Chapter 8: Mana Maelstrom
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The heavy silence in Thanatos's office after the magic took effect weighed heavily on my soul. I have made a life-changing decision. I can only hope that this will be a happy marriage.

My mind started to drift off to thoughts of my father. My heart rate started to rise quickly. Memories of my father's abuse were coming to the surface of my mind. However just as I was about to break down into a mess Thanatos spoke gently breaking me from my thoughts, "You have demonstrated incredible resolve today, Kepler. You do your family proud."

I slightly lower my head, still struggling to find my voice as I deal with the ramifications of my new obligation. "I... can only endeavor to prove worthy of the faith placed in me, Superintendent."

Thanatos's gaze fixed upon me momentarily before offering a slight nod of acknowledgment. "Ensure you live up to the trust placed in you. However, your primary focus should be on the entrance examination occurring in a week's time. I trust you have been utilizing the badge I lent you, Kepler."

I nod, my voice steady despite the nerves fluttering in my stomach. "Yes sir, I am. I will make sure not to fail in my preparations. You have my word that I will dedicate myself fully to excelling on the entrance examination."

With those words and a final, lingering look, Thanatos dismissed me. I returned to the library as I confronted the weight of my choices and the road before me.

The next seven days I spent most of my time in the Arcane Legion Institute's Library. Rarely did I return to my inn as I feverishly studied and practiced. Brandishing Thanatos's badge each time I entered a restricted part of the library for non-students. To the shocked looks of anyone who hadn't seen me enter before.

I consumed each book, scroll, and wax tablet I came across like a starving dragon rampaging in the countryside. I first consumed the basics of what is outlined in the first year's teachings for mages: magic theory, magic ethics, mana safety and management, common magic affinities and how to counter them, and the basics of ritual magic. I devoured it all, committing everything to my immaculate memory within those first three days.

Yet this barely quenched my hunger. I next moved on to studying the numerous spells within the library that I could use with my magic affinities. Each spell requires the caster to be able to form a perfect mental image of the magic circle associated with the spell and chant a brief incantation. For the average magic user, this would take a significant amount of time. However, for me, this was as easy as breathing.

Often I fell asleep in the library, buried in my studies in an obscure portion of the building, surrounded by towering bookshelves that seemed to stretch on forever. The musty scent of ancient tomes and the gentle rustling of pages became my constant companions.

By the fifth day, magic circles and chants filled my every waking moment, dancing through my mind endlessly. The intricate patterns and precise intonations consumed me as if I were trapped in an illusionary dreamscape of my own making.

When the dawn of the seventh and last day broke, I was extremely disheveled from the past six days of my gluttony. Yet despite this, my mind blazed hotter than the hottest star. A terrible new intensity raged through my nerves.

I wished to put into practice what I had learned. So I made my way to the Arcane Legion Institute's practice arena hoping to do so in an area that wouldn't cause issues for me.

However, when I arrived I learned from a staff member that I would need to pay in ALIC to practice here. As I had seen mention of ALIC back at the Artificery Workshop I asked what that was. I was informed that ALIC is an internal currency within the Arcane Legion Institute that is required for basically everything from food and shelter to luxury goods. Furthermore even graduating successfully cost ALIC.

Left with little choice, I walked out of the city of Luminaris. Making my way deep into the primordial forests that persist outside the city walls.

The ancient trees ominously hung over me. Their branches reaching out like fingers as if trying to grasp at me. The air was thick with the scent of earth and decay, a constant reminder of how untamed and dangerous this forest was.

As I traveled further into the forest my mind raced with the possibilities of what might happen when I use magic actively for the first time. The memory of the Affinicrystal violently exploding due to my mana played in my head as I walked. I could not risk harming anyone as I explored magic. The forest seemed like the only place nearby where I could test my magic without fear of collateral damage.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, I stumbled upon a small clearing. The ground was relatively flat and free of debris, making it the perfect spot to practice. I took a deep breath. I started to calm my nerves while recalling the hours I had spent pouring over the vast amount of spells in the library that I could use. The memories of their magic circles and incantations flooded my mind.

With a trembling hand, I reached for my mana limiter. I whispered the command to increase my mana limit to 105 units, just above what I would need to cast my first spell. The feeling was as if I had drank 100 cups of coffee.

I closed my eyes and focused on the spell I had chosen for my first cast.

Spell Name: Kindling Spark
Mana Cost: 100
Incantation: "Ignite this pitiful blaze"
Description: Creates a small flame. This spell is typically used to light a campfire.

Its magic circle instantly formed in my mind and I hesitantly said, "Ignite this pitiful blaze." I felt a slight pull as something left my body. When I opened my eyes I saw a small flame dance as it floated in the palm of my hand.

I stared at the flame in awe, as I marveled at the phenomenon. Emboldened by my success, I decided to try a more complex spell. This time, I chose a light spell, one that required a very intricate spell circle.

Spell Name: Luminary Creation
Mana Cost: 750
Incantation: "Let there be a lamp"
Description:  This spell conjures a solid light construct. These constructs are temporary but sturdy, mimicking the appearance and functionality of real objects.

Increasing the Mana Limit I confidently called out, "Let there be a lamp!" I could feel as if something deep within my soul was eager to be released as the spell took effect.

I watched light particles rapidly gather in a space in front of me, coalescing into a katana. The weapon floated in the air, radiating a golden glow that bathed the clearing. Mesmerized by the sight, I reached out with my hand. As my fingers wrapped around the handle I was surprised at how real it felt in my grip.

The blade felt solid, substantial, and perfectly balanced. I gave it an experimental swing, marveling at how it cut through the air with a faint hum.

I spent several hours practicing various spells that belonged to my magic affinities. I was reveling in the feeling of wielding such immense power. My mana reserves seemed nearly limitless as I pushed the boundaries of what should be possible for a magic user.

As I continued to practice, I found myself drawn to the more complex and powerful spells in my memories. The feeling of using so many spells was intoxicating like a kid in a candy store told that they could get whatever they wanted.

I decided to try a spell that I had read about in an obscure and very dusty book. The book was on spells that had to do with gravity, likely part of the reason it was left untouched for so long. Gravity magic is also considered one of the more rare magic affinities. Additionally, the spells in the book were considered very hard to cast and had a mana cost that 99% of magic users could never afford.

Spell Name:  Gravity Well
Mana Cost: 5,000
Incantation: "Time to vacuum this room"
Description:  This spell creates a localized area of intense gravitational force, pulling objects and creatures towards its center.

I took a deep breath and focused. I raised my hand and shouted, "Time to vacuum this room!"

The effect was immediate and awe-inspiring. A shimmering sphere of distorted space appeared in front of me, warping the very air around it. Leaves, branches, and even small rocks began to drift toward the sphere, accelerating as they drew closer.

I could feel the immense power of the spell, the way it bent reality to my will. It was an intoxicating feeling.

But as I reveled in my power, I failed to notice the signs of danger around me. The forest had grown quiet, the usual sounds of the forest such as birds and insects were gone.