Letting off steam 42
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Returning from the use of the crystal of destiny, Henry returned to the Abbot house, an empty look in his eyes, his mind stagnant with memories that repeated themselves.

His body moved on its own as he began to walk towards the forest, his steps light but full of anger and pain. His gaze soon turned to the sky, looking up at the beautiful moon that illuminated his body.

"DAMN GOD!!! "



Taking out a grenade launcher from his inventory, Henry started firing everywhere, causing huge bangs and explosions in the forest, attracting dozens of angels of death, who ran desperately to take his life.



Wielding a huge energy sword, Henry let out a thunderous roar, before pouring a huge amount of mana into his weapon, extending the sword to a hundred meters before launching it towards the angels of death.


Holding the huge giant sword, Henry felt his hands burn, before his weapon caused a huge explosion of energy, cutting the entire forest in half, in a radius of a hundred meters, everything was divided.

The angels of death were totally dismembered, with only a few lucky ones escaping the central beam of the blow, standing up in a daze before throwing themselves at Henry.

Letting out a huge scream filled with helplessness and hatred, Henry began to summon his energy sword, while charging like an animal towards the angels of death that had arrived at his location.

His murderous intent was so great that the angels of death were stunned for a moment, confused as to who the stoner on the spot was.

But they soon returned to action when their wild feelings overwhelmed their thoughts, but before they could move they felt several projectiles fly through the air.

Before they could react, several light grenades were launched into the air, exploding with a huge high-pitched sound that stunned the creatures, causing them to flail wildly through the forest.


Letting out a mighty roar, Henry fired his five-meter energy sword, cutting off the heads of all the creatures as he spun in a circle, killing all the angels of death instantly.

[ Congratulations on killing angel of death strengthened 4X XP + 80% ]

[ Congratulations on killing... ]

His eyes were red from the light grenades, his ears rang with enormous ringing, yet he refused to close his eyes and wear protective gear, as if this pain could lessen his helplessness.


Letting out a powerful war cry, Henry shot towards the approaching angels of death, taking the initiative to attack.

His previous blow caused a great deal of noise, attracting dozens of angels of death with the sounds of Henry's blows and roars, waging a terrible battle against the creatures throughout the night.

[ Congratulations on killing angel of death empowered 3X XP + 60% ]

[ Congratulations on killing strengthened angel of death 2X XP + 40% ]

[Congratulations on killing... ]

[ Congratulations on reaching level 17 ]

[ Congratulations on reaching level 18 ]

[ Congratulations on... ]





Through the dark forest, countless lights and explosions were seen every second, along with huge flashes of blue light, which cut through the earth and sky, illuminating the dark night while human and animal screams resounded.

The massacre only ended at dawn, when the light emerged, illuminating Henry, now in red, there were no more clothes, no shoes, just dried blood that completely covered his being.

Huge scars could be seen all over his body, his eyes, ghost-like, their irises and pupils blood red, as Henry knelt on the ground amidst the countless lifeless bodies of the creatures.

"So that's it... This is the future?"

Henry thought, his face empty of emotion, as if his body were just a shell with no feelings.

He couldn't stop remembering; in his mind, only the voice and the image of the brutal killings resounded, over and over again.

"She... Why did she do it... How am I going to find her?"

Recalling his last vision, Henry felt a strong pain in his chest, as if something were squeezing his heart, crushing it hard, making him feel immeasurable pain.

His will to fight fate changed, he could no longer see hope, accepting the fact that anything he did now would not change his future...

"How am I going to relive my parents? Am I really going to disappoint everyone... again?"

[ Host, remember that this vision is only a future where before you used the fragment of fate ]

"What do you mean, system...?"

[ This future was your original timeline, but after using the shard, you can change your future, now that you know what will happen! ]

[ I recommend you try a hundred times or a thousand times harder, so you can be stronger than you would be in the future, think about yourself before you visualize the crystal, would you slaughter dozens of angels of death? ]

"No... I would continue my plan of killing two or three a day... "

[ Exactly host, now that you've seen a tiny fragment of the future, you know you have to do extreme things... ]

"So I can change? I really can stop it..."

[ Yes Host, in addition, in the visualized fragment, you had fought a great fight with Chuck, competing on equal terms, but Chuck sensed an opportunity in the fight, traveling years in time, to you from the past that hadn't developed, the rest you know...]

Listening to the system's words, Henry partially understood what had happened in his vision, but hearing that he had managed to fight on equal terms against Chuck eased his pain momentarily, somewhat relieving his thoughts of impotent defeat.

However, a shiver ran down Henry's spine at the thought of the possibility of Chuck traveling to him from the future, and he felt afraid of meeting God after leaving this world.

But even in the face of this frightening pressure, just listening to the system tell him that he could change his future by making a greater effort than he would have made before visualizing the crystal, a small flame of hope entered his heart.

"Even if the chance is small... 1% is better than zero."

"System, couldn't Chuck travel to me when I leave this world, since he seemed to be able to interact with me in the vision?"

[ This possibility was certain before you obtained the crystal, but after visualizing your future you obtained a special ability ]

[ So even if Chuck kills his past self, it won't interfere with his main line, it will just create other temporal ramifications, plus he won't remember you after using the shard, ]

[ Congratulations on obtaining the Rank EX Time Defense skill ] 

Description: The user will be immune to any attempt at a temporal attack or trick, even if some superior being travels to the past and kills them, it won't affect their timeline.

"So this really has become a permanent ability... Even if I die I'll still avenge her, that's a soul promise."

Sparking new hope, Henry tried to strengthen his motivation, even if it was only a little, but he needed to, if he collapsed, he wouldn't be able to go on.

After taking a cold shower, he partially cleared his mind of the negative thoughts and pain, but it was something he would never forget, something he would have to turn into strength...

"I can't forget, nor should I forget, I have to turn this pain into strength, only then will I be able to kill Chuck."

Hiding his pain momentarily, Henry glanced at the calendar, noting that he had spent a whole day fighting the angels of death after returning, his body still riddled with injuries but healing quickly.

"I have to be more ambitious, killing a few angels of death a day won't make me strong enough..."

Looking at his current plan, even though his leveling speed was extremely fast compared to before, he felt it wasn't enough, not to face what was coming...

Feeling short of a good plan, Henry went over all the information he had, putting together a dangerous strategy, but one that would give him a huge increase in power, as well as looking through his inventory, making sure he found things useful for his idea.
