptu acts. It’s better to have more footage rather than lack it.


Angga needed more scenes and angles, so he directed some scenes according to the storyboard he had made before. All of the processes were recorded smoothly, and that made Angga chuckle in confidence. Everything was according to the plan.


Most of the process took three days to shoot, and right now, Angga was reviewing the recording he had taken inside his room. Clara sat before him while enjoying her juice.


“How was it? So your video will be an amazing one? Am I looking good there?” the lion girl asked, expecting a positive answer since Angga had been focused on his camera’s screen.

“Not yet, Clara. It’s only a raw recording inside my camera, not a complete product.  But, it’s enough to make a good advertisement. According to the storyboard, all of the important scenes have been covered, so what that's left is to edit that footage.”

“Ah, that editing you’ve talked about before.”

“Yup. But don’t worry. I made sure that you look good while we shoot the electrical stones scene.”


Clara made her usual stupid grin again. Somehow, Angga has been accustomed to it.


“Alright. What to do next is–”


The cameraman pointed his tool towards a flat area. And then, a speck of light appeared out of nowhere when Angga clicked something on his camera’s screen.


“I must do some magic inside this room. So, see you, Clara.”


The lion girl waved her hands in response to Angga’s gesture as he approached the speck of light that got wider and became a portal before closing in again when Angga was already inside. The said spot is still there, floating in the air. When Clara came closer and touched it, nothing really happened.


It was just flickering like a mysterious magical energy.


Now the lion girl was thinking, what should she do while the human guy was gone for a bit?


“Let’s see what we’ve got here.”


Clara checked her recording as she activated the mini-receiver shaped like water that act as a screen. It showed the footage of Angga doing his best until now, minus the part during the electric fish’s invasion since she didn’t want to risk her orb being broken. She grinned with satisfaction since most of her shoots are within expectation.


At another place, inside Angga’s space magic, the guy himself was already absorbed in her workstation while he put all the scenes he had taken in the last three days. His computer worked wonders that exceeded the real thing back in his world. So, Angga smiled in awe because he got a fantastic free upgrade for his workstation.


He also noticed that, somehow it was him alone in this place. He expected a little that Clara would be curious and barged her way inside of his room’s exact copy, but now she is nowhere to be seen. 


“That means only me that can go here. Well, it’s still alright. And I’m ready to work now.”


Editing software, ready. Other editing assets, ready. Secluded space to truly focus on his project was also ready. It’s time to show everyone what Angga is capable of.


Now that Angga is working his ass off to make a great advertisement, Clara was currently exploring the hotel in pursuit of new meat dishes, if there were any. Her efforts were not in vain since she found what she was looking for, and the lion girl brought it to Angga’s room and feasted on it.


It’s been 30 minutes, and there was no trace of Angga’s whereabouts. Most of the meat was also gone because of the lion girl. So, Clara called the room service to provide drinks and nourishments available.


The speck of light flickered again as it turned into a portal to bring Angga back. He seems tired and in dire need of water.


“... I can’t find anything to eat or drink inside,” said the extremely thirsty guy.

“Woah! And here I am on the rescue! Here, drink this.” Clara quickly gave Angga the water. He drank them all as if Angga didn’t drink for three months straight. “But, are you done?”

“T-Thanks, Clara. Really appreciate it. And nope. I’m still in the middle of it. I think I need more time. And this is…”

“Your energy resources. I know you’ll need it.”


A various of nourishments was ready to eat before him. Most likely, it was something that Angga had eaten before when he initially surveyed this lodging. Still, it was pleasant to eat, so he wouldn’t mind for more food.


“Should we eat together, Angga?”

“Sure. A company is always welcome. Thanks, anyway.”