Chapter 32: A Festive Reception
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POV Cornelius


After our arrival in Tyros, we had two quiet days and nights. The next morning we were given more information about the dungeon we wanted to go into.


“Noble heroes, as you already know, the theme of the dungeon is natural magic. This means that the monsters you encounter are either plant monsters or monsters that live in the forest. On the first floor you will only encounter slimes. They are not easy to defeat. Only magic or magical weapons cause damage to them. But that's not a big deal because you can ignore them. They are slow and do minimal damage. Just walk past them, it's not worth the effort.


On floor 2 you will find bumper beetles. These are beetles about the size of a fist that run towards you to attack you. As long as you are not hopelessly weak, they pose no danger. You can also step on them. They are a good basis for gaining initial experience in fighting monsters. They don't give much EXP for this. Things get interesting for you on floor 3. Here you will encounter spiders, forest spiders to be precise. They are 10 cm tall with long legs. They are the first dangerous monsters because they are both poisonous and weave webs you can get caught in. Pay special attention to your healer.


On floor 4 you will encounter goblins. These are child-sized humanoid monsters that use simple weapons such as clubs or wooden spears. They are weak and cowardly and do not pose much of a threat. I advise you to start with floors 2 and 4 and gain experience. The slimes are too weak and the spiders, with their weak poison, are not worth the danger. These two floors are also very unpopular with local adventurers for the reasons mentioned. On floor 2 and 4 you will encounter multiple adventurers.” <Soldier>


The soldier then told us what monsters would await us on the following floors. But I planned to only visit the first four levels and stay there until about level 12. We planned to leave the next day. It takes us less than an hour to get to the dungeon by horse and we could easily return in the evening. Without a horse it would take us two hours.


We had the day at our leisure and we decided to look around the city. A party was planned for us that evening, at which we were introduced to the city's administrator and the nobles present. Tyros was still part of the capital's area of ​​influence, so it did not have its own ruler, only an administrator. Other important personalities such as the guild masters of the local guilds and influential traders were also guests. I was looking forward to testing and further improving my social skills in a new environment.


The city itself was rather disappointing, no comparison to the capital. Above all, there were adventurers running around everywhere who had no idea who I was and didn't appreciate my importance. In addition, the shops only had second-class goods and were not convincing in terms of quality. I accompanied the others with corresponding lack of enthusiasm. Eleonore, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the visit. She was happier than she had been in weeks. I asked myself why.


I was all the more excited about the party in the evening. I put a lot of effort into choosing clothing and instructed the servants not to make any mistakes with the make-up and hair. We were then placed as a group in front of a door. Behind this door was the pavilion's large ballroom, where large events were often held. Soft music could be heard from inside, which then fell silent. A man's voice could then be heard.


“Dear guests, please welcome the guests of honor this evening, which is why we are holding this party. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the heroes.” <Announcer>


Applause sounded from within. Two employees of the pavilion opened the large double doors and provided a view of the ballroom. In the front part there were many tables with a wide variety of people standing at them. In the back you could see a larger open space and at the edge a small music band. To the left there were long tables with food and drinks. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling everywhere, illuminating the space. Each of the guests hold a glass in their hand and raised it as we entered the room.


“To the noble heroes.” <Announcer>


“To the noble heroes.” <Guests>


The guests were all dressed in the finest clothing. Many had brought their children with them, and they were at least 12 or 13. We were then greeted by an older gentleman with a noticeable necklace.


“Greetings, noble heroes. I am Antono, the administrator of this city. It is a great pleasure for me to make your acquaintance.” <Antono>


“The joy is all ours. You have a beautiful city.” <Cornelius>


“Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all a pleasant stay and much success on your expedition into the dungeon.” <Antono>


I was amazed at how certain diplomatic lies had already passed my lips. We were then introduced to other people and our group spread out across the hall. The people with daughters our age made a special effort to appear friendly and sometimes praised them more and sometimes less cleverly. I was already used to it, but I also enjoyed it. On the one hand, I liked flirting around with beautiful women and girls and, on the other hand, I still aspired to a harem. But only the most beautiful women should go there. So the evening dragged on. I had a lot of conversations, danced with a lot of pretty girls and made a lot of new contacts. Every now and then servants came and refilled the food and drinks. There were also one or two beauties among them that I wouldn't spurn. I spent the evening like this with a smile on my face. We all got to bed late.



POV Eleonore


The festive evening went exactly as I had feared. After spending a nice, relaxing day shopping in the city and forgetting about the worries about the dungeon, the evening ended on a very sobering note. There were a lot of girls our age invited and they all threw themselves at Cornelius bluntly. Even the servants did it. Why? They should kindly work. And this naive idiot also fell for the beautiful eyes. What could I do? I couldn't believe it myself, but I actually preferred the dungeon. At least he didn't find any beautiful girls who made his eyes look good.