Yes, They’re Real, and They’re Spectacular
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Life went on somewhat unremarkably until sunwane of the next day. I had collected my textbooks for the term from the library, and started reading. I didn't get too deep into them before I heard a pounding on my cell door.

Opening up, I found Nellis on the other side.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"You did something yesterday. I need to know how you did it."

"But I didn't do anything!"

"You did. And you did it so hard that you passed out. I need to know. Can I come in?"

I motioned her inside. She stepped in and closed the door. Then she whipped off her dress.


Okay. Nice. Starting to get an erection. That might be a little rude.

"It's the same as yesterday. Looks really good. Better than some that were born with it."

"Exactly! It's the same!"

"I don't understand..."

"It's been a whole day! The sectoglobulin and protoscar is all gone, and it's still the same. I checked my status. It's usually either 'male' or 'eunuch', but now it says 'female'!"

"I really don't know how status works."

"Well what does your status say for racial morphism?"

"Nothing. I don't have a status. If you have an Identify skill, go ahead and try it."

"If you're okay with it... Identify. Identify. Identify. What the...?"

"I was born like that. No status. No class. No connection to the system."

"You've been freecasting ether with no skills?"


"And you did it yesterday. You... And you don't know how you did it. You just... did it. Lazar's bones, Ravenna! And you don't have Analysis or Diagnosis?"

"Chry has Analysis."

She strode to the door and tried to open it.

"Hey, what's wrong with your door?"

"I added extra security. You have to pull back on the lever as you open it."

I demonstrated. Nellis walked out, completely disregarding her own nudity.

"Chrysoll! You up there? I need you for something."

Chry scrambled down the ladder.

"What is it? You're breaking the clothes rule. If nobody else is going to follow the rule, I don't see why I have to be the only one."

Chry whipped off her dress, folded it up neatly, and set it down on the retaining wall. Nellis looked down at herself, realized what she had done, and shrugged it off.

"Whatever. We can figure that out later. Chrysoll, can you Analyze me?"

"Are you sure? One of the rules is you're not supposed to Identify strangers.  Does this mean we're friends?"

"Yeah. Sure. Go."

"Analyze.... It says Homo sapiens durans, female. My Analyze just leveled up!  New subrace of Homo sapiens durans detected due to racial perk Regenerative Polymorphism. Please name the subrace. I'm going to call it nellispan. It also says 'anomaly detected'. There you go. Analyze: Summary. 'Nellis Spann, Nurse 1, Physician 3, Homo sapiens durans nellispan, female, adult; anomaly detected.' Wow, you're already level 4?"

"But it says female?"


Nellis started punching the air.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!"

She grabbed her perfect boobs.

"And the implants came out of these last night. Look at them! This is all me!"

"It certainly is."

My skirt was now sporting an impressive tent. Nellis hadn't noticed, but Chry was staring at it, as one might watch an animal doing a trick.

"Do you think...? Ravenna, could you check? I'm not sure I'd know if I did it myself."

"Check for what?"

"Check for a cervix. I never worked out how to make anything further up in there than just a decent-looking vagina. But if there's a cervix, then I know it's real. It means I won. It means this body is finally being what I want it to be. Lazar on a pyre, Regenerative Polymorphism... Inspect. I can be whatever I want! Rav, if you did this, I swear I will do anything for you, anything you ask, any time, forever. Just... tell me it's real."

She plopped her juicy fundament down on the retaining wall, spread her legs, then spread her labia with her hand. Fuck, this is not the best time for a boner, but damned if my dick would listen to reason, with a huge violet sex goddess politely waiting for me to give her an amateur gynecology exam.

I held my tongue and took a peek.

"There's definitely a cervix in there. Plenty deep, too. I could probably... never mind."

And now she noticed.

"Oh! I forgot. I was thinking it's just girls here. I'm sorry! I'm always so embarrassed when I... but I don't have to worry about that any more, do I?"

"No, it's okay. I like mine. I just thought it might make you uncomfortable or something."

"No. It's fine. Better than fine. It means your thing thinks I'm fuckable.  That's wonderful. And you can, if you want. I meant what I said. But we can't be exclusive. I like dick, but I also like the rest of the boy package.  Just not on me. And, no offense, but you're a little too girl-shaped for me."

Chry interrupted. "So you were a boy when you came in the first day?"

"Yes. I had been traveling for a few days. I had to fix myself right away.  That's why I was in my cell for so long. But I think Rav fixed me permanently.  I want to find out how."

"I would also like to know that. Perhaps, if I figure out how it works, they will let me write my second senior thesis on it."