The Price Of Kill
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Essentiality in nature. A dilemma of morality.

Probacon, Wok and Drizzled on a sailing Viking ship and wearing Viking clothing, with Probacon and Wok having excited faces, but Drizzled being less than pleased

As Haipuban's remains completely disintegrated and dispersed, Bora turned to the projection, as if to indicate to them to announce his victory.

Tōmii and Dgiag briefly exchanged glances.

"The winner of this battle…is Bora…" Dgiag announced, with a greatly displeased scowl.

The announcement was met with a mixed reaction, everything from cheers, jeers, boos, whistles, and so on could be heard from those in the Coliseum, foreseeing this possibility, but hoping it could be circumvented. But now they learned of their folly, and through the events of this match, they learnt what some would do to gain the shimmering light of victory.

《Evil in the hearts, even of the chosen.》

Dgiag suddenly teleported into the Field, beginning to motion towards Bora.

The look he had was stern, more negative than all his other gestures throughout the event.

"Oh, here to personally congratulate me on my victory, Lord Dgiag? I never expected you to be the type for such indulgences…"

Dgiag responded with a stone-cold stare.

"I congratulate you on your victory, Bora. But, you disremember the rules as stated, rules placed to avoid circumstances like this.”

“You therefore know of your judgment, correct?"

Initially, Bora would reply with a look of contempt aimed at his superior.

But then kneeled before him, smiling soberly as he did so.

"Yes, my lord. Whatever you deem, I shall apologetically accept it."

《Despite his actions…》

This response set off something in Dgiag, now feeling an air of bizarrity.

“Though, I did have my reasons…,” said Bora, carrying on.

Dgiag looked at him with a puzzled stare, seeing as his statement was a very strange one.

“Be this not a great tale, to be sewn into the great tapestry of all things?”

“Every tale requires the great opposser, and who better suited for that role here…than the hand of the great ones?” Bora said, with a smile, a paradoxical one if there ever was.

《His character speaks, in a way bizarre to most.》

His words and actions further left Dgiag in a rut, but also served to add more to his earlier off-putting feeling.

In the designated participant area, all the contenders overlooked to see what punishment would be handed to Bora.

This included Probacon, who, while he was watching what unfolded, ruminated deep within his psyche. My suspicions were right, huh? He thought, scratching his chest. But…from how he acted towards me, and his aura…and this battle itself…his entire being just seems to be like a fluctuating whirlpool. So…why, Bora?

But as he contemplated, he caught onto a perplexing sight.

He looked at the projection mirror to see Bora staring at it as Dgiag seemed to converse with someone elsewhere through psychic means.

He was confused initially, because to him, it appeared as thought Bora was staring directly at him.

So he wavered his body about to confirm, but Bora showed no reaction.

He waved, much to the confusion of both Wok and Drizzled, but still gained no response.

Probacon stopped, believing it to have just been his imagination, as Bora turned away from facing the screen.

And just then, Bora looked at the projection sideways, directly at Probacon, and with a smile.

Upon realization, Probacon's expression morphed from confusion to terror, as chills went down his spine.

He completely reclined himself in pure silence. "Hmm? What's up, Pink?,” asked Drizzled.

"You guys…didn't notice?" Probacon responded with that initial fear still written all across his face. "Huh? What?,” asked Wok.

"I co-could've sworn… Bora just smiled at me,” said Probacon, gulping in fear of Bora's intent.

Wok and Drizzled looked at each other for a while upon hearing his words.

They then burst out in laughter, gaining the attention of some other participants.

"Haha. Ohhh man, that's one helluva scare,” said Drizzled, crying as he laughed.

"I'm serious! That dude smiled specifically at me!,” shouted Probacon, livid at their disbelief.

"Calm down, little pink faw,” said Wok. "One. There's well over a hundred of us here. One to a hundred probability for you. Two. Even if it were you, what do you think it would mean?"

"...Look, I don't know. But…that stare…it seemed dangerous. Like a predator's, completely ruthless and apathetic…” He said as he envisioned such a sight in his mind.

His response stunned Wok and Drizzled, who looked at each other with some level of concern.

"Well…don't worry about it too much. Probably just coincidental.” Wok said, attempting to calm Probacon down.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks for that, Wok,” said Probacon, calmed and grateful.

"Anytime…uh…faw?,” followed up a lost Wok.

"He did it again…,” Drizzled sighed with exasperation as he bowed his head. "What's ‘it’?,” asked Probacon.

"Ranny over here…has some memory problems…”

"Seriously!?,” asked a stunned Probacon, turning to Wok.

"Eh, it's alright. Memories are just the living equivalent of data, anyways,” said Wok gleefully. "That's not a good comparison!" Probacon yelled at him.

"Okay, okay. Whatever you say, my faw…”

Back in the arena, Dgiag concluded consulting with Tōmii, in lengthy discussion of the actions that would be taken against Bora for his killing of Haipuban. “I see. Duly noted.”

Then, Dgiag turned to the projection.

"Beings of our omniverse…while we did permit killing, we also noted the hefty cost tied to such act."

"And we, as the beings and existences we are…" He said, turning to look at Tōmii, who nodded at him as he flung his hand forward, a gesture to proceed as discussed.

"...will do as we have been ordained!"

He turned to face Bora. "Bora, Champion of Zeus! I now decree you punishment!”

“For the rest of the entirety of this tournament…you will have a great handicap!"

He then summoned a bracelet out of thin air.

"This bracelet…is called the Bane From The Almighty. It serves many purposes. But for now, it shall be used to deliver punishment onto you. Bora, choose one of your strengths. When this bracelet is upon you, that strength will be unusable for the rest of the tournament.”

"Make as much haste with your choice." He concluded.

As Bora seemed to contemplate his options, murmurs rose amongst the masses, as many wondered if such a punishment was even substandard, considering the situational context.

To them it seemed Bora would just walk away with a smack on the wrist, with questioning pertaining to it possibly being a result of his status.

"A handicap for the rest of the tournament? If not for the action committed and scale of this event, this would have been fair,” said David, with slight dissatisfaction and folded arms, as he and Adashu watched the transpiring events from the Second Round Designated. "I agree, but at the same time, note that this tournament is to celebrate all of existence, both the good, and the bad.” Adashu noted, bending slightly forwards and placing his fingers together.

"True. However, even celebration should have much stronger repercussions for those who soil it.”

"But, we're merely mortal. We cannot truly grasp the minds of superior beings.”


"Also, hopefully that is, I highly doubt this is the extent of the punishment.” "Yes, as do I.”

Back within the Field, Bora raised his hand, signifying to all that he reached a conclusion.

All went silent, in anticipation of Bora's choice.

"Great Lord Dgiag, I have decided…" He said to Dgiag.

"Good. Well then, what shall it be?"

"Remove…my decay ability. It was the instrument of such an act. So, to prevent more of such, take it.”

"Very well.” Dgiag responded, as he locked the bracelet onto Bora's hand.

The multiple gemstones on the bracelet shone, one by one, until the last.

《A tool of the Greatest One.》

The bracelet then released a huge burst of light, strong enough to reach and affect even those in the designated areas.

《A Holy Light that shines further beyond.》

It then stopped shining.

"It is done.” Dgiag said.

"Thank you, great one,” responded a bowing Bora.

"Hmph. Hold your gratitude. You must still answer to your pantheon later on. Remember that.” Dgiag retorted.

"Yes,” said Bora, as Jmlehvu appeared around Bora, transposing him away.

What a pain…, thought Dgiag, placing the tips of his fingers on his forehead.

"Now then…" He said, turning to the projection yet again.

"Beings of the omniverse…I am wholly in shame for what transpired in that battle. I hope you have no erratic thoughts, for we will still deal with Bora more later on."

"But for now…" He said.

The wheels were caused to spin yet again. "Fret not…for this show will carry on!"

The two wheels were constant gyration, as all waited in anticipation…

They began to slow down, signaling who were the next contestants…