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As Lysander's words filled the air, my thoughts churned, questioning not just my love for Maggie, but my very existence. It was a moment of stark realization, a sudden awareness that perhaps Maggie had wielded a subtle influence over me. Despite my own volition in joining her, it became clear that everything revolved around her, around my feelings for her.

Though Maggie's affection for me may have existed, there lingered an undeniable truth: her presence was toxic. It was a realization that settled heavily upon me, casting a shadow over the once bright light of our relationship.

In that moment, Lysander's expression softened into a smile, his earlier words tempered by a surprising shift in demeanor. "Just kidding," he chuckled, his tone lightening. "Who am I to judge your connection? Pay no heed to my opinions of her," he added, his words offering a reprieve from the weight of his prior observations.

Anger flickered within me, ignited by Lysander's earlier condemnation of Maggie. Yet, as much as I wanted to resent him for dishonoring her, his words held an uncomfortable truth. I couldn't deny the validity of his observations, even if admitting them felt like acknowledging my own folly.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps disrupted the tense atmosphere. Casting my gaze beyond Lysander, I spotted a figure emerging from the shadows—a muscular man with spiky hair, square-framed glasses perched upon his nose, and piercing silver eyes fixed upon me. Clad in a white cape and the robes of a sage, adorned with the emblem of Twelve, he emanated an aura of authority and danger.

Lysander's reaction was immediate, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword as he rose to his feet. "Meike, get Johnny out of here," he commanded, a sense of urgency underlying his words as he prepared for the impending confrontation.

Meike's voice trembled with confusion. "W-What's happening? Why the urgency?"

"This could escalate quickly," Lysander replied, his tone grave. "That man, he's an Erudite."

I recognized the gravity of Lysander's words. The figure before us, Lyon Blacknote, known as Lyon the Destruction, wielded formidable power as one of the Erudites Twelve, notorious for his unparalleled firepower.

"Why is a human here?" Lyon's voice cut through the tension, his gaze sharp and unwavering.

Lysander's response was measured, a thin sheen of sweat betraying his composure. "The same could be asked of you. What brings an Erudite to this place?"

"This is to end the conflict," Lyon declared, his words carrying a weight of finality. "I am here to destroy the bell tower."

Lysander's smile was strained as he gestured toward the bell tower. "Then by all means, destroy it, Erudite of Destruction. But in return, we'll need your assistance against the obsidian-faced mermaids."

"How dare you make demands!" I interjected, fueled by a surge of determination as I struggled to rise with Meike's support. "We can handle this ourselves! I won't stand by and watch you destroy the bell tower!"

Lyon's smirk was unsettling, his glasses catching the sunlight with a glint. "There's no negotiation here," he stated coolly. "Once those obsidian-faced mermaids are sighted, your fate in this fortress is sealed. It doesn't matter if you're a human."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Lysander's protest was cut short by my interruption.

"You're behind these obsidian-faced mermaids," I accused, my words laced with simmering anger. "And you're the reason the Dragon Lord and her dragon partner have been corrupted."

The revelation widened Lysander's eyes in shock, a flicker of guilt crossing his features.

Since my induction into Neo Arcadia, Gazelle and Eva had spoken of prophecies—of the stolen obsidian orb from Goddess Exceria, and how the Empire of Alterra had wielded it to summon an enigmatic force. Now, witnessing its effects firsthand, I understood the gravity of their warnings. The once sacred orb, pilfered from the Dragonoid Saint, now pulsed with corruption, its power twisted by malevolent intent. It was clear that it had been unleashed in the domain of Atlanticus, the realm of mermaids.

"How ironic," Lyon remarked, his smirk tinged with mockery. "You're the ones who ravaged those mermaid lands."

"Gazelle did what he believed was necessary to save the world," I countered firmly. "We sought only to cleanse humanity, but they've allied themselves with the human empire."

Lyon's response was dismissive. "You've been deceived by Gazelle's rhetoric," he retorted, producing tarot cards from his grasp. "But your delusions end here. Prepare to meet your end, Centurion of the Dragon Lords."

With startling speed, Lyon hurled the tarot cards like deadly projectiles. Before I could react, Lysander leaped into action, positioning himself in front of me with his flaming katana. In a swift motion, he deflected all six cards, his skill evident in the precision of his movements.

Curiosity flickered in Lyon's gaze as he regarded Lysander. "And who might you be?" he inquired, his tone tinged with intrigue.

"Just a nobody," Lysander replied with a smile. "But perhaps a future acquaintance of yours, nonetheless."

Lyon's response was casual. "Perhaps," he conceded, his demeanor relaxed. "I've often wondered why a human would align themselves with a dragonoid, but it seems my assumption was incorrect. You carry the heart of a dragonoid within you, do you not?"

Lysander tensed, recognizing the keen perception of the Erudite before us. Realizing further deception would be futile, he relinquished the facade.

"I serve in the Imperial Forces, under Madam Corasell's Chevalier Unit," Lysander admitted evenly. "I propose we avoid needless violence and return to the Empire's Sanctuary peacefully." His expression betrayed nothing, a mask of neutrality concealing any hint of emotion.

Lyon's expression darkened as he shook his head. "I have my orders from above. Everyone within the Dragon's Fortress must be eliminated, and the bell tower destroyed."

"Who's giving these orders? The Empress?" Meike interjected, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Lyon's response was cryptic. "That's not for me to determine," he replied, his hand extending to reveal more tarot cards clenched between his fingers. "Enough talk. It's time for you to meet your end."

Without warning, Lyon launched the tarot cards toward Lysander with deadly intent. With incredible agility, Lysander swiftly sliced through each card. But as they were cut, they exploded in a burst of smoke, enveloping the area in a dense haze.

"Lysander!" Meike's cry pierced through the chaos.

"I'm fine! Go!" Lysander's voice rang out, his command urgent.

As the smoke cleared, the extent of the damage became evident. Lysander bore minor burns on his arms, his katana shattered into pieces. Weaponless and facing an Erudite, he stood defiant, ready to confront whatever came next.

Despite Lysander's claims of being a future Erudite, his current state was dire. Without Hiraya by his side, he had lost his invincibility and the ability to transform into his formidable Dragon Forms. His mana reserves were depleted, relying solely on dwindling supplies of mana potions. Exhausted from days of torture and the recent exertion of nuclear magic against the obsidian-faced mermaids, he stood on the brink of collapse. Facing Lyon of the Destruction, even his future self would struggle to endure.

"Don't make me laugh," I scoffed, breaking free from Meike's grasp. With a surge of power, I manifested my werewolf claws upon my arms and legs, a crimson-furred tail sprouting from my back.

"Johnny!" Meike's cry of concern pierced the air.

"Stand by me, Meike," I instructed firmly. "And be ready to support Lysander if he falters. Together, we'll take down this spiky son of a gun."

Lyon's smile remained, his confidence unwavering. "You're mistaken," he countered calmly. "You won't just be facing me. You'll also be up against one of your own—a Dragon Lord."

In an instant, darkness descended upon us, shrouding the surroundings. As our eyes adjusted, we beheld the looming figure of the decaying Pestilence Dragon, casting its ominous shadow over us. And amidst the darkness, the obsidian-eyed mermaid, once believed to be a Dragon Lord, let out a piercing scream.