Chapter 48 : Melia’s Temperament, Sugarplum!?
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Melia continued for a while longer until she once again clapped her hands, silencing the room again.
“Enough talking.”
“I need to know. Have the subs elected our class presidents and vice presidents yet?”
When the class heard this, most of the students shook their heads.
“Go figures, those subs always seem to do a bad job.”
“First biz now that I’m here is to elect those who will lead my class.”
“I know that I’ve said it to the point that most people here are annoyed but if your leader is incompetent then it’s obvious you’ll end up the same way eventually.”
Hearing all this, Reno put his hand on his jaw.
‘Melia Opal. A fun outgoing extroverted person. At least to some people.’
‘Unlike other teachers who wait until the ranking exams for merit or credit-based students.’
‘Melia tests the students in some way to choose who will be her class president and vice president.’
A memory of last year then played in Reno’s mind.
“Teacher Opal! Why don’t you wait until after the pathway exams.”
“I’m confident that by then I’ll have gotten stronger."
"My chances of becoming even the vice president of the class will then increase.”
Melia was originally sitting at her seat in the staffroom enjoying some exotic tea she had secured abroad.
When she saw the look in the original Reno’s eyes he started going off about needing more time.
She lost all interest and got lost in her own world.
‘You know, I should practice an occult series spell when I return to my room.’
‘You know, I think 82-legged spider babies are pretty cute. I should try domesticating one as a pet.’
‘You know, Korean BBQ is divine, I need to get some on my way home.’
‘You know…’
Only after the original Reno finished ranting about needing more time, she seemed to wake up.
“Melia was a kind person”, is the spiel that she always believed.
It was due to this that she met the original Reno with all smiles like she had been listening.
Melia wasn’t usually like this except when others did dumb shit or were acting dumb around her.
Seeing that the original Reno finished talking, she put down her cup of tea.
She then pointed to her head and then Reno’s and got switching between the two.
“I swear, either you’re mentally retarded or I am.”
“In class, I told everyone the reason why I’m selecting my class prezs and vice prez early.”
“I’ve already explained myself so I’m not doing it again.”
‘Breathe Melia, calm thoughts.’
Melia did her best to calm down.
According to student reports, Melia is either the favorite or hated student of a teacher.
There were no in-betweens.
Reno then switched to another memory.
The one that was when the original Reno was taking the test from last year.
The format that Melia used was eccentric to everyone who participated.
She had given a question and depending on the choice of the question, what the person had to do differed.
Some had to fight another student, some had to fight a teacher Melia picked out.
Some had to fight Melia herself, while others would be tasked with getting books or certain items from a monster.
Reviewing these memories, Reno got worried.
‘Last year the original Reno had to fight Melia herself and got absolutely dog walked.’
‘I mean it’s obvious that was the only outcome possible."
'Even so, the memory was embarrassing to the point that Reno didn’t dare to recall it.’
Melia put her hand on her hip and strained her brain for a test idea.
After some time, she finally came up with one.
“I’ve been gone for some time so I’ll tone this test down as an apology piece.”
“I’ll call this one, ‘Justice does not go to those who wait.’ ”
Basically… Any student is free to attack my weak and clumsy itty bitty android.”
“For the first stage, I’ll randomly attack those anyone in class and sometimes try to stop those who try to attack me.”
“After 5 students successfully do this, I’ll move on to the second stage.”
“I won’t explain what the second stage is though. My darlings will have to find that out yourselves, he-he.”
Melia was laughing normally, but to most of the students. Her laughs seemed like they came straight from a devil.
Melia then went on to teach the class as usual.
Every so often, some students would get up and try attacking her, Reno included.
Not even 10 minutes later, 5 students managed to land a hit on Melia.
Unfortunately, Reno was not in the set of students that managed to do it.
Melia clapped.
“Not bad.”
“Count the five of yourselves lucky.”
“I usually have a class of 68 but only 45 of my darlings were present today.”
“The infirmary is annoyed at me always swamping them with work so we agreed at only 40 at one time.”
“40 of my darlings are left for the second round so we can get started.”
Reno didn’t know why but his intuition was screaming that he should just bail from the classroom.
Seems like he wasn’t the only one as someone chubby with sea-blue hair got up and tried to make a run for it.
Before he could reach the door, however, a hand grabbed him and flung him against the classroom board.
Melia then giggled.
“Stage 2 is beginning.”
“My assistant, Sugarplum, will get the chance to attack someone every minute.”
“His choice will be random with the only rule being that he can’t attack the same person twice.”
“If you can survive until the end of class then you’ll have passed the second stage.”
“Sugarplum darling.”
“You can deactivate the invisibility skill now.”
When Sugarplum deactivated his invisibility skill, the jaws of all the students dropped.
The person that Melia was calling Sugar Plum was over 6’5, dark-skinned with braids.
His face looked like he had eaten steel and metal for breakfast.
Reno was ecstatic. ‘The hell! Sugarplum!? Who decided on that goofy ass name.’
Melia then put her hand to her chin and sighed.
“See, Sugarplum. If you have a cuter name, then people will receive you better.”
“This is much better than what the others call you.”
“Squad Terminator sounds way too scary.”
Reno was ready to make a sprint out of the class, then the school, and on his way home.
‘The fuck! What kind of name is Squad Terminator!? Why did you change that shit to Sugarplum!?’