Chapter 15 – Arms Dealer
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Then as the car sped up, it started to ascend as it accelerated and it flew over the buildings that they passed by previously. Ubel saw the massive buildings below him and realized how crowded and large the entire station was. The are also hanging buildings on the ceiling which people were walking upside down. He once again realized that the entire city structure was built on a rotating axis within the station which gives an artificial gravity.

At first, he wasn't able to see them from walking on the streets but he found out from this height the large amount of neon billboards and colorful advertisements from various corporations and companies selling their products. Reminding him that he was already living in a cyberpunk years.

The car stopped several minutes later in front of a shop probably, several stories high.

It has a full metallic wall with black paint all over, the only thing that makes it stand out from the rest of the black wall are the large statues of arms and weapons. Ubel also saw the UGTR and Alliance Golem models.

“Didn't know they have the guts to sell main arms of the two powerful sovereigns in this local board.” Ubel laughed as he closed the door behind him and the car deployed its stands and let out a robotic voice.

“We will await your return.”

“Yeah, I’ll be back within an hour or two.” Ubel nodded towards the car and walked up to the stairs that led to the main entrance.

He entered a massive empty room with a long counter that had a single clerk standing by. But what made Ubel surprise was the Asian appearance of the woman, somewhat different from what he would always see from others who had Caucasian or African features in UGTR systems. Ubel assumed that she was a droid but as he scanned, he was proven wrong. Then he mulled over, thinking if he could test her by speaking in his Japanese language but the clerk had started before he could.

“Good evening. Welcome to Bolt’s Quarters.” the female clerk in a suit addressed him as he slowly walked closer to her. “I am Sadeena, your today’s dealer. How can I help you?”

Ubel was a bit disappointed in hearing her speak UGTR but he decided to let go of the matter and focus on what he came here for. But he noticed something from this place that broke his expectations for this type of establishment.

“Is it always quiet in here?” Ubel spoke out loud his impression of the place. It was empty with only the clerk inside the chamber. He also saw no display of weapons which contrasted with the display outside of their store.

“Yes, we don’t usually get customers because we only cater to those who were under the recommendations. You cannot enter our premises without a voucher from our third-party affiliates.” The woman never broke her indifference and just replied with an aura of manner and professionalism. Her statement, however, was noticed by his ears, making him frown in confusion.

“Ho-” Ubel stopped himself and realized his folly. Then he smiled as if he was someone who found out that he was tricked. “I see… you knew I was coming here with a recommendation from the ABG?”

“Yes,” Sadeena answered. “Please, Mr Ubel. Allow our establishment to procure whatever you need.”

“That smart ass… he sent me to a slaughterhouse.” Ubel grinned after knowing that he may have been tricked. “Well, let’s see if his words are real for recommending your quality products and services. So what do you have in offer?”

“We provide the acquisition of small arms, explosives, weapon and ship ordinance, combat equipment, personnel apparel, and assault vehicles. Only our main branch on Titan provides the sale of ships.” Sadeena answered.

“That’s good. By the way, can you handle bulk orders?” Ubel asked again.

“We absolutely can.” the woman replied.

“Then I need two pistols, a small caliber submachine gun, a sniper rifle, an assault rifle, 20,000 grenades, 1,000 personnel armor or combat suits, 200 golems, 40 armored trucks, and 150 armored personnel vehicles.” Ubel listed down all of his purchase requests. The clerk just quietly nodded as she entered on her console the things that he wanted. And then she turned back towards him.

“Would you like to check and choose the specified arms for each of the lists?” Sadeena asked.

“Sure,” Ubel confirmed.

“Please follow me.” she turned off the console and walked towards the right side of the main hall. Ubel followed her from behind.

He was led to another room that was hidden on the right side of the main entrance hall. It showed a lot of displayed small arms, protected by thick glass. As he gazed around, the room illuminated itself, revealing a long corridor of displayed arms, sets of ammo, and even vehicles that had moving videos of their capabilities and specialization in each situation.

“Please, feel free to select and try any of them,” Sadeena said as she waited for him to test any of the displayed weapons.

Ubel wanted to but decided to finish this quickly as he had also another matter to alter. So this time, he wanted to take his chances with Argyle’s recommendation.

“I am pressed with time. So I don’t have time to check all of them even if I would love to. So can you instead provide me a suggestion for what I want?” Ubel requested.

“Of course. Please.” Sadeena gestured for him to follow her in a corner. Then the woman stood behind a thick slab of metal table which Ubel stood on the opposite side of her.

“What do you have in mind for your pistols?” Sadeena asked.

“I want a pair for my crew, something that is fast enough to be used in the middle of a battle, a shootout, or an ambush but also has the power to penetrate armor and is great at crowd control.” Ubel laid out. The woman gazed at the black table and her eyes glowed dimly in a green color then she replied.

“For the small arms pistols, I recommend the 402FT and Bunze Neum 53.” the table suddenly opened, showing two pistols of silver and black coats. She gestured for Ubel to try and feel their products which he immediately accepted. As he held the two pistols in his hands, two pop-ups notified him from the pistols, notified him of their more detailed specs and information.

“The 402 series was made during the war between UGTR and the Alliance, by the Lauzerians on the Planet of Utte, Truseaint System. What you’re holding right now is their latest model, the FT. Unlike most small arms pistols, 402FT has another fire mode thanks to the latest Lauzerian technology, the Rail-Shots. With 24 bullets per load, all of it will penetrate through almost any cover to hit the target under the RS mode. Scaled grip on its handles for armored suits with magnetic composition in cases of Zero Gravity. Also very adaptable with any terrain or under any harsh environment due to its Filter System and Closed-Nit Case.” the woman elaborated as a 3D holographic animation popped out in front of them which had the Point of View that held the 402FT pistol. “Additionally their wide spray and precision targeting makes this pistol ideal for dispersing adversaries in efficiency, lethality, and style.”

The video displayed a user armed with a pistol, his targets hid behind a thick concrete with a metal coat, but when he switched the pistol to Rail-Shot mode, all of the bullets went through the cover and killed the target behind. All of the bullets even went through its target and penetrated also the wall behind it. The terrain changed several times from desert, cold snow, and underwater, the showcase displayed the nonstop use of the 402FT pistol. The target was also using an armored suit which became useless in front of the pistol. But Ubel could see that the pistol had some flaws which was the ammo capacity for each load and overheating in the consistent use of the Rail-Shots.

And Ubel already had a scenario in his mind where this pistol would be a very big problem for those who have no measures of getting destroyed bulkheads on their ships. So this could be a problem for both the user and their enemies in a vacuum. He made a mental note to also prioritize a suit that was capable of covering such a flaw.

“On your left hand is the Bunze Neum 53.” the woman gestured towards the other pistol he was holding. “It is the 5th upgrade of the Neum Series by the Ostrokkan Corporation. Released last year, it became the favorite among outlaws, agents, and bounty hunters due to the ease of access in modifying each pellet. From burst, carrion, penetration, eavesdropping, or tracking. It uses the Sheet Pellets as its ammo, which allows this small arm to carry 200 pellets per load. Despite its very small size on its ammo, it could penetrate through 2 meters of Graymoss Alloy, the commonly used plates for combat suits, due to its very high powered gas chambers.” the woman explained the next pistol as a 3D holographic animation display which had its view from the user that held the Bunze Neum 53 pistol.

As the woman had mentioned, the detailed spec of the pistol popped up as he inspected the ammo load of the weapon. It was truly a little machine gun as was shown in the video. But what was not mentioned by the woman was the disadvantage of the pistol in an environment that exceeded the Earth’s or Terra’s Gravity which would start the deviation of the bullets and the user had to adjust it through its built console of the pistol for the bullet or in this case, pellet drop calculations.

He nodded and expressed his interest. But he made a mental note that 402FT should not be part of the boarding team’s armaments. As he could only allow their use on planetary raids and assaults.

“I’ll take them,” Ubel said as he put back the pistols. Then he asked. “What do you have for submachine guns? I prefer a lighter, a good number of ammo for every load, easier to apply modifications, and built for the environment under gravity. Preferably, on situations also where the user doesn’t wear any combat suits or any assisted aiming systems.”

The woman returned the pistols inside the table and put out a very sleek but short

“Many people and even most of our customers in this station have a great fondness of the affordable Harietta 43-Russ submachine guns due to its great adaptability to sync on any combat suit... but recently we have found the very effective and better stats provided by the Caustic BWR, a recently added a new submachine gun series to the small arms industry of Polo Armory Company. They also allow ease of access to users who want to add modifications. Although on its own, it cannot handle harsh and changing environments... it could be refitted to specialize a desired output under any situation which was the real purpose of this design, under the modifications and upgrades by the Polo Armory Company.” Then she added more. “It has an ammo capacity of 34 bullets per load and 68 bullets for its extended magazines. Tracing, armor piercing, vacuum, and tracking rounds can also be used with BWR under the same caliber and with the fittings of SMART software modification.”

Ubel held the Caustic BWR and tried to feel himself of the weight, the loading time, and the specialized details of the vanilla build of the weapon. A video then popped out in his vision where the user was in swampy forests and was attacked by xenon biomes. Her Caustric BWR was able to cut down all of the coming danger in one load due to its penetration rounds while also running around with ease without even having a hard time traversing the muck. The BWR was heavily modified with upgrades and even had energy blasts that acted as a burst shot as one of the flying xenon tried to attack her mid-air. Then another point of view had switched where she was also attacked by hostile biomes but this time, underwater. The bullets that were being used in the footage were built with a SMART system for automatic targeting and guidance, and self-propelled bullets that create more devastating damage even underwater.

“So the only thing that’s bad about it, was its very expensive cost and modifications,” he asked which she didn’t respond to but she also didn’t deny. “I’ll take it. With 50 sets of modifications for each type of known terrain.”

“Very good, Mr. Ubel.” The woman nodded as he received the submachine from Ubel and she returned it to the table.

“Do you have assault rifles that are equally great in zero and gravity environments? With good penetration and precision,” he asked.

“Hmmmm… we had but I could also recommend you Energy weapons?” Sadeena asked.

“No, they are usually useless against reflective combat suits and extremely dangerous when used on the bulkheads inside a ship.” Ubel rejected the notion of using Energy Rifles. “I capture ships, not destroy them.”

“Hmmmm...”The woman took out another weapon from the table which was another sleek and long rifle with two magazines on its load. “Then I recommend this Vratkov GA rifle.”

“This weapon has two magazines, each for different purposes. The front magazine is for high caliber rounds with a maximum capacity of 20 bullets, perfect for zero gravity engagements. The back magazine is for medium caliber and crowd control which have a maximum capacity of 30 bullets or 60 for its extended magazines. It also has adaptive textured grips for easier handling in the heat of battle on any harsh conditions, and AlguraDX for easier reloads between or when switching between its two magazines. It allows single mode which allows you to choose which caliber you’re going to use or dual burst for simultaneous use on both calibers on both magazines. Also on the high caliber, with the right modifications, this rifle could be converted easily into a sniper rifle with a good range of 2000 meters.”

As he watched another display of the Assault Rifle’s capability, he remembered something that may be important when he gave out these weapons later to his crew.

“Do you also provide materials for virtual training or simulation exercises for each of the weapons that I will purchase?” Ubel asked. He didn’t want to waste ammo or even maintenance cost in training his crew later in using their new arms and equipment which he’d rather use the simulation training instead.

“Of course, it is part of the data frag manual that is always provided on every purchase,” Sadeena replied.

“That’s a relief. I’ll take this one too.” Ubel nodded and returned the weapon to her. “I won't have to buy sniper rifles then due to Vratkov… also I’ll add 50 crates of modification sets.”

“Of course, I’ll add that to your order,” Sadeena said, adding his purchases to his digital cart.

“How about grenades or explosives?” Ubel asked.

Sadeena this time showed only a holographic display of the explosive. Making Ubel assume their measures against danger and risk.

“We have SRPENT an all-purpose grenade that’s equipped with a unique dispersal mechanism allowing it to either release a cloud of blinding smoke, anti-thermal smoke, debilitating gas, explosion to cause chaos upon enemy ranks, or gaseous acid that could melt anything in the vicinity. Most outlaws would use three to four of these in breaching enemy fortifications.” She displayed footage of soldiers using SERPENT, but instead of throwing it, they used their holo and deployed three explosives on the ground. The grenades then transformed with small crawling limbs and rushed towards their designated targets as assigned by their user. Like small critters, they dodged and hid under ruins and rocks before jumping like giant fleas and then exploding in a massive blast.

“Hmmm, add that to my cart then,” Ubel said. “20,000 pieces.”

Sadeena nodded and made some inputs to the list of his purchases, then she gazed back at Ubel, waiting for his next request.

“How about any armor suit for my crew, suited for zero and gravity engagements,” Ubel asked this was one of his main priorities after seeing the skills of his crew in boarding ships.

By using their performance rate, he compared them to his droids and let them play out in a simulation by which he found out and confirmed his thoughts about using a human crew. Droids have better precision and obedience in completing their task with great adaptive responses, but the human crew has quick reactions and is better at judging the situation with great potential for initiative, something that was absent in droids. As such he was starting to consider letting his assigned command droids stay as the helmsmen and in charge of ship battles, but for boarding sequences, he would depend on his human crew with the support of his well-armored droids as tanks for every assault.

As he thought about formulations of his battle doctrines, the woman showed a holographic 3D of an armor suit.

“Ulysses Armor,” she said. “This is one of the best and sought-after personnel armor both in the outlaws and corporate industry. Crafted from lightweight yet extremely durable Haltide alloy, providing very good protection against small arms fire. It also provides great mobility and agile movement thanks to its Barnum Thruster System, allowing swift and precise maneuvering, especially in zero gravity. Adding also the armor’s adaptive magnetic design and its grappling hooks on both arms and legs which enables the user to anchor to any surface, ensuring stability and mobility in the most chaotic and hostile battlefield, or space debris.”

Then she added.

“This suit also allows the installation of stimulants through its back injections. The dosage could be manually triggered by the user… or their commander.”

Ubel grinned at what she was implying.

This was also one of the greatest advantages he had considered of having a human crew. Overclocking a droid will result in extensive and expensive damage to its electronics. But injecting stimulants to increase performance a hundredfold in a human body, will result in organ failure and nerve damage at most, which he could just repair with low-cost medicines and long natural rest.

One of the greatest benefits of a human body.

“I’ll take them. And also do you have any recommendations for Assault Golems?” Ubel asked because he knew that it was only a matter of time before UGTR or the Alliance took action against a pirate fleet that had a Titan class ship. He had to be prepared. Even combat suits and his nanotech would be helpless in a wave of unstoppable walking golems.

“Karnassus Golem,” the woman finally mentioned that was used by the Alliance. “This mobile hulk is designed for combat in space, rugged terrain of the planetary surface and capable of penetrating through ship hulls, making it a primary armament for in every Colonial ship as a first wave of their boarding operations. It is a marvel of engineering. It was constructed to combat the dreaded Juggernaut Golem of the UGTR from the last war. This golem is built with reinforced Ravenak scales, advanced composite materials such as Byet-Zel alloy, and Gaia plates. Making it virtually impervious to conventional weaponry and a very effective part of boarding assaults.”

“Its towering frame houses powerful Bakarik Thrusters and OTFORKA-VII Design modules for seamless transition. Both features allowed it to maneuver effortlessly in zero gravity and navigate through deep muck, sand, snow, or any challenging terrain, with ease. It can shrug off even the most devastating attacks due to its equipped array of defensive measures such as explosive BLAST reactive armors from incoming missiles, projectiles, and melee assaults. It is a symbol of dominance in the Alliance sectors and a challenge to UGTR’s previously successful Juggernaut Units.” she added.

Then she showed off a large long barreled what he thought to be a flak cannon.

“And for the weapons, I highly recommend the DV3-Fury, a range power weapon designed to harness the immense carrying strength of your golems to unleash devastating firepower upon your foes. This weapon is designed to be mounted on your golems, providing long-range firepower to support their ground assault infantry. Its seemingly oversized barrels and advanced targeting systems ensure pinpoint accuracy. This weapon could utilize the propulsion power of your golem to launch a variety of projectiles, from armor-piercing, explosive shells to incendiary rounds or even anti-ship missiles. Providing immediate threat to enemy enemy fortifications and armor vehicles alike.”

Another footage popped up where three golems provided artillery bombardment by deploying the bombardment procedure of the cannon. Then after softening their enemy fortifications, they transformed their cannons back to armor piercing and flew through the air, disabling and destroying the tanks that were sent to take them down. One of them used the great strength of the golem’s arms to turn over a large tank that was able to shrug off their AP shells, then shot it on its vulnerable underbelly.

Ubel was impressed that he felt some kind of childish adrenaline flowing throughout his body.

“Get me two hundred of that. I will also buy any training simulation you have for them.” Ubel said, swearing in his mind that he would have to teach his crew how to use golems as he already assumed that they probably never even met one. Then he remembered his list of heavy vehicles. “I need some trucks and armored personnel carrier vehicles. The first one to be suited for delivering supplies on the ground or in the middle of a battlefield while protecting its cargo. And for the latter, protects its personnel against tank shells.”

The woman then opened up her holo and then the vacant floor beside them started to move and fold, revealing a hollow hole. Then slowly but surely, a large combat vehicle in black-coated armor was raised.

“For the first one, we have the Warden Truck which is both built with the cargo capacity of an Overload Truck and Armoured Light Combat Vehicle. This was the main carrier vehicle of the Union of Great Terran Republics, designed to excel in the harshest environments. It features a reinforced chassis capable of withstanding the impact of the atmospheric re-entry and rigors of combat after it landed. Making it very versatile and adaptive to be dropped from space directly into the heart of the battlefield, delivering vital supplies with pinpoint accuracy.”

“It is also designed with amphibious capability. This vehicle can traverse lakes, rivers, or even oceans. Ensuring that no terrain is off-limits.” And as she continued to elaborate, showing off another video where the driver captured footage that proved her claims. “Its rugged tires and advanced suspension system provide unparalleled traction on rough terrain, allowing it to navigate also on rocky mountainsides, sandy deserts, and dense swampy jungles.”

Then another holo popped up, showing off the internal specs of this vehicle’s purpose.

“The armored cargo compartment offers ample space for supplies. All of it is protected by blast-resistant armor, shock mediators, and piercing shields to ensure the safety of what it is carrying. Meanwhile, the reinforced cabin provides secured refuge for its small personnel and drivers. The armor is also impervious to all types of small arms caliber.” she added. “Whether you’re conducting high altitude drop, traversing rugged terrain, or navigating treacherous unpredictable waters, this Warden Truck will ensure the delivery of your supplies to their destination, a solution to the battlefield logistics.”

“I’ll take it.”

Then the woman put back the vehicle and raised another smaller but very dangerous-looking vehicle.

“For the armored personnel carrier, we have the Taurus Assault Carrier.” the woman started to elaborate. “This is a UGTR armored personnel carrier that excelled in delivering troops to the battlefield while providing formidable firepower and adaptability. The Taurus Assault Carrier is designed to withstand the most extreme conditions from high-altitude drops to amphibious assaults and traversing diverse terrain types. Its advanced armor plating and reinforced chassis offers unparalleled protection for its passengers in comparison to its Colonial competition, ensuring their safety during transport and deployment.”

“This vehicle is equipped with GEO Advanced Propulsion Systems, which allowed the conversion from space drops and ground assault, delivering troops directly into combat zones with precision, protection, firepower, and speed.” the woman then controlled the vehicle which deployed its main armament in full display. “This carrier is armed to the teeth, boasting a variety of weapon systems to provide cover and support for infantry operations. From heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers to anti-spacecraft missiles and even artillery cannons. It was also built with three layers of reactive armor and a jamming defense system against missiles and armor-piercing tank shells. Taurus Assault Carrier can deliver devastating firepower to enemy positions while keeping your troops safe and secure as they deploy, helping you dominate the battlefield.” she rotated the vehicle to let Ubel see its entire body.

“Give me forty-seven armored trucks and one hundred fifty armored personnel vehicles,” he said.

“Very good Mr Ubel.” she nodded.

Ubel sighed in relief as he was finally finished with his orders.

“So How much is the total cost of my cart? He asked.

“192 billion credits” Sadeena answered which Ubel blinked several times. He went over his budget of 168 billion credits. “I already sent you the costs for each of your purchases.”

And on his vision, he saw the list of what he bought, the most expensive of all were the golems and the APCs. His entire financial assets were just 174 billion credits, and even if he sold his entire rotting and rusting pirate fleet, it still wouldn’t be enough. He mulled for several seconds before an idea came out.

“Could I get a discount? I was recommended by the ABG here, making me a very good customer and your future patron in my later weapon purchasing,” he asked.

“We already applied the discount as a first-time customer of our establishment.” Sadeena killed his hope. He could only close his eyes in frustration.

“Really?” Seeing that his orders would cost him more than what he calculated. He was starting to think about whether to cut some numbers from his purchases but that would mean also disrupting his planned and calculated costs for his future raids.

Then he remembered another thing that he could take advantage of or otherwise. Grinning about the various consequences of what he intended to do. As he searched across his Holo, thoughts of being indentured surfaced.

But he was not Kiryu anymore, he is now Ubel.

And he will not hesitate on things anymore.

He was already knee-deep in the pond and started to think that it was not gonna change anything even if he took the plunge anyway. So he decided to deal with the devil.

As he waited, he convinced himself of the silver lining of making this deal.

“At least, the devil will guarantee that my new life will have very interesting twists that will keep me awake.” he laughed, almost excited to see what was to come.

Then someone answered.

“Mr. Ubel, so how can I help you?” the familiar voice of a known loan shark rang out, and then his face appeared on his holo. He was glad that he took up the contact that was given to him.

“Argyle, you truly did send me to a trap huh.” Ubel laughed.

“Well, we only give quality service. It would be a crime if we sent you to the beat-up arms dealer in the slums.” Argyle, on the other hand, kept his professional tone.

“Heh. Then I’ll also take up another one of your services.” Ubel said.

“Which is?” Argyle asked, although Ubel already knew that the loan shark probably knew this would happen.

It was one of the best tactics used by Kiryu in the past.

The best way to sell a service or a product is by putting a potential customer in a situation where he or she urgently needs such a service or product.

Ubel could only laugh at seeing such magic being used against him.

“I need a loan,” he said.

“Interesting... so the profit you gained from selling your plunder was still not enough? Are you arming a small army?” Argyle on the other end, started massaging his chin. “How much will you be needing?”

“33 billion.”

Argyle just looked at him speechless for several seconds until the agent found himself back on reality. However, Ubel knew the facade of Argyle. Another step of gaslighting is by pretending to be reluctant or unaware of the situation while dangling the carrot to a customer. He almost wanted to tell Argyle to stop with the theatrics but wanted to experience and see it happen again personally.

“It will be done, but do you know the terms and conditions in loaning from us?” the agent asked.

“I did. 2% per Sol Month huh.” Ubel confirmed.

“Correct. So will you still proceed?” Argyle asked.

“No,” he said.

Argyle was surprised for a moment before returning to his indifferent tone.

“As I-”

“Make it 70 billion instead.” Ubel dropped him a life jacket.

“…” Blunt just looked at him as if he was looking at a dead man muttering nonsense then he asked again. “70 Billion credits is it?”


Argyle immediately processed the digital requirements and sent the documents to Ubel for his signature.

“Please sign the corresponding papers that I sent you.”

“That’s quite fast. As expected of loan agents. Well then… there! It’s done!” In a second, Ubel swiped all of the requirements with his signature and sent it back to Argyle. “By the way, you will ask no collateral asset?”

The loan shark smiled.

“Our bank has ways to collect.”

“That is a very familiar sentence.” it reminded Ubel of another fictional bank he knew in his past life.

“Mr. Ubel, 70 billion credits have been transferred to your account. Thank you for your patronage. We’d love to offer you more of our services in the future.” Blunt glanced up from his digital paperwork, a knowing glint in his eyes. "With this loan, you'll have the capital to expand your operations. Please don’t hesitate also to ask my help in securing the resources you need to make a name for yourself in the underworld and beyond."

“Thanks to you too,” Ubel replied with a nod.

With that, Argyle cut off his holo.

“I’ll check out all of my orders.” Ubel turned back to the clerk who was just silently waiting for him.

“Very good, sir.” The clerk nodded. “Where shall we deliver your goods?”

“Dock 131, Blitzkrieg Ship,” he answered.

“Very well, the goods are already on their way,” Sadeena revealed.

“Wait?” Ubel was confused.

“I already sent the order to our storage facility to prepare the delivery, right after you confirmed the lists.” Sadeena elaborated further. Making Ubel even more confused about their business.

“If I didn’t have the money to pay then?” He asked.

“We could always ask the ABG to cover the expenses as part of their privileges in recommending customers to our establishment.” Sadeena dropped another revelation.

“That motherfucker… what a fucking shrewd fat fox…” Ubel could only hide his face in his palm until he couldn’t endure anymore. “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! “

Ubel finally realized why Argyle just accepted his 70 billion loan readily. His banking institution would still have to cover the expenses if Ubel lacked the credits. They would prefer he take a loan rather than their bank taking a loss in receiving the Ubel’s expenses.

“Everything is connected huh.” Ubel sighed in defeat.

“Yes. It is one of our proud and lasting benefits in providing services.” the woman smiled.

“Fucking loan sharks in space.” Ubel was more amused rather than angry after knowing he had been tricked twice. He made a mental note to be careful next time and always ask for more information. Then he remembered another thing. “Can I ask if you also provide maintenance for droids and whatnot?”

“We do.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind for now. I would lose more credit than was left if I spent everything immediately. And I don’t want to sell my organs.” Ubel said then he turned back towards the exit. “I’ll pay half on the docks then when my goods arrive there. ”

Ubel walked towards the exit as he received the checkout receipt as he reached the doors.

“We will wait for your next visit.” the clerk bowed, and Ubel left the establishment.