Chapter 1: reincarnated
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The night covers the sky, but neon lights, lanterns, etc. dimly illuminate a city with crowded streets, a bustling city that once you got there, you didn't want to leave.


However, I didn't want that.


Today was another tiring day at work, my body was tired, and my eyes were dark and I just wanted to go back to my apartment.


My name was kagami shinami, an employee of a company in the city. My working day usually started from 6 am to 10 pm but usually I had to work overtime so I couldn't go home until late at night.


But today seemed much more special than usual. When I was walking back to my apartment, the group of people on the street was really crowded, but something caught my eye when a girl was dragged into an alley by some guys, although I wouldn't have cared more but the hero's blood welled in my body again.


To be honest, when I was a child, I had the dream of becoming a superhero to protect everyone and be loved by everyone. However, as I grew up, I no longer had that desire, but when I could, I would still help others.


Okay, after I saw that girl being taken by those guys into an alley I followed, going further I saw the girl being groped by those guys and just a little bit of her underwear will be completely removed, I take any object around me and throw it at them.


It was really effective when they let her go, but when she ran a little, they grabbed her hand. At that time, I didn't think much and rushed forward.


I struggled and punched them a few times to save the girl. Although she was able to run away, but I couldn't because then they pulled out a knife and stabbed me not just once but many times in my stomach.


After that, I collapsed knowing I would die, but I didn't regret it because I had saved someone, the noblest thing I had ever done and freed me from this boring life.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a forest with a few rays of sunlight shining on my face.


Even though I was still panicked, I knew there was nothing I could do if I panicked right now, so it was best to calm down. Then I stood up and tried to look around, then looked at myself, luckily the clothes were still on my body.


After observing for a while, I couldn't see anything special, there were only trees everywhere, so I walked straight ahead hoping to find a way out.


During the entire road I walked, I could only see trees, and even more rarely, I could see a few deer. After walking for a while, I saw a bright spot ahead, if I follow the story correctly , I will go towards it, maybe it will make this path finding more interesting and if I'm unlucky I might die again.


I reassured myself that 'just take the risk' and continued walking to that light.


When I arrived, I saw an extremely large and tall tree, so high that it surpassed the clouds, and it was almost impossible to see the top. In addition, it also had a hole in the middle, which could be seen from afar. There were a few tables in there, so I tried going forward to take a closer look.


When I looked closer, I could see that inside, besides the table, there was also a counter inside, behind which were shelves containing some kind of solution, it had countless colors that could be roughly described as red, blue, yellow, ... I assumed it was some kind of drink.


When I entered, I could see all the inside of the tree, but there was no one here. At first, I thought that if there were tables, chairs, and some drinks, this place would definitely looked like a bar or something like that but there was no one here.


I tried to get closer to the counter to take a closer look at those bottles, but suddenly I heard a flapping sound from the door inside.


*Door opened*


'Oh welcome to emily's pharmacy, do you need medicine or are you injured somewhere?'


I was a bit surprised when a rather small fairy walked out of the door. I didn't think that small body could open the door.


*Suddenly the fairy's body changed to become as big as kagami and asked again.*

'What you're wearing looks quite different, hey, have you just been reincarnated here?'


honestly, I was quite surprised when she changed her body size but I think that's how she opened the door.


'Reincarnation? I've heard it before but I think it's true.'


The fairy's eyes lit up.


'So do you see a board in front of you that resembles a system?'


'Well, I haven't seen any system boards since I got here.'


There was a bit of disappointment on the fairy's face.


'What, are you kidding me? You're a reincarnated person and you don't have a system board?'


'That's right, but where is this?'


'This is the Gaji forest, this place is quite rich and abundant in medicinal herbs, you just need to know that and that's enough.'


'Oh, what's your name?'


'My name, emily tazzano, what about you?'


'My name is kagami shinami, and you said this is your pharmacy just now? So the things on the shelf are medicines, right?'


'That's right, I opened a pharmacy because sometimes some adventurers get injured while exploring here, so I opened a pharmacy here to help them recover.'


Suddenly I had a thought.


'Hey can you let me stay here and I'll support you as repayment.'


The fairy seemed surprised.


'Hmm you look lamentable because this forest is quite large so if you continue to find a way out, you will probably die, okay I agree.'


'Okay, thank you.'


'Well, I hope you won't break anything.'


'Yes I promise.'


So I successfully asked Emily to let me stay here, better than living in the forest.