Chapter 26. The thoughts of a dying man
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I didn’t know how much I slept, but I was still feeling like shit when I was roused by Emrum once again. I was starting to recognize the repeating nature of this strange morning ritual of ours. He was trying to wake me up, while I attempted to persuade him to let me sleep.

This time, however, I seriously felt like I skipped all the sleep in the night, which was far from the truth, since the entire confrontation probably took like fifteen minutes another half an hour to chase down the escaping forces or something like that.

I was kind of surprised that the brutality of the previous night didn’t create any type of horrible nightmare. I must have been too tired to even dream.

I was pushed once again before I could fall asleep. I sighed and proceeded to sit up, already filled with a good amount of frustration for the day.

“Alright… alright… I am awake…” — I practically yawned out those words.

“Give her some food, Emrum…” — Sounded a somewhat familiar voice, with a steel to it that was clearly forged through many battles, battles such as the one I recently experienced. — “She must have suffered mana exhaustion once again… Stupid elf.” — The voice was filled with disbelief and a sense of amused disappointment. — “She should have only healed the injuries so much for them to not be life threatening… instead she healed those three completely. What is wrong with her head? I wonder…”

Emrum couldn’t seem to have an answer to that question, nor did I, as a matter of fact.

I didn’t even think about doing something like that, since I was too afraid that I would overlook some part of the injury, causing the situation to worsen over time.

I blinked my eyes open and stared up at the offending dwarf.

My gaze meeting with sharp blue eyes paired with blond hair and facial hair. A name seemed to come forth in my mind, Groolgaet Lavacoat, sub-commander of the Bronze Company, which I was also a member of.

I gulped, sensing those sharp eyes burrowing into me, but before I could jump to attention, a warm bowl of food was pushed into my arms by Emrum.

My thoughts were drawn to the offered food as the waft of the freshly cooked meat reached my flaring nostrils, generating a distant grumbling in my stomach.

Using a lot of magic always ended up making me famished. I have already realized this back in the camp, while practicing some of my magical spells.

Just before I could dig into the food, I remembered that the commander of the dwarven army was still standing right in front of me, likely awaiting some sort of response which I completely ignored.

I gulped… Slowly looking back at the strict man, who counted quite tall among dwarfs. He was definitely an intimidating dwarf, if there were any.

There was a heavy awkwardness in the air, as I couldn’t quite remember what his question was. Did he ask something from me, actually? Ugh…

“Ugh… may I ask what brought you here, sir?” — I hesitantly asked in the end.

The man seemed to consider my question, then he eventually said.

“The Witch named Selora, I came here to personally thank you for your help in yesterday’s ambush.” — He offered a disarming smile. I was surprised by such a polite gesture based on our first encounter. He didn’t seem like someone who cared about such things. — “Some of my men seemed to be unable to stop spouting praises of your heroic deeds. Which I find highly amusing, considering those same people were so suspicious of your person a mere week ago.”

He narrowed his eyes on me, then added with a sigh.

“I can hardly fault them, since I am one of those people myself. Still am, in fact. Considering your overly convenient appearance near our outpost in the present political situations…”

His words trailed off before continuing.

“However, in light of your recent deeds, I must give you the benefit of the doubt. In the name of the allied dwarven kingdoms, I offer you my sincerest thanks and the title of Fiend Slayer. A title most deserving for a new member of the Dimhollow clan, I believe.”

Emrum, hearing the words of the sub-commander, was overcome by joy. He couldn’t even hide his smile while offering a light bow to the man.

“We are most appreciative of it, your grace.” — Emrum stated, and I followed his example, giving the man a polite bow while still sitting on the woolen blanket spread out on the ground.

The strange way Emrum called Lavacoat made me freeze up slightly. I glanced up at the man, who was standing next to us with a certain sense of regalness to his posture.

Is he actually some sort of prince? It could be… I was curious, though, and without much thought put into it, I decided to ask.

“Are you a prince, by any chance?” — I asked the man.

Lavacoat turned to me with a strange look mirrored in his blue eyes. Emrum started coughing violently next to me.

I glanced at Emrum, then back at Lavacoat, coming to the conclusion that I must have asked something impolite.

I looked down, staring right in front of my feet. — “I am sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.”

Hearing my honest apology, Emrum started to calm down. While Lavacoat continued to stare at me, he seemed to be amused by my question.

“Yes, I am a member of the Lavacoat royal family line, but not someone who is viable to inherit the throne. I am quite surprised you didn’t know this. Still, there was no harm done with your question, so no need to apologize.” — That said, he straightened himself a bit and stated in a firm voice.

“I am the seventh prince of the Northern Kingdom. My name, as you already know, is Groolgaet Lavacoat. This mountain is divided between two allied dwarven kingdoms. The Kingdom of the North, and its twin, the Kingdom of the South. We have a close relationship, developed over hundreds of years of intermarriage between our royal and noble families. Which you yourself have become an honorary member of.”

I did? Oh… I guess I did… I keep forgetting that I am considered a Dimhollow now. A member of a prestigious warrior clan. I guess, after last night, I am actually living up to the name! That’s definitely something to be proud of, something that I achieved. True, it was through the abilities that Lord Axis provided for me, but I was the one who used them in such circumstances, nobody else.

I straightened my back a bit as this understanding solidified inside me, filling me with happiness and solemn pride.

This feeling in itself is already worth to be revived in this world. Able to be of real help to others on my own volition was one of the things I missed the most in my last years.

Often, it is already too late when you realize that something so bagatelle. Such like how much helping your immediate surroundings in everyday tasks throughout your life truly makes up your daily human interactions.

That you realize how much of your life’s integral part is made out of that.

Now imagine being bound to a bed, all day, all night with rare exceptions, of momentary escapades in the hospital yard pushed around in a wheelchair.

No freedom, no feasible goals, when the best help you can offer to the world around you is not doing anything. Living from one day to the next like a plant, withering away in an elongated silent scream. Passive euthanasia, they call it. And it is definitely passive. I only wish nobody would realize how truly passive it is.

There was a time when I envied the animals, you know… They seemed to be treated with more consideration, from both God and men. It seems that the saying truly holds true that God made humans in his own picture. Especially in this particular case.

Animals don’t know what is waiting for them at the end of the road, and animals could sleep off death through euthanasia. They can just sleep off the scary part… quite ironic, really.

We definitely got the short end of the stick.

At least I believed so before I met with Lord Axis. Now I am only confused. I feel a sense of gratitude towards him… but aside from that, this entire thing feels like a strange fever dream.

I exhaled a long sigh. I glanced over to Emrum and Groolgaet, talking animatedly beside me. It was clear to my eyes that the two men were close friends, or at least held mutual respect for each-other.

I was now an elf girl, and a witch among dwarfs. Fighting evil dark elves riding monster spiders, who knew how deep under this mountain. Also… there were earth dragons supposedly roaming freely somewhat deeper than our current position.

Can you really blame me for grasping at the tip of my rope? This situation was not something you could simply cope with, or as the infamous saying stated. Walk it off.

Every single one of these things was a fricking mental mudslide that hurled you along, burying you completely or leaving you neck deep in mud somewhere if you were really lucky.

Naturally, it wasn’t all bad. Being young again was a shock, but a good one. I also got used to it ridiculously easily. Like pulling up a well-used pair of boots, but not as used that your toes were sticking out between the ripped material, or its soles being so thin that it felt like walking barefooted on a cold flooring.

Just like my old body felt…

Becoming a girl was a novelty in itself… but in a different race, so similar yet so internally different from what a human woman is, was something on a new scale of magnitude entirely.

With all that, I am still far from being uncomfortable in my body. It’s not that different, while also being sort of… I am not much help with these descriptions I imagine… Sigh… It’s a lot more like being uncertain about how certain, somewhat even outlandish, things that are completely normal to this body function.

I have absolutely no idea what to expect from menstruation for starter… I know some of it obviously… Like hey… I managed to got to an old age in my previous life and picked up a few things along the road… Still… I was not a biologist, and aside from the more obvious things I have no clue how this whole thing would work on a regular human woman, but I was an elf.

Only if there was an elf woman here who, or any sort of adult woman who I could ask these things… It would be fricking awkward obviously, but still better than being left in the dark like I was, and no… I am not going to ask Lord Axis about this… I wouldn’t live down the shame.

Lord Axis was my patron, a God of unimaginable power… and who knows what else… One thing, however, he definitely was not. That thing, being my personal gynecologist. Don’t even think about that!