~ Chapter Twenty Eight : Alarming Developments ~
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Ekaterina raised her sword and smiled radiantly at the man who had appeared, her yellow eyes flashing with both mirth and anger.

"You tried to attack me, too? Rogue vampires... Why don't you just behave? You ran to the Central Continent to make some witch friends..." Ekaterina's voice didn't hide her annoyance.

When her Phantasm opened, a brief sensation of weakness hit, as if even maintaining her bodily functions had become a burden she could barely withstand, but then, the orbs given to her by the demons' containing their magical energy relieved her.

Part of her wanted to calm herself down, but her emotions were just too overwhelming. She couldn't reach out to Eliana, but inside her Phantasm, everything operated on her instinct and feelings.

If she calmed her raging emotions, her Phantasm would crumble, and she'd end up weakened by the sudden surge of magical energy she processed through her body.

With her Phantasm manifested, her body wasn't bearing the brunt of the burden caused by the immense magical energy usage. Looking at the two vampires across from her, Ekaterina smiled again in spite of herself.

"Okay! I won't hurt you! Deal?" Ekaterina realized she didn't have to inflict any injuries. She had already gotten her information, and Valentina and Christabel were stronger than these two vampires.

"Deal? Are you insane?! Because you're the heir of a corrupt vampire house, do you think we have to roll over and take your sh*t!?" The man was a lot more vocal than the woman, and hearing him, Ekaterina's eyes lit up.

"Are you using the victim card? I looked through her memories and found some interesting things..." Ekaterina tossed her sword away, and the sword dissolved into yellow magical energy glitter before hitting the ground.

"Since you don't want to talk, I'll call Tatiana, and she can ask you instead?" Ekaterina's words made the man's face change, but he couldn't catch her inside her Phantasm, as she was able to teleport freely.

"So... Why would Rogue Vampires need witches to help them? Unless you're not plotting something messy like I saw in Vivien's head, Luis?" Her lips curled into a smile, a predatory one as she simply watched them struggle feebly before her.

She had searched Vivien's mind and could find simple things such as names and recent events, nothing too deeply rooted as the sheer amount of memories inside a vampire's mind nearly a thousand years old was almost beyond belief.

"Well, since you chose to remain quiet, I guess Tatiana will have to ask you instead? Or maybe Heidi? They should have been able to feel my Phantasm opening..." Ekaterina's range of detection was far less than any of the four demons who had both thousands of years of experience and an abundance of magical energy.

Which is why when the sky was divided in two, the eclipse in the sky suddenly resisting something Ekaterina couldn't see, but had her Phantasm struggling to resist the terrifying erosion of magical energy due to the clash, she was left vulnerable for almost a second.

A second to a vampire could either be short or long, and Luis didn't pass up the moment when Ekaterina's attention was forcibly pulled away to attack. 

Ekaterina's attention had shifted away from them and to resisting the sudden contesting of her Phantasm, and so Luis burst into motion, causing the room to explode into debri before his fist landed on Ekaterina.

Ekaterina's body was broken, like a sieve with her blood splashing everywhere. Her Phantasm was still clashing with something unseen, and the friction caused by the clash between two magical powers contesting made the wind howl and scream throughout the city.

Moving her hand jerkily as her body strained itself to repair the immense damage she'd endured, she wiped her blood from her face and her sickly yellow eyes looked up at the seemingly closer sky which had been divided into two parts.

Unlike the harmonious scene where two or three Phantasms existed at once without any real sense of conflict, half of the skies were bright and with an eclipsed sun while the next half revealed the actual night sky.

"He hit you hard~" Eliana's voice drew Ekaterina out of her groggy state, but her body had basically been shattered. Luis was at least two thousand years old, and Ekaterina's body was overly fragile in comparison to his.

"I'm healing..." Ekaterina mumbled, her yellow eyes turning to look at the city below, then she smiled, ignoring her own blood staining her lips.

"Do you believe in fate, Eliana?" Ekaterina's cryptic words made Eliana, who had simply observed her tilt her head in confusion, but she answered her nonetheless.

"No. Fate is something that ensures the outcome of an event. If fate existed, was this exact event destined to happen as well?" Eliana then frowned when she realized what Ekaterina's intentions were.

"Call Heidi or Tatiana." While Ekaterina's state was definitely miserable, far more so than what Vivien had been put through, her yellow eyes didn't lose their malice.

"Since someone's clashing against my Phantasm so hard for those two, why don't I make it harder for them?" Ekaterina's words made Eliana freeze, and then she reluctantly shook her head.

"You shouldn't use any spells, or you'll end up killing a lot of humans." Eliana's reminder made Ekaterina briefly snort, but she nodded and then tested her arm and propped herself up.

The scenery that met her eyes was vastly different than where she had been previously. Before Luis had punched her away, she had been near the street level, but now she was lying on the upper floor of a skyscraper looking down at the city.

"I naturally won't kill anyone! I'm not an entirely different person because I opened my Phantasm, Eliana, I just feel a tiny bit like this is all..." Ekaterina sighed and inspected her body.

Unsurprisingly, her clothes had been reduced to rags by the impact and the bit that remained barely covered her important bits, and her diamond bracelet had been lost alongside her left arm.

"I need to find my arm, and my bracelet... Christabel gifted it to me, after all." Ekaterina waited for a moment and then poured an influx of dark yellow magical energy into her body, allowing her body to function, albeit bypassing muscle and bone and using magical energy to support it.

"It won't last. Your body is still heavily damaged and you've lost a lot of blood." Eliana informed Ekaterina of her current terribly damaged state, and Ekaterina nodded.

If moving for Ekaterina was normally effortless, her movement now felt like a puppets' movement, jerky, slow, and imprecise. 

Getting to her feet, Ekaterina smiled in relief, realizing Christabel, Valentina, and Sabine were safe despite everything.

They had already left the mall, and while Ekaterina felt a sense of helplessness towards the obviously ruined night out, she was happy she'd gotten the information from Vivien.

"So the Rogue Vampires want to overthrow the current vampire ruling body, even going so far as asking the witches for help..." Ekaterina shook her head in confusion.

She was new to being a vampire, and she had been taken into the Starikov House immediately, but for other vampires, was it truly so difficult under the current governing vampires?

"Ekaterina~ Heidi's coming~" Feeling a sense of relief, Eliana reverted to her playful voice once more. Ekaterina could feel Heidi's arrival before she could see her.

Her Phantasm, which had been resisting the erosion, was reinforced when a darker magical energy spread, causing the sky to be divided into three, and then Heidi appeared quietly besides Ekaterina in a haze of darkness.

"Hiii." Ekaterina greeted Heidi with a look of relief, her yellow eyes fading somewhat. Heidi glanced at Ekaterina's terrible state, teleported Valentina, Christabel, and Sabine to herself, and then tended to Ekaterina's battered body.

"Ekaterina!" Christabel's worried voice made Ekaterina subconsciously wince, but Sabine was the fastest one to rush to her, hugging her tightly.

"Is she okay, Heidi? She was sitting with us in a mall and then she suddenly teleported away." Valentina frowned, seeing Ekaterina's miserable state.

"She'll be okay, Ekaterina's body is just exhausted by the amount of magical energy she needed to process to open her Phantasm." Heidi hummed, looking up in the direction of the opposing the Demi's Field, crossing her arms.

"I didn't think you'd attract a Demi, or I'd have told you to call me when you encountered one. I had hoped you'd just enjoy your daily life for a while, Ekaterina." Heidi gently bit into her own wrist and fed Ekaterina her blood.

"Who hurt you?" Valentina's cold blue eyes made Ekaterina smile wryly, her yellow eyes gradually fading back into her usual clear red eyes.

"I... I hurt one of them first, but I did find out what they wanted to do." The eclipsed sun in the sky faded, leaving the deep darkness brought about by Heidi's Phantasm.

"They as in one or two Rogues, or all of them? Enlisting a Demi, who would normally have no reason to act, and a Demi actually coming here can only mean they originally aimed to attack you all, Valentina, Christabel, and Sabine." Heidi spoke with a hint of solemnity in her voice.

"First, let me get rid of this nuisance, then we can continue speaking." Heidi's eyes darkened, then she extended a hand and squeezed.

Unlike Ekaterina's Phantasm, where she held back to avoid causing damage, Heidi's actions directly caused several floors of a large city building to implode.

Ekaterina wasn't able to replicate Heidi's impeccable control of her magical energy, as her magical energy always gave her the feeling she would burn and destroy far more than she wanted to.

"Since you're here, stay!" Heidi's Phantasm expanded, rushing away from them, and just as the skies were about to be shrouded completely in her Phantasm, the one clear patch of sky you could see the night's sky through vanished.

"They ran again? Well, whether or not they ran, those two Rogue Vampires were teleported along with them. It seems the Demi and the Rogue Vampires reached an agreement of some sort." Heidi didn't seem too phased by the incident.

"This is your arm Ekaterina, try not to lose it next time." Heidi held out a hand and caught a detached arm that fell into her arm and reattached Ekaterina's severed limb, her blood speeding up the process.

"Are you okay, Kat?! How do you feel? Do you need blood?" Although Sabine had seen Heidi give Ekaterina some of her blood, she found herself unable to calm down seeing Ekaterina's bloody state.

"I'm fine, Sabine. I was just a little... arrogant? I'm not sure, but I did get hit really hard." Ekaterina recalling the blow was sure a human who received it would have simply exploded or had a hole blown through them.

The reason she remained relatively intact was due to vampires being able to endure immense trauma from impacts to stupendous degrees.

"Ekaterina, can you tell me what you've learned from the Rogue you questioned?" Heidi's words drew Ekaterina back to the memory where she'd invaded the vampire's privacy, and she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.

"I... The Rogue Vampires want to overthrow the current vampire hierarchy and replace it, and a few of the other Rogues want to expose our world to everyone..." Ekaterina wasn't sure about the first one, and the second reason seemed strange.

"Humans finding out about us isn't something we've particularly feared, and the humans who are in power know, but it would cause mass panic and chaos if normal humans learned of our existence." Heidi fiddled with a lock of her red hair and then glanced at Ekaterina.

"Such a plan would need both time and power, so they tried to rope in the Witches... I'll inform the others to be in the lookout. Good job on protecting your family, Ekaterina." Heidi smiled gently and then conjured another orb of magical energy.

"If a Demi gets near enough to a vampire, a vampire's physical abilities would be lowered by their Field, but not to the extent where a Demi could effortlessly defeat one." Heidi walked towards the broken railing and peered over.

"Demis are like rats, they run at the first sign of trouble. They won't be able to run again." Heidi's snort carried a severe threat that Ekaterina could almost feel materialize around them.

"The Rogue Vampires must have wanted to deal with you inside that Demi's Field, but Ekaterina's Phantasm prevented the Demi from approaching secretly." Heidi expanded her Phantasm, the air trembling as it tried to withstand a far greater magical energy density than it had been subjected to previously. 

"I need to head back and ensure the other vampires around the world are okay, I'll return as quickly as I can." Heidi vanished into dark haze, and at the same time, sent the four back to the Starikov Estate.

"Are you okay?" Christabel gently held Ekaterina's hand and inspected the area Heidi had reconnected the limb, looking at the discoloration of her skin beginning to gradually fade.

"I'm feeling better, Heidi gave me some of her blood." Ekaterina was pulled into a deep hug by Sabine, and Valentina also embraced the two with a hint of sorrow.

"I didn't expect you'd be the one protecting us, Ekaterina." Valentina's words were tinged with a bitterness she could barely conceal, and so Ekaterina could only hug her as well.

"I didn't really do much, I just felt something and acted without thinking..." In truth, Ekaterina had half expected to be scolded, but even Christabel's expression just held worry and concern towards herself.

"Kat... Don't suddenly run off like that. When we heard the explosions, I thought something bad had happened to you." Sabine's slender body shook in her arms, and Ekaterina also found herself getting teary-eyed.

"I... won't." Ekaterina was also afraid, underneath her playful demeanor when she was stuck on the top of the building, without much means of moving, that she could possibly be killed.

"I'll go prepare some blood bags and dismiss some workers." Although Christabel said it lightly enough, the biting chill in the air was one that radiated pure murderous intent.

Christabel was someone who enjoyed caring and tending to her family, but should her family be threatened, her actions could be more terrifying than Valentina's.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, just a bit thirsty." Ekaterina mumbled into Sabine's shoulder, and Sabine, despite knowing Ekaterina was okay, found she couldn't help but embrace Ekaterina tighter.

"Ekaterina, spend some time in school, you can decide what you want to do after you take a moment to rest." The green sparrow Ekaterina had lost track of spoke in Tatiana's voice and landed on her shoulder, the bird's eyes flashing bright green.

"Whether or not the Rogue Vampires take action, targeting a Vampire House is an act of war, but before you'll be needed to fight, there are four demons who will ensure vampires won't suffer." Tatiana's magic seemingly ended, and the bird took flight once more, phasing through walls as it flew.

"If that Demi had really opened their Field around Valentina, Christabel, or Sabine, I would have attacked them for being sneaky." Selene suddenly fell in front of Ekaterina, landing in an unsightly position on the ground, her silvery eyes rolling around in their sockets.