Chapter 25 The Bull Demon King
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Wukong laughed heartily, "In that case, I guess Brother Bull will have to follow behind."


The Bull Demon King cautiously asked, "So... does the bet from before still count?"


Wukong chuckled, "Of course not. We brothers will have another match when the opportunity arises, how about that?"


Upon hearing this, the Bull Demon King slapped his chest and said, "Of course! Next time, we should choose a place we both know well!"


Their cloud-riding skills were superior, and within just a couple of hours, they reached the territory of the Eastern Victorious Divine Continent. From afar, Wukong could see the outline of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, his homeland, and joyfully pointed it out, "Brother, see that sacred mountain? That is my homeland."


As they drew closer, the Bull Demon King pointed below and remarked, "Indeed, a splendid mountain, even the demons guarding it appear so formidable!"


Wukong took a closer look and angrily said, "Those aren't any mountain-guarding demons; those are intruders!"


The Bull Demon King laughed heartily, "Seems like a good fight is coming our way." With that, he plunged down like a swallow darting into the forest, with Wukong following closely behind, worried that the Bull Demon King might accidentally harm his own people.


Before the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit was a noisy tumult, where a man, three meters tall with a robust waist and broad back, clad in shiny black iron armor and a black golden helmet, wielding a long-handled great sword, bright and clear, was leading hundreds of lesser demons in a ruckus.


This place, with its steep terrain, was the best path up the mountain, fortified by the four great marshals with barriers that were supposedly impenetrable unless one had the ability to fly over them.


At first glance, Wukong recognized this figure from the original Journey to the West, his first opponent when descending the mountain, known as the "Chaos King." Back then, Wukong had no weapons and still managed to seize the sword and kill the enemy with his bare hands. Now, with his divine powers fully realized and the Ruyi Jingu Bang in hand, even ten Chaos Kings would not be a match for him.


The Bull Demon King, seeing the formidable appearance of the Chaos King, was thrilled. Confident in his strength, he always sought an evenly matched opponent for a satisfying fight. Hearing the Chaos King proclaim himself as the "Chaos King of the Northern Aolai Country" and questioning the tribute from the mountain, Wukong stepped forward with a smile, "You've lost your mind, coming here to demand tribute. Don't you know your Grandfather Sun only takes from others, never giving anything away?"


The Chaos King, seeing Wukong's slight and wiry frame, burst into laughter, "So it's just a macaque. It seems the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit is indeed unguarded."


Before Wukong could reply, the Bull Demon King, unable to restrain himself, grew in size with the wind, instantly towering over six meters, and looked down upon the Chaos King, "You want big, I'll give you big."


Seeing his transformative powers, Wukong couldn't help but get excited too. He took out the Ruyi Jingu Bang, which grew to the thickness of a meter in circumference with a shake. With a light push, the staff fell towards the Chaos King.


The Chaos King hastily dropped his steel knife to brace against the staff, but unable to withstand the weight of 13,500 jin (about 6750 kg), he was crushed into a bloody mess in moments, his horde of lesser demons scattering in all directions.


The Bull Demon King, seeing the Chaos King defeated by a single blow from Wukong, sighed, "All show and no substance, such a disappointment."


Wukong smiled outwardly but inwardly, he harbored doubts. He had clearly seen the look in the Chaos King's eyes; although fierce and domineering in appearance, there was an unmistakable trace of fear and resignation. When the Ruyi Jingu Bang pressed down on him, the expression he showed was almost one of relief.


There's a feeling hard to express, and Wukong trusts he isn't mistaken. Given the Chaos King's abilities, he must have cultivated for at least five to six hundred years. Anyone with a bit of self-awareness would know that such skills are barely noteworthy in the cultivation world. Yet, oddly enough, this mediocre demon dared to proclaim himself the Chaos King and challenge the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.


Wukong distinctly remembers circling the country of Aolai before setting off from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit days ago. He had noticed several majestic mountains shrouded in demonic energy and perpetual dark clouds in the north of Aolai. If the Chaos King had started there, at best, he could have been a mountain guardian or gatekeeper. How did he end up at the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, and why did he seem so ready to sacrifice himself? The reasoning behind this remained unclear to Wukong, who decided to set this thought aside for the time being, planning to revisit those places when he had the chance.


After putting away his Ruyi Jingu Bang, Wukong, leading the Bull Demon King along with Hu Zhi and Hu Yu, explored the scenic beauty of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, to which all three marveled. Wukong was delighted. He arranged for Hu Zhi and Hu Yu to be accommodated by Marshal Ba and then took the Bull Demon King to observe the tides by the ocean.


Standing atop a high cliff, they watched the clouds and the tide rise and fall below them, the world around them silent except for their presence.


After a while, Wukong sighed, "Passionate winds bring tides from thousands of miles; the indifferent shore sends them away daily."


The Bull Demon King replied, "Why fret, brother? The tides come and go, but the white clouds remain."


Wukong was surprised to hear such profound words from the Bull Demon King, who chuckled slyly, showing a hint of cunning amidst his simple demeanor. Wukong praised, "Brother Bull indeed has great wisdom beneath his simplicity, admirable!"


The Bull Demon King's expression gradually turned somber, as if reminded of past events. Watching a big wave crash against the shore and disintegrate into myriad pieces before disappearing, only for another wave to follow suit, he remarked, "Form without substance ultimately serves no purpose."


Wukong countered, "Water is adaptable; Brother Bull sees its changes but not its ability to permeate everything." Demonstrating his magic, Wukong lifted a rock from near the water. Although it appeared solid, it was filled with countless tiny holes. With a gentle squeeze, it crumbled to dust.


The Bull Demon King slowly said, "Indeed, it permeates everything."


Wukong continued, "The rock seems eternal, but against the constant tides, it's the stationary that loses, and the adaptable that prevails." He shared this philosophy, which he had learned in his previous life from a philosopher, finding it apt for the moment.


The Bull Demon King looked at Wukong with newfound respect. Emulating Wukong, he picked up a rock and found it to be true.


"People are like the tides, and the world like the rock; amidst the comings and goings, who can clearly state who wins and who loses?" the Bull Demon King mused.


Wukong solemnly replied, "Though victory and defeat are unclear, a heart striving for victory should be like the tide, able to regather and start anew even after being shattered."


The Bull Demon King pondered for a long while, gazing at the relentless tide that never retreats, and gained a new understanding. Wukong didn't interrupt his contemplation, simply joining him in quietly watching the waves.


After a long time, the Bull Demon King solemnly bowed to Wukong and said, "Thank you for the enlightenment, I have learned much."


Wukong quickly replied, "We were merely exchanging thoughts, there's no need for thanks."


The Bull Demon King then said, "It's rare to find someone with whom I resonate so well. If you don't mind, how about we become sworn brothers?"


Wukong was overjoyed and responded, "I was hoping for the same!"


Thus, they returned to the Water Curtain Cave, where Wukong had the little monkeys set up an incense table. The two of them raised their cups and burned incense to become sworn brothers. Considering the Bull Demon King had cultivated for thousands of years, much longer than Wukong, he naturally became the elder brother.


As Wukong took the oath, his mind was filled with thoughts: Could it be that the seven great sages are to gather here once again? When Wukong made trouble in Heaven, the other six sages just watched from afar, not lifting a finger. Where does brotherhood begin in such circumstances? It seems that cultivators are no different from ordinary people, where self-interest prevails. However, since I have come to this world, none of this will happen to me. If the day comes when I must make trouble in Heaven, I'll make sure to drag them all in with me, willingly or not.


The Bull Demon King, after finishing his cup of wine and noticing the peculiar smile on Wukong's face, asked, "Why do you smile, younger brother?"

Wukong, pretending to be profound, replied, "I was just thinking about the Chaos King, which made me laugh."