Chapter 19 – Schism
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The atmosphere inside the makeshift tents was a mix of anticipation and apprehension. On the banging sounds and bright sparks on the ships, were the mechanics, in the middle of their procedure to overhaul, fix and find what needed to be replaced. Accustomed to the hustle and bustle of bringing rotting and dying ships back to life, they move with precision and efficiency.

Their client, a group of pirates, now found themselves grounded, waiting for their ships to be repaired and overhauled.

"Anyone seen Aldo?" Hakka, the burly mechanic, called out through his Holo, scanning the crowd of crew members below. "We need him to sign off on the power coupling repairs. And I couldn’t get him through my holo due to restrictions here."

"He's probably on the next ship, inspecting the progress of others," replied Klara, the sharp-eyed mechanic, her gaze fixed on the screens displaying the status of the ships. "Should be back soon."

Meanwhile, in the center of the ships, climbing and taking out the heavy rotting bulkheads, was a group of droids who worked tirelessly alongside their mechanics. Their metallic limbs moved with precision as they assisted in the repairs. The mechanics watched with a mixture of admiration and relief, knowing that their mechanical companions were essential to getting their ships back in the air.

"We're lucky to have these droids nowadays," remarked Jax another mechanic in charge of overseeing the droids, wiping sweat from his brow. "Without them, we’ll finish this work in months."

"True." agreed Klara, her fingers flying over the control panel of her console. "But let's not forget the real heroes are those on the agency. Thank god they were able to get us a massive job opportunity for us like this. If not for them, I would probably be working my ass literally, in paying my loans."

“Yeah. Maintenance work had been quite a few lately these past months. Outlaws and criminals here don’t mind if their ships rot in the middle of space, they live on the mindset where they can just take someone’s ship to replace theirs instead.”

As the hours passed, their progress slowly improved on their repairs. Their fellows chatted amongst themselves, swapping stories of past days and weeks; their wives, their children, their new dream of buying a vehicle and a ship, and speculating about their next job opportunities.

Suddenly, a loud cheer erupted that came from the large tent that was erected and temporarily housed the crew of the Demonic Monkeys. The mechanics who heard them thought that they probably were drunk or in celebration.

Like when they arrived on this dock where the pirates’ spirits were lifted by the prospect of new opportunities on the horizon, drinking and whoring the entire day. The mechanics returned to their tasks with renewed energy and determination, the sound of hammers and drills filled the air, drowning out the loud noise coming from the pirates.

But in reality, it was the opposite.

The bustling tent was full of squabbling voices between the pirate crews. Arguing with one another. The clamor in the tent escalated as Creed Astefalt's voice rose above the din.

"What the hell happened to the droids?" Creed demanded, his voice sharp with frustration, suspicion evident in his eyes. The sudden shutdown of their droids sent a ripple of unease through the crew of the Demonic Monkeys, signaling that something was amiss. The crew members exchanged worried glances, the abrupt loss of their mechanical assistants casting a pall over the makeshift camp. Without the droids to assist in the repairs, their progress would grind to a halt, delaying their departure even further.

"We need to figure out what's going on first." Bastille declared, stepping forward to address the gathered crew. "Mei, Ursa, see if you can trace the source of the shutdown. Tepra, round up a security detail. We need to ensure this isn't the prelude to an attack."

As the crew sprang into action, tension hung heavy in the air, each member acutely aware of the vulnerability they now faced without the support of their droids.

"Could it be sabotage?" one crew member ventured, his voice barely above a whisper as he voiced the collective concern echoing through the tent.

"It's possible," came the reply, accompanied by a solemn nod. "But who would want to sabotage us?"

The question hung unanswered in the air, a troubling mystery that gnawed at the edges of their collective consciousness. As the crew worked tirelessly to investigate the shutdown and shore up their defenses, the sense of unease only deepened, casting a shadow over their once hopeful spirits.

"Damn it, Leon, what did you do?" Mucker's joking accusation reverberated through the tent. Leon was the closest and one of their top mechanic who always worked with droids on every ship and their sole personnel who led maintenance checks on their fleet.

Leon bristled at the accusation, his temper flaring in response.

"Me? I didn't touch anything! How am I supposed to oversee repairs if our droids suddenly decide to go offline?"

“This is no time for jokes Mucker.” Creed scolded him.

“Sorry boss.” Mucker quickly apologized.

No matter how light the joke was, the exchange of accusations only served to heighten the tension among the crew, their eyes darting nervously as they contemplated the implications of the droid shutdown. Without their mechanical helpers, the already daunting task of overseeing that overhaul of their fleet could become exponentially more challenging. Adding also their defenses which were temporarily compromised due to the sudden shutdown of droids.

"We need to get to the bottom of this." Creed interjected, his voice sending a calm but firm presence amidst the chaos and confusion. "Arguing won't solve anything.”

"Could it be an outside attack?" One crew member whispered, casting a wary glance towards the entrance of the tent.

"It's possible." Another replied. "But it could also be a malfunction. Either way, we need to be prepared for anything."

Then another voice broke their concerned hushes.

“Creed, Bastille… You don’t have to send anyone to check. You should already have the notion the real cause of our situation and it’s not a malfunction or sabotage.” Kugal, one of the grizzled veterans of this fleet, is much older than Creed with a scar running down his cheek.

“Which is?” Bastille asked but Creed only glared at Kugal.

“The commander was most probably killed.” Kugal shrugged.

This statement caused a pin-drop silence in the tent. Then Creed broke the stillness.

“We still don’t know that.”

“I know.”

This implication causes the atmosphere around them to become cold. The crew who were standing near the three stepped back as if trying to distance themselves from an incoming and unwanted fight.

“What do you mean by those words?” Bastille asked.

“It’s true and we don’t have much time to argue about it anymore.” Kugal then sent them all on their holos a grisly picture of the bloodied dead body of a boy. “He is very dead.”

The revelation hit the makeshift headquarters of the Demonic Monkeys like a thunderclap on a clear day. Kugal's words vibrated the very air, each syllable laden with the weight of a truth they still couldn’t comprehend to accept.

"Ubel… dead?" he muttered, his voice barely a whisper as he struggled to reconcile the image of their fearless leader with the grisly reality laid bare before him. The picture that materialized in their visions. Transmitted by Kugal, offered irrefutable proof of the unthinkable—a lifeless body, cold and motionless, robbed of the vitality that had once defined it. He could argue that this was a fraud. But first, he had to calm his crew before they would do something very stupid.

For a moment, the tent was engulfed in a suffocating silence, broken only by the distant hum of machinery and the muffled sound of hurried footsteps outside. The sudden shutdown of their droids, previously dismissed as a minor inconvenience, now took on a sinister new significance—a harbinger of the tragedy that had befallen their ranks.

Creed's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions—confusion, disappointment, disbelief, and a gnawing sense of dread that threatened to consume him whole. Ubel had been more than just their leader; he had been one of their best leaders even if for a short while, their confidant.

"We have to do something." Mei finally spoke, her voice raw with emotion as he sought to shake off the paralysis that threatened to overwhelm her. "We can't just stand here and do nothing. Maybe he needs-"

“He is very much dead.” Kugal spat back, interrupting Mei.

“…” Creed looked at him, sending a silent stare that asked for more details on what Kugal was implying beneath his words.

“I know the people who killed him,” Kugal revealed another bombshell.

“What?” Creed blinked in confusion as he heard an unexpected statement again from Kugal.

As Kugal's words sank in, the crew of the Demonic Monkeys exchanged glances, uncertainty written on their faces. Creed, their appointed vice commander for a time like this, took a moment to process the gravity of the situation before he could address the group.

“And you all know them too,” Kugal revealed which just gave more confusion to Creed and others.

“What do you mean?” Eris asked loudly so that she could be heard.

“Why are you all asking or getting confused? We are now free from that bastard! I’m the one who should be confused here!” Kugal yelled.

"I understand your desire for freedom, but rushing into a potentially deadly situation without a plan is reckless." Creed cautioned, his voice a calm counterpoint to the rising fervency of his comrade. “If it was false information, we would all die from poison. Not to mention, our new commander, Ubel showed us better alternatives and advantages that were never provided to us by our previous commanders.”

Despite his words of caution, Kugal's call found resonance among the crew, their thirst for liberation outweighing any apprehension. A mood that even Creed could feel and know he was now helpless to stop.

“Then we can just have our new commander do the same then!” Kugal screamed. “Fuck, I don’t care anymore. Anyways we should go to Blitzkrieg and take that ship immediately. The droids are offline and it's only a matter of time till other people aside from us notice the gap in our security and steal our most powerful ship under our noses.”

Creed mulled for a moment and understood the Kugal’s point. They should first investigate and create a security perimeter around Blitzkrieg because it was the only ship in their docking bay that was not manned or under maintenance. Instead, it was secured by droids. And with the sudden shutdown of their organic security guards, they have to inspect the Blitzkrieg. He decided to cooperate with Kugal for now as he signaled Bastille to follow. It's a lose-and-lose situation if they fight themselves here.

"Alright, listen up everyone. I know this is a lot to take in, but we can't afford to hesitate. If what Kugal says is true, then we need to act fast and secure our flagship. We're heading to the Blitzkrieg." Creed said, assuming a leadership role in Ubel's absence, wasted no time in issuing directives to fortify their position. "Seal off the perimeter once we arrive. We cannot allow any intruders. Gather everyone there."

“What about other ships?” one of his crew asked in concern.

“They are being overhauled by mechanics and under the supervision of their droids, they couldn’t commandeer a ship that had no engines attached,” Creed replied.

With a sense of urgency, the crew sprang into action, implementing Creed's orders with precision and determination. They pass the orders back to others who just arrived to know the situation. Meanwhile, Kugal stood by, watching the preparations unfold with a sense of urgency.

"Hurry up, everyone. We don't have much time. Once we have control of the Blitzkrieg, we can figure out our next move." As the crew of the Demonic Monkeys scrambled towards the dock of their Titan Ship, a tense atmosphere hung in the air, fueled by uncertainty and the looming threat of the unknown.

As Creed, Kugal, and the rest of the crew approached the Blitzkrieg, they couldn't help but notice the eerie absence of any droids guarding the imposing massive vessel. It stood silent and imposing, its sleek exterior gleaming under the harsh fluorescent lights of the docking bay. Creed still couldn’t believe that such a ship existed for he thought this type of ship could only be a vanity project rather than an actual combat-capable ship that is useful in any battle.

However, the absence of droid guards around the Blitzkrieg sent a ripple of unease through Creed and Kugal, two seasoned members of the Demonic Monkeys crew. They exchanged wary glances, silently communicating their shared sense of apprehension as they approached the ship.

"Yeah, something's off. Keep your guard up. Let's proceed with caution. We don't know what we're walking into."

Their footsteps echoed hollowly against the metal floor of the dock as they cautiously approached the looming form of the Blitzkrieg. The absence of the usual sentries left them feeling exposed, and vulnerable in the silence that surrounded them.

Kugal nodded in agreement, his hand instinctively drifting towards the pistol at his side hip. With every step closer to the ship, their apprehension mounted, tension crackling in the air like static electricity.

The gigantic size that towers over them as they walk closer, sent a shiver down their spines. Adding also the mysterious silence of the dock, a stark contrast to the bustling activity they were accustomed to witnessing around their other ships. After receiving confirmation that every corner of the dock was secured, and every entry point guarded against potential threats, they proceeded further.

"This doesn't add up. The Blitzkrieg should be swarming with security, especially given recent events." Kugal was starting to feel their surroundings to be creepy.

"Why would there be no security around the Blitzkrieg? It's supposed to be the most heavily guarded area in our sector of the docking bay." Creed couldn’t believe his eyes also. There was nothing on guard on the Blitzkrieg. Not even a single deactivated droid on sight. “Did the commander forget to establish security or...”

"I don't like this one bit. Something's not right here." Kugal said, already fidgety after knowing the nature of their former commander in letting his enemies’ guard down before jumping for retaliation.

"Maybe the droids are still inside, and they deactivated while they work on repairs inside the ship or something." Jin, another crew said.

"Or maybe it's a trap. We should be cautious." Daearko said.

Creed's brow furrowed with concern as he surveyed their surroundings, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, a nagging sense of unease gnawing at him.

"Either way, we need to proceed with caution. Daearko, Linus, Orphel, and Jin, stay close. Kugal, keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Let's move.” Creed however had already assumed that someone else had probably entered the premises of their docking bay.

With cautious steps, they approached the entrance ramp of the Blitzkrieg, their senses on high alert for any sign of danger. As they neared the ship, the silence seemed to grow heavier, enveloping them in a cloak of uncertainty.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Jin said.

"Me too. But we can't turn back now. We need to find out what's going on." Kugal said.

With a shared glance of determination, they continued towards the Blitzkrieg, steeling themselves for whatever awaited them inside. Little did they know, their journey was about to take an unexpected turn.

As they reached the entrance ramp, Creed motioned for Kugal to stay close as he cautiously approached the control panel of the dock to check for the status of the ship. He hesitated for a moment in keying in the access code, the soft hum of the ship's systems coming to life echoing in the empty bay.

"Keep your eyes peeled. We don't know who or what might be waiting for us inside."

As they moved cautiously through the corridors, the absence of any sign of life only deepened their unease. With each passing moment, the feeling of being watched lingered like a sinister presence at their backs, a silent reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows.

Creed and Kugal exchanged a tense glance, their nerves stretched taut as they pressed on, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious absence of security around the Blitzkrieg.

“Holy shit! That surprised the fuck out of me!” Kugal jumped back in shock as he sensed something activated as he passed through.

Creed looked at the cause of his fright and realized it was a deactivated droid that just booted itself.

“Droid? No, this isn’t ours.” Bastille and Leon both checked the droid but found it to be of a different model.

Then he realized another thing, trucks and unfamiliar droids were scattered around the Blitzkrieg which only added to Creed and Kugal's confusion. The crew who was with them also exchanged puzzled looks as they watched the sudden start of a flurry of droid activity, trying to make sense of the unexpected scene unfolding before them. As if their arrival started something.

"What in the stars is going on here?" Kugal scratched his head in annoyance.

"I have no idea." Creed shook his head as the droid who surprised Kugal went back to its fellow droids. Their attention was drawn to one of the command droids that was approaching them, its mechanical voice breaking through the din of activity as it addressed them.

"Excuse me, can you confirm the location of Captain Ubel? We have a delivery of goods scheduled for him." The droid asked. “We have tried sending a holo message or making direct communication with him approximately one hundred and twelve times but received no reply. Instead, we waited here for him to arrive.”

Creed and Kugal exchanged a hesitant glance, uncertain of how to respond to the unexpected inquiry. Kugal spoke up, his voice tinged with unease.

"Ubel... he's not here. He's... he's gone."

“Please elaborate.” The droid processed their response, its optics flickering momentarily before refocusing on them.

“He’s dead,” Kugal answered.

"In that case, according to our records, any deliveries intended for Captain Ubel will now be received by you, and his associates. Please sign here to confirm the receipt of the goods."

Creed and Kugal exchanged another wary glance, their apprehension growing as they glanced at the digital display on the droid's interface. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they read the staggering amount displayed.

"Ninety billion...? That's... that's more than we could ever afford!" Kugal exclaimed. "This must be a mistake. We can't possibly pay this!"

“Then our company will not turn over the products without the complete payment.” The droid answered.

The weight of the situation pressed down on them, the realization sinking in that they were now responsible for a debt they couldn't hope to repay. Uncertainty gnawed at them as they grappled with the implications of their newfound predicament, unsure of how to proceed in the face of such an unexpected situation.

“Please wait for now, we will provide the funds.” Kugal immediately said which made Creed confused.

“What are you-”

“We should be able to plunder Blitzkrieg to barter with the droids instead.” Kugal then turned to ask the command droid. “Hey! Do you accept barter instead of credits?”

“Confirmed. As long as it is equal in value. And we will base its value on its market price.” the droid answered.

“See! We should go!” Kugal ran towards the Titan ship.

“W-wait! Kugal!” Creed failed to stop him and had to chase Kugal. Their crew also followed behind.

But as Kugal and their entire crew stood near the main entry of the Blitzkrieg, their initial excitement waned in the face of the ship's sudden reaction to their arrival. Numerous turrets and lights suddenly deployed and aimed down at them with a robotic voice echoing across the docks.

"Warning. Trespassers detected. Cease all unauthorized entry immediately. This is your final warning." The automated message echoed through the docking bay, a stern reminder that they were teetering on the edge of trespassing.

The gravity of their situation settled over them like a heavy shroud, and Kugal exchanged a grim look with Creed. They knew they couldn't afford to ignore the ship's warnings, not when the consequences could be dire. They all had to stop at a distance beyond the restricted boundary of Blitzkrieg.

Kugal's brow furrowed in thought as he considered their options. He reached for his communicator, hoping to contact their informant and glean some insight into the situation, but his efforts were met with frustration as the line remained stubbornly busy.

"Damn it. I can't get through to anyone. It's like all our channels have been blocked." Kugal said in frustration. His jaw tightened as he absorbed the news, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. Their plans were quickly unraveling before their eyes, and they were running out of time to salvage the situation.

"We need to act fast. Who's going to take those access codes? And what's the real situation here?" Daearko asked.

“Could you tell us now, Kugal what is truly happening here?” The urgency in Creed's voice underscored the gravity of their predicament as they stood on the precipice of uncertainty, unsure of what lay ahead. Kugal, finally fed up with being questioned, laid out his secrets and plans to the entire crew.

“I have been working with Elpano to take back the fleet from Munda when the time comes,” Kugal revealed. “But when he heard about Munda's demise, he saw an opportunity to seize power. A chance that Elpano took. So he killed the usurper which is that kid and took the access codes. Happy now?”

As Kugal revealed his past allegiance to Elpano, Creed and the others listened intently, the weight of his words sunk in with each passing moment. The revelation sent shockwaves through their group, stirring a potent mixture of disbelief and unease. Creed's brow furrowed in consternation as he processed the implications of Kugal's confession. It was a betrayal.

“What’s with your glares? Huh? We are fucking pirates. We steal and kill. We only obey the strong. And that kid was only strong because he deceived Munda and others who fell into his trap. A fucking usurper.”

“…” Creed and others who previously accompanied Ubel just went silent as they couldn’t also refute his words. Then Eris asked.

"So you've been working with Eleanor all along? And you kept this from us?"

Kugal’s gaze was unwavering as he met their accusatory stare. The gravity of Kugal's words hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the realization that they were now caught in the crossfire of a power struggle between rival factions that was when their former commander, Munda was still alive and Elpano, their former vice commander. Creed's mind raced as he tried to formulate a plan, his thoughts whirling with the urgency of their situation.

"So Elpano and his crew are on their way here to take over?" Creed asked again to confirm.

“Yes.” Kugal just nodded again.

Jin and Daearko exchanged worried glances, the gravity of their predicament settling over them like a suffocating blanket.

"What do we do now?"

Kugal glanced toward the looming silhouette of the Blitzkrieg ship, a beacon of both opportunity and danger in the tumultuous sea of plunder that they could’ve looted already if Elpano had the access codes. 

"We should find out more information first," Creed said to his crew.

“You still refuse to join us Creed?” Kugal asked. Suspecting the change in mindset on Creed.

“I refuse to die due to stupidity. I will not decide anything until I am sure of the matter.” Creed remained a bastion of caution, his steadfast refusal to join their cause a testament to his pragmatism. Other crew also hesitated, torn between loyalty to their friends who joined Kugal in their pursuit for freedom. He glanced around at the determined faces of his crewmates, weighing his options.

"I... I don't know. This feels wrong. What if it's a trap?" one of them spoke their concern.

Kugal who saw the hesitation amongst his brothers and sisters in the fleet, tried to persuade them.

"Even if we don't act now, someone else might beat us to it. We can't let that happen." Kugal pointed out. “”

"Exactly. We stick together, no matter what. But first, we need to secure our perimeter. We can't risk any unwanted visitors while we're inspecting the ship so maintain the security." Others are in agreement, understanding the importance of fortifying their position. They quickly set to work, organizing the crew and distributing tasks.

But then something broke their confusing situation.

A flying car touched down near them. It was a sphere-like vehicle and they all aimed their weapons towards it, prepared to shoot the unknown intruder.

But then Elpano emerged, and a wave of jubilation swept through Kugal and his supporters, their cheers echoing through the tense atmosphere. Creed and the others remained silent, their expressions clouded with uncertainty and suspicion.

"Elpano, you made it!" Kugal yelled his joy.

However, as Kugal approached, a sense of unease gnawed at his gut. Something was off about Elpano, something that sent a shiver down his spine.

"What's wrong with you? You don't look well," he asked then noticed that he was alone. “Where are the others? Yurtan, Tijo, Adaki, Blavi and Traja?”

Elpano's facade faltered, his features contorting in a grotesque display of agony. And then, to their astonishment, another figure emerged from the car, a figure they had thought dead.

It was Ubel.

The sight of Ubel, alive and well. His presence sent shockwaves rippling through the assembled pirates. His grin was as sharp as ever, a silent declaration of his cunning and resilience.

"Well, well… I am flattered that all of you came here to welcome me back." he sarcastically said. His voice was laced with amusement as he observed the stunned expressions of those before him. Despite the circumstances, there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

"I must say, I'm impressed. My body isn't even cold yet, and here you all are, ready to seize the opportunity." His words hung in the air, a reminder of the ruthless nature of piracy. In their world, hesitation could mean defeat, and Ubel relished in their swift reaction. "That's the spirit. As pirates, you should always be ready to seize the moment, no matter how unexpected."

His grin widened, the thrill of the chase coursing through his veins. For Ubel, every twist and turn in their game of cat and mouse only served to fuel his appetite to anticipate unexpected encounters and consequences.

Creed's jaw clenched with a mixture of frustration and begrudging admiration. Ubel had managed to outmaneuver them yet again, his ability to turn the tide of events a testament to his formidable skill.

"How did you...?" Kugal was shocked.

Ubel's grin widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he surveyed the bewildered faces of his would-be adversaries.

"Let's just say I have a knack for defying expectations. Now, what do we have here?" the boy shrugged.

But Kugal wasn't about to back down so easily. With a steely resolve, he squared his shoulders and met Ubel's gaze head-on.

“You’re gonna kill us now?” Despite knowing he was facing death, Kugal remained steadfast in his belief and choices. He knew in fighting Ubel, you would already be dead if this neuromancer was staring at you.

“Nope. Anyways, let me finish first.” Ubel disinterestedly answered Kugal’s question. "Now then, shall we get down to business? Mister Elpano… could you tell me the names of these people who helped or worked under you to undermine me?"

Ubel's gaze sharpened as Elpano mentioned the names of those who had betrayed him. His expression remained unreadable, a mask of calm amidst the tension that hung thick in the air. The man stuttered in some names but what Ubel and other clueless crew who heard this revelation immediately realized is that almost the majority of the entire crew was involved. Ubel had to stop Elpano from listing more names as he felt it was just going to end up taking more time than he had expected.

"I see," Ubel said, his voice deceptively calm, belying the storm of thoughts raging within his mind. He took a step forward, his eyes locking onto each of them in turn, his gaze piercing through their facade of innocence.

"Interesting choices, Elpano. It seems you've been quite busy underneath. Same as to all of you." His tone was measured, a hint of amusement lacing his words. He had expected betrayal, but to see it confirmed in such a manner stirred something primal within him, something which Creed and those who accompanied Ubel earlier, noticed. "Well then, since we're all here, why don't I give you what you wanted?"

His words were like a blade cutting through the tension, his eyes boring into each of them with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. At that moment, those who were named had accepted their fate and just waited to feel the point of poison or electrocution from the Neuromancer. For they knew the true extent of Ubel's power and capability.

"After all, I can't expect pirates to remain loyal for we only follow the strong. So it's only natural for you to follow the stronger commander than me. Isn't that right?" His smile was chilling.

In the world of pirates, trust was a fragile commodity, and they already knew in their minds that Ubel was not one to forgive easily.

“But what if I killed my would-be killers and turned the tables?” The dormant droids suddenly appeared around all of them, springing to life. They were the former inactive droids of their fleet. Their mechanical movements were swift and precise. With a low hum, their weapons swiveled to target Kugal and the others named by Elpano. The air crackled with anticipation as the droids stood poised to carry out their master's commands. Then Ubel jokingly laughed. "It seems my droids have a mind of their own."

This could be received as a silent warning of the consequences that awaited those who dared to betray him.

"Well, well, it seems our little uprising has come to an abrupt end," Ubel remarked, his tone was light but tinged with a hint of mockery. "I must admit, I'm impressed by your audacity, Kugal."

Kugal swallowed hard, his throat dry with apprehension.

"We... we thought we were doing what was best for the crew," he stammered, his voice wavering slightly.

Ubel's grin widened. His gaze swept over the group with a knowing gleam.

"And yet, here I am," he replied cryptically. "But enough about that. We have more pressing matters to attend to. A purge is needed."

Ubel's expression remained inscrutable, a mask of calm authority as he surveyed the scene before him. His eyes locked onto Kugal and the others, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty.

The silence was broken only by the soft hum of the droids' servos. Kugal and the others exchanged nervous glances, their minds racing as they searched for a way out of the precarious situation they found themselves in.

The tension in the air was palpable as Kugal and his companions braced themselves for the worst, their minds racing with thoughts of their betrayal and the retribution they were now facing.

Closing their eyes, they awaited the inevitable punishment for their treachery, their hearts heavy with regret and frustration for their actions.

But to their astonishment, instead of the expected barrage of blaster fire, there was only silence. Slowly, cautiously, they cracked open their eyes to find the droids standing before them, their weapons lowered and their mechanical features impassive.

Kugal's heart pounded in his chest as he exchanged a bewildered glance with his companions.

Had they been spared?

Or was this merely a reprieve before the final judgment fell upon them?

As the moments stretched on in tense uncertainty, the droids suddenly began to move, their metallic limbs whirring softly as they returned to their designated positions, resuming their vigil over the perimeter of the docking bay.

Kugal's mind raced, grappling with the surreal turn of events. What had caused the droids to spare them? Had their actions somehow triggered a glitch in their programming, or was there a more sinister force at play?

They exchanged looks of disbelief, their minds reeling with confusion and gratitude. Slowly, they rose to their feet, their bodies trembling with the remnants of adrenaline-fueled fear. Unable to shake off the sense of unease that gripped him, Kugal glanced nervously at Ubel,

"What just happened?" Daearko muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining." Jin shook his head, his expression mirroring the disbelief etched on the faces of his companions.

Creed, ever the cautious one, remained silent, his gaze fixed on Ubel, searching for any sign of what had transpired. Ubel, however, simply grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

The crew waited for their fate before Ubel, their faces a mixture of confusion and apprehension as they were still trying to comprehend what was happening. Ubel's voice cut through the tense silence, commanding their attention.

"Listen up, all of you!" he bellowed, his words echoing through the docking bay. "I have something important to tell you."

Minutes ticked by as the eyes fixed on their commander with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

But before they could comprehend what would happen next, they were suddenly restrained by droids in speed unlike that of organic units. Then they were injected by something else in the very area where they were also injected with poison.

A wave of nausea swept through the crew, followed by a collective bout of retching and vomiting. Panic seized some of them as they doubled over, clutching their stomachs in agony. Ubel watched the scene unfold with a calm demeanor, his expression unreadable as he observed the effects of his command. When the last of the crew had emptied their stomachs, he stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over them.

"All of you... are now free" he announced bluntly. "The injection I administered in your body was meant to purge your bodies of the paralytic poison I injected previously in your body. Consider it a... farewell cleansing ritual."

Confusion rippled through the crowd as they absorbed Ubel's words, their faces a mixture of relief and disbelief. Some cast wary glances at their captain, unsure of what to make of his revelation.


"I am freeing you all.” Ubel continued his voice firm. "From this moment on, you are free to make your own choices, to live your lives as you see fit."

The crew stood in stunned silence, processing the weight of Ubel's words. The revelation that they were free from the poison that had once bound them filled them with a mix of relief and disbelief. It was as if a weight had been lifted from their shoulders, freeing them from the invisible chains that had tethered them to Ubel's command.

But alongside this newfound liberation came a sense of uncertainty.

"Commander, what do you mean?" one crew member finally spoke up, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the group.

"I am stepping down as your commander," he replied.