Rio Granier.
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Mystra yawned as she woke up. She has been living with Haze in Alexis's cultivation room for half a year now. "Haze…Haze…Haze!!"

Haze awoke in a cold sweat. "S-Sorry…"

Haze took a bunch of deep breaths. 'I hate this nightmare!'

It was a horrific nightmare that he occasionally got every year or so. It was of his most horrifying experience.

"Let's wash up." Haze said with a sigh. "We'll head out afterwards."

"Alright." Mystra sighed. She was already used to it.

After walking to the baths, Mystra and Haze separated to the respective baths.

"Oh…I forgot about Blasius. I'll go visit him later." Haze muttered to himself with a yawn.

He saw a few of the inner disciples of the clan at the baths. Most of them just cast him a side glance and continued on.

He cleaned himself and entered the bath. He soaked for a while before he got out.

"Young Master Haze, why leave so early?" a voice asked lazily.

Haze ignored him as he walked into the changing room. He put on his clothes and walked out. He stood outside the women's bath, waiting for Mystra.

"I WAS TALKING TO YOU!!" the voice from before called out as a man with long, dripping wet, black hair swung open the door.

"Who are you again?" Haze tried to recall this man, yet he couldn't.

"I'm the head of the core disciples! Link!!" the man yelled in frustration.

"Head of the core disciples? And to what do I owe this pleasure?" Haze asked lazily.

"I heard you interrupted Brother Theo's duel the other day." Link regained his calm.

"And?" Haze sighed.

"We want you to apologize! Everyone knows that the Falon clan doesn't allow the interruption of duels when both parties have already consented!" Link yelled.

"I'm sorry." Haze bowed his head slightly. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I just saw that Theodore's defeat was a matter of course. I got too excited and jumped in. I apologize again."

"I- Yo-…I'll get it to Theo." Link nodded awkwardly. 'I heard he was a proud snob! Did the bath calm him down?'

"Are we done here?" Haze raised his eyebrows.

"Y-Yeah…" Link quickly walked away.

"…" Haze just looked at Link walk away. He then muttered with a sigh. "What the hell was that about?"

After a few minutes, Mystra walked out while playing with her hair. "Sorry, did I make you wait?"

"…" Haze was lost for words. "Were you drying your hair?"

"Of course!" Mystra said confidently.

"We're going to train! You'll mess it up anyway!" Haze said in frustration.

"I can't believe you don't get it!" Mystra sneered.

"Women, man." Haze scoffed.

The two walked silently while Mystra was pouting.

"I'm sorry!!" Haze heard a voice from behind him.

"Blasius?" Haze saw his bandaged brother run towards him. 'His arms aren't broken? I guess Jack talked to Vesna.'

"We didn't find you! Please forgive us!" Blasius bowed.

"Calm down. That was my fault." Haze awkwardly waved his hands. "So what did you decide on?"

"We decided that each one wi-…no. I will take the punishment." Blasius said with hesitation.

"I take it that it wasn't unanimous?" Haze sighed.

"Sadly." Blasius bitterly smiled.

"Very well." Haze sent lightning into his finger.

Blasius resolutely raised his shirt.

Haze swiftly crossed out the old one completely. Right now, it looked like someone had superheated their fist and smacked it into his chest. Haze smiled at him, "All is forgiven, Blasius."

"But I thought..." Blasius was taken aback.

"I'm not a demon. I just wanted to get a little revenge. It seems you learned your lesson, so I won't make things hard for you." Haze smiled as he pat his shoulder. "Just keep the others in line as much as you can."

"..." Blasius made a troubled expression. "I'll try my best!"

"I'm counting on you to protect me, Big Bro!" Haze said sarcastically as he waved.

'That's right!' Blasius's eyes widened in realization. 'He's our brother! How could we have done all that to him...yet...he forgave us...'

"I promise that I will try my best!!" Blasius yelled out.

"..." Haze smiled as he walked away with Mystra. 'I can see why he became Sirius's successor. He's a good man when he actually thinks of his actions and doesn't just copy Jack.'

"What took you so long? We've already warmed up." John stretched with a smile. To his right was his wife, Joy, and to his left was a very nervous Rio.

"Sorry. We had a little incident." Haze nodded apologetically. He then clapped loudly. "Let's go rent a private room!"

"W-What are we going to do, Young Master Haze?" Rio asked nervously. He saw Haze's crazy movement and hand-to-hand combat skills. If Haze was going to reward him with something, it should be training.

"We'll train in hand-to-hand combat! The rank I'll teach you is not something that should be explained in public." Haze smiled. "Don't worry about it and just follow along."

"A-Alright." Rio nodded meekly.

"Let's go then!" Haze smiled as he led the group to Samuel, the elder responsible for the training grounds.

"Elder." Haze approached.

"Young Master Haze, how may I help you?" Elder Samuel smiled at Haze. Naturally, as the elder responsible, he would know of what transpires within the training grounds. Especially something as grand and attention grabbing as a duel between the two young masters of clan Falon and clan Ethos. From everyone's testimony, it appeared like Haze was an Advanced rank in hand-to-hand combat. 'Seems like this young master wasn't slacking off...he was just hiding his hand. Truly a crouching tiger!'

"We would like to rent a private ground." Haze smiled back.

"..." Samuel glanced at John, then back to Haze. "One spirit stone, please."

"Don't worry." Haze sighed. "Elder Leon's underlings at the Falon's Feast have already humiliated me in front of Brother John. How much is the actual price?"

"Is that so...?" Elder Samuel narrowed his eyes, a small fire within them. As a son of the patriarch of the Falon clan, even people with the position of Elder didn't have the right to humiliate Haze. Disappointingly, not only did Elder Leon allow his underlings to humiliate him, but before such an important guest? Simply preposterous!! "It will be 10 spirit stones for a week."

"You weren't kidding about how expensive it is." Haze's eyebrow twitched as he paid.

"Here you go, Young Master." Elder Samuel handed a jade slip to Haze. "It's VIP room no. 9."

"Thank you." Haze nodded and took the jade slip.

"10 spirit stones…" Rio seemed to salivate as he thought of the luxury of using 10 spirit stones for a training ground.

John chuckled as he saw Rio's reaction. As the most talented young master of the wealthy Ethos clan, he had over 1,000 spirit stones within his spatial ring right now.

"Let's go." Haze motioned for the group to follow him.

They walked by the outside training grounds and walked towards the giant building in the middle of the even larger area of public training grounds.

They showed the disciple working there their jade slip and he took them to their appropriate room and bowed as he left.

"Alright, let's start!" Haze started stretching as he started explaining. "Hand-to-hand combat 101!"

Everyone except for Joy paid special attention.

"I will be giving a small session on Advanced rank hand-to-hand combat." Haze continued to explain while stretching. "The basics of hand-to-hand combat is full utilization of your body in a close quarters distance. Many people have the misunderstanding that hand-to-hand combat is just using your hands and legs. That's a line of thought that only amateurs at the Advanced rank or below have."

"…" John smiled mysteriously. 'So he's a Master rank too. I knew that monstrous style couldn't be at the Advanced rank only.'

"Amateurs? You have the gall to call Advanced ranks amateurs?" Joy scoffed.

"Let me guess, you've fought against an Advanced rank in hand-to-hand combat, correct?" Haze smiled.

"Yes! She's way better than whatever you could do!" Joy protested. John simply sighed at her attitude.

"I see that Miss Joy wants to volunteer." Haze turned to the group. "Now, we will demonstrated an Intermediate rank vs. a Master rank influenced Advanced rank."

"With pleasure!" Joy rushed at Haze when given the chance.

"As you can see, her approach seems correct, but she's leaning her entire body into her attack. You never do that unless you're 100% sure that you're faster than your opponent." Haze lectured as he rotated on the heel of his foot and tripped Joy, causing her to roll on her face.

She quickly regained her footing and turned around and glared at him cautiously.

"Good." Haze smiled. "When you're caught off guard, you should reset the tempo of the fight and regain your calm. I would've liked it better if you tried to hit me as you tripped."

"How could she do that?" Mystra asked.

"Trip me." Haze started running towards Mystra. The group around her dispersed as she readied herself.

It was quite easy to trip him since he leaned his entire weight into rushing her. As Mystra readied her hand to block a powerful backhand to her gut. She barely blocked it, yet something felt wrong. Its power felt too weak. Suddenly, she felt her head go light.


Her head hit the ground as Haze used his momentum of him tripping to hit her temple with the heel of his right foot.

He helped Mystra up as he explained. "That is how you utilize your body completely. A lot of fighters fixate on using their hands to fight and their legs to move around. With every position you're in, you should focus on how you can attack or defend from that specific position using any part of your body."

Rio's eyebrow twitched as he muttered, "What a damn monster…"

"That's what high rank hand-to-hand combat looks like." Haze smiled.

"How high exactly?" John looked at Haze with a little fear in his eyes.

"Pretty high." Haze smiled mysteriously. That level of hand-to-hand combat was at the Lord rank. Constantly using your entire body as your weapon along with being ready to attack from literally any position? It was beyond even the genius Alexis's understanding.

The only people Haze knew of at this time that were at the King rank were Connor Falon, Sirius Falon, Luke Ethos and Derek Royse. He barely knew anyone at all that were at the Lord rank in the past, let alone now. Most of the people he knew were not exactly friendly.

"I see. Well, I would appreciate it if you start slowly." John nodded with a chuckle.

"Great!" Haze clapped his hands. "Joy and John, pair up! Mystra, Rio, you're together."

"I'm part of this?!" Rio pointed to himself.

"Did you think that you're just here to watch? Mystra needs a partner. Now, realm and rank." Haze gave him a side glance.

"Rio Granier! Middle Foundation realm! Intermediate rank in using daggers and Beginner rank in using hand-to-hand combat!" Rio introduced.

"Mystra Raid. Peak Qi Refining realm. Beginner rank in hand-to-hand combat." Mystra smiled as she bowed her head slightly.

"Alright, everyone! Try your best and I'll give pointers." Haze said as he looked at the two pairs. "Start!"

After 8 hours of sparring and advice, the two pairs were exhausted.

"Alright. Gather up, everyone." Haze announced. "Time for the final exercise!"

"What is it going to be? Are we going to fight in a 2v2 with Mystra and Joy in a team and Rio and I against them?" John said between breaths.

"No." Haze smiled. "It will be a 4v1. No using Qi, just attack me using your physical ability."


John left no time as he rushed at Haze. Haze easily parried his punch and punched back. "Too hasty!"


John fell to the ground as he clutched his gut.

Attack Mode!


Haze ducked under Joy's hook.

"Now, now. I said. NO. QI!!" Haze said as he flipped forward and used that momentum to knock her out with an axe kick to the head.


Joy was now next to John, the only difference being that she was knocked out.

Mystra and Rio attacked together.

Rio attacked Haze's legs with a swipe of his leg, and Mystra punched out towards his face.

"Slow and obvious!!" Haze yelled as he flipped backwards this time. He aimed for their chins with his feet. He kicked destructively towards the two Beginner rank hand-to-hand users.


Mystra went flying as she lost consciousness and fell next to Joy. The only one standing was Rio who was breathing heavily as he just barely dodged that kick.

"Not bad." Haze narrowed his eyes as he smirked. "Though you should have attacked as you dodged. That way, you'd have landed a clean hit and maybe even ended the fight if you had a weapon."

"Haaaah...haaaah..." Rio breathed as he intensely scanned Haze.

"You're not coming? Well...I don't mind if I do!" Haze dashed at Rio.

"BACK ME UP!!!" Rio yelled at John as he dodged all of Haze's attacks by a hair's breadth.

"You're too scared! Don't just dodge! Parry! Counter! Don't be a punching bag!!" Haze lectured while he bombarded the poor guy. Rio started trying to redirect Haze's punches, with some attempts being successful! He even started forcing Haze to dodge when he threw out his punches.

'I get it now!! I have a higher cultivation realm! He's afraid of a direct hit since it will probably knock him out! All I need is a solid hit...' Rio analyzed the opening he found. He then started muttering like a madman. "Too weak...too slow...he'll dodge...parried...countered..."

'He's evolving mid-fight!' Haze made an excited expression. 'A hand-to-hand combat genius!!'

'There!!' Rio punched out with all his might at an opening he found. A hook came flying at the side of Haze's head.


Haze went flying.

"I did it..." Rio muttered in between breaths. "I DID IT!!!!"



Haze ruthlessly roundhouse kicked Rio's elbow while his arm was outstretch in the air, causing the crisp sound of bones breaking to follow after.

"H-How?! That was a clean hit to the head!! It should've knocked you out!" Rio said through grit teeth.

"It was a clean hit, but it wasn't to the head. Did you honestly think that a punch without Qi would send me flying like that?" Haze sighed.

"W-What did you do?" Rio asked earnestly.

"I jumped." Haze smiled cheekily. "I knew it was going to hit, so instead of ruining my position by ducking, I decided to reset the tempo and let your attack land on my upper arm. By doing that, I sent myself into a position where following up wasn't easy for you, as well as minimizing the damage."

"I see...I think I get it..." Rio fell into thought. He also noticed his arm healing slowly. "W-What?!"

Haze looked at the runes in the room that were shining since they entered. "A healing array too? How convenient. I'd say it was actually quite cheap."

"I...I think I'm done here." John grunted as he picked up the unconscious Joy. "It was a pleasure meeting you and training with you, Brother Haze. When you visit the Ethos Estate, be sure to send me a message first. I'll wholeheartedly welcome you there."

"I will." Haze nodded. "I only ask of you to stay for a day, Mystra and Miss Joy might want to spend a day together before you leave."

"Very well. I will rest tomorrow and let Joy and Mystra enjoy their time together. I bid you farewell." John bowed slightly.

"And you..." Haze turned to Rio.

"I thank you for this opportunity, Young Master Haze! I will take your teachings to heart!" Rio bowed a 90 degree bow.

"Do you have someone you follow?" Haze asked.

"What?" Rio looked up with confusion.

"I'm saying why don't you become my subordinate? Same as Mystra." Haze smiled.

"I-I...I could never! I'm simply not worthy!" Rio shook his head in panic.

"If you're worried about my siblings' subordinates picking trouble with you, I've already resolved my issues with my brothers." Haze mentioned. "If you follow me, I'll make sure that you could beat even Joy within a year and a half."

"A year and a half? Isn't that a bit specific?" Rio tilted his head.

"You don't know what's in a year and a half's time?" Haze asked with a smirk.

Rio's eyes widened in realization. "The Escoile Tournament!! You plan to fight in it?!"

"If you join me, I can't guarantee top 20, but top 100 is doable." Haze smiled.

"..." Rio shook his head in frustration. "Why am I hesitating?!"

Rio looked at Haze resolutely. "I've already seen your abilities first hand. If you're willing to teach me, then I'm willing to learn!"

Rio got on his knees to prostrate himself, but Haze stopped him. "You're my subordinate, not my servant. I'm not your master, I'm your leader. From today onwards, call me Haze and stand by my side when I need you, and I'll never abandon you!"

Rio looked touched as Haze helped him stand. He then chuckled. "Then I'll be counting on you, Elder Brother Haze."

"Huh?" Mystra got up while holding her jaw. "What happened?"

"Oh right." Haze realized. "I never got you to beat up Joy."

"You saw our duel, Haze." Mystra shook her head as she regained her bearings. "Where is Joy anyway?"

"I was going to allow you to use Lightning Body." Haze chuckled.

"WHAT?!" Mystra looked at Haze with shock. She then pouted. "If you let me use it before, she wouldn't have such a bad impression of you!"

"There were too many people." Haze laughed.

"E-Excuse me, but...what's Lightning Body?" Rio asked awkwardly.

"Is it fine to tell him?" Mystra noticed that Haze had a favorable impression of this young man, but she didn't know if telling him about the Lightning Immortal Technique is okay. After all, after she memorized the technique up to the Qi Condensation realm, Haze told her to burn the book. Leaving such a thing behind would be a devastation.

"Sure." Haze nodded. "He joined us just now. I'll be teaching it to him soon."

"Cool!!" Mystra smiled. She finally had someone to spar with. She was convinced from this single session that sparring with Haze was just a cover for him to bully her freely.

"That's great and all, but what IS Lightning Body?" Rio asked.

"It would be faster to just show you." Haze smiled. "Remember how Mystra was always a level below you when it came to fighting without Qi?"

"Yeah." Rio nodded. He was slightly better than Mystra in hand-to-hand combat.

"Now, try it with Qi." Haze motioned for the two of them to duel.

"My arm is still bruised." Rio pointed to his elbow. Although it healed and wasn't broken anymore, it still hurt like hell.

"Don't worry. You're about to reach the Intermediate rank from our fight just now." Haze smiled. "In addition to your higher cultivation realm, you should beat her quickly."

Haze smiled and motioned for them to begin. Just like he said, it took a few seconds for him to destroy her.

"Okay, so where was this Lightning Body?" Rio asked. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

"We just wanted to give you something to compare to." Mystra smiled.

"Now try again." Haze smiled mysteriously.

"O-Okay…" Rio was incredibly confused.

Lightning Body.

"What the hell…?" Rio's eyes widened in terror. All he saw was Mystra's blue afterimage as he was pummeled into the ground.

"If you want that kind of power, you have to destroy your cultivation and restart with our Lightning Immortal Technique." Haze smiled.

"W-What…?" Rio asked with a gulp.