Chapter 24 – Gemstone Mine and Elemental Monsters
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"A Gemstone Mine? You said the Dwarves mined Mana Crystals and precious ores there." I remind Timun.

"The Falar King originally sent human miners to work in those mines. They did find those resources for the first 400 meters down the mine. They dug deeper and broke into a passageway leading into the Underworld below. It led to a space filled with Dragon Bones where Gemstones of all colors grew on their skeletal remains.

When the Falarian Miners extracted the Gems from the skeletons, the Bat monsters fell upon them from above, and the Gecko appeared to pop out of dens hidden among the skeletal remains. They were Monsters who traded size for hordes and swarms. Both creatures drained blood with their fangs and paralyzed their victims with venom. They could camouflage and attack in complete darkness by relying on their other senses. Remarkably, few miners survived the initial ambush, but even more died when the monsters chased the survivors to the surface of the mine. The Falar army eventually rushed to the mine and killed the ones that came out. But, the soldiers refused to fight in underground places after their bad experience with the Imps beneath the ruins you wanted to go to.

Since Dwarves have a natural affinity for Geomancy and are suited for fighting or mining in the Underworld, the King found us the perfect workforce to replace the Human miners who protested against any order that would send them back down those mines. We were forced to work there until all the Mana Crystals and Precious ores were mined before they ordered us to seal the passage that connected the mine to the Underworld through Geomancy." Timun explained.

"Why would the Falar King and his Army give up on mining lucrative Gemstones and Clay ranks Monster that could be farmed for experience to Rank up?" I ask.

"Unless you have a Runesmith to turn the polished gems into Rune stones, they are just shiny rocks to decorate your attire. That class is only accessible to those who study at Runesmith, making it extremely hard to find or afford their services.

Even Clay Ranks can use superior numbers and restrictive terrain to defeat higher-ranked or well-armored opponents. You could only farm something you would surely win against, and the army would rather have their recruits kill cow-like Giant Metal Beetles in the training fields than risk them fighting against ambush predators in the Underworld."

"Weren't the Dwarves Low Ranked as well at the time? How did you manage to survive against the monsters?" I ask.

"Both the monsters were incredibly dumb at clay rank, sensitive to intense light and loud sounds. Even though all the Dwarves reverted to Clay Rank, we still know how to make Flash-Bang Bombs. Apart from going temporarily deaf from the noise amplified in the caves, it was quite easy to complete our work without losing anyone." Timun pointed out.

"Why didn't the Falar army use those bombs then?" I ask.

"We weren't dumb enough to tell the Humans the solution. They assumed the monsters were recognized as Underworld creatures, leaving us alone to attack only the Overworld creatures. Anyways, the Falarians used the bomb ingredients to make fireworks for celebrations. They haven't yet realized the potential explosive power they could make out of it for combat; instead, they still use wooden catapults. We were happy to let them take their time to figure out technological advancement independently. But thanks to the stupidity of the Falar Army Generals, I had the opportunity to tame a few bats and geckos to unlock the Monster Tamer Class. I unlocked the Monster Trader Class when I sold some to a Black Market Agent in Falar. Who taught me a unique skill as payment if I promised to sell him a hundred of each type since they weren't easy to find in the markets of Rodwin at the time. The skill is the one I mentioned before that can seal creatures except for Humans within Time Capsules so that I could store creatures of any size, any number and at any time without worrying about feeding them, sheltering them, or transporting them around in public. It helped me capture many of those monsters without any Falarian Kingsmen, getting wind of the fact that I was exporting monsters from the Mines since the Black Market Agents wouldn't reveal their source. The irony is that ability made me famous amongst the Monster Traders in Arya who treated me like a cheat for getting this ability." Timun explained.

"Did you sell it to an agent wearing a Bronze Mask?" I ask.

"How did you know that?" Timun asked in surprise.

The Triplets may be older than I assumed. I now know that Redrock could have easily transported the Imps back to the Dungeon without using four carriages, so I wonder why they begged me to be their 4th Driver. Unless there was something in Rodwin, they wanted me to see or do. The only thing I can think of is me selecting the 100 Imps instead of them picking it. But they may reveal their true intentions when they get back here.

"Lucky guess! Anyway, do you still have any of those monsters with you? Or were they too dumb to keep?" I ask.

"The Bats are the flying monsters I mentioned before. Though they have grown in intelligence after ranking up several times, I cannot bring them out during the day because their weakness to light has increased with each evolution." Timun explains.

Did the Bats evolve into Vampires to fear sunlight? It could be a trade-off for a powerful ability.

"I will bring them out tonight to carry the invitation to Hindgar's Dwarves. However, the group in Falar will probably arrive tomorrow at the abandoned mine, which is a few hours away. The rest will take a week or more," Timun points out.

"Have the ones in Falar enter the Dungeon through the front entrance since it might take a few days to seal it." I instruct.

"I will do so. Oh! When will those Agents return to Rodwin?" Timun asks.

"They went on a ship to deal with Pirates who stole their cargo. That was over four hours ago. I don't think they will_" I am interrupted by a familiar voice.

"High Chief!" Nazrat yelled from the back of his Dark Fae Bear, which tracked the scent it had left on my Golem Avatar. Once the two got through the bubble created by the Peep-me-not, the Bear stopped before me and lay down to rest.

"Nazrat! Did the Triplets already deal with the pirates?" I ask since it hasn't been that long since they went on their Pirate Hunt. But there was no way they would have abandoned the search so quickly.

"My Bear tracked the scent of the creatures they stole from the ship's holds to their hiding spot within half an hour, and the Triplets killed them all within an hour. They are busy storing the cargo they got back in a warehouse. I came to get you to the Non-Human Market to free the believers." Nazrat replied before he noticed the metal Beetle and Metal Scorpion hiding in my shadow cloak. "High Chief! You have bugs on you!"

"Don't worry! I bought them from this Monster Trader who will return to the Dungeon with us. Say hello to Timun Trichur, the Patriarch of 300 Dwarves, who will also move in over the coming days." I introduce.

"Dwarves? But they are the enemies of all Imps! They slaughtered my kind with their Golems." Nazrat protested and refused to greet Timun Trichur, who shrugged his shoulders.

"We signed a Mana Contract that forbids him and his Dwarves from harming the Imps, Golems, and other creatures who serve me. If they break the agreement, they will revert to Clay Rank and be expelled from the Dungeon. So I hope you can coexist with them as long as they behave. It is my will as your Dungeon Lord," I inform.

Nazrat's pride seemed to cause him to hesitate, but he nodded and lowered his head to Timun.

"I greet the Primarch of High Chief's Dwarves." Nazrat greeted with clenched fangs.

"And I greet the Dungeon Lord's most Prideful and Zealous Imp," Timun said with mockery in its tone. But Nazrat considered it a compliment and smiled back with his sharp fangs.

"They are not technically my Dwarves, but they will protect the Dungeon and me if we get attacked. They will also grow meat for all the Imps to eat instead of livestock," I clarify, and Nazrat's eyes widen.

"Meat Plants?" Nazrat asked Timun, who explained what a Meat Mushroom is and how it's grown.

"How many mushroom flavors are there?" Nazrat asks.

"Depends on the dung used. Imp poop will make Mushrooms taste like Imp flesh." Timun explained.

"No Dwarves or Imp poop!" Nazrat demanded while looking at me.

"Of course, strictly animal feces. By the way... why are the Traders looking at us? The peep-me-not blocked our voices." I point out.

"They are admiring this Dark Fae Bear," Timun said as he approached Nazrat's summon to examine it more closely.

"Is it rare?" I ask.

"All Fae creatures live on the continent called the Fae Realm. The only way to see one in Arya is to summon them through ancient Ritual Summons. I am surprised your Golem avatar could Ritual summon it for your Imp," Timun asked.

"Nazrat is the one who Ritual Summoned it after he fought and consumed a Witch we encountered on the way to Rodwin." I corrected the misunderstanding.

"Nazrat? How does a Warrior Imp have the Mana pool to summon this creature at Clay Rank?" Timun asked, and I looked at Nazrat for him to explain.

"My class is Monk Fighter, and my faith allowed me to learn five priest skills, which also increased the size of my Mana Pool," Nazrat explained and stunned Timun.

"That is very impressive! I can see why Rai considers you special." Timun replied.

"You dare call the High Chief by his true name so casually?" Nazrat replied in anger.

"Calm down! I let the Triplets call me Rai. You can too if you wish." I interrupt.

"Never! The High Chief must be given the proper respect by the Impdom. I will ensure every believer honors that when I help you pick them." Nazrat replies.

"He is going to pick the Imps, not you?" Timun asks.

"If Nazrat's picks don't fill the 100-slot quota, I will pick the remainder. Let's go there now, and I will introduce you to the Agents," I reply with a mental grin because my Golem face couldn't show it.

Timun canceled the Peep-me-not bubble and went to the other traders to inform them that he was leaving. They seemed happy and immediately discussed who would get his share of the plot.

Timun didn't seem surprised by their behavior and followed me to the parking area where the Triplet's Horse Carriage was parked. The mercenaries remembered me and looked at my companions before allowing me to collect the carriage and ride away. Timun sat in it, and Narat rode his Bear beside it.

On our way to the Non-Human Market Street, Timun pointed out a store selling small, detailed figurines of all creatures, including humans.

"That is where the Soulmancers collect and leave the souls they don't need to sell and earn money from Necromancers," Timun informed.

I suddenly remembered Brock's Breeder soul turning into something similar after the Dungeon put it in my Dungeon Core inventory space. Then I recalled the starter pack Golem spirits also had figurines for their souls. I found it odd then, but I wasn't willing to study the figurines since I was in a hurry to summon the Golems.

"I don't have any more Mana Crystals to buy that Giant Soul you mentioned before for the Titan Golem Recipe," I inform.

"There's no harm in learning the price, and you can ask the Black Market Agents to buy it for you later," Timun suggests, and I nod in agreement. So I stopped the horses and went into the store with Timun after instructing Nazrat to guard the carriage till we returned.

The store reminded me of the Action Figure stores, except all the shelves are made of wood, the floors are made of granite, the walls are burnt clay brick, and the roof is made of red clay tiles. Several other customers in the store inspect the souls. Every one of them wore black-colored attire with white skull symbols. Their skins are pale, and they struggle to keep their eyes open as if this should be their time to sleep instead of shopping.

They are 100% Necromancers...

"Welcome, I am Mia! It's not every day we get two Dwarves in here. What kind of souls are you looking for?" A woman wearing white robes and a face hidden by a faceless mask asks me.

"I'm afraid I just came to enquire about the price of a few souls. If I find some that interest me, I will have a business contact buy them for me in a few days." I inform.

"I see. Do you have any in mind, or do you wish to window shop till you find what you like?" Mia asks in an irritated voice.

"Do you have a Giant Soul or one from an elemental beast named Titan in it?" I ask.

Mia quickly goes over to a shelf behind the counter and picks out two figurines to present to me.

One looks like a Yeti, and the other is the Green Mammoth called the Forest Titan I saw on the way to Rodwin. For a second, I thought of the Elephant's trumpeting sound and the Silver Back Gorilla's roar.

"The soul of the Frost Wooly Giant, an Elemental Monster, is valued at 5000 Mana Crystals, and the Forest Titan, an Elemental Beast, is 50 Mana Crystals. " The Salesperson informed.

Wow! The price difference is enormous. 5000 Mana Crystals are worth all the Mana Trees that will mature in a week.

But what did I hear? Elemental Monsters?

"As in a Monster with an Elemental Core? Not a monster with Ice covering its body like the Giant Metal Bugs from Cheran that can't control Metal but have Metal carapaces?" I ask for clarification.

"When a Monster consumes enough Elemental Cores of a particular type, it mutates into an Elemental Monster. This Wooly Giant in my hand had hunted and devoured many Ice Cores from Elemental Beasts that roamed the snowy mountain ranges of the Dharman Kingdom to the North of Falar. This one created an Ice Core within its chest that let it create and manipulate Ice. You won't find another Soulmancer trader offering it at this price." Mia informs.

"Why is it more expensive than the Forest Titan?" I ask.

"The price is based on demand and supply and how difficult it is to acquire them. It will be hard to miss the sight of a Forest Titan that roams the plains and forests of central Arya. They pile up the bones of their dead herd members at a graveyard of sorts where Soulmancers can easily capture the souls that haunt the site.

The Frost Wooly Giant is a mutation that happens to a handful of Giants who meet the proper requirements. It requires luck and a lot of travel for Soulmancer to find one to capture." Mia explains.

That makes sense, considering their ridiculous price tag. Still, I would not pay 5000 Mana Crystals to get a Titan Golem to avoid being mocked by Dwarves.

"You should go for the Frost Wooly Giant!" Timun urges me and pats my shoulder.

"Why? It's outside my price range, and Souls don't inherit elemental affinities, right?" I whisper to him to avoid Mia hearing that.

"Not when it concerns Elemental Beasts, but the soul of an Elemental Monster does inherit it. If you get this one, your Titan Golem will have Ice Affinity when summoned and use Ice spells without being a Mage. It will be much cheaper and more powerful than forcing a Titan Golem to absorb 1000 Gold Rank Ice Cores or 10000 Silver Rank Ice Cores to become an Ice Titan Golem." Timun whispers back, and my soul shivers.

"Can any Golem of mine gain Elemental affinity by absorbing Elemental Cores?" I ask.

"Yes! But you will have to add a zero for each Rank below Gold and a zero deducted for each rank above. It would be too expensive to do it that way. So trust me when I say you should get this early no matter what!" Timun urges with bulging eyes, staring at the Soul figurine.

Well... there goes my plans for those 5000 Mana Crystals from the future sale of those Mana Trees.