31 – Preparations
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Bright, looking over everyone gathered, he couldn't help but think of how much his life had changed from working as a Foundation Scientist for decades to 'surviving' an apocalypse, getting trapped in an IKEA, and now working as a Mage exploring a magical forest filled with horrible monsters of varying sizes.

It was strange that while his new life was beyond normal, he'd never felt more alive. It was no secret to his friends and the higher-ups of the Foundation that Jack was...tired. After all, Jack had lived for decades, being forced to switch to a new body after each time his 'Host' would die. He was a parasite, one that stole the lives of dozens of people's lives. So...Jack has made many attempts to finally find his rest. He's done everything imaginable to break his accursed amulet and even has gone as far as to try and nuke the damn thing.

There was nothing more that Jack had wanted for some time, a chance to rest his weary soul finally, but now? Now, he feels he can wait a bit longer before he seeks his eternal rest. 

So, as Jack and his group traveled to the jungle, they joked and laughed. After many years of suffering, Jack let out a genuine smile, and when they reached the jungle, Bright made a vow to himself. If he were to be stuck with immortality, why not use his Curse to help these people? Help them return to their families? Help them survive against this...fucked up world filled with monsters and creatures straight from fiction.

When they did reach the Jungle, Bright couldn't help but take a deep breath. To think such a beautiful and vibrant Jungle would house such...monstrosities.

They've been slowly mapping the Jungle and cataloging the monsters and creatures they encountered while exploring it. Of course, they also had to document all of the flora they encountered, as some of the other expedition teams found several different kinds of wild berries with useful medical properties.

The system even had a name for these berries: Stimberry, Narcoberry, Bloodberry, and Stuanchberry.

The names were certainly on the nose, but they have saved the lives of some of the people in the Expedition. Stimberry, as its name would suggest, gives a burst of stamina that lasts a few hours but makes the consumer suffer severe dehydration. Narcoberries were the opposite, acting more like a sleep aid that made those who ate it very tired and groggy. Bloodberries, as the name suggested, helped produce blood. How? Jack had no idea. The Staunchberry, on the other hand, was the opposite, stopping blood flow. Quite useful when dealing with injuries.

Those were the most common medicinal berries, but they were far from the only ones. The Jungle was a treasure trove of useful Flora. Sarah and Vernon were quite intent on having us gather as much as we could carry, so much so that some of the people who were protected while they chopped would, hunted, and gathered at the edge of the Jungle were able to make some makeshift baskets and sacks from twigs and leather.

Traveling with his little group was a group of Hunters and Gatherers, who were, of course, tasked with gathering whatever food they could get their hands on before returning to ARK. When they first started out, they had to leave someone behind to guard and protect the people, but as the hunters and gatherers gained levels, they could typically handle any of the lower-level monsters that roamed the outer skirts of the Jungle. Not to mention, they were moved in groups of three as a safety precaution.

That was another blessing of the Jungle, it seemed. There seemed to be an abundant amount of creatures and animals to hunt, but they never seemed to run out. Bright, of course, saw this as suspicious, but unless they managed to explore all of the Jungle, he doubted he would find any answers. After all, by now, with all of the hunting they were doing, animals should have fled farther into the Jungle, not stuck around the outskirts. Not to mention the unusually high number of predators compared to herbivores. Shuddering, Bright remembered his first encounter with the Ravenous Bunnies, bunnies that at first did not seem all that unusual until they spotted prey. They would turn and focus on their prey, their eyes turning red while their maws widened, revealing rows upon rows of shark-like teeth that would easily cut apart whatever they bit into, turning their victims into shredded pieces of meat.

Shaking his head and focusing on the men around him, he spoke, "Remember, stay together in groups of three and remain within shouting distance of one another while you hunt and forage. There are already plenty of animals to hunt and trap in the Jungle, so hunters try not to give chase too far. As for the foragers, you guys...and gals, try not to wander off too far and stick to the edges of the Jungle. And everyone? Stay alert."

Bright had to give this speech every time they came out here, every three days, with rotations between his team, Jay's team, and the third team, led by a guy named Baron. Everyone knew the drill, but Clair wanted the three of them to give the warning every time they reached the Jungle so as to remind the others of the dangers of the Jungle. Not that they needed a reminder, as the Jungle was a terrifying place.

Focusing on his comrades and subordinates, Bright asked, "Are you guys ready? Are you fully stocked on bolts and arrows? Medical berries? Bandages? Extra weapons?"

As Bright listed off, he glanced briefly at his own weapons and attire.

Of course, his old lab coat was in tatters, having gone through the abuse of a literal apocalypse and then years of surviving in the IKEA. Still, now that they had access to leather, Bright had some people do some patchwork to try and fix up the old thing, with the added bonus of having several new pockets within and outside the coat to store the bits and bobs that Bright carries around. He was just glad he didn't have to worry about wearing glasses, as his...host had near-perfect eyesight.

Strapped to his waist were a small crossbow, a small quiver to carry a dozen iron-tipped bolts, and a pouch to carry all of the medicinal berries he found and needed. On the left-hand side of his waist, he had a simple makeshift machete as a backup weapon, while his makeshift spear was in his hands at the moment.

Sure, he could use magic and his spells to fight, but it was better to conserve his mana against more challenging foes. Besides, with his regeneration, it was best he not waste mana, as it would take hours to refill it from empty.

Sighing, Bright realized that it was going to be a long day. Their job was essentially to make it as far as possible without getting lost and returning by nightfall or the next morning at the latest. When they first started exploring the Jungle, Jay's team got lost and trapped in the Jungle for a night before eventually making it back to the settlement before sunrise the following morning. Jay and those with them warned that the Jungle was slightly more dangerous at night and that it was best to stick to a cave or make a camp and stay awake all night, as they were constantly attacked throughout the night without a chance to rest.

That night is the main reason Jay is ahead of Bright and everyone else in terms of levels, though [Aspiring Warriors] seem to have an advantage over the other classes with their stamina and strength. Their stamina and strength allow them to fight for hours before needing rest, unlike Bright, who needs rest after a few encounters with the local wildlife of the Jungle to recuperate any used mana and stamina. However, that might not be the case when the other classes start reaching higher levels. It could be that [Aspiring Warriors] excel at lower levels but become outshined by other classes as they level up and unlock more powerful skills and traits.

Enough about that, though; it was time to work.

"Alright, let's get moving people!" Bright yelled, getting everyone's attention after they triple-checked their gear and items.

The first to move were the hunters who stepped into the Jungle in groups of three, quickly disappearing past the tree line, followed by the foragers, then the lumberjacks.

"What are you guys waiting for? We got a job to do," Jack asked, stepping into the Jungle and turning back to his comrades with a smile on his face.