Chapter 26 Facing a Mighty Foe
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The Bull Demon King was momentarily taken aback, then burst into laughter, saying, "Young brother, you must have not stepped outside for a long time. The world is full of those who overestimate their abilities, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges. I've long since grown accustomed to such sights, which only serve to amuse me."


Sun Wukong understood the Bull Demon King's seemingly simple and honest demeanor, which concealed a meticulous nature, but hearing such refined words coming from the mouth of an old bull still struck him as comical.


The Bull Demon King then said, "I notice that your iron staff is quite extraordinary. May I take a look?"


"Why not?" Wukong replied. He pulled out the Ruyi Jingu Bang from his ear, and it instantly grew to over four feet long as he handed it to the Bull Demon King. After examining the staff and its inscriptions, the Bull Demon King chuckled heartily before returning it to Wukong.


Seeing the Bull Demon King's familiar manner, Wukong inquired, "What do you think?"


"This is the Dinghai Shen Zhen from the treasure trove of the Eastern Sea. I've seen it during my travels in the Eastern Sea, but since it did not heed my commands, I had to let it be. Now I realize, it was waiting for its destined master to appear. Indeed, it was so," the Bull Demon King explained.


Wukong was somewhat puzzled, as he had always been skeptical about the idea of destiny, saying, "I saw that brother had no trouble lifting it, so what's this about it not obeying?"


"The Ruyi Jingu Bang maintains its thickness regardless of its length. I prefer weapons that are heavier on one end due to my greater strength," the Bull Demon King responded.


"I see," Wukong acknowledged.


After conversing for a while and sharing several jars of fine mountain wine, Wukong brought up the main topic, "Brother, have you ever been to the north of Aolai Country?" The Bull Demon King, taken aback, replied, "It's been a hundred years since I last visited. The place was picturesque, with clear mountains and waters, and also connected to the sea. It boasts many beautiful sights, though not quite as magnificent as Mount Huaguo. Other than that, nothing special."


Wukong mentioned, "A few days ago, I noticed a heavy demonic aura there, quite different from what brother described. It seems to have found its master."


The Bull Demon King's eyebrows raised in interest, "Is that so? I, old Bull, enjoy making friends and exchanging skills. How about we go together and see?"


Wukong hesitated, "Just like that? We don't know if they are friend or foe."


The Bull Demon King laughed heartily, "You've grown timid, brother. Have you not heard? All demons under heaven are one family, haha."


Wukong also laughed, "Brother is truly open-minded. If so, let's go. What harm could it do?"


Without further ado, they set off for Aolai Country, arriving in no time. Before even reaching the mountains, they saw them enshrouded in a dense black fog.


The Bull Demon King exclaimed joyfully, "Such divine power!" and rushed into the fog, with Wukong quickly following, wary of an ambush.


Despite the thick fog, nothing could stop them. They saw a beautiful mountain scene: amid the blue smoke, they heard monkeys calling at the mouth of a valley; in the shadowy greenery, cranes cried among the pines. The spring water flowed swiftly, its chill penetrating to the bone; the peaks stood tall and rugged, the cool breeze startling as if in a dream. Occasionally, they heard the roar of a beast and the chirping of mountain birds.


The Bull Demon King laughed again, "Such a strong demonic aura, not inferior to mine." Seeing no one in the mountains, Wukong used his magic to let out a thunderous roar, "Duo!" startling the birds into flight and the beasts into a frenzied escape.


As the fog began to disperse, a colossal creature appeared between two mountains. Without a closer look, it seemed as if another mountain peak was moving. Wukong focused and saw that this creature had a vague face, complete limbs, a slender waist, and long arms, with feet hanging in the air. On a closer inspection, it was swinging between two mountain peaks, as if on a swing.

The Bull Demon King shouted, "Hey there, old fellow, come down if you've had enough fun!"


The creature finally spoke, "You two, seeking death, what business do you have on my Aolai Peak?"


Wukong replied with a smile, "The world is vast; when did it become your property?"


The creature sneered, "Sharp-tongued. Can you withstand a beating?" It released its grip, its form shrinking, and vanished without a trace. Wukong sensed a strong danger and instantly used a technique to shift his position, avoiding a lethal slash that would have hit him where he stood.

Shaken, Wukong realized the creature's deadly intent and, with anger rising, shouted, "Brother, step aside and watch me fight it!"


The Bull Demon King chuckled, "Alright, I'll give you half an hour!"


The creature's eerie laughter echoed, "Even if you both attack together, what can you do?"


Wukong discerned the laughter from all directions. Although the fog thickened, it hardly hindered his spiritual sense, but he still found it somewhat uncomfortable. Using a spell, he vanished and surveyed the surroundings, finally spotting the creature lying atop an ancient tree. It wore soft armor and tight boots with open fronts, revealing sharp, blade-like claws. Its face resembled that of a monkey, with ferocious eyes revealing its untamable wild nature.


Wukong approached stealthily and swung his Ruyi Jingu Bang down. The creature, extremely agile, raised its arms to block the blow. A loud clang resounded, and Wukong felt his arms go numb, while the creature howled in pain, clearly at a disadvantage. It turned out the creature was wearing arm rings, which emboldened it to block the staff. Wukong was surprised; the creature dared to block his staff, which, combined with his own strength, weighed immensely. His sneak attack had not gained much advantage.


Wukong chuckled, "How about that?"


The creature, without responding, extended its sharp claws and engaged Wukong in combat. Despite lacking weapons, the creature's body was incredibly agile, and its limbs and claws were extraordinarily sharp, making it a formidable opponent.


Confident in his abilities, Wukong put away the Ruyi Jingu Bang and matched the creature punch for punch, kick for kick, breaking out his advanced martial arts skills. He had improved in both his stick fighting technique and his hand-to-hand combat, finding the creature an excellent sparring partner. Their battle was fierce, stirring up dust and breaking trees without a clear victor emerging. The Bull Demon King, growing anxious on the sidelines, longed to join the fray, impressed by the creature's fierce attacks and Wukong's adept dodging.


Engrossed in the fight, Wukong was not about to let anyone else step in. After another quarter of an hour, the creature proposed a truce, "Let's pause for today and continue tomorrow!"


The Bull Demon King protested, "Don't go! I've yet to have my fill!" But the creature vanished with a spell, leaving no trace.


Frustrated, the Bull Demon King exclaimed, "You monkey, you've fought for so long without capturing him. What a waste of effort!" Wukong replied, "A good opponent is hard to find. Shouldn't I make the most of it?"


"Hmph, you're hardly fair, hogging the practice for yourself. Tomorrow, you must let me have a turn!" the Bull Demon King demanded.


Seeing the Bull Demon King's eagerness for battle, Wukong smiled, "Of course. If you don't win tomorrow, I'll take over the day after."


After the creature hurriedly departed, Wukong and the Bull Demon King carefully searched the mountain but found it empty, inhabited only by ordinary animals devoid of any magical powers, with no other demons in sight.


Wukong was surprised, "This demon's power is not insignificant, creating such a grand illusion all by itself. It's not to be underestimated."


The Bull Demon King agreed, "Indeed, after all these years of cultivation, I consider it lucky to have encountered such a beast."


Wukong, sensing the Bull Demon King might recognize the creature, eagerly inquired, "Brother, do you know this creature? What's its name and capabilities?"


The Bull Demon King replied, "Although I was taught by a renowned master who educated me in the martial arts and the knowledge of all creatures, my laziness has caused me to forget much. Thankfully, I haven't forgotten this creature's remarkable abilities."


Wukong, growing impatient with the Bull Demon King's rambling, said, "He's just fiercely aggressive and agile. I haven't seen any special abilities."


"Have you ever heard of a creature called 'Yu Rong'?" the Bull Demon King asked.


Wukong was shocked, "Yu Rong?" He was more than familiar with the name, as the "Journey to the West" explicitly mentions that Yu Rong Wang was one of the Seven Great Sages. However, after the Monkey King's rebellion in Heaven, Yu Rong's fate was unknown. Wukong had always been curious about the disappearance of the other six sages during the upheaval, considering it implausible to attribute it merely to disloyalty or indifference. He knew little of the others but was certain that neither the Bull Demon King nor the Peng Demon King were the types to quietly submit. There must have been reasons for their absence. Names like the Lion Camel King, Yu Rong Wang, and the Jiao Demon King appeared only once among the Seven Great Sages, never to be mentioned again.




Yu Rong Wang (禺狨王,Yu Monkey): In Chinese mythology, the Yu Monkey is not a widely recognized character. It appears to be a fictional creation for this narrative, symbolizing a rare and powerful creature with a unique heritage and abilities. Its depiction as a king among its kind and a nemesis to immortals highlights themes of hidden strength and the value of understanding and respecting lesser-known entities.


Dinghai Shen Zhen: Translated as "the Sea-Calming Divine Needle," it is another name for the Ruyi Jingu Bang. In the story, it was originally used by the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea and later acquired by Sun Wukong.


Aolai Country: A fictional place in Chinese mythology, often associated with the birthplace or residence of mythical figures.


Mount Huaguo: The Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, the mythical home of Sun Wukong, located in Aolai Country. It is a paradisiacal place of immense beauty and natural resources.