Chapter 37: Project Mage Unleashed!
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“This... this level of magic, especially from one of Kintovar’s creations, it shouldn’t be possible... Elemental fusion of this scale is a tier beyond even Greater Magic, and yet, I’m witnessing the impossible.“Risebelle echoed in a hushed tone, “Elemental fusion...”

Roselle channeled her energy, focusing on the element of ice. Her hands moved with precision, forming patterns as she summoned the power of frigid cold.

The air around her seemed to freeze as Roselle unleashed her ice attack. A sharp, crystalline blade of ice materialized in her hand, gleaming with an otherworldly radiance.

With a swift and fluid motion, Roselle swung the ice blade, sending a frozen shockwave towards Abner. The chilling energy cut through the sky, leaving a trail of frost in its wake as it aimed to strike its target.

Abner, still recovering from the previous onslaught and struggling to maintain his radiant aura, had little time to react to this unexpected attack. He hastily conjured a barrier of light energy in a desperate attempt to defend himself from the icy assault.

Roselle’s icy attack pierced through Abner’s barrier, a chilling coldness enveloped him, and he let out a scream of agony. The power of the slash was so intense that it cut through his defenses and left a deep gash on his arm.

Abner staggered back, clutching his wounded arm, his radiant aura flickering as his pain intensified. The wound inflicted by Roselle’s attack throbbed with a numbing cold, causing him to grit his teeth in agony.

Risebelle and Roselle watched as Abner struggled to recover from the devastating slash. The tide of battle had shifted dramatically in their favor.

Abner while filled with pain, managed to utter a few words, “You... you are truly extraordinary creations... But this... this is not over...“Abner, despite his injuries, summoned the power of Luminous Judgment once more, his radiant aura flaring with renewed intensity. He aimed the devastating beams of divine energy from the sky directly at Roselle, his overconfidence evident in his words.

The radiant beams of divine energy streaked toward Roselle with deadly accuracy, their intensity threatening to engulf her in their blinding light.

“So what if you’ve gained this level of power,” Abner taunted, “it won’t save you from the might of Greater Magic! Feel the power of my Luminous Judgement!”

The beams of Luminous Judgment closed in on Roselle, and the battlefield was once again bathed in blinding light. But as the attack neared its target, something unexpected happened.

[System Message]

Ability Unlocked: Thunderstorm’s Wrath

The battlefield underwent a dramatic transformation. Dark clouds gathered overhead, blotting out the sun and casting the entire area into shadow. The atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation as the elements themselves seemed to respond to Roselle’s overwhelming grief and rage.

Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance, and then, with an explosive display of power, the cataclysmic thunderstorm manifested above the battlefield. Lightning bolts crackled and arced across the darkened sky, striking the earth with indiscriminate fury.

Risebelle watched in awe and concern as her sister’s power surged out of control. Dark purple streaks of lightning coursed down Roselle’s body.

“Roselle, NO!” Risebelle shouted with fear and desperation. She moved quickly, trying to evade erratic bolts of lightning that threatened to strike her down.

Abner’s trembled with disbelief as he witnessed the overwhelming power of Roselle’s unleashed fury. His Luminous Judgment attack, a spell of immense potency, had been completely eclipsed by the cataclysmic thunderstorm that Roselle had brought forth.

“It’s... it’s impossible,” Abner muttered.

Meanwhile Dr. Kintovar, accompanied by Becky and Sybil, continued their journey through the Mystical Forest. The atmosphere had grown increasingly tense as they ventured deeper into the forest, and Dr. Kintovar couldn’t shake the feeling that something significant was happening.

As they walked, she suddenly halted, her sharp eyes scanning the skies. The sight that met her gaze was beyond anything she had anticipated. Dark clouds had gathered overhead, casting an eerie shadow over the forest. Thunder rumbled ominously, and lightning crackled across the sky in violent bursts.Dr. Kintovar couldn’t help but smirk as she observed the turbulent atmosphere above. It was a sight that both intrigued and excited her. She recognized it as a manifestation of immense magical power. Her mind immediately turned to her creations, Roselle, Risebelle, and Runebelle.

Becky and Sybil exchanged puzzled glances as they noticed Dr. Kintovar’s reaction. “Why did you stop, Doc?” Becky inquired.

Sybil chimed in, “Is something wrong?”

Dr. Kintovar turned to her companions, her smirk still present but enigmatic. “Oh, nothing’s wrong, my dear Becky and Sybil,” she replied cryptically. “In fact, everything appears to be quite extravagant. Let us move on!”

She continued walking through the Mystical Forest, her confidence unshaken.


The battle continued. With the power of the thunderstorm swirling around her, Roselle tapped into her newfound abilities, channeling her overwhelming magical energy into a formidable lightning whip. The whip crackled with violent, violet energy, and it extended to remarkable lengths with a mind of its own.

The lightning whip was a thing of raw, destructive beauty. It crackled and hissed as it sliced through the air, leaving trails of violet energy in its wake. The whip lashed out with precision and speed, striking multiple targets at once. Abner, still in shock of Roselle’s elemental onslaught, found himself facing a new and unpredictable threat.

The lightning whip’s power was awe-inspiring, and its violet tendrils danced like living things, seeking out Abner with an unerring sense of purpose. Roselle’s eyes blazed with a mastery that defied belief.

Abner, his aura of radiant light wavering under the relentless assault, raised his defenses once more. He called upon the heavens to shield him from the onslaught of the lightning whip, but the sheer force and unpredictability of Roselle’s attack made it a formidable challenge.

The battlefield crackled with energy as the clash of energies intensified. Roselle’s violet lightning whip clashed against Abner’s defenses, creating a dazzling display of sparks and surges of power.Roselle’s lightning whip surged with unstoppable power, breaking through Abner’s defenses. In an awe-inspiring display of magical might, the whip coiled around Abner, ensnaring him with its crackling, violet tendrils.

Abner, caught off guard by the sheer force of Roselle’s attack, found himself unable to break free from the grip of the lightning whip. His aura of radiant light flickered and dimmed as the whip’s energy coursed through him, causing searing pain.

Roselle didn’t relent. In her free hand, she summoned an ice blade that materialized with a crystalline shimmer. With deft and precise movements, she slashed the blade multiple times across Abner’s chest, each cut delivering a deep and chilling wound.

The combination of lightning and ice created a devastating synergy, causing Abner to cry out in pain. His body convulsed under the onslaught, and he struggled to maintain his composure. The once-confident mage now found himself at the mercy of Roselle’s newfound power.

Abner, bloodied and battered, realized that he was facing a force beyond anything he had ever encountered. With a deafening scream, Abner unleashed an overwhelming burst of radiant light energy that enveloped the battlefield. The blinding explosion of light was so intense that it sent shockwaves rippling through the clearing, scattering debris and leaves in all directions.

Roselle, despite her incredible power, was caught off guard by the sheer force of Abner’s counterattack. The wave of light struck her with incredible force, sending her hurtling backward through the air. She tumbled uncontrollably, unable to maintain her grip on her lightning whip, which dissipated into crackling energy.

The intense light momentarily illuminated the entire area, blinding those who witnessed it. Risebelle shielded her eyes from the blinding radiance, her face filled with concern for Roselle.

As the light faded, revealing the smoldering aftermath of the explosion, Abner stood, gasping for breath and visibly exhausted. His aura of radiant light had diminished significantly, and he swayed unsteadily on his feet.

Roselle, though blown back and injured, slowly pushed herself up from the ground. Her body ached, but she pushed on. Her eyes, now a vivid shade of purple, blazed with a fierce resolve as she prepared to face Abner once more.An intense light descended down from the Luminous Beacon, and once more, the energy flowed over him, and a miraculous transformation took place. His injuries were healed, and his clothes were pristine, not a single drop of blood or sign of damage remaining.

Risebelle face became angered as she watched this miraculous healing. Her frustration grew with each passing moment as Abner seemed to recover effortlessly. It was as if the battle had never taken a toll on him, leaving the sisters at a severe disadvantage.

Abner, now fully healed and exuding an air of confidence, turned his attention back to Roselle. “You see, Roselle,” he taunted, “your efforts were in vain. No matter how much power you wield, you cannot defeat me.”

Roselle gritted her teeth and glared at Abner. Her once stormy purple eyes suddenly flickered and shifted, returning to their natural shade of innocent blue. She stumbled, falling to one knee, and her breathing became rapid and shallow. The tremendous strain of her previous power surge had taken a toll on her, and her body quivered with exhaustion.

Risebelle rushed to her sister’s side, her concern evident. She knelt beside Roselle, offering support as she gently placed a hand on her trembling shoulder.

“Roselle, are you okay?” Risebelle asked with worry.

Roselle tried to respond, but her breathing was still ragged, and her words came out in gasps. She nodded weakly, signaling that she would be fine, but her condition was clearly betrayed that.

Risebelle lowered her eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips despite the gravity of the situation. She leaned in closer to Roselle and whispered teasingly, “You’re as stubborn as ever, you know that?”

Roselle managed a weak chuckle, despite her exhaustion.

The Luminous Beacon continued to hover above, its radiant light casting a surreal glow over the clearing. Abner, fully healed and brimming with confidence, watched the sisters closely.

Risebelle, concerned about Roselle’s condition, reached out to check her sister’s magical reserves. She accessed her internal system and examined the magical energy levels that Roselle was currently holding.

[System Message]

Magic Reserves: 300%

WARNING: Magic capacity has exceeded critical limits. First stage of Magic Rupture detected.

Risebelle’s eyes widened as she read the warning message. Risebelle’s worry deepened, and she realized the dangers of this situation

“Roselle,” Risebelle said in a hushed tone ” You idiot... You’ve pushed yourself way too far. Your magic reserves might be high, but your body can’t handle this level of overexertion. Your magic... it’s at a breaking point. We need to find a way to stabilize it, or you could be in grave danger.”

Roselle mustered the strength to speak. “Not yet,” she whispered to Risebelle. With Risebelle’s support, Roselle managed to get back on her feet. She looked at her sister with a resolute gaze, silently conveying her will.

“Roselle, listen to me, you’re going to destroy yourself if you keep pushing like this. You can’t fight at 300%—it’s suicidal. Calm down and think logically here.”

Roselle clenched her fists, her body trembling with the effort of containing the overwhelming power within her. “No...he’s not getting away with what he did to Runebelle! Never!”

Her eyes burned with an intensity that seemed to mirror the lightning crackling around her. The red energy pulsed and flared.

“Roselle, please,” Risebelle urged, “If you keep pushing yourself, you’ll—”

“I don’t care!” Roselle shouted “He took her from us, Risebelle. He took everything. I can’t... I won’t just stand by and let him win! ”

Dark purple streaks of lightning coursed down Roselle’s body. She charged up her lightning energy and shouted, but then, blood flew out from her mouth. She looked shocked but continued, her determination unyielding.

Risebelle, her concern was growing with every second. She saw the telltale signs of Roselle’s body beginning to break down. The dark purple lightning now intertwined with the red, creating an even more volatile mixing of energies that crackled and sparked dangerously around her.

“Roselle, stop! You can’t push yourself any more than that! Don’t do it!”

Roselle coughed again, more blood splattering onto the ground. “I... I have to,” she stammered.“For Runebelle... for all of us...”

Risebelle, seeing her sister on the brink of self-destruction, did the unexpected. She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Roselle, pulling her into a tight embrace. It was a rare and desperate act, one that took Roselle by surprise.

“IDIOT!” Risebelle shouted. “Do you think this is what Runebelle would want? For you to die, too? You can’t throw your life away!”

Roselle’s eyes widened, her anger momentarily overshadowed by shock. The intensity of her power began to stabilize as the reality of her sister’s words hit her.

“Risebelle...” she whispered.

Tears streamed down Risebelle’s face. Sh eheld onto Roselle tightly. “We need you, Roselle. I need you. I can’t lose you, too. Please, stop this before it’s too late.”

The lightning around Rosellebegan to fade, the red and purple streaks dissipated into the air. She leaned into Risebelle’s embrace.

“I’m sorry,” Roselle choked out, her tears mingling with her sister’s. “I’m so sorry, Risebelle...”

Risebelle held her sister close. “We’ll find another way,” she whispered. “We’ll make sure Abner pays, but not like this.”

Abner watched the sisters’ silent exchange, his confidence unwavering. He was prepared to face whatever they had left to throw at him “It won’t be long now. Your last hopes of defeating me have vanished, and now, you shall be judged by the Chosen one of light. “