Chapter 46 : Brutal Beatdown of Isla, Flora’s Rage
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Isla smiled before sprinting towards Grania.
‘This match is going to be easy.'
'All I have to do is beat Grania up and then forfeit. This way, I’m not going against what Flora wants.’
She aimed the dagger in her hand towards Grania’s neck.
Before the two could connect, however, Grania lowered her head.
Isla didn’t expect this and ended up cutting off Grania’s weapon holder strap instead.
Grania then fumbled around the ground as if she was a baby.
“Ohh! This stone is the mountain! Haha! I’m so fucking smart!”
Isla was surprised at Grania’s actions but saw that her drug was still working.
‘If someone strong is drugged, they will still be strong.’
‘I thought it was alright and didn’t give it my all in that first hit.'
'I’ll make sure that I don’t do the same this time.’
‘I drugged Grania with a very small needle that contains a drop of concentrated Dwarf Meed.’
‘As a human’s alcohol capacity is much lower than a dwarf’s.'
'This means that not only does the alcohol act faster but the effects are much stronger.’
‘This also means that her body will try to expunge it much faster as well.’
‘I can’t waste any time.’
[Hannibal’s Occult Technique: Backstabber]
After activating her combat technique, Isla disappeared from sight for a few people.
Isla also switched to a different dagger that was bright red and shiny.
She then started making her way over to Grania.
Grania was still out of it but somehow seemed to get her hand back onto her great axe.
She occasionally swung it around, as if she was some sort of game boss.
“Woosh! Powy! Zoosh!”
Due to this, Isla still took some time to scope out the situation and wait.
When Grania stopped swinging her great axe for sometime was when Isla pounced.
‘Backstabber not only masks me from the sight of those who don’t have very good perception.
'But it also works as a type of critical hit move.’
‘Attacks that I dish out to anyone who’s not aware of my presence will deal a whole ton of damage.’
‘It’ll drain most of my energy reserves but I don’t mind.’
Isla was some seconds away from reaching Grania.
Before Isla could reach any further, Grania turned to face her.
Before Isla could even complete a thought.
Grania struck her side with enough force to the point that the air made whistling sounds.
“Hahaahah! Bad Monstery Doggy. No sneaki!’
Isla was baffled but still managed to pick herself up in time to dodge Grania’s next blow.
‘Fuck! How did she find me?'
'The only ones that should be able to see me and detect me should be Mister Egon.’
‘Even if she had a hunch, her attack should not have been so precise.’
‘I don’t have time for this, I need to get-’
Before she could think another word, she felt Grania’s hand on one of her feet.
‘Noo! Fu-’
Grania then began to slam Isla into the ground using her as if she was a soccer ball.
“Hahaha, funnY time! Funni time!”
After some more time.
Egon saw that Isla couldn’t go on from the numerous cuts Grania had inflicted on her.
Along with the large amount of blood that was leaking out of them, so he ended the match.
He gave Grania the potion to give to Isla but she looked at it funny before downing the entire thing.
After Grania finished drinking the potion.
She began to barf out everything that was in her stomach.
Wasting no time, Reno came over to help Grania.
"Grania are you alright!?"
Grania shook her head.
“Reno! I don’t feel so good.”
She then began barfing over Reno’s clothes.
“Ew! Grania, aim your chunks somewhere else!”
She didn’t listen and kept puking on Reno.
“Fuck it!"
"If I suffer, might as well, both of us do!”
Seeing the situation.
Egon issued a potion to Isla himself.
He then told Reno and Grania to go to the changing room to change out of their clothes and wash off all the puke.
He then asked some students to call for the cleaning team.
Reno begrudgingly carried Grania on his back to the changing room.
She said that her legs felt weak and she couldn’t bother.
When he was about to leave and wash off his puke, Grania stopped him.
“You’re not going anywhere! I need to wash off all my puke first."
"What if some pervy guy comes in here to snap some pics of me nude!”
Reno rolled his eyes. ‘Looks like she’s back to normal.’
“If something like that happened then I feel like he would be the one being taken advantage of in the end.”
Grania laughed. “Only if he was hot… No! I meant, that it would be a bad thing for me in the end!.’
"So you need to be on the lookout for me."
Reno took off his shirt so that he didn’t have to smell any more puke.
“Aye Aye Captain! I’ll stay guard as long as you command!”
Hearing this, Grania laughed. “You better!”
Back at the training arena, Flora was annoyed.
‘That worthless pawn Isla! She’s messed up the entire fucking situation.’
‘After Grania and the guy return after cleaning up and even taking a shower, they’ll be refreshed and all.’
‘Chasin will be the one that’s exhausted if this keeps going on.’
‘I need to find a way to salvage this.’
Flora then began to powder her nose and made sure that her makeup was the best it could be.
She then started to make her way over to Egon.
“Mr Ego-”
Before Flora could say anything Mr Egon interjected.
“Student Flora, go back to where you were standing. I have to oversee the matches.”
Flora was startled but put on her best victim face.
“I know and it’s hard work bu-“
Egon interjected again.
“Good. If you know it’s hard work then stop making it harder for me and go back to where you were.”
“You’re sparring match will be soon.”
Flora was annoyed to the point that she wanted to tear Egon limb by limb but made sure to restrain herself.
“Alright sir, sorry for disturbing you.”
Egon waved his hands, showing he wasn’t interested in saying anything else.
She then started to walk back to where she was standing.
‘That short little son of a bastard! Treating me like this, all he is some stupid and short teacher.’
‘The only thing going for him is that he’s A rank. Fuck! This situation is now going out of my control.’