Devoid Tale 2: Early Cretaceous | Chapter 6: The Sentient Flock
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I wake up all sleepy-eyed, rub my eyes, and head straight to the food pile. Gobbling down the yummy stuff, I think about the exciting day ahead. Me and my friends are gonna learn something super special today, something our group already knows. It’s gonna be awesome!


Stomping along the leafy path, I squish leaves with every step. I’m on my way to the reef where my ancestor used to live. He was the first sentient user, and today, we are going to learn how to use it too. As I get closer to the reef, the sun’s so bright it almost blinds me. But as my eyesight clears, I can see the ocean sparkle beautifully.


My friends catch up from behind as we approach the reef. The group starts screeching and roaring loudly for this occasion, for if we were able to give birth to wings, we could fly towards the future. And so, it was time. I closed my eyes and imagined having wings large and strong. Them connected to my back forming connections with the bones linking with each other through my senses. And as I imagined the cells in my body rushing outwards from my back and forming an aerodynamic structure, I leaped. I leaped high into the sky and as the screeching quieted it down, I went upwards. I felt my brain linking itself with the wings and then even just by instinct, I flew. 


I soared higher and higher and higher and then paused up. I looked down, and I saw my group. They were all down there, and I was up here. I looked up and I saw my friends. And as I approached their altitude, we all looked down, and then left and right towards each other, and realized it was our time. For when we learn to fly, we must leave to create our own group.


And so we left, looking forward towards the future. We blasted forward, towards a new world. And what we would find, is both a future, and a new world.