30. Potion Brewing pt.3
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Dr. Elor continued to call up several more examinees. Those that were called averaged around B’s and C’s with the rest grading lower. After all the names were called, it was finally time for Ken and Nelly.

Julia’s condition had worsened, far beyond her previous states. She was now coughing up blood, her body covered in rashes. Despite her terrible condition and everyone visibly worried for her, Dr. Elor did not flinch. 

“What kind of potion do you have for us today?” He asked. 

“We have a mixed potion between Ellofye style healing potion and High Elf mana potion,” Ken answered. 

“A mixed potion? That's a first. Well, let's see its capabilities.” 

Looking at Nelly, Ken could see that she was very nervous, so he placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her. “Relax, Nelly. It'll be fine.” Nelly nodded her head in response.

Ken loosened the cork on their potion before handing it to Julia so she wouldn't struggle to open it. 

Removing the cork, Julia's eyes shot wide open at the fragrance that escaped the potion, not being able to hold back, she began to chug the potion as if it was some sort of beverage. 

“!!!” Everyone in the room was baffled by Julia’s sudden action, including Dr. Elor. Despite being poisoned several times, she had stayed elegant while drinking potions, but not this time.  

Once she was done downing the potion, her body started to glow a faint blue light. The rashes on her body started to vanish, and she no longer coughed up splatters of blood. 

“That was amazing! The fragrance, and the taste, it's both outstanding! The balance between the healing potion and mana potion is perfectly in sync. I can feel my body creating more and more Ethereum particles… it's as if the vast amounts of poison in my system never existed… the aftertaste is sweet but spicy at the same time, incredible!” 

This description took everyone by surprise.

“Seeing how Julia’s reacting, your potion must have delivered quite the punch. Explain yourselves.” 

“Well the potion was Nelly’s idea, she suggested fusing the two potions,” Ken replied. 

“Really? Well, it was amazing, Nelly!” Julia blurted out. 

A little nervous, Nelly replied, “Th-Thank you…” 

Continuing to speak, Ken said, “Combining an Ellofye Healing potion and a High Elf Mana potion, is an amazing potion by itself, but we figured a by-the-book potion wouldn't be enough to stand out amongst the others, so we decided to freestyle it to make sure our potion shines the brightest by using two special ingredients.” 

“And what were those two ingredients?” Dr. Elor asked. 

“Traditionally when making a High Elf Mana potion, you would throw away the Unicorn Flower stems because it's doesn't have any real value on their own, but by mixing it with our second secret ingredient, we can exploit a special chemical it releases, this chemical acts as an enhancer for our potion. An enhancer one would normally need to use a magic spell to obtain.” 

“Hmmm… if I had to guess, I'd say your second secret ingredient is ground Agni Coffee Beans,” said Dr. Elor. 

“That's correct! Agni Coffee Beans, release a special type of caffeine that activates the enhancing properties locked away in the stem of Unicorn flowers and other types of flora alike. Can you guess what that enhancement would do to a mage's body?” 

Butting into the conversation, Katherine couldn't hold back, “The enhancement would mass produce new Ethereum particles which’ll empower one's immune system and completely wipe out almost any foreign substance in the body within mere seconds.” 

“That's correct!” 

“But… that also has a high risk of empowering the poison instead of the immune system… causing far more damage instead.” 

“That is also correct… in the real world, the position you and Zero made is far more practical and useful than the one we made. No sane person would make or use such a potion, the risk is just too high.” 

“Then, why take the risk? You could have failed, or worse killed Julia!” Katherine rebuked. 

“Because this is what magic is about. If you want to come out on top, you have to be willing to take the risk, you have to know when and when not to jump! You can not obtain true knowledge or victory by always sticking to the safest path!” Ken answered. 

“!...” Katherine stayed silent, simply balling up her fist, frustrated at Ken’s words. 

Seeing the heated argument between the two students brought a slight smile to Dr. Elor's emotionless face. “Alright you two, settle down. Now, Julia, what's your final verdict?” 

“The balance between both potions was perfect, and despite the high-risk factor that came from the enhancement property, that same risk is what made their potion stick out. Ken and Nelly, you have both earned yourself an A+.” 


[A+: 600xp]


Most of the students began to clap for Ken and Nelly, but as usual, there were a few who were not happy to see Ken succeed. While everyone clapped, Ken walked back to his desk, grabbed a second potion, and made his way to Katherine. 

Placing the potion in front of her, Ken said, “Before this test started, you challenged me and told me not to hold back. So here, experience the potion Nelly and I brewed. Take the poison, and judge it for yourself.” 

Chipping in, Zero said, “Katherine, that's not a wise idea.” 

“Huh? Why is that?” she asked. 

“Because Julia isn't living, she is a doll. This whole thing has been an act, her life has never been in danger. I'm guessing Ken knew this as well.” Zero’s words surprised everyone.

“I didn't know for sure, but I had some idea, yes.” 

“Is that true Julia!?” one of the students asked. 

Confessing the truth, Julia chuckled, “Oops, looks like the secret is out. Yes, I’m a doll created by Dr. Elor. We lied so you guys would give it your all, and I can say for sure, that you all did a good job!” 

“So, Katherine, what's your answer?” Ken asked. 


“Don’t you want to experience the potion that scored an A+? Don't you want to experience why Nelly and I beat you and Zero?” 

“That can't be allowed, she is a student!” one of the students called out, protesting against Ken’s challenge to Katherine. 

“If Katherine accepts the challenge, I will allow it,” said Dr. Elor. 



“....I accept,” said Katherine. 

“But why? What will you gain from this?” Zero asked. 

“I have to know why I lost… my goal is to seek knowledge, so I have to understand why I lost.” 

“...Mortals are so strange.” Zero thought to himself. 

Picking up a vial of poison, Katherine hesitated to open it, but after taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and quickly downed it in one go. Katherine immediately fell to her knee, the poison visibly rushing through her veins. Clenching her chest, she yelped in pain, coughing up blood. 

Everyone watched horrified at the scene unfolding before them. 

“Ken, quickly give her our potion!” Nelly shouted. 

Kneeling to Katherine's level, Ken removed the cork from their potion and handed it to his Dorm Mate. Katherine's hands were shaky and barely able to hold the weight of the potion, but she mustered up whatever remaining strength she had and drank the potion as quickly as possible. 

Just like what happened to Julia when she consumed the potion, Katherine's skin began to glow a faint blue color. The poison rushing through her veins was cleared out by her empowered immune system. She no longer coughed up blood and was once again able to stand straight. 


Everyone waited in silence, waiting for Katherine to say something. 


Finally breaking the silence, fixing her glasses, she said, “It's like an aggressive but somehow smooth stream of water flowing through my body eradicating the toxin. My skin feels smooth and soft. I feel warm as if I'm in a bed of mana…. I can see why it won.” With that being said, Katherine simply left the exam sight. 

“Is she going to be okay?” Nelly asked. 

“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Ken answered.

“Congratulations everyone, this assignment is now over. You won't have any more assignments until tomorrow, so you’re free to relax until then.” Dr. Elor concluded. 

With that, everyone made their way back to the hotel, with the sun starting to set for the night.

“Thank you, Ken,” said Nelly. 

“Huh? What for?” 

“...If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have scored as many points as I did for this assignment.”

“Don't be silly, it was a team effort.” 

“All I did was follow your instructions… it didn't feel like I did much.” 

“That's not true. If you had messed up on your end even the slightest, our potion would have been a complete bust. Your efforts are as real as mine, we scored that A+ together.” 

Ken’s kind words brought a soft smile to Nelly’s face making her cat ears perk upwards. “May Solis bless you for your kind words, Ken Granfold.” 

“Thank You.” 

Pulling out her Student Cell, Nelly began typing. 


A notification rang from Ken’s Student Cell

-Nelly Lux, Friend Request- 

“Huh? You want to be friends?” 

“If that's okay with you?” 

-Ken Granfold, Accepted Request- 

With a soft smile, Ken replied, “Of course, I'm always happy to make new friends.”