13-2 Decision Making
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(None POV)


Hearing Chloe telling me to stop, I hold my sword back right before it makes contact with Trumhere. When I do stop, he falls back onto the ground.


I jump off his sword that I’m balancing on and head over to Chloe.


“Hi Chloe,” I say to her. But then she stops me.


“One second None, I have to talk to these people for a second” she says and then heads to the three attackers. While they are having a brisk conversation that I don’t try to overhear.


I walked over to Amelia and Tess, who were right behind Chloe.


“None, are you ok? You're not hurt anywhere right?” Tess starts asking me.


“I’m fine” I say in response.


(Abby POV)


The fight was amazing. I had spent a lot of the last year learning swordsmanship, but that person used their sword like it was part of them. Arthur was good, but this was a league of their own. They moved it without any hesitation. And the more I looked at them, the more I was convinced.


“Who is that kid?” Arthur said with some annoyance in his voice.


“I’m not sure. Chloe went to see about an up and coming adventure a few months ago, so that might be him” Lily said, after barely paying attention to the fight.


After staring at them for a while Olivia suddenly started laughing. “Oh my god, they look like that dumb brother of yours Arthur. What was his name again?”


This did nothing but piss me off. I had known for a while that neither of them cared about Reily, but really, she talked to him almost everyday while in highschool, and she didn’t even remember his name.


“His name is None” a woman said while walking up to us. “He is the adventurer that princess Chloe went to go check out.”


The woman was wearing a quite nice black dress and was carrying what looked like a picnic basket. I recognized the woman from the previous night.


“You were at the store yesterday with Amelia” I say to her.


“Oh yes I was. Well if you’ll excuse me, my group seems to be moving on.” She says with a smile and walks away.


She walks over to the person, who I now know is a man, and the Elf who participated in the tournament and Amelia. They are quickly approached by Chloe as well, when she is done yelling at the knight captains.


“Well, it looks like Chloe has something to do, so we should just go get breakfast ourselves, right Arthur?” Lily says, trying to guide him away. Olivia gets mad about this and follows behind them.


This is a strange moment for me. The whole time I’ve been here in this world, Arthur and Olivia have basically dragged me around doing what they wanted. This was because I had no real attachment to anyone but them.


But last night I started to have a real relationship outside of the both of them, something it seems that they have already done.


And now, I watch the person I formed that relationship with walk away with her real friends. And what about him? Was he the person that Amelia and Chloe were talking about yesterday? And why does he look like Riley.


Arthur, Olivia and Lily had already left, and I was just standing there, doing nothing.


But then it comes to me. My main goal in this world was to find a way back to Reily. If I'm right and this man is Reily, then I will have nothing to go back home to. Arthur was always around me, so I didn't have any friends I could call my own. This would only leave my parents back on earth, and I had already moved out of their house, and we weren’t that close.


So I made up my mind.


“Excuse me” I yelled at the group that was about to leave.


The whole group looked at me when I called out to them. I had met Amelia and Chloe the day before, but the rest of them didn’t know who I was.


“Abby, what are you doing here?” Chloe asked me.


“Um, I was going to talk to you when I saw the fight break out. But that's not important right now. I wanted to ask…” This was harder than I thought. I stumbled over my words, but with a rush of determination I finished my question, “Can I come with you guys?”


(3rd Person POV)


The room was a private sitting room with the King. There were four people with him there. His queen and beloved, Queen Aelia, the captain of his personal guard, Trumhere, his younger brother, Obsidian, and his younger sister, Bianca.


He had gathered the three of them to discuss the newcomer to their lives. His youngest daughter had become friends with a new adventure that was the source of much gossip. What started with the broken status plate, now had many different tales about him. A dead progenitor vampire and a sudden escalation of dungeon clears are the two that the king believes, due to their source. Phobio used to serve Bianca and is a trusted noble, and the Duke Jean was another trusted noble as well and they are the sources for both of those stories.


But he needs to be safe. The king was a very overprotective man to his three daughters. This is one of the reasons why he pushed for the younger two to get close to the hero. If anyone is going to be able to protect them, then the hero is a perfect choice.


But his youngest didn’t, and now she was connected to this unknown variable. To make sure he has the potential to protect her. To do this, he asked three of the most powerful knights in the country to attack him if ever given the chance. And that chance came today. The boy, and three of his friends came to visit Chloe at the castle for some reason. After separating him from most of the group, the king led the boy into a mock battle.


“So, how did it go?” The king asked the three of them.


The three could not meet the king's gaze.


“What happened?” The queen then asked them.


“I can definitely say that he can protect princess Chloe.” Trumhere says to the queen.


“That's not really an answer. Now tell us what happened.” The king demanded from his knights.


So the three of them explained. They explained that even with all three of them attacking at once, not one of them was able to even do damage to him. They told him that the only attack that even landed was the burning abyss spell from Obsidian.


“Is he really that strong?” the queen questioned.


“There is one more part that you might want to know.” Trumhere told them.


“What is it?”


“If princess Chloe had not stepped in at the end, I believe that None would have killed me.”


This was surprising. Trumhere had a skill that made it so you had to do a massive amount of damage to break through his defenses. To die in a single hit, the attack would have to do somewhere around 1 billion damage. This was the thought going through the king's head when the other part of the sentence hit him.


“What do you mean if Chloe hadn’t stepped in?” the king askes.


If there was one thing that the king and queen didn’t want was for Chloe to know about this.


“Um, yeah Chloe saw the end of the fight.” Bianca told the two of them.


“Crap” The king said under his breath.


“Not only did she see the end of the fight, but it turns out that the reason why the two of them brought None here was because he collapsed last night, so she is kind of really mad right now.”


And with this, the king learned about the power that None held.


(None POV)


The tests that Chloe ran on me all involved me using magic power for small, but detailed actions. These were the tests for basic magic control.


What everyone thinks happens last night was called magic misfire. Chloe told me it was extremely rare phenomena that usually happened when trying to cast a more complicated spell then you should be trying. But based on all of the tests, I should be fine with basically any spell that Chloe has ever seen.


I felt weird doing all of the tests, because I knew that nothing went wrong last night. I knew that somehow, what happened was that woman’s doing. But I also didn’t what to bring her up.


I was already dealing with what she had said about fate, and how that relates to my friends. And now that got even more complicated.


When I walk back into the room everyone was watching from, and see the sword saint from the hero’s party.


Turns out that her name is Abby. Yesterday she and Chloe spent some time together and kind of became friends with her.


She was going to see Abby this morning, but then everything happened with the fight, and she ended up joining us this morning.


Finally being done with the all of the tests, I am able to eat breakfast.


“Well, everything looks normal.” Chloe said while Uriel starts handing out food. Due to there being two more of us then when she made it, there isn’t really enough for everyone.


“So, why are you doing all of these tests?” Abby asked.


“None collapsed last night.” Tess told her.


“To be clear, I didn’t collapse, I accidentally cast sleep magic on myself. Completely different "I said in hopes of defending myself.


“So you wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong that caused him to cast the spell last night. That’s really nice” Abby said. When she did I could see a smile form on her face.


Finally the food was all handed out.


“Huh. This is strange. What is this Uriel.” I ask looking at the food. It was some kind of bread that smelled kind of like cinnamon.


“I’m not sure. Someone taught me the recipe, and it’s really easy to make.” She said. Her tone made it clear that she was not telling us everything, but that wasn’t important to me.


“Um, can I ask, who taught you this recipe? Or maybe where they learned it?” Abby asked.


Uriel at first did not answer, but instead looked over to me. Then she said, “an old friend taught it to me. He said it was his favorite food. Why?”


“It’s nothing. Just, this food is called French Toast, and we had it where I came from.” She said, her tone falling at the end. She then looked at me.


“You were in the hero summoning ritual right? So that would mean that… you're not from this world.” Uriel said with a small pause halfway through the sentence. At the end, she looked at Abby, then followed her gaze towards me.


Now very confused by the stares I was getting, I decide to look down and focused on my food. Whoever taught the recipe to Uriel was right, the food was amazing.


“Why are the both of you just staring at None?” Amelia asked.


Both of them got flustered for a second before Uriel spoke up, “hey None, can you leave us alone for a little? There’s something I need to talk to them about.”


And with that, I was kick out of the room, and asked to wait in a different part of the lab.


Being kind of annoyed by this, I decided to do some more practice on the puzzle cube, not fully giving up on the seal.


(Arthur POV)


Olivia, Lily and I had a nice breakfast in the castle. I wanted to have one with Abby, and maybe Chloe, but it seemed like they had other plans.


Today was the second round of the tournament, so I was getting ready for it.


But my mind kept wandering over to that boy. He seemed strong, but his face. I didn’t realize it yesterday when I meet him, but Olivia pointed it out. He was a perfect double on my idiot brother Riley.


Riley was a complete failure back on earth. He got bad grades and did bad at school. He barely had any friends. Not even our parents had any faith in him. But he wasn’t involved with the hero summing, so how could he be here? And if it was him, how was he that strong.


I was doing some magic practice in a courtyard with Olivia watching over me while I was thinking about this.


I mean, I could probably do some of what that boy did, but that magic attack, how did that do nothing to him?


While I was pondering this, I got a system message.


Heroic magic-perfect reflection has been learned.


This was the way that the hero skills seemed to work. Instead of having to learn them, I got new ones based on my desires. I also instinctively knew how they worked. I had both heroic magic and heroic sword arts as my main ones, but I also had the more basic skills for magic and swordsmanship.


Perfect reflection was a defensive spell that created a barrier that accumulated damage, then when the barrier was broken, it would create a blast that shot back all of the damage done to it.


When I got it, I started to laugh. This skill was severely powerful, and it could now fill my defensive hole.


Now with my skills I had a perfect attack and defense. I don’t even think that kid could deal with me now.