Shopping in the magical world 4/11
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The original group was joined by Hagrid's group, who were led to a small courtyard, which, except for a garbage can, was empty.

"Pay attention. From the garbage can, count three bricks at the top, two at the side, tap it with his wand, and the entrance will appear."

Instantly, the bricks twisted and shifted to leave an opening from which a prosperous and bustling street full of businesses, from which wizards of all ages were coming and going, could be seen.

Harry and the girl gawked with excitement at the new world before their eyes, asking Hagrid and Professor McGonagall questions about every little thing they discovered together.

John, for his part, followed them silently, a little uncomfortably, wondering inwardly if his reaction would be the same as Harry and the hooded girl's if the incident with his grandfather hadn't happened—that bastard had taken away the most precious thing in his life, ruining his childhood and forcing him to embark on a path of blood and death.

He couldn't help but look enviously at the smiling expressions of the two children; their exclamations of surprise, fear, curiosity and longing for every little thing provoked in him a feeling of incomparable rage. He was a child too; why couldn't he feel the same as those two?

Suppressing his dissatisfaction, he decided to lose himself in his imagination, building a happy future with his mother, Luna and Karenina.

"John, we've arrived at Gringotts," Harry said, touching John's shoulders with some care.

John awoke from his thoughts, only to realize that he was standing in front of a huge white marble building whose magnificence stood out from all the surrounding stores. 

Beside its doors stood a pair of heavily armed goblins, both of whom greeted Professor McGonagall and Hagrid's group with a polite bow.

"Enter, stranger, but beware what awaits the sin of greed, for those who take, but have not earned it, shall pay, in return, much more, so if you search beneath our ground for treasure that was never yours, thief, we have warned you, beware of finding more than treasure here," Harry read with a touch of solemnity and fear at this inscription engraved on a pair of silver doors.

"Easy Harry, unless you plan to become a thief, you need not fear anything in this place," Hagrid said with a reassuring smile, "Gringotts is the safest place in the world, well, after Hogwarts."

John's intuition felt that those words were like an omen of bad luck, so he couldn't help but look worriedly at Professor McGonagall.

The small group walked through several corridors and doors until they entered a huge hallway where many goblins were hard at work, either counting money, serving customers, or fondling beautifully crafted jewelry.

John had only had contact with the goblins once, but their extreme greed and pride was what he remembered most about them, besides their ugly appearance.

The memory of that annoying goblin made him snort in contempt.

Goblins were beings who thought they were superior because of their 'high intelligence' and 'high forging skills', but in last, they were nothing more than a race defeated by wizards who had to beg on their knees for their survival.

So ignorant, so horrible, to see them acting as if they were superior to the wizards, working from high desks, subconsciously impressing upon their clients, the superiority the goblins had over them. The sight was most ridiculous.

This was one of the things John didn't understand about magical society, it discriminated against werewolves, wizards whose only mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but treated goblins well, a filthy foreign race. He could only say that wizards were crazy.

But as messed up in the head as they were, wizards, at the end of the day, were human beings too, and as someone sworn to protect human beings, letting another race dictate their economic future was something he would not allow, so if the opportunity arose to take down Gringotts in the future, he would gladly do it.

"Mr. Carter, every child whose origin is from the human world receives an annual allowance from Hogwarts, and permission from the Ministry of Magic to exchange a limited amount of human money for gold galleons, this so they can buy their school supplies, and the odd treat, will you be needing it?"

John shook his head, looking carefully at each goblin in the hall. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the interaction between Hagrid and a goblin; the scene of seeing a giant like Hagrid having to raise his head almost made him laugh with anger.

Within seconds, he noticed a goblin wearing an elegant turban approaching his position. So John pulled out a key ring full of golden keys, tossing them on the ground and looking arrogantly at the goblin in front of him.

"Sorry, I dropped them, can you pick them up?"

The elf nodded his head, picking up the key ring with an ugly grin and heading for his desk.

"Your excellency, we were expecting your arrival," the goblin said after sitting back in his seat.

"Really, you plan to treat me the same as the surrounding idiots?"

The elf blanched in fear, quickly climbing down from his seat to stand in front of John and bow.

"I apologize, your highness."

"Don't apologies usually come with a present included?"

The elf nodded quickly, pulling out from behind his desk, a large bag, which, when opened, showed that it was filled with gold galleons.

John casually took the bag, emptying its contents into one of the inside pockets of his trench coat.

"I accept your apology, I hope you do your job honestly. Otherwise, it would be a shame for a goblin to appear quartered in front of Gringotts, don't you think?"

"Don't worry, your highness, you will be pleased with the results of my work."

"I hope so, how long will it take you to complete the mission I gave you?"

The elf nervously touched each of the keys, sighing in relief at some, biting his lips with others, and tousling his turban at some.

"Four, no, two months; in two months it will all be ready."

"I understand, do your job, anything, you're free to meet me at Hogwarts."

The goblin nodded with a face uglier than crying.

John returned to where Professor McGonagall was standing, who was looking at him dumbfounded. 

"I feel it's impolite to ask, but what was that!!!?"