Chapter 21 – A Hunter’s Call
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As Ubel navigated back through the bustling corridors of Banedog's Backyard, he kept a keen eye out for potential contacts and allies among the various factions and syndicates that operated in the area before leaving. With the things he had bought finally delivered and the weight of managing a fleet of pirates lifted from his shoulders, he was eager to forge new connections and expand his influence in the station’.

His first stop was at a local plaza known as The Pale Front, a favorite haunt among the underworld denizens of Banedog's Backyard. Stepping into the dimly lit establishment, Ubel scanned the place, taking note of the diverse array of faces that populated the space. From rough-and-tumble mercenaries to sleek corporate operatives, The Pale Front was a melting pot of individuals from all walks of life.

Spotting a familiar face at the bar, Ubel made his way over, his footsteps confident and purposeful. The man he approached was a seasoned information broker known as Barrus, a valuable asset in Ubel's quest to establish himself in the sector. Of course, he never actually knew the man. But with the help of the Gold’s Archive, he was able to identify most of the people who walked, passed, or lingered on this place as he scanned them.

"Barrus." Ubel greeted with a nod as he took a seat beside him. "I hope you've been keeping well."

Barrus first showed a confused face as he turned to regard Ubel. Then with a smile and eyes glinting with curiosity, he replied with the same courtesy.

"Ah, my friend," he replied, his voice low and smooth. "What brings you to The Pale Front today?"

A pretend play.

Ubel could already sense the questions flooding Barrus’s mind asking who Ubel was or whether was Ubel an acquaintance he had forgotten. But it doesn’t matter, as Ubel knew that Barrus had to answer well to avoid the possibility of losing a profitable client which Ubel exploited.

If he was a long-time outlaw or even a pirate from neighboring systems, info-brokers like Barrus would have a piece of available information about Ubel and would not fall for Ubel’s lie. But he had something in his sleeve, Ubel was reincarnated and had no records about himself in this known part of the galaxy. He confirmed this by checking with Gold’s Archive.

And even if Barrus knew who he was after the ruckus he did when he docked the massive Titan ship in this station, any info broker would compete in meeting with a boy commander of such a fleet.

A boy in a station talking to an info-broker? Not worth it. But a boy with an unknown background who brought a fleet of pirate ships and a massive supercapital, meeting with an info-broker? Free real estate.

Ubel leaned in closer to Barrus, his tone conspiratorial.

"I'm in the market for some new connections," he confessed. "I've got big plans, and I need allies who can help me see them through."

Barrus's smile widened at the mention of big plans, his interest piqued.

"You've come to the right place," he replied cryptically. "I may know a few individuals who could be of assistance to you."

As the two men delved into the conversation, Ubel felt a surge of excitement coursing through as he sowed the seeds. With Barrus's guidance and his strategic acumen, he was confident that he could navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries that defined Sol System’s underbelly. As the new day wore on, Ubel forged new connections and solidified existing ones, laying the groundwork for his ambitions to take root and flourish in this lawless corner of the galaxy.

After completing his deal with the info-breaker, Ubel traversed the bustling corridors of Banedog's Backyard, he found himself approached by several groups of smugglers, each eager to offer their services as suppliers of goods, information, or potential buyers for his plunder. Intrigued by the prospect of forging lucrative partnerships, Ubel entertained their offers with a cautious yet open mind.

The first group of smugglers, led by a wiry individual with a scarred face and a sly grin, boasted of their extensive network of contacts and their ability to procure a wide range of illicit goods. They spoke of hidden stashes of contraband, secret trade routes that he could prey upon, and lucrative deals waiting to be made. They exchanged contact information with Ubel, promising to keep him in mind for future ventures.

Another group of smugglers who were more interested in purchasing his plunder than offering their services. Led by a grizzled veteran with a no-nonsense demeanor, they expressed a keen interest in the spoils of his recent exploits. However, when they learned that Ubel had already sold his cargo, they seemed disappointed but not deterred. They exchanged contact information with Ubel, suggesting that they might have future opportunities for cooperation.

Next, Ubel was approached by a trio of smugglers clad in ragged clothing and bearing the marks of countless skirmishes. They spoke in hushed tones, offering to act as intermediaries for any information he might need or any goods he might wish to acquire. While Ubel appreciated their offer, he knew that his current needs lay elsewhere. Nevertheless, he exchanged pleasantries with the trio and made a mental note of their contact information for future reference.

And arriving at a dimly lit cantina, tucked away in a shadowy alley, Ubel found himself seated across from a grizzled mercenary captain known as Elim. Another man whom he had found through Gold’s Archive. The man's reputation preceded him, and Ubel knew that securing his allegiance could prove invaluable in the days to come. But what he wanted was something else.

"Captain Elim," Ubel began. "I've heard tales of your exploits and I must say, I'm impressed."

Elim regarded Ubel with a skeptical eye, his weathered face betraying little emotion.

"And what, pray tell, brings you to me?" he asked, his tone gruff and wary.

As the two negotiated terms and exchanged information, Ubel couldn't help but feel a sense that someone again was watching him. But he decided to continue his journey through the service joints of the station.

He also encountered a myriad of other individuals and groups, each offering their unique skills and resources after knowing his identity. From expert slicers who could bypass even the most sophisticated security systems to ambitious smaller gang leaders who wanted to invest in and support him, Ubel made mental notes of those he deemed worthy of further consideration. Building a network of allies and contacts would be crucial to his plans and he was determined to leave no stone unturned.

As Ubel navigated through the labyrinthine corridors of Banedog's Backyard, he found himself approached by another formidable group of mercenaries, their presence announced by the subtle but unmistakable aura of competence and professionalism that surrounded them. Clad in rugged armor and armed to the teeth, they exuded an air of confidence that spoke volumes of their experience and skill in combat.

The mercenaries wasted no time in presenting their credentials to Ubel. They spoke of their illustrious careers, regaling him with tales of daring missions and hard-won victories. It seemed they heard about his recent fallout with his former crew and these mercenaries were interested in joining him for a price. They emphasized their versatility and adaptability, boasting of their proficiency in a wide range of combat scenarios and their readiness to tackle any challenge that came their way.

Impressed by their background and achievements, Ubel listened intently as they outlined their offer to join his crew, pledging their service and dedication in exchange for the opportunity to work alongside him on future jobs and contracts. Recognizing the potential value of having such seasoned warriors at his disposal, Ubel promised to consider their offer.

With a firm handshake and exchanged contact information, Ubel and the mercenaries sealed their agreement, both parties eager to explore the possibilities of collaboration in the days to come.

Forgotten by Ubel, he was under surveillance and had all of his actions under observation. All this time, he was being tracked by someone he knew.

The chilly day air hung still around the figure hidden by a camouflage cloak as she peered through the scope of her sniper rifle. She adjusted her position slightly, her gaze fixed on the figure below, unknowingly the subject of her surveillance: Beside her stood the remnants of Elpano's former crew, their faces however were etched with a hint of uncertainty.

As she adjusted her aim and thought if she should move to another place again for a better view and range when she was stopped by someone who was also surveying Ubel with his binoculars.

"Traja, are you sure about this?" one of them whispered, glancing nervously at the scarred woman beside him.

Trajan, her gaze fixated through the scope of her sniper rifle, observed Ubel from a distance, ignoring the whispers of her former crew. The scar that marred half of her face was a constant reminder of the fateful encounter that had changed her life forever. Yet, despite the physical mark of her past, her resolve had not changed. It only awakened something inside her.

"This little shit." she finally cursed, but her grinning burnt face was not hidden from those beside her. "The little fucker was busy making connections. The more I observed him, the more I realized how abnormal that boy is."

Her monologue about Ubel was not well received by others who heard it though.

“Traja, we don’t have to do this anymore. We just received a confirmation from Kugal that the kid had already yielded his command to Elpano.” The former crews of Elpano urged her to reconsider her current actions, citing Elpano's supposed reclamation of the fleet and the opportunity for them to return to their former commander's side. “We should stop this.”

Traja remained silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she continued to observe Ubel. The others exchanged hesitant glances, their expressions mirrored their still-present fear of provoking the boy. They had followed Elpano into battle against Ubel. But now, faced with the prospect of dying a gruesome death or suffering a slow torture again from Ubel, they couldn't help but get paranoid if what they were doing was the right choice. After being released by Ubel in their recent conflict with him, they all regrouped with Traja and she took over command over them as they lost their drive or even the will to think clearly.

"We already got what we wanted." one of them said. "We can still turn back now."

But now, they all felt like they were following her on the same path that Elpano took them previously which made them all hesitant to continue, especially when they received some good news from Kugal.

"Maybe you're right," she conceded, her voice barely above a whisper. Then she surprised them with her next statement. "So go, I don’t need all of you. Tell Elpano I quit."

The tension in the air thickened as Traja's former companions exchanged uneasy glances, taken aback by her blunt refusal. They had expected her to join them in their retreat, to seek safety and refuge under Elpano's wing once more.

“Traja this is not you.” They knew Traja as cold, and calculating but also indifferent to anything and they were also kind of surprised to see this side of her.

"Yeah, you can't be serious," one of them protested with disbelief. They thought she was trying to take some sort of revenge for what Ubel did to her. "You know what kind of monster Ubel is. He's not someone you want to cross. You will die before you can fill your vengeful desire."

Traja's lips curled into a defiant smirk as she met their gazes. The scar that marred her face was grinning widely. But instead of filling her with fear, they saw something else. They all realized that they were wrong for they never saw a desire for vengeance. For she was laughing and they finally saw her real self.

She was enjoying this.

"What did you think of me?" she replied as he laughed with shaking shoulders, the first time they ever saw her laugh like this. It’s like she was someone else from what they knew. Then her next words solidified what they finally realized. "I know more than anyone or even you, that Ubel is a monster, on what level of danger and what kind of person he is... and that's exactly what makes him worthy prey. "

Traja remembered the thrill of her near-death experience with Ubel, the rush of adrenaline as she struggled to survive her prey who fought back, trying to take her own life.

And for her, it was exhilarating.

As a Reaver, Traja had spent her life honing her skills as a hunter, stalking her prey with ruthless precision and cunning. She would hunt exotic and xenon biomes as part of her livelihood. Then when she got tired and bored of hunting animals, she became a mercenary. Trying to find the thrill that she wanted by hunting dangerous people in every system.

But she found all of them too easy that she would sometimes purposely abandon the stealthy approach and go in guns blazing to kill her prey. None had given her any hardship that she blindly joined a pirate group just to ease her boredom. Since then, all of her targets were so generic and bland that she started to lose her emotions and became indifferent without even knowing.

That is, until her recent experience with Ubel. For the first time, she encountered a prey that could fight back and take her own life even at the distance. It awakened her long-lost desire as a hunter. Her heart started beating loudly in excitement as she reminisced about what Ubel did to her.

With every fiber of her being, Traja vowed to track Ubel to the ends of the universe if she had to, relentlessly pursuing him until she had him in her sights, finding a chance to kill him on both of their peaks. And when that moment finally came, when she faced off against the monster who had haunted her nightmares for so long, Traja would show no mercy. She would unleash all of her fury and skill upon him.

The sense of purpose that she had found, gave her determined glint in her eyes, and Traja made her decision, signaling to the former crew of Elpano that she would not be swayed by their words. She had chosen her path, and she would see it through to the end, whatever the cost may be.

"Fine," one of them muttered, his voice resigned. "But don't say we didn't warn you. Ubel won't hesitate to kill you if he gets the chance. And you should already know… he is practically... immortal. He is more likely involved with the corps and that is beyond your skills and experience. He received a drop of Ambrosia, that should tell you what kind of person this boy is and his background."

They quickly went down from their vantage point and left Traja on her own. Her smirk widened into a grim smile as she touched the burnt patch of skin on her face. But instead of filling her with despair, it filled her with a sense of excitement, driving her forward in pursuit of her prey.

"Then that just meant that I have many chances and options to test on how to kill him," she said, her voice dripping with confidence. "I’ll enjoy this hunt."

Traja's heart pounded with anticipation as she left her location and went to the next one for a better view, the thrill of the hunt coursing through her veins like wildfire. Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, her mind was consumed by the singular focus of her hunt. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, heightening her senses and sharpening her instincts to a razor's edge. Every fiber of her being was attuned to the chase, her heart pounding with the thrill of the hunt.

As she closed in on Ubel's location, Traja's senses were on high alert, scanning the streets below for any sign of her elusive prey. She knew that she had to tread carefully, for Ubel was not an ordinary foe. He was cunning and resourceful, capable of turning the tables on even the most skilled hunters.

But Traja was undeterred by the danger ahead. She had faced death before and emerged victorious, and she was determined to do so again. With each leap and bound, she drew closer to her quarry, her determination fueling her onward.

Finally, she spotted him again—a dark figure moving swiftly through the streets below. Without hesitation, Traja sprang into action, her movements fluid and graceful as she closed the distance between them. She could feel the thrill of the chase building within her, driving her onward with a fierce intensity.

The wind whipped through her hair, and the pounding of her heart echoed in her ears as she pursued her elusive prey. Fueling her with an almost primal energy. Traja offered up a silent prayer of thanks to the God of the Hunt for granting her this opportunity. For in that moment, as she soared through the air with the grace and power of a hunting Dawn Falcon, Traja knew that she was truly alive. She had faced countless challenges in her life, but none had ever stirred her soul quite like this.

She had spent her entire life honing her skills, preparing herself for moments such as this. And now, as she pursued Ubel with all the ferocity of a predator on the prowl, she knew that she was finally living up to her true potential.

As she pursued Ubel through the labyrinthine streets of the city, Traja felt a realization that what she wanted was neither to hunt a prey or a human target or even a monster… but a monster that could also act and think like a hunter. And a Neuromancer like Ubel was her greatest joy to find. For her, this was not just a matter of survival, pride, or honor—it was a matter of the reason she was born. With her current palpitating mind and heart, she could finally say the words that her father and her grandfather had told her when they found their final and true target for their hunts.

“I was born for this moment.” She grinned widely.