Beginning of the slaughter
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(Sometime earlier)

Randaloph the kind and cheerful one eyed undead wolf sensed his master's call at first decided to ignore it, disregard it until the right moment, the moment of revenge, against his former pack. However, sensing a new strong bond between his human and an entirely different person, he changed his mind and, as curious as a cat, decided to see what happened.

He ran and ran again and upon arriving at the place he saw the familiar necromancer, who had not so long ago killed him as well as brought him back to life. Yet not far away he spotted a giant dressed in iron fur.

The wolf, not knowing how to react, stood still at a safe distance, as he had never met anyone quite like him and this size in his entire life. Randaloph adorably tilted his head to the side and began to stare at the unknown individual, considering whether he was by any chance a threat. As far as one can even call a huge bony monster charming at all.

Gawain as soon as he arrived in this world immediately vowed in his heart to defend his new master, even at the cost of his own life. But subconsciously knowing that he was not at full strength he began to train. He trained and trained just to make up for the lost fragments of his memory.

However, he didn't have time to do this for long as out of the corner of his eye he noticed a huge four legged beast rushing straight at him. So the knight reflexively drew his weapon at the same moment, being ready at any time to attack. He wasn't sure if he would overcome his first challenge but still wanted to give his master any chance to escape.

The beast, however, did not attack, but only stopped a few meters away from him and stared.

However, Gawain, not trusting the unknown monster, did not lose his vigilance, but after a short moment he decided to change his mind and put his weapon in its scabbard. Because he may have been dumb, but in the end it also came to him when he felt a bond between himself and the wolf, almost the same as with his master. The wolf, friend.

So Gawain, not wanting to be defeated, also began to stare at another servant of his master, thinking about how he would defeat such a beast and where such a creature had a weak point.

"Because this one may be friendly but it's not clear if the later ones will not be enemies." Thought the knight while studying his new companion.

And so it went on until their duel was not interrupted by the shout of Samuel.


"What now?" I started pondering aloud as soon as I chased the two idiots away, each in a different direction.

Just where?

There must be some larger center of communication here, some village, town or something similar. After all, they wouldn't send me to some middle of nowhere, would they?

Some kind of map or someone who knows the area would be useful. Only where will I get it in the middle of the woods do I have to continue wandering ahead senselessly.

Map....teren....memory...memory... guess I have an idea.

"Ey Randaloph could you come here for a while please." I shouted hurriedly to the animal that was receding with each passing moment.



Fortunately, the wolf this time decided to listen to me although he was in no hurry, he was crawling towards me like a turtle.

"Stand still ... I mean sit still, okay?"



The wolf obeyed so I also took this as permission to act later, less that he had no idea what I was about to do. With consent, I slowly approached him and quickly pressed my hand to the wolf's forehead while strengthening our bond for a moment, then I began to look into my pet's memory.

At first it was dark but then like in a movie theater I began to watch the views in snatches of Randaloph's memories. I browsed everything from the time he was just a puppy to becoming an adult wolf, then an alpha and finally his inevitable death at my own hands.

For even consisting solely of bones, I was more handsome than I thought.

I looked at everything but did not get anything.

So I started from the beginning this time more carefully frame by frame. Thus, I started looking for something specific, a place, a city, anything that could be useful for expanding my own army. Even an old grave would be fine.

Finally, I found the perfect place, a village to the north of here. In the wolf's memories this village was remembered as the place where the pack went in recent times in search of food. Apparently, human flesh was also on the menu.

Therefore, the village was not only close and in a good place, it was also poorly defended. Well, unless I misestimated my strength, it would soon become apparent how strong humans are in this world.

Once I found a good enough place I jerked my hand interrupting our connection and silence fell.

The wolf took a few steps back barked menacingly then quickly ran away without looking back. It looked like it was not the most pleasant experience.

Undeterred by this, I just smiled and whispered to myself. "He will come back, they always come back."

If I had asked he would have said no, time is running out and there are more important things than the feelings of an animal.

At least that was my excuse.


Wandering for several hours, the necromancer and his army were guided by the young wolf's memories. They even wandered along the way to a nearby lake that by some miracle Randaloph didn't know about. Worse thing was that, to according to the wolf's memories, they should have walked straight ahead, walk through the middle of water body as standing where they were it was hard to see the ends of it.

For the regular majority this would not be a problem as what is an hour this way or that way. But the necromancer was not one of them and decided to go in the middle trying to emulate the memories of old movies. Samuel, along with his army and his dog, did not need air to breathe and could march quietly along the lake bottom making the journey easier.

However, further on it wasn't so simple either because the necromancer somehow still managed to get lost. Yet, after a few hours, they were saved from a further days long search for the aforementioned village by Randaloph, who decided to take pity on poor Samuel and his entourage by aiding them with his knowledge of the terrain as well as an improved sense of smell that was even better than when he was alive.


"It took longer than expected but finally there it is, we've arrived," I commented looking at the nearby village. "Better late than never."

Still, there was a small problem, the village did not resemble the one from the memories at all.

"Why not even surprise me?" I thought, accepting that I will unfortunately not be able to unreservedly read the memories of my enemies.

The village was no longer so easy, I would state that it was now a hard nut to crack, almost impossible for the current state of the army.... almost.

Located in the middle of the forest, the village was easy if someone just wanted to hide their troops among the trees, unfortunately, someone in charge of the place had the ability to add two and two and decided to cut down as well as then uproot all the trees in a radius of several meters around the village, just for better visibility. Due to which now if someone wanted to attack it he would expose himself to a quick sighting and then an arrow attack from the archers.

This advantage of theirs could be negated by attacking at night.

Yet the improvements didn't end there, for the village was surrounded by a solid-looking palisade, solid enough that I couldn't give the foolish order to charge the gate. The question, of course, was whether my knight would be able to destroy it.

A frontal attack wouldn't work, there weren't enough of us and even in quality we might not have an advantage. There was no telling what kind of threats we would face inside, even if my undead would break through. With this look, I'm unlikely to sneak in either. Though maybe there will be a weak point on the other side.

No, it's the same everywhere, the village has no weak points or I'm too stupid or inexperienced to see them. In the central attack we have no chance.

Good thing I could play dirty, though.

Well how about arson....obviously burning the entire village watching them blaze begging for help. I would block the gates or even not, I would watch as the villagers running out would be shot by my archers, shots like ducks.


Sadly, as much as I'd like to do it, I can't, not efficiently. Less biomass less mana. Plan in the trash...for now.

So the classic and simple night attack in silence remained.

"Randaloph I need your help."


The wolf responded as if sensing from my voice the seriousness of the situation, but further through our connection I could feel a fair amount of anger and rage. I guess I will have to placate him somehow in the future.


"Eh...yes your too Gawain, your too."

"Okay listen carefully because I won't repeat myself, we will do this..."


It was a "quiet" and "peaceful" night in the village of Wheatcut.