Chapter 12.1: Sakura feelings.*
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-Sakura: My love, there goes again, to be with my friend. Am I a bad person, Carlos?

-Carlos: Do you love me?

-Sakura: Yes, I do. I truly do.

-Carlos: But you love her more than me, and that feels wrong, doesn't it?

-Sakura: Yes, I have taken both of you into my heart.

-Carlos: If you say so...

-Sakura: No, I want to know your thoughts.

-Carlos: I always considered it as polygamy, but now that we are together, I realize it is something different.

-Sakura: I understand.

-Carlos: You are not bad, you are good.

-Sakura: Thank you.

-Carlos: It's just that you love deeply, and that leaves you feeling conflicted.

-Sakura: I know she is aware, and she is not unhappy with it. I have loved her since the day we saw her in that classroom, when everyone was nude. I was nervous, but you were there to reassure me. I couldn't help but be drawn to her, until you stopped me, reminding me that we should not impose ourselves on others. That's when I decided you were to be my husband.

-Carlos: The evening was truly enchanting and has left a lasting impression on me. You attempted to emulate her, as did many others among us who were inexperienced in matters of love. Only a few among us had prior experiences with relationships involving maids, butlers, or even parents, and even they were taken aback by the spectacle.

-Sakura: Likewise, I love you. My heart races when I'm near you, you occupy my thoughts constantly, and I desire to be with you always. Do you love me?

-Carlos: Yes, I do.

-Sakura: Even if I am unfaithful?

-Carlos: Even if you stray, even if you betray me, even if you cause me pain, I will always love you. It is who I am, I am committed to you, forever.

-Sakura: Thank you, I love you.

-Carlos: I love you too, Sakura.

-Sakura: Now, let us return to the dormitories.


The memory of their first encounter with Sakura still lingers in their mind. It was during one of the initial lessons at the academy, where the importance of maintaining noble bloodlines was emphasized, particularly between themselves. Attendance to such lessons was deemed mandatory, setting the tone for their future interactions.

Teacher Graciela observed the bustling classroom, where a majority of the 80 students had yet to take the first step. Only a lucky 9 had already experience in matters of love and sex. The pairs had been formed, but she reminded her students that there was always room for adjustments if they weren't satisfied.

This was just the beginning, a time for learning and exploration. But she knew, just like their predecessors, many of them would find partners for life. So, she urged them to ponder wisely before embarking on this journey of togetherness.

Teacher Graciela looked around the room with a knowing smile, her eyes landing on the girl with bunny ears and a tail.

-Graciela: It is quite obvious that all of us have noticed Luyira, the third Retter Messiah of the empire, and her lover, the young Aido Serap. They are special beings, children of the Impenetrable Wall. But fear not, dear students, for each one of you is special in your own way. Simply follow the teachings in your heart and all will be well.

Turning her attention to Francisco, she continued.

-Graciela: It seems your past experiences were with your mother, so we have paired you with a girl who is new to this, Lizzie. She may be shy and timid, but I trust you will guide her along the way. Lizzie, my dear.

Teacher Graciela beckoned.

-Graciela: Francisco is your partner now. If you encounter any difficulties, don't hesitate to voice them. Together, I'm confident you both will find your way.

She then proceeded to assign the remaining pairs, each combination designed to support and encourage one another on their journey. As the introductions unfolded, Lizzie expressed her gratitude.

-Lizzie: Nice to meet you, I am in your care.

Francisco replied warmly

-Francisco: Likewise, you are cute and small.

Earning a blush from Lizzie. Teacher Graciela then directed Alison to support Sebastian, forming their partnership.

-Graciela: Alison, make sure to help Sebastian feel good, alright?

She instructed. Sebastian responded with enthusiasm.

-Sebastian: Nice to meet you, I eagerly anticipate our time together.

Alison mirrored his sentiment with a smile, "Likewise."

Finally, Teacher Graciela assigned Carlos and Sakura, who both had zero experience, to support each other.

-Graciela: Despite your lack of experience, I encourage you to lean on one another.

Sakura agreed. "Okay"

while Carlos promised, "I'll do my best."

Concluding her pairings, Teacher Graciela turned to Celine and Yerin, predicting that they would form a strong bond. With a nod of approval, she smiled, confident in the connections that were beginning to form within her classroom. And continue like that until all are paired.

-Graciela: Excellent, we have a perfect balance of 40 males and 40 females in this group. Assigning them roles will be a fascinating challenge. You'll soon discover the intricacies involved in the process after this initial experience. Why you guys believe this is a group session, and not a more private matter?

-Luyira: To make a strong bond!

-Graciela: Indeed, that is why we have opted for a classroom setting. The majority of these relationships will likely be enduring, if not permanent, so it is essential that you cultivate the ability to function as a cohesive unit. In the interest of the collective, we typically form peer groups and occasionally rotate partners. Nevertheless, the primary objective remains fostering group cohesion. While partner changes may occur spontaneously, they should not be imposed. It is also important to exercise caution to avoid disrupting intimate interactions between individuals.

-Luyira: Behold, in this very moment, I decree that only Aido may lay a finger on me. He may be possessive, even unfaithful at times, but my heart belongs to him.

-Sakura: There's no need for such declarations. We're just a band of spirited youths, no room for discord.

-Luyira: Agreed. Yet, my affection for Aido runs deep. His joy is my joy.

-Aido: My apologies for my selfishness.

Sakura observed Aido playfully grabbing Luyira's ass close to her tail, and she couldn't help but smile. But in that moment, a pang of envy, a touch of emptiness gripped her heart, a longing she couldn't quite place.

-Sakura: Aido and Luyira share a special bond that transcends words.

With a mischievous spark in her eyes, Luyira whispered to Sakura.

-Luyira: You grasp my essence, let us be friends.

Sakura's heart raced with understanding, realizing she and Aido were destined for more than mere simplicity—they were chosen.

-Sakura: Indeed, let us walk this path together as lifelong friends!

Carlos, observing Sakura's gaze on Luyira, recognized a familiar longing in her eyes, one reminiscent of her mother's love for her father. Though he hadn't spoken of it, he felt fortunate to be alongside the girl he had always yearned for, as if fate had orchestrated their bond.

-Graciela: Alright, you may proceed now.

Teacher Graciela expected the guys to take their time, even the experienced ones undressed slowly, savoring the moments before getting intimate. Little did she know that her simple command would result in a swift response from two of them. Luyira effortlessly shed her clothes in seconds, with Aido not far behind. The others watched in surprise, engaging in small talk until this unexpected scenario played out before them. Sakura and Carlos, standing nearby, were particularly taken aback as the larger girl kissed her brother passionately, her legs glistening with desire. Aido, smaller in size, was equally enthralled as he consumed her with fervor, his impressive member catching the attention of onlookers

-Sakura: ahn!

Sakura feel heat from her body, she is not lusting for Carlos neither Aido, but for the girl infront of her, her perfect body, and the way she moves, she wants to be like her, she wants to be her, but she can't, and she is with Carlos, she looks at him, and see he is nervous, he is not the first time seeing a woman naked, but she knows he is still a virgin, he is just like her, a simple girl, from a simple family, with a simple life.

-Luyira: you guys have a lot to learn. Watch and learn!

-Sakura: Yeah, I think so.

-Luyira: Ah, your taste is exquisite as always, let me savor the sweetness of your tongue that fills me with joy.

-Aido: No, I desire yours in return, and these breasts are mine to cherish and mine alone

The classroom crackles with a palpable energy, a sudden surge of heat. As the others begin shedding layers, Francisco is overcome by a sudden urgency. In his haste, he nearly overlooks Lizzie's shy demeanor. Despite being completely exposed himself, he closes the distance between them. With tender gestures, he presses soft kisses to her forehead and speaks words of sweetness that make her cheeks flush with color.

-Francisco: Your body is perfect, I wish to see you naked.

-Lizzie: Please don't look, I'm a bit embarrassed.

-Francisco: Don't worry, we'll take it slow.

She allowed him to gently remove her garments, revealing her slim figure.

-Francisco: You are a beauty.

-Lizzie: Thank you, I feel more comfortable now.

Gently leading her to the bed, he watched as she eased down before following suit. His lips delivered tender kisses, each one a soothing balm to her nerves, while his whispers of encouragement wrapped around her like a warm embrace. With his quiet confidence and her timid apprehension, they danced a delicate duet, him leading the way with a gentle touch, gradually unlocking her reservations and setting her spirit free with each passing moment.

In the midst of Luyira and Aido's fervent displays, Francisco's tranquil presence in the classroom stood out like a serene painting. Inspired by his composure, Carlos too embraced a sense of peace as he shed his layers. And as Sakura watched, spellbound by the unfolding tableau, she too began to disrobe, moving as if guided by some enchanting force beyond her control

-Luyira: Oh, my beloved tail, please don't be so bold with such a crowd around.

-Aido: It's your doing that ignites this fire within me.

Aido gently caresses Luyira's tail as he explores her body with fervor. His touch on her nipples sends shivers down her spine, and his nibbles on her exquisite breasts elicit moans of pleasure. With each teasing touch, he delves deeper into her, his fingers finding their way to her eager core, causing the room to fill with the sounds of her ecstasy.

-Aido: You're so wet for me, your desire palpable. Do you truly desire me?

-Luyira: Oh, yes, my love. I ache for you, I need you inside me now.

Aido: My only wish is to bring you to the heights of pleasure. Let me taste you, let me make you quiver with ecstasy.

Carlos approached Sakura with a hesitant step, reaching out to take her hand in a delicate gesture. But Sakura seemed oblivious to his touch, her gaze fixed on Luyira's rapturous expression as she experienced ecstasy with Aido's tantalizing actions. Luyira's fingers clutched his head possessively, her body trembling with pleasure as her ample curves swayed in a seductive rhythm, full of vitality and allure. A soft sigh escaped Sakura's lips as she took a tentative step forward, her yearning evident in the desire that flickered in her eyes. She longed to join them, to taste the forbidden sensation that Aido was bestowing upon Luyira, to savor the ripe, luscious fruits that teased her senses, her gazes is fixated in the lips and tongue of this girl en pleasure, Sakura is thirsty by that lips, by that mouth, she want it in her mouth.

While Lizzie's shyness dissipates into the ether, a transformation begins to ripple through the classroom. The once timid students start to emulate the boldness of Carlos and Sakura. The atmosphere shifts around these two as they remain suspended in a frozen moment - Carlos fixated on Sakura, Sakura fixated on the pair, and the others caught up in a whirlwind of their own interactions. Some stumble with a newfound courage, while others rush ahead, making blatant mistakes. Yet, amidst it all, there is an undeniable undercurrent of desire that electrifies the air

-Lizzie: I'm so excited, I can't wait.

-Francisco: Me too, you are beautiful.

He delicately lifts her legs, unveiling her most sacred essence to the curious onlookers. Lizzie's piercing cry fills the room as she crosses the threshold, a transformative moment that seems to ignite a newfound spark within her.

As Carlos observed the unfolding scene of passion and chaos around them, he felt a surge of emotion towards Sakura. The atmosphere was charged with exhilaration, as others delved deeper into intimacy. Amidst the whirlwind of movement and desire, Carlos reached out to Sakura, his touch like a gentle caress. Whispering words of reassurance, he pulled her close, their bodies entwined in a dance of their own creation. "Stay with me," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody in Sakura's ears. In that moment, all outside distractions faded away, leaving only the two of them in a world of their own making. Sakura's heart raced as she felt a sense of liberation wash over her, her soul unburdened by doubt. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, she dared to voice the question that lingered on her lips, "Do you desire me? Do you love me?" With a certainty that transcended time and space, Carlos's response echoed in the air, "Here and now, beyond our time." In their shared embrace, they found solace and connection, a love that defied all boundaries.

As Sakura was enveloped in Carlos's arms, tears began to fall from her eyes. She had never before experienced a love so tender for a man, nor had she felt the intense passion she harbored for Luyira. This new revelation opened up a world of emotions for her, making her understand the purpose of the lessons she had been through. They had always been so focused on tasks that could potentially lead to their downfall with the slightest mistake, leaving little room for thoughts of love, romance, and intimacy. In that moment, Sakura felt a surge of happiness as she realized she wanted Carlos to be her husband.

Sakura whispered softly, "Be gentle with me, and let me embrace my wild side." Carlos gazed at her, a secret admirer from next door. He cherished the moments of her uninhibited spirit that he witnessed from his balcony. The first time he heard her voice, he knew she had captured his heart. Now holding her in his arms, he vowed to never let her go. "Embrace your uniqueness," he whispered, "I will always be your sanctuary, your safe haven to return to.

Carlos embraced her tightly, refusing to release her as he initiated a slow, seductive kiss. Sakura found herself lost in his touch, attempting to disregard the world around them. Yet, her heart felt the warmth between them. His gentle kisses were not enough to satisfy her longing, prompting her to take charge. Leaning in, she initiated a more fervent kiss, daring to explore with her tongue for the first time. Eager to fulfill his desires, she wrapped her legs around him as they embraced, their faces reflecting the mutual cravings they harbored. In that moment, she embraced her role as the leader of this dance of bodies and pleasure

In heat of the moment, Sakura who has a complex for her small breast and her petite body, has forgotten so small details, this moment she is happy to be desired, to be loved by this man, and she didn't care about her shyness, she want to be with him, she is in heat of the moment, but she remember her goal, the thing she needs to do, she need to make a child, even though, at the moment she only things in the scenes she was watching, Carlos is not match for his neighbor, but he is neither small, Sakura confident, take it with one hand, and stroke it when she still devouring Carlos like a animal in heat.

Carlos whispered to Sakura, "My dearest Sakura, I am here to fulfill your every desire and bring you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams." Sakura eagerly responded, "Oh yes, Carlos, show me what you have in store for me." Without letting go of each other, they moved to the bed, their bodies entwined like a perfect dance. Carlos, channeling the passion of Aido and Luyira, explored every inch of Sakura's body with reverence. His lips and fingers traced the delicate contours of her skin, sending waves of ecstasy through her. Sakura stifled her moans with the soft sheets, unable to contain her pleasure. For a fleeting moment, the rest of the world faded away as Carlos unlocked a symphony of bliss in Sakura's every gasp and sigh. And in that moment, Carlos knew without a doubt that he was the orchestrator of Sakura's purest pleasure.

As Sakura's eyes wandered to the other bed, a captivating scene unfolded before her. In her mind's eye, Luyira's ethereal beauty danced over Aido, riding him with grace, swaying her tail like a playful pup, and releasing seductive cries into the air. The sultry sounds sent shivers down Sakura's spine, awakening a primal desire within her. Now, she longed to ascend to the pinnacle, to experience the passion and ecstasy that had enraptured her.

In a bold move, Sakura seizes Carlos by the head and with a determined gesture, propels him towards the bed. She positions herself on top of him, desire vivid in her eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, she takes hold of Carlos' manhood and guides it between her legs. Her vagina is eager and ready, glistening with anticipation as if emitting a mysterious haze. With a swift motion, she lowers herself, enveloping him completely. A twinge of pain runs through her body, mirrored in Carlos's reaction. But instead of withdrawing, Sakura initiates the dance of movement, setting a rhythm that Carlos instinctively follows. His hips swaying in tune with hers, he grasps her by the legs as they mirror the passionate scene unfolding, her voice joining the chorus of desire in the room.

Graciela marveled at the scenes unfolding before her eyes. Was it lust, passion, or love that she saw? This was the first time they had been so bold, and even Lizzie's small creature seemed to be caught up in the excitement, moaning like a cow in heat. The urge for action now stirred within Graciela as well, perhaps it was time to call her own partner and join in the fun. In the meantime, she would keep a watchful eye over their antics.

Aido, in his own world, still exploring Luyira's body, didn't notice the moaning coming from the other side of the room, but Luyira, being the curious type, couldn't help but look, and when she see the girl who was just admiring her body, she wants to be like her, now she is the one moving, now she is the one leading, now she is the one who is feeling pleasure, now she is the one who is feeling desire, she didn't want to feel pleasure, she wanted to be the one giving it, but now she can't resist it.

Sakura's thoughts are racing. Her mind is clouded with desire, and her body moves in sync with Carlos'. The room is filled with a symphony of passion as bodies entwine and voices of ecstasy rise to the heavens.

The mesmerizing scene unfolding before her was a symphony of desire and ecstasy. Sakura felt a shiver run down her spine as she watched the passion between Luyira and Aido escalate. In that suspended moment, time seemed to halt as their eyes locked, the intensity of longing palpable in Luyira's gaze. Sakura was transfixed, unable to tear her eyes away from the raw desire emanating from Luyira. A sweet smile passed between them, igniting a fiery response in Sakura. Her body responded instinctively, tightening in anticipation as the intensity of their connection grew. In an unexpected turn, Carlos couldn't contain himself any longer, his need overwhelming. Without warning, pleasure surged through Sakura as he released inside her, a shock of ecstasy pulsing through them both. In that moment of pure bliss, neither woman wanted any part of their passion to remain outside.

Sakura is experiencing the physical exertion during her first encounter, which has been quite intense. Most couples have completed their activities by now, lasting longer than the average of 10 minutes. Despite the willingness of some individuals, their bodies may not fully respond except in certain areas. A few girls continue to demonstrate their commitment by attending to their partner orally with vigor. Notably, Lizzie, known for her shyness, displays remarkable stamina as she diligently pleases her partner, now the one with a worry look is Francisco. Meanwhile, Sakura observes Aido and Luyira engaging in a doggy-style position, observing the intimacy with interest. Despite feeling drawn to her newfound love in her mind, she is hesitant to physically participate at this time.

-Sakura: By your side feels like home, Carlos. Would you like to start dating officially from now on?

-Carlos: You are my destined partner, Sakura.

-Sakura: Let's make it official, starting now. Graciela's intuition was spot on, as luck seems to be on our side. Perhaps it was the enchanting allure of the stars aligning.

-Graciela: You two are insatiable! I wish my husband and I had half your passion.

-Luyira: Eh! but teacher this is the second one, I want at least my third, hehehehe, see, my pussy would not let him go.

-Aido: Luy, you are really pushing me inside, be careful.

-Graciela: Goodness gracious, you are not mere mortals but creatures consumed by desire!

-Luyira: Ready yourself, Aido, for I am about to go turbo. We shall pick up where we left off at home later.

- Aido: Hold on, Luy, I got a strange sensation last time. Please handle me with care this time. Ohhhh!!

Despite her weakened state, Sakura felt a strange urge to leap towards Luyira, who was meticulously tidying up after pushing Aido to his limit. Perplexed, Luyira regarded Sakura as a delicate being in need of gentle affection. Carlos, exhausted, found himself unable to intervene as their unusual encounter unfolded.

-Sakura: Oh my goodness, they feel like fluffy marshmallows - so soft yet so perfectly firm!

-Luyira: Do you admire my charms? Aido adores them, and I take great pride in them! Come on, little one, let's bond.

-Sakura: Mommy, I need your guidance now and forever.

-Luyira: Of course, my dear, count on mommy!

-Aido: By the way, they are both still a bit sticky, so a shower would be a good idea.

-Luyira: *giggles* Let's freshen up and get dressed together, sweet Sakura.

-Sakura: Yes!

-Luyira: Luyira Serap, pleased to make your acquaintance.

Allison whispered urgently to the teacher, concern lacing her voice like a delicate thread, "Teacher, it seems we have lost Francisco. Lizzie exhausted him with too many demands and now he's unresponsive." Lizzie, flustered and apologetic, stuttered out an apology, "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened!" Graciela, observing the chaos around her, couldn't help but smile faintly. "Well, I suppose this turned out better than we anticipated.


In the shared dormitory with Carlos, Sakura's memories flooded back as they made love, recalling the moments they had cherished together.

Sakura pondered aloud.

-Sakura:Could my longing for Luyira be the reason we haven't been able to start a family?

Carlos reassured her.

-Carlos: That shouldn't be a concern. Even I find myself drawn to others, like Saint Mary, Alidia, and the Royalties, but it doesn't affect my feelings for you. I love you just as you are.

-Sakura: Thank you, my love.

Sakura replied with a hint of guilt.

-Sakura: I'm sorry for bringing up others in our private moments.

Carlos smiled warmly.

-Carlos: It's only natural. We share everything, and honesty is the foundation of a strong love.

Sakura teased him.

-Sakura: So you even ogled Aido's mother, huh? Well, it's true you have a thing for the petite ones. I'm living proof of that!

Carlos laughed.

- Carlos: You make it sound scandalous, love!

Sakura confident in her words, and situation she is in.

-Sakura: There's no need to hold back anymore. I am confident enough to know that your heart belongs to me, and mine to you.

Carlos smiled and nodded.

-Sakura: My heart is filled with love for you and Luyira, but I know that in Luyira's eyes, I am merely a friend, or perhaps even a cherished child.

-Carlos: Indeed, it seems Luyira's heart belongs to Aido. The unexpected presence of the Saint as another lover has left us all in a state of surprise. Despite Luyira's inner conflict, she understands that Aido's happiness is her own.

-Sakura: Perhaps I should try to seduce Aido and find myself in the arms of my dear Luyira. Aido is quite handsome too, so I would have three lovers.

-Carlos: Oh no, I cannot let you do that!

Sakura laughed mischievously.

-Sakura:I will grant you permission to love another if another maiden catches your eye.

She teased. Carlos raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

-Carlos: Out of guilt?

He inquired. Sakura shook her head, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

-Sakura: Out of love.

She replied. Carlos chuckled softly, shaking his head.

-Carlos: It's impossible. My heart already belongs to a wild and adventurous girl who loves just as fiercely in return.

Carlos recalls a time when he observed a young girl playing with imaginary friends while being the only child in a large mansion, as her parents were often absent. This experience resonated with him as he recognized a similarity in their situations. However, he could not fully immerse himself in enjoying life as much as the young girl did in that moment. Despite smiling at her from a window, she was unaware of his presence.